They’re in the news often enough, but Iran’s relationship with the world hasn’t actually changed for nearly a decade. The sticking point is the nuclear bomb and no progression or regression is possible in Iran’s relations with the world until a genuine conclusion is reached. It’s hard to read the scorecard, but if the Iranian government’s desire was to win time they have won admirably.
A conclusion will arrive in one of three options: Iran will get the bomb, Iran will be bombed for trying to get the bomb or Iran will renounce the bomb. The best result for everyone, perhaps surprisingly, is for Iran to hurry up and get the bomb. The sooner they do, the sooner Iran can begin to believe what much of the world already knows: Iran has become a major power.
The last several decades have taken an Iran defined by rural inefficiency to an urban nation on the brink of joining the first-world elite. Scholastic achievement, a moderately diversified industry, increased job opportunities, widespread suitable housing, firm infrastructure, female empowerment, more than partial democracy, socialist safety nets: Iran has completed much of the heavy lifting required to raise a country of 70 million high enough to no longer be considered just another Middle Eastern state stuck in the past. Whatever one’s views of the Islamic government, anyone who knows Iran firsthand is impressed but perhaps surprised at the country’s rapid development in the last 30 years. Iran recently became only the ninth country to launch an information satellite. This didn’t elicit much chest-thumping here in Tehran – people seemed more surprised that only eight other countries have done it, not that this nation of engineers and doctors figured it out. But when you’re not permitted to travel freely it’s easy to think the grass is greener absolutely everywhere. Above all, Iranians unjustifiably low self-esteem may be the result of a national character defined in large part by a love of loud pessimism seemingly self-defeatingly mixed with an unbridled idealism.
Iran does not appear like a country in need of a revolution, as western media outlets insist. If they would (or could) visit, they would see Iran looks exactly like it should: like a country who had a successful popular revolution some time ago. In fact, Iranians are going to be wary of any destructive revolution which could jeopardize the considerable and well-distributed gains made since Iran became a republic. Iran’s influence over southwest Asia – over Iraq, Syria, Palestine (and thus Israel) - shows that its regional strength cannot be doubted. For all that is made of modern “city-states” like Bahrain or Qatar it’s unlikely these thinly-populated countries will ever have the gravitas to lead a region of more than one billion Muslims.
And so, when Iran gets the bomb they will be fully-equipped to definitively move from the Cubas, the Nigerias, and the Thailands of the world – the regional influences in the shadow of powerful armies and economies – to the level occupied by Europe and the United Kingdom: not super powers, but super players.
Good Fences, Good Neighbors
The world’s premier defensive weapon cannot lift a destitute nation, like the “born nuclear” countries of the former Soviet Union, to such a realm but it could for Iran. And the way nuclear proliferation can go from evil to good here is all controlled by the amount we understand the adjective “defensive.”
If threats of nuclear warfare were effective Russia wouldn’t resort to lording their gas supplies over Europe’s head every other winter. Atomic warfare could only possibly be justified to end a World War III; to use it to start one would ensure the launching country’s complete annihilation. Anyone who thinks Iran will use nuclear warfare on Israel (and thus Palestinians) shows their ignorance by believing Iran is more like North Korea when it is in fact a small step from Austria or Australia. There are no mad despots here and the populace is not fending off starvation. Despite the hope inspired by the ascent of Barack Obama, recent history is clearly a story of American hegemony falling and Iranian influence rising. The new reality, for those who wish to take off their Shah-colored glasses (and perhaps they should stop taking disco lessons as well) makes it impossible for Iran to be bombed, or more accurately, for their nuclear facilities to be bombed by the U.S. or Israel: Neither country has the political or moral strength to justify such an attack and, as the quagmire in Iraq reveals, they may not even have what they always took for granted - the military strength. Because Iran is the exact opposite of Iraq – a thriving, democratic, well-built nation – no bombs will fall there for some time. A strategic bombing would inflame Iran into taking to the streets, to the embassies and to the airwaves and the moral high ground the west has enjoyed would be pulled from under them, leaving them without hard or soft power. Furthermore, such an attack would be futile as Iran certainly has the money and the will to rebuild.
Equally unlikely is for Iran to willingly abandon their nuclear program. In the last 30 years they have been attacked by neighbors and encircled by enemies. Most Iranians support the nuclear program because they know that with the bomb they are eminently safer. For them to give up this security, while Obama plans to “withdraw” from Iraq (to the tune of 40,000 troops left behind ) and increase the efforts in Afghanistan seems to invite invasion as, in the short term, both seem likely to become U.S. client states with commensurate military bases. The world is indeed a better place without nuclear weapons, but that genie is out of the bottle and unfortunately in the hands of even such ramshackle and unstable countries as Pakistan, Uzbekistan and India (despite their “world’s largest democracy” moniker, any country that scores lower than Sudan and Rwanda on the 2008 Global Hunger Index is inherently unstable in my book). Asking Iran to give up the bomb is really all the world has the power to do – ask – and Iran does not seem willing to relinquish their right to equal technology and perhaps the ultimate security blanket.
Endless Progress, Not War
The best solution, and the most definitive, forward-moving one, is for Iran to get the bomb. It’s the best for Iranians, it’s the best for the Middle East and it’s even the best for America. As the bomb further reduces the likelihood of war, thus increasing the odds for successful diplomacy, it should even be the best for Israel. Iran has two ways it can go when they get the bomb: they can enjoy their new security and look inward or they can look outward and increase insecurity. When they no longer have to spend attention and resources in ensuring their own safety, Iran could more completely address the relatively minor issues required for the final step into powerful modernity: The issue of corruption from the very top down to the taxi driver who ignores yet another right of way (though that is pleasantly improving as well in modern Iran); a national referendum on the wearing of the chador, if only to legitimize to the west (and perhaps to themselves) that Iranian women do in fact want to be compelled to wear it; undertaking the international monetary steps required to reassess the inflated value of the rial; ending the expensive “bread and circuses” subsidy of gasoline; increasing the amounts of academic and job opportunities their rising youth require, especially with the construction of more universities; extending the reach of public transportation; continuing to fund public beautification projects (more icing on the cake that modern countries enjoy) and more.
I say “minor changes” because Iran has truly solved many fundamental issues other countries struggle with such as high-school education, health care, welfare, safety, affordable housing, etc. But Iran would have to make one drastic change: it would have to look inward for solutions instead of looking outward for blame, at old scapegoats like the U.S., England and Israel. This psychological acceptance of personal responsibility will be more difficult for Iran than decreasing unemployment as for 30 years, justified or not, it has been xenophobic and paranoid towards the outside world. Are Iranians ready to accept the fact that no one outside of Iran is really preventing them from attaining domestic happiness? I could even define progress by at least getting Iranians to concede that a statute of limitations has been reached regarding complaints about the Mongol invasion of Genghis Khan! For those who have never been: Such is Iran (at its worst).
The easily predictable reality is that once they get the bomb the current Iranian government will feel emboldened and empowered. The can easily proclaim success and try to persuade Iranians that this proves their bonafides as good governors, justifying maintenance of the status quo. But the tenets of Islamic fundamentalism require their adherents to continually evangelize in Iraq, Syria, Palestine and everywhere else. Instead of making the truly few improvements to become a modern, enjoyable and reputable country, some will continue to be hard-liners and extend the revolution, adding nuclear tips to their umbrella of influence.
Unpopular, But Invaluable?
If the revolution of 1979 was supposed to truly uplift Iran then getting the bomb could, surprisingly, be its capstone. But if it was supposed to spread Islamic fundamentalism then there is no end to that war.
Hysterical evangelism may have had its merits domestically but it’s likely just not compatible with modern diplomacy. For example, Iran has lobbied for more than a decade to join the other 95% of the world in the World Trade Organization (WTO). In 2005 they were made an observer member, putting them on track to become a full member perhaps as soon as 2011. But If Iran is accepted in the WTO the hard-liners may very quickly get them kicked out of it: As a result of the Danish cartoon incident, in 2006 Iran summarily ended all economic relations with Denmark, which is explicitly against the rules of the WTO. This act of economic jihad earned them reprimands and put their membership in jeopardy. Such a move may not have been an Islamic blunder but it definitely was a political one, poorly serving Iran’s citizens.
The best conclusion to a book on the Iranian Revolution would read as follows: “After 30 years of austerity, war, reconstruction - a period of true soul-searching and physical remaking of Iran - the country achieved a prosperous modernity without losing its ancient character and unique culture. And upon developing the nuclear bomb Iran felt so secure the people of Iran realized Islamic fundamentalist government had served its protective purpose and was democratically replaced by a more secular government that re-opened Iran to the world, which was shocked at how much the place had changed for the better.”
The Iranian fundamentalists could win an almost Biblical victory: they could end by restoring Iran to power and then parading back as the nation’s saviors to the seminaries of Qom, leaving behind only as many clerics and religious leaders as Iranian democracy taps. They could be willing to relinquish hysterical evangelism for prosperity and a more gradual liberal diplomacy.
It’s vital to remember that the sine qua non of any democracy is a peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another. America proved its mettle when the Federalist Party of George Washington was replaced without violence by Thomas Jefferson and the Republican Party. If the voters of Iran seek to democratically install a party less aligned with religion it is imperative Iranian society demand the opportunity to do so. And if Iranian society is strong enough to find within itself a will to seize a power greater than atomic energy – acceptance of the fact that they alone control their own destiny – they will see that the hard-liners have served their function. They have fended off the excesses of modern individualism, they have instituted an effective socialist state, they have fought off attacks from outside and they have retained Iran’s essential (and maybe even some unessential) characteristics. The progress Iran has made under their leadership is undeniable, but we could be reaching an era of nothing but perpetual war and diminishing returns in our investment in Islamic governance.
Demand More, Get More
The bomb can belong to the fundamentalists or to the entire nation. If the Iranian voter cares enough to call for it, they could install a new government that is similar to all successful countries: they trade slow success in foreign policy in return for immediate success domestically. This new government, secure in achievement and safety, would have the ability to do what it takes, in accordance with the new realities of power, to resume positive relations with the world and reap the many benefits. There’s no reason Iran can’t continue to enjoy thumbing their nose at the world, as we perhaps must, but it can be as a powerful equal instead of as an eccentric outcast. And eccentric outcasts might exacerbate the Palestinian crisis but they will never broker the solution. Iran for Iranians first: it’s a distinctly un-evangelical idea. With the bomb there will finally be no more barbarians at Iran’s gate. When the gates are opened Iran has to decide: Are they going to rush out in counter-attack or allow the fresh breeze of peace and prosperity to roll in?
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Ramin Mazaheri writes:
by Seh Shod (not verified) on Mon Mar 02, 2009 01:00 AM PST"......Iran has truly solved many fundamental issues other countries struggle with such as high-school education, health care, welfare, safety, affordable housing, etc...."
Is that right Mr. Mazaheri? Either you have confused another country with Iran or you live in a parallel universe where Iran, under IRI, has really done all those things you are preposterously claiming.
Reality check on this stupid suggestion
by BK (not verified) on Sun Mar 01, 2009 05:36 AM PSTNuclear weapons are not toys. They are weapons of mass destruction, i.e. destruction and killing of human beings on an enormous scale. And, due to nuclear fall out, they continue to kill for decades after. We have seen their horribly destructive power in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and those bombs were nothing compared to the infinitely more powerful weapons of today.
The more countries acquire nukes, the more likely it is that they will be used. This also leads to the very real possibility that, as more and more countries get hold of nukes, sooner or later they will fall (and be sold) into the hands of extremist and criminal groups. Just imagine if (as the possibility is increasing daily) the government of Pakistan is overthrown by the Taleban and they get their fingers on that country’s nukes.
The World has come very close to a nuclear several times since WWII, despite the very tight control that the US and USSR used to exercise. We have been very lucky that they have not been used since. If we carry on supporting more countries obtaining nukes one day this luck will almost certainly run out.
Nukes do not provide security. That is a fallacious argument. How secure was the US on 9/11? How secure has Israel been from attacks from even relatively ill-equipped groups like Hamas and Hezbollah? Quite the contrary, nukes add to the instability of the World.
We should ALL not only oppose the Islamic Republic in acquiring nukes, but also work to eradicate them from all other countries, including the US, China, Russia Israel, UK, France, India, Pakistan etc. We should ALL work towards a nuclear weapon free World.
Those who advocate more and more countries acquiring nukes = display the idiocy and lunacy of the highest kind.
Iran must go nuclear!
by Anonymous.... (not verified) on Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:46 PM PSTIran must go nuclear and it must develop the bomb inorder to protect itself from pirates in the west.
Only then will you see these thugs back off. Their argument now is for the sole purpose of securing the option to attack Iran at will, which is what they'll want to do when their bank accounts dry up. An option that will no longer exist when Iran develops it's own nuclear arsenal and the ability to defend itself.
I do not see anything wrong
by Tiger Aswad (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:03 PM PSTI do not see anything wrong for a nation to try to protect itself especially with such history as Iran has experienced in 19th and 20th centuries. But writing to justify it and twisting the truth and misrepresentation of the facts is whole different issue. It is time that the author to wake up and realize the propaganda cannot replace the truth. Iranians people have passed that stage of being fooled! They can see and experience the hardship of everyday life and brutality of the regime and corruptions in Iran.
"Iran... on the brink of
by AnonymousX (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 06:58 PM PST"Iran... on the brink of joining the first-world elite..."
LOL! No, I mean I am really really laughing outloud! The rest of the article is build on this and other similar ridiculeous notions.
Frankly, I am offended by how simple the author thinks we Iranians are.
One more interesting observation: As usual, the author of another pro-regime article bears a Persian name. I wonder why there is only so few pro-regime authors with names who are named Ali, Hassan, Alireza, Mohamadali, etc? These are the most common names in Iran.
These imbeciles don't realize that these tricks got old long ago.
Please Prove the your claims
by Unbiased (not verified) on Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:27 PM PSTWould you please provide us with the evidence supporting the following claims.
"The last several decades have taken an Iran defined by rural inefficiency to an urban nation on the brink of joining the first-world elite. Scholastic achievement, a moderately diversified industry, increased job opportunities, widespread suitable housing, firm infrastructure, female empowerment, more than partial democracy, socialist safety nets".
by capt_ayhab on Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:13 AM PSTI really enjoyed reading it. And yes it is the paramount responsibility of any government to ensure the safety of its citizens. There should be no giving-in in that principle
IRI nukes won't give stability.
by antinuke (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:49 PM PSTPakistan has nukes it also has a massive US presence,Taliban taking over half the country and one terror attack every week.
Nukes don't give you stability good institutions and a lack of overt religion in politics does.
Ramin: have a doctor examine your head for possible trauma
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Thu Feb 26, 2009 09:41 PM PSTAllowing the IRI idiotic, sadistic criminals to have atomic bombs, is like thinking that AIDS would be a better virus if it were airborne.
This late at night, I am often drunk and confused, but unfortuantely see that your "article" reeks of heavy heroin hallucinations!
Iran ala Bomb
by Grateful!! (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 05:56 PM PSTGod bless you. Finally someone who gets it!! Iran has to go nuclear just to thumb its nose at the bully in North America and its master in Zion!
Nuke Bombs
by shirazie (not verified) on Thu Feb 26, 2009 05:30 PM PSTHaving Nukes does not make you powerful, Is Pakistan, India , North Korea, Israeli are "Powers"? All it does gives a five minute deterrent.
power is created by economic stability and growth which will lead to liberal democracies. Hungry people can not eat ballots.
This nuke thing is a show and a distraction for Iranians in IRI so they forget, high inflation, unemployment and drug addition.
First was the Shah, then Iraq war, now Nukes... what is their next excuse?
The only reason IRI feels powerful is cause of stupid moves by George Bush and his Neo Con (okay I am obsessed with GW)