Collaborators of the worst kind

Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia


Collaborators of the worst kind
by bakhtiar

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.” -- Arthur Miller

Israel's vicious assaults on Gaza resulted in hundreds of deaths and left thousands more wounded, mostly civilians. Israel true to its nature once again ignored all international laws and conventions. With its usual thirst for blood of the civilians, Israel has bombed workshops, administrative buildings, roads, bridges, fuel depots, prisons, schools and mosques; killing and injuring large number of civilians in one of the most impoverished and densely populated areas of the world.

The Israelis followed their old method of destroying everything that makes a society a society: the infrastructure. The collective punishment of the Palestinians for what Hamas or Islamic Jihad is supposed to be doing or has done, reminds one of the collective punishments that Nazis meted out in the occupied areas in Eastern Europe during the WWII.

The atrocities committed by Israel is an act of genocide of against a conquered people. Gaza is a concentration camp and no amount of PR can reduce the magnitude of this horrible crime against humanity and decency.

But Israel is Israel. She has shown that cruelty is in her nature. Here I am talking about the successive Israeli governments and not Israeli people in general. I am sure there are many in Israel that if became aware of what really is happening would not approve of it. This of course excludes the settlers and the Zionist movement. These groups like the South African white supremacists consider others to be inferior to them; or that they have the god given right to do as they please.

But states seldom are representative of their people. It is the elite and / or the governing class that makes the decisions. The state of Israel is determined to never allow the Palestinians to have a viable state. The maximum that they are willing to allow is some form of Bantustan (South African) or North American reservation (for Native Americans). With carte blanche from US and most of the European powers, Israel has been implementing this policy. Setting-up such a system takes many years. People’s spirit has to be crushed through collective punishment, economic strangulation and above all excessive and continuing violence. This has to continue for many years so the people lose hope of ever achieving anything more than what is on offer.

This of course cannot be done without the approval of other countries. Israel has the approval of the world’s most powerful nation, the United States. In addition, because of her US connections, she has managed to get a nod and a wink from the Europeans as well. So with this carte blanche in hand she has set forth to change the “reality” on the ground in her favour. By systematically settling extremists in the middle of populated Palestinian areas, she has made the creation of a viable Palestinian state almost impossible. A simple look at the map of the Palestinian territories resembles a Swiss cheese, with pockets of densely populated Palestinian areas surrounded by settlements and their protective military garrisons.

The violence both official (state sponsored) and unofficial (settlers) has been incessant. Couple this violence with economic strangulation and you will see the reasons behind the Palestinians’ anger and frustration. Any resistance is automatically branded as an act of terrorism and punished with even more violence, with US and Europeans cheering the Israelis on the side lines.

If you recall when Georgia invaded the Russian protected enclave of Abkhazia, and met Russian counter attack, the whole Western world with US at its head condemned Russia. Pushing for UN action and even sending warships with “humanitarian” supplies. Russians did not commit one thousandth of the Israeli atrocities and we had the Georgian president and other politician talking day and night about the horrible things the Russians were doing. Yet today we have US and European governments sitting silently watching this genocide taking place without doing anything. US even vetoes resolutions condemning Israeli actions, forgetting that no peace is ever made possible by killing so many innocent women and children.

But whenever a power tries to relocate a group of people by force, the Newton’s Third Law of Motion comes into effect. Newton's Third Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that if you try to imprison a person that person will try to break out. If you try to subjugate a people they will resist. This is the underlying causes of most liberation movements. The same applies to the Palestinians. They are resisting. We can agree or disagree with their methods, but theirs is a reaction to actions taken against them; we call this self-defence.

Israel is trying to push Palestinians into submission and in the process forcing many to leave the occupied territories. They are trying to show the Palestinians that they are alone and resistance in the face of an overwhelming force is suicide. Israel has tried this tactics before and has failed. The children that had to stay with their dead mothers for four days will not forget. The starved people of Gaza are not going to forget this barbarity; and neither shall the people of honour and conscious, regardless of their nationality, Israelis included.

But as for one of those who have followed Israel’s actions for the past 30 years, I can say that I didn’t expect anything different from Israel. The lies and deceits are all too familiar to fall for again. The Israeli action in Gaza was not a reaction to the recent event, but planned a year ago. Just read the New York Times article (“For Israel, 2006 Lessons but Old Pitfalls”) in which among others they interview a senior Israeli military officer.

Israel is trying to portray herself as a nation that is defending itself, while the truth is that Israel is a cruel occupying power trying to force a people out of their land. And this is being done with the help of some Arab nations; the very same nations that constantly talk about Arab and Muslim solidarity. These nations are: Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

The Arab Collaborators

The often asked question, when it comes to the Palestinians, is about the role of Arab countries in the Palestinian struggle for freedom. The people not familiar with the political landscape of the area often see the Middle East as two camps, Arab countries on one side and Israel on the other. The reality is totally different. Israel has seldom been alone. Beside its usual American , French, British and other staunch allies, she has had the hidden backing of several Arab countries.

For close to 30 years now, many Arab countries have been collaborating with Israel; some like Egypt (gained independence: 1922) and Jordan (gained independence: 1946) openly while others like Saudi Arabia (founded: 1932), UAE (founded: 1972) and Kuwait (founded: 1961) from behind the scenes. The reasons for this collaboration vary from country to country but they all have one thing in common: the rulers of these countries are all dictators and need foreign protection from their own people. Some such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and UAE were put in power by the British. The founder of Saudi Arabia, Abdul-Aziz bin Saud (the kingdom is name after him) was put in power by the British. The same goes for the others, except Egypt which experienced a coup by the army officers in 1952 resulting in the ousting of the monarchy and the accompanying British influence. But the Western influence returned with Anwar Sadat. All these countries are dictatorships and all are under pressure from their people. What they cannot accept is any democratically elected form of government in their mist. They fear that if an Arab government becomes democratic they may have to become one themselves, hence losing power. One of the things that they love about Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, is that he won the election not by popular vote but by popular method of rigging the election; something that these Arab leaders understand and respect.

In contrast Hamas really represented the aspiration of the people. Soon, Mahmood Abbas term as president is over and he had to stand for re-election something that he would surely lose. In contrast Hamas really won the municipal elections in 2005 and the Parliamentary election in 2006. The elections were supervised by international observers, many from Europe, and US.

Palestinians were fed-up with the corrupt regime of Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah. They wanted to clean house. But as soon as Hamas took over, the US and the Europeans put an embargo on Hamas, calling it a terrorist organisation and not a peace partner. Israel closed the borders and refused to let anything into Gaza. Egypt also did the same.

What is not mentioned much in the media is that this was done with the complete approval of the Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. After all, Egypt could have opened its border for transfer of food and fuel. The reasons behind this hostility were and are that Hamas is a truly elected government and worst of all, Hamas is a branch or an off-shoot of Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt.

Muslim Brotherhood has a branch or related organisation in Jordan as well. Egypt and Jordan are worried that should Hamas survive and show its resistance, their people may get the idea that they can also resist the tyrannical rule of these despots. One must not forget that Muslim Brotherhood represents the only serious challenge to the Mubarak’s rule in Egypt.


The 81 year old Hosni Mubarak of Egypt has been “president” since 1981 (28 years). He has won every election with a comfortable majority. He is much loved by his secret services. Prior to every election he arrests and imprisons all the opposition, ensuring a “clean” election. Torture is so widely used and accepted in Egypt that US outsources torturing of some its prisoners to Egypt. This alone should tell you volumes about the nature of Mubarak’s rule. He is now trying hard to crown his playboy son as his successor. But the Americans are not so sure if the son is capable of keeping the 80 million Egyptians in line and is therefore looking for alternative candidates. The head of the feared main secret service is one of the prime candidates along with some of the top generals. Challenging him is the Muslim Brotherhood organisation, enjoying grass root support from all sections of the Egyptian society including Lawyers, doctors, judges and student associations. Not surprisingly, US and Israel call Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation.

By all accounts, the Muslim Brotherhood be it in Jordan, Egypt or the occupied territories such as Gaza runs a clean operation, running many charity organisations and providing services to the poor and the needy. As such wherever they are, they pose a threat to the corrupt regimes, since they provide an alternative to the people of that area.


King Abdullah II of Jordan, born of a British mother, educated in the West, including the Jesuit Center of Georgetown University, was brought to power by the CIA. His Uncle was a long time crown price, yet after his father died in a US hospital, Madeline Albright, Clinton’s Secretary of Estate flew to Jordan to inform the Jordanians that the King on his death bed had changed his will and named his son Abdullah as his successor.

The majority of this Kingdom of 5 million people are Palestinians who are not very friendly to this King. In 1967 there was a Palestinian uprising (led by PLO) against King Hussein (ruled: 1952-1999, the father of the current king), which resulted in heavy casualties among Palestinians. In addition, the Kingdom is currently full of Iraqi refugees who resent the King’s help to the Americans in invasion of their country. On top of all this, we have the Muslim Brotherhood which tries hard to abolish the monarchy. King Abdullah relies heavily on the US support and backing for staying in power. King Abdullah also sees a natural ally in Israel, a country that can come to its aid in case of another uprising.

Saudi Arabia (House of Saud)

I don’t have to tell you much about Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom is run by the 84 year old, ailing Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud. His personal wealth is estimated at $21 billion USD. He rules a clan of 8000 princes who in turn rule the country. Saudi Arabia is the centre of corruption in the Arab world. The Saudi rulers corrupt everything with their money. Lacking the necessary mental power or physical courage, they try to stay in power by subterfuge, lies, and deception. They fund the real extremists on the one hand while portraying themselves as the protectors of the Western interest on the other. They preach intolerance and xenophobia to their people decrying the Western decadence, while spending a lot of time enjoying the life in the West. They pay the West for protection against their own people and they pay the extremists to do their fighting elsewhere. Saudi rulers are indeed the worst of them all.

House of Saud is also the financier of the so called “Arab Moderates” and extremism that they cause. House of Saud financed the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. They later financed the Taliban. They also paid the Saddam Hussein to fight Iran. Then they paid the Americans and Egyptians to fight Saddam Hussein. They are the financiers of death and misery. They finance anything, anywhere, as long as this reduces the threat to their illegitimate rule. They are currently financing the civil war in Somalia, bandits in Baluchistan (Pakistan and Iran) and god knows what else. They are detested by their own people and neighbours yet loved by Bush, Cheney and the oil companies. As long as they provide the money and oil the US is willing to tolerate them. And guess what? Muslim Brotherhood hates the House of Saud too. This makes them a threat and hence has to be dealt with.

The Collaboration

As can be seen each country has a good reason to eliminate Hamas, but each is restrained by its population. Israel has no such a restrain imposed on it. She not only can wage a terrible war, but also get assistance from Arab countries. Indeed it is the second time (the first was the Lebanon invasion of 2006) that Israel is getting open and solid support from these Arab countries. The invasion of Gaza was discussed in Egypt before its implementation. Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are Israel’s active partners.

Egypt is actively involved in stopping all aids from getting to Palestinians in Gaza save a token few trucks. These few trucks are allowed to go through so they can be filmed and shown to Egyptian people. All demonstrations are banned and all Egyptian volunteers for Gaza are either arrested or sent back.

There are hundreds of thousands of volunteers across the Muslim world that are willing to go to the aid of the Palestinians, but the Egyptian authorities don’t allow them passage. Egyptians even stop medical aid from passing through their territories. This is part of a report from Associated Press (“Doctors stuck at bottleneck on Egypt-Gaza border”):

“RAFAH, Egypt: Frustration is mounting at Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip, where many local and foreign doctors are stuck after Egyptian authorities denied them entry into the coastal area now under an Israeli ground invasion.

Anesthesiologist Dimitrios Mognie from Greece idles his time at a cafe near the border, drinking tea and chatting with other doctors, aid workers and curious Egyptians.

"This is a shame," said Mognie, who decided to use his vacation time to try help Gazans. He thought entering through Egypt, which has a narrow border with the Hamas-ruled strip, was his best bet.

"That in 2009 they have people in need of help from a doctor and we can go to help and they won't let us. This is crazy," he added.”

In addition there are many Iranian cargo planes full of food and medicine which have been sitting on the tarmacs in Egypt for days waiting for permission to deliver their cargo. Egyptians even denied the medical aid sent by the son of the Libyan President Qaddafi to land in Egypt (”Egypt denies Kadhafi's son permission to land at airport”).

One thing is clear: these three countries do not want the Israelis to fail in their mission of totally destroying Gaza. Hosni Mubarak said so himself. The daily Haaretz reported that Hosni Mubarak had told European ministers on a peace mission that Hamas must not be allowed to win the ongoing war in Gaza.

As Egypt physically aids the Israeli military by denying food, fuel and medicine to the civilians, The House of Saud helps Israel by giving her time and diplomatic cover. When Israel started its invasion there was an immediate call for an Arab summit. Saudi Arabia and Jordan (along with Egypt of course) delayed the summit. The Saudis along with the UAE said that they had another meeting to attend to and therefore Palestinian issue had to wait. After a few days when the summit was eventually held, they issued the same old statements. Yet this time same as the Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 2006, they blamed the victims. In a statement Saudi Arabia blamed Hamas for Israel's continuing offensive in the Gaza Strip. Saudi Arabia, after blaming Hamas, declared that it will not even consider an oil embargo on Israel’s supporters. She then again blamed Hamas.

By this time, the three Arab countries along with Kuwait and UAE began singing the old song: international community is not doing anything about the catastrophe that is taking place in Gaza. It seems that these Arab tyrants have no shame at all. This reminds me of a quote from Marquis De Sade (1740-1814): “One is never so dangerous when one has no shame, than when one has grown too old to blush.”

These Arab leaders (many are indeed too old to blush) are complicit in the murder of so many civilians, especially young children. According to Agence France-Presse, quoting the medics on the ground, fully one third of all people killed have been children (“Children make up third of Gaza dead”). How can these Arab leaders justify this to their people?

The answer is that they cannot. Israel knows this and for the second time can show the Arab street that their leaders are nothing but a bunch of old hypocrites. These Arab leaders are now exposed and can do nothing but to cooperate fully with Israel and US. What stand between them and their people’s rage is their army and secret services; which in turn are supported by US.

Israel has cleverly exposed these leaders for what they are: collaborators of the worst kind. These Arab leaders have brought an unimaginable shame to their people. To quote Lucien Bouchard: I have never known a more vulgar expression of betrayal and deceit. Our hope is now with the people of these countries to clean this stain from their honour.

Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar lives in Norway. He is a management consultant and a contributing writer for many online journals. He can be contacted at:


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by capt_ayhab on

Wonderful, I do agree with your with first 2 points in your reply. And to great degree with your third point.

Points 4 thru 6, are where our fundamental disagreements lay. 

Historical Facts:

Israel has been occupying Palestine for 60 years, IR has been in power for 30 years. For first 8 to 10 years of IR regime, they have been intanggled with their own war, namely Iraq.

Israeli propaganda machine, has been blaming the war and her genocidal atrocities on everyone on the earth but themselves. It is a proven TRUTH that Israel created Hamas. Originally, Hamas was nothing but a humanitarian entity, created from Muslim Brotherhood. Building schools and hospitals, roads and habitats for refugees and so on and so forth.

As I mentioned earlier Palestinians elected Hamas to be their leader. From the get go Zionist  did not have any plan to allow freedom and independence to Palestine. Israeli action in past 8 years is proof of the fact.

It is true that IR funds Hamas and arms them[with dinky little firecrackers called missile]. In past 8 years, after the so called cease fire, Israel has constantly broken the promise. Not to mention the original agreement, and UN resolution regarding occupied territories.Israel never had the plan to let Gaza live. They have been systematically starving 1.4 million CIVILIANS in NAZI style concentration camp.

If you were one of the residents of Gaza, WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE?

just lay there and die???????????/

Israel is THE most notorious TERRORIST regime ever existed, and you are telling me these people want peace? Take a look at this thread if you please. 


[Hans Frank, “the butcher of Cracow” who became the governor of occupied Poland after 1939, describe Nazi Germany's intentions in the occupation of Poland. Replace the word "Poland" with "Palestinian Occupied Territories"]

Mr Kashani, as a human being read my thread, compare [The Butcher of Cracow -Hans Frank] with Benjamin Netanyahu[Even the similarity in their demeanor] Compare the actions of Zionist regarding Gaza and Palestine with situation of Poland, then lets talk.

Mr. Kashani, you strike me as an educated gentlemen, Anytime you post a thread, it sound like was written by Netanyahu himself. Stop blaming the CRIMES of Israel on Iran.

capt_ayhab [-YT]


Easy there...No biting!

by Anonymous..... (not verified) on

Mullah Kashani,

Your world is super small and all the ills and misery you see in it is going to be the IRI's fault until you'll have no choice but to wake up from "your dream." and face reality.

Farhad Kashani

Anonymous…..   First

by Farhad Kashani on



First of, I’m definitely waiting for you to come over and “bitch slap” me. That’ll be very interesting.


Second, your whole anti American, pro IRI “imaginary” life story of mine is bunch of bologny and non-sense and untrue, just like the rest of your BS.


Third, it’s a really shame that after 30 years of brutality by the regime, there are still Iranians like you who support the regime. It’s like you guys have been living in a different planet. It’s just amazing how some people are so successful in fooling themselves and shut their eyes to reality. Simply amazing.


Fourth, and most importantly, what do you mean by “liberating” Iran? You can’t be serious. First off, here’s the obvious answer: Iran was an independent nation, recognized and a member of the U.N. It wasn’t under any foreign occupation, nor attacked by any foreign nation. Only a moron would claim that Iran needed to be “liberated”!! As much as I hate the IRI, I never claimed Iran is under “occupation by a foreign country = not “liberated”. Yes, Iran needs liberation, but from the rule of Fascist mullahs. The one thing that mullahs did was liberate Iran from progress, modernization, democracy and human dignity. Things that you apparently need to look into the dictionary to know what they are.

How did they “liberate” Iran when they executed hundreds of thousands of innocent men and women for simply speaking out against the government? How did they “liberate” Iran when they have and are imprisoning millions of Iranians for pity reasons ranging from not wearing the government sanctioned dress code to speaking out against the regime? How did they “liberate” Iran when millions of Iran’s best left the country leaving a huge brain drain problem that even the regime itself admits to? How did they “liberate” Iran by killing every Democratic principal you can imagine of ranging from electing your own government to freedom of expression to freedom of religion to eating what you like, ? How did they “liberate” Iran by applying 7th century religious medieval laws in it? How did they “liberate” Iran by provoking Saddam to attack it by saying they want to “export the revolution to Iraq”, thus causing major destruction and mayhem in Iran? How did they “liberate” Iran when the world is our enemy, and the so called “friends” we got are just using our country to plunder its resources (namely China and Russia)? How did they “liberate” Iran by running its economy? How???


I know you pro IRI socialists used to change and create definitions in the past, so maybe you are trying to re-define “liberation”!!! All I can say is, save your energy.


You aint’ foolin no one!


Farhad Kashani

Capt-ayhab,   Let’s

by Farhad Kashani on



Let’s discuss it.


Short and sweet, here are my thoughts on the conflict:


1-     Israel needs to get out of the occupied lands of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, stop settlements and give Palestinians removed from occupied land the right to return, and Palestinians need to have their own independent nation.

2-     Israeli and Hamas officials both need to be prosecuted for war crimes in Gaza.

3-     Arabs and Muslims need to recognize Israel.

4-     IRI is the biggest chaos causer in the Middle East and the main obstacle in the road of peace between Israel and Arabs.

5-     Hamas is a mini-IRI with a fundamentalist agenda that has hijacked the Palestinian cause in order to promote Islamic fundamentalism (tip. read Hamas’ charter).

6-     Israel and Hamas are both responsible for the recent Gaza war, therefore, Hamas is equally responsible, just like IRI and Israel, for the innocent Palestinian blood that was spilled.


I think I covered it all, let me know.



look into my eyes t.(

by capt_ayhab on

capt_ayhab [-YT]


Stones from a glass house!!

by Anonymous.... (not verified) on


You hate the IRI because their actions to liberate Iran changed your life over night. You packed up and bailed for the west because frankly you had no clue that you should have stopped and fight for the freedom and liberation of your home land. You were forced to instantly grow up and learn to fend for yourself while life consumed you with how you must adjust to a new system, new culture, new way of life and new social structure that took root back during the days of the "wild west." What you had learned to know about love, respect, justice and your perception on "the right way in life." simply vanished with a heartbeat. You didn't have the experience or a fair opportunity to consciously recognize what was happening to your life because you've been enduring 30 years of negative publicity and nonsense blasted at you and your western surrounding who didn't have the slightest clue about Iran or its culture. But guess what? The average westerner was generous enough to tune out the nonsense and showed you enough love and care to enable you to never lose hope. Now it's your patriotic duty to pay back and help restore the stature and credibility of this nation and its caring citizens.

Wake up Farhad. I feel your pain and we've all had our fair share of hurt and sorrow. But now is not the time to drive with your eyes close. If you object to the mullah's injustice, then you better figure out a way to explain the million innocent lives that your "freedom loving", "justice enforcing" democratic backers of our senile politicians have taken, (not to mention the wealth, social security and Medicare money they've stolen from their own constituents) only so they can run around with personal chauffeurs, villas around the globe or yachts that cost more than what real corporation earn in a life time.

If you still chose to remain blind, then be prepared for someone to bitch slap you until you land back into reality.


Mr. Kashani

by capt_ayhab on

Dear sir,

I never questioned why you hate IR. As a matter of fact I condone your hatred as I have the same feelings for IT.

My question is, Why every thread MUST be about IR? and why can we not concentrate on plight of 1.4 million Gaza residents?

Discuss the subject matter, and hopefully, with limited resources we have available, at least come to a concession regarding the subject matter.


capt_ayhab [-YT]

Farhad Kashani

Anonymous…..,  Yes I

by Farhad Kashani on


Yes I hate the IRI. The question is why you putting it mildly? You don’t hate the IRI? Are you gonna say that you are “objective” and “understand IRIs anger”???? Not me!

For me, nothing can justify the hanging f a 14 years old boy for having a diary in which he criticized Khomeini in. nothing can justify the enforcement of hijab on almost 40 million Iranian women. You can try to “justify” them, I will not. This “justification” is what led to the current situation in Iran.


If you want to call my disgust of the IRI because it mass murders it people “HATE” , then I’m proud of being HATEFUL. If you wanna call my absolute fiery with the IRI over applying medieval laws in my country, then I’m proud of being HATEFUL. If you wanna call my disapproval of the IRI spreading an ideology of HATE and DEATH and Clash of Civilizations throughout the world, then I’m proud of being HATEFUL.


Furthermore, what “data” have I been ignoring? Did I approve of Israel’s actions in Gaza? Never! Did I not condemn Israel for its actions and specifically called for whoever responsible for this war (Israel, Hamas and IRI leaders) to be brought to justice? Of course I did! So, please explain, what “data” did I ignore? Are you saying Egypt didn’t fight Israel 3 times? Are you saying Mubarak wasn’t personally involved in the war? Of course they are “FACTS”!


I’m gonna pretend that you didn’t know enough of my beliefs to say that “I approved of Israeli actions” and let this one go because you said you are anti IRI, and like I said in my posting, that’s all it matters to me at this point. Getting rid of the IRI. Everything else is secondary in importance. And I will call out and push back any attempt by these IRI supporters to change the subject from “Iran” to “Gaza”. That’s propaganda and a technique used by the IRI in the last 30 years, resulting in its survival. It’s not fooling anyone anymore.



Mr. Kashani

by capt_ayhab on

I thank you for elaborating on your HATE and dislike of entire population of a thorn country. My position as a HUMAN BEING is clear. Anytime there is injustice, anytime there is oppression, as a human being WE must condemn, in the least, or take action as much as possible.

I have been commenting in this site for under 2 months. During this time the only thing I have seen of you has been spreading HATE. I mind you that by no means I am criticizing you for  your condemnation of IRI, As a matter of fact I do concur to most of your points.

However, I am beginning to think that your propaganda has a different underlying agenda than it is on the surface. Reason for being, you constantly IGNORE the proven FACTS and DATA at your convenience. This tell me that when you propagate your HATE for IRI, you ignor the plight of other oppressed human beings in the world.

I have noticed your 100% approval of Israeli attacks on civilians in Gaza, without any human emotions regarding the innocent women and children who were bombarded for 22 days constantly. Sir, you are entitled to your opinion, as a matter of fact I will do all I have in my power to protect your rights to hate as much as your hearts content. However, your HATRED of group of people(IRI) has blinded you to plight of human race. 

Questions come up ,,,,,

Looking forward to your response. Kindly spare me[us] the name calling.It is not really mature. ;-)


capt_ayhab [-YT]



Qualifier Galour....

by Anonymous.... (not verified) on

Yes, Mr. Kashani, you've made it clear that you hate the IRI. You're certainly entitled to your hate and in due time you will dicover/recaliberate the underlying cause.

Until then, since you fail to look over and cosider "FACTS" put forth by capt-ahab, your emotional discourse is proposing that people throw out the baby with the bath water. That's unwise!

If you can't replace your feeling with facts, then posts full of qualifiers like "IRI apologists" will only further deteriorate your credibility as a contributor to the subject matter, not to mention your maturity as an intellect.

These are tough times for all, and thus requiring intelligent engagement/dialogue by "all".

Farhad Kashani

IRI apologists spreading

by Farhad Kashani on

IRI apologists spreading their propaganda on this site. What a shame!


How dare does Fascist IRI bark at Egypt when Egypt went into 3 wars with Israel and lose some if its best young men fighting for Palestinian and all Arabs? When Khomeini was plotting to destroy Iran with his fellow Fascist Mullahs in Qom, Mubarak was fighting the Israelis. How dare does Fascist IRI talk crap about Jordan when Jordan hosted millions of Palestinians, gave all it could to Arafat and PLO for years and fought with Israel because of it? How dare does Fascist IRI condemn S Arabia where as if it wasn’t for S Arabia, there will be no sign of Palestinians? Do you and your beloved Khamenei think people don’t know about the billions and billions of money given to Palestinians by S Arabia and giving millions of Palestinians job and a home?


What has IRI done besides sacrificing Iran in a war of word with Israel and letting others (namely Hamas) fight its proxy war for it? IRI is the most coward regime ever. Everything it does is by Terrorism, it doesn’t have the balls to fire a single shot at Israel, but it barks and hides behind others like a little kid asking others to attack Israel! Some people don’t understand civility. They don’t understand that the peace proposal proposed by King Abdullah is just, fair and saves the lives of Palestinians first and foremost, and that’s civility, unlike IRI where it promotes the culture of death and feeds of war and conflict. If IRI stops interfering, I have no doubt that Israel will come to peace with Palestinians, just like it did with Egypt and Jordan. All sides are tired of war and death, except IRI, because IRI was built and survives on death and destruction.


You aint foolin anyone!



Dear Houman

by capt_ayhab on

Thanks for your well organized reply, Kindly review reply I posted for Roxane.

In Addition to that here is another article that you might find intresting:


[It is also a documented fact that Israeli intelligence created
Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO and Arab nationalism.
Israel “aided Hamas directly — the Israelis wanted
to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO ,” Tony Cordesman,
Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies,
told UPI correspondent Richard Sale. “According to documents
United Press International obtained from the Israel-based
Institute for Counter Terrorism, Hamas evolved from cells
of the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1928,”
writes Sale (see Yossi
Schwartz, Palestine: The origins of Hamas and its role
today).  ]


capt_ayhab [-YT]


Ms. Roxane

by capt_ayhab on

Dear Roxi

Sorry for the delay in response. As you requested these are the proofs and elaborations about the statement I made regarding creation of Hamas, and subsequent funding of such organization.

First lets look at the Video from House of Representative, USA, Jan. 09, 2009. Where Ron Paul, Rep. TEXAS talks about Hamas.


Secondly, here is the excerpt of article from The Washington Post:

Writing in the Post on January 7, 2009, the newspaper’s foreign correspondent Glenn Kessler revealed:

In the 1980s . . . the Israeli government decided to weaken the secular Fatah movement headed by Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO] Chairman Yasser Arafat by promoting the rise of Islamic parties as a counterweight, on the theory that Islamic groups would not have the same nationalistic impulses. So Fatah’s social networks were dismantled
by the Israeli government, but it went easy on Islamic charitable networks. This decision fueled the rise of Hamas as a political force,
with its network of health clinics and social services that far exceeded the abilities of the often-corrupt Fatah movement. . . .

On June 28, 2002, veteran UPI correspondent Richard Sale confirmed what AFP had already reported regarding Israel’s manipulation of Islamic fundamentalist forces.

Sale focused on Israel’s intrigues regarding Hamas. Sale cited not only a variety of named and un-named past and present U.S. government officials but also documents obtained by UPI from the Israel-based Institute for Counter-Terrorism.


A U.S. government official—who asked not to be named—told Sale that “The thinking on the part of some of the right-wing Israeli establishment was that Hamas and the others, if they gained control, would refuse to have any part of the peace process and would torpedo
any agreements put in place. Israel would still be the only democracy in the region for the U.S. to deal with.”

In other words, Israel wanted to prop up and promote Hamas as a means of undermining the
influence of Yasser Arafat and the PLO and thereby disrupting the very real peace initiatives being made by Arafat.



Shall I say more?



capt_ayhab [-YT]


Dear Ostad !

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Maar Gaazeed-e az reesman siah vae sepid meetars-e!

Note: I did not defend President Mubarak! I am not a fan of his rule either.


Ship them now!

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Dear Aziz,

I completely agree that the concept of shipping the current leaders to the moon will be the wise and final solution.

But as you know and evident by this blog, the leaders control the media and engage in their special form of social engineering to surve their elite constituent's motives. Israel's government is consistently expanding it's settlements beyond it's original "occuppied" territory, yet anyone that object to that is an anti semit and protecting yourself against their advancement makes you a terrorist. If you invest the time and follow the details of conflicts on a play by play basis, you will consistently withness the cut off of cash and supply lines into gaza which escalate's into an argument. Tempers fly, Israeli solidiers shoot a couple of poeple, then a rocket is fired back at Israel in retaliation, and F18's take off from Zionist/American military basis and bury over a thousand innocent civilians under rubble. So bad that even the decent and peace loving jews themselves are objecting to this behavior.

Palestinians voted for Hamas, and even palestinians here in the United States support Hamas. Their job is to defend the rights and security of their people, just like you and I would expect our government to do for us.

I believe it will serve a good purpose if people where to view the conflict objectively instead of throwing random support for the propeganda and nonesense that you see published against Hamas.

Random endorsement of propeganda given to biased reports is an act done by the type of people who automatically think if they walk around East LA or Watts, they are sure to get mugged or killed before they can get out. I believe that's an act of racism which our society always promotes against, at least on the surface.


Hamas does not want peace PERIOD

by Peaceful coexistence (not verified) on

Hamas does not want peace and coexistence with Israel and surely could not care less about the lives of innocent Palestinians!

Arms will flow to Gaza despite security
Reuters - World News
Jan 25, 2009

BEIRUT - Security measures aimed at stopping Palestinian groups from rearming in Gaza will not stop the flow of weapons into the enclave, a senior Hamas official said on Sunday. Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, said Palestinian fighters had begun to restore their arsenal after a ceasefire halted Israel's 22-day offensive in the Gaza Strip.

"We will continue to get weapons into Gaza and the (West) Bank. Let nobody think we will surrender to measures," he said during a speech in Beirut.

"Perhaps matters will get more difficult, but we are ready to ride out any difficulty ... so that the resistance continues," he said.

Those who think sea, air or satellite monitoring can detect weapons flow through tunnels "are deluded," he added.

Israel has said Hamas used tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt to bring weapons into the enclave, where its offensive killed 1,300 Palestinians and wounded more than 5,000 others.

Thirteen Israelis were killed: 10 soldiers and three civilians hit by Hamas rocket fire. Israel's stated aim was to stop Palestinian rocket fire into the south of the country.

Israel said it halted the fighting after securing commitments from the United States, European powers and Egypt to crack down on the flow of arms to the Hamas-ruled enclave.

France said on Friday it would send a frigate to patrol international waters off the coast of the Gaza Strip as part of efforts to consolidate the ceasefire by preventing arms trafficking by sea.

"I reassure you that from the first day of the ceasefire the resistance began to restore what it had lost and to develop what it (already) had," Hamdan added.


Dear Master Ayhab

by Houman Roshandoost (not verified) on

You make many one sided arguments and unproven statements that have no relationship with reality (with all due respect). For example:

"Arafat renounced violence, so Israel had to get rid of him. Israel needs wars in order to create a Greater Israel.
Israel does not want Palestinians to be peace-loving.
Because that would prevent Israel from having more wars to create a Greater Israel.
Israel wants violent Palestinians."

Come on Master. Stop it. There may have been advocates of "greater Israel" in the 40's,50's & 60's but that is History.

You also go back and forth in history and pick and chose events without the proper context or relationship:

"2. Israel helped build up Hamas, which became a rival to Arafat’s Fatah."

When? Not after Oslo Master! This was during and Prior to the first Intifada.

"3. Arafat’s PLO renounced violence and recognised Israel, prior to the Oslo peace talks.
(This did not suit Israel.)
Hamas refused to end violent resistance or to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.
(This suited Israel)"

When Arafat renounced violence, Hamas was not a strong entity blowing up buses in order to derail Oslo. Hamas started suicide bombings in 1994 post Oslo.

I am not even going to address the other points as you conveniently left out the second Intifada and the events that led to it and you also left out many events of post 2nd intifadah.

There are two sides to every story. Both sides have mistakes. You are defending an Islamist movement that will only bring more death and destruction to the Palestinian people. These people are funded by the IRI, an evil anti humanistic entity. Stop defending the evil IRI friends.



by Ostaad on

"poor Egypt" has excellent chances to become more democratic if Mobarak would not kill, imprison or send the secular and democratic Egyptians to exile all the time. I can see Mobarak has convinced you the only alternative to his despotism and dictatorship is the MB. Now THAT is a real pity.

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Arafat’s PLO renounced violence and recognised Israel, prior to the Oslo peace talks. 

Please explain, document, develop.



Master Houman

by capt_ayhab on

There is fundemental disparity in your statement. It is a proven fact that Israel created Hamas in order to achieve her goal of having the etire region under control. On the other hand, Hamas was created by the help and funding of Isreal to combat PLO and Arafat:

Proof #1 //


Arafat renounced violence, so Israel had to get rid of him. Israel needs wars in order to create a Greater Israel.

Israel does not want Palestinians to be peace-loving.

Because that would prevent Israel from having more wars to create a Greater Israel.

Israel wants violent Palestinians.

Among the points made:

Hamas emerged from the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood.
(Reportedly, the Muslim Brotherhood has long been used by MI6 and the CIA to weaken Moslem governments - Aangirfan)

2. Israel helped build up Hamas, which became a rival to Arafat’s Fatah.

3. Arafat’s PLO renounced violence and recognised Israel, prior to the Oslo peace talks.

(This did not suit Israel.)

Hamas refused to end violent resistance or to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.

(This suited Israel)


4. The
Israelis, in the early 1990s, deported hundreds of key Hamas figures to
south Lebanon, where they began working with Hezbollah.

(Israel needs Hezbollah if it is to have an excuse to take over South Lebanon, with its valuable water supplies.)

5. In 1997, Arafat had Hamas pinned down, and Arafat was rounding up Islamists by the thousand.

Benjamin Netanyahu,
Israel’s prime minister, organised the bungled assassination of Khalid
Mishal. This helped Hamas to revive and survive.

(This suited Israel).

6. Mossad, under Efraim Halevy, came up with a plan, agreed to by the Bush, to get rid of Arafat.

(Arafat was too much in favour of peace.)

7. Abbas was presented by the media as being a puppet of the Americans.

Hamas triumphed in the 2006 elections.

(This suited Israel)

8. Israel and its allies blockaded Gaza.

(Israel had an excuse to further weaken the Palestinians.)

9. John Bolton (and Israel) would like to give the West Bank to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt.

Then there would be no more Palestine.

10. Bolton believes Jordan and Egypt can be bribed.

Egypt relies on aid from the USA.

But Egypt fears it would be weakened if it had unhappy Palestinians under its control.


Proof #2 //

"Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according
to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the
late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a
period of years. Israel 'aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use
it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),' said
Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International]
Studies. Israel's support for Hamas 'was a direct attempt to divide and dilute
support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,'
said a former senior CIA official."

Middle East analyst Ray Hanania concurs:

"In addition to hoping to turn the Palestinian masses away from Arafat and the PLO, the Likud leadership believed they could achieve a workable alliance with Islamic, anti-Arafat forces that would also extend Israel's control over the occupied territories."




capt_ayhab [-YT]


Dr. Bakhtiar is knowledgable

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Dr. Bakhtiar is knowledgable as always, but should Egyptian replace Mubarak with M. Brotherhood? What alternative does the poor Egypt have? Even Jordan?
But regarding S. Arabia, I agree with most of your assessment. Thanks



Collaborators of the worst kind

by smhb on

Fully agree with the premise of the article. However the collaborators dont just include these corrupt present day rulers who owe everything they have to the CIA, Mossad and MI6 and their actions can only be understood and properly analyzed in that context. They are here to serve their masters. By all accounts these rulers are avid zionists and freemasons. 

We also had the former defunct Shah of Iran, who was also a small time thief and murderer, put in power and maintained there by the same criminals who butcher the Palestinians and the Lebanese, who instigated Saddam to attack Iran, who enslaved the blacks, who settled North America and butchered the locals, and who are fully responsible in maintaining these corrupt rules in power.

Not to mention that there are a lot of so called Iranian nationalists who shamelessly advocate the cause of zionism and solidly support and collaborate with them. They were thrown out like the garbage they are 30 years ago but they just dont seem to learn. 



What happened to freedom of

by tasvir (not verified) on

What happened to freedom of speech. What happened to debating diverse points of views. Isn't that part of democracy to be able to discuss view points that are miles apart vigorously?

obviously opposing point of view drives the censorship brigade wild. Is it because we have figured out their game, which is to aggrandize certain agenda at the expense of others? Many people have observed how fragile the Islamists/leftists ego are on a daily basis on this site. They simply cannot take criticism. They fly into a vindictive rage at the mere thought that someone out there who doesn't subscribe to their self-righteous and one-sided code of conducts or principles.

Many non-offesive posts are deleted based on skewed sense of morality and pure ideological dogma while other hypocritical and half-truths are allowed just because the owner of this site happens to be on their side.

What a sad state of affairs that we can't even recognize the damage we're inflicting on any further education of each other's point of view or improvement of our debating skills , or on a possibility of compromise or reconciliation of our diverse views in a consturctive way.

We do desserve the IRI. No wonder they don't allow us to be free.


Such has been committed by the Nazis

by Bavafa on

A fabulous and fantastic essay, well done and well documented. It is so shameful not only for the Arab world but the whole world to sit a side and watch these atrocities.

Shame on Israelis for the genocide that they are committing - double shame on the Citizen of the world for not speaking/standing against it.



The “anti-war” crowd

by al (not verified) on

The “anti-war” crowd have been infilterated not by the politics of seeking peace, or an Israeli withdrawal from the Arab-majority territories, but by the politics of Arab and Islamic chauvinists who want the elimination of Israel entirely.

Rafsanjani said yesterday, "War, War, until the Libeation of Quods (i.e. Palestine).


The “left” has combined with militant Islamists, that is, with clerical fascists, and others to chant slogans such as: ”Palestine will be free/ From the river to the sea”, slogans that are a very thin code for the conquest and destruction of Israel. And for the perpetual war which that programme implies. They want to establish fascist Islamic Republics in Jordan, Egypt,and Saudi Arabia. It's about pure lust for power and greed.

The left has forgotten how the Islamists treat the lefties once they are in power.


Dear Capt Ayhab

by Houman Roshandoost (not verified) on

Its a documented fact that Hamas was instrumental in the collapse of Oslo through the use of suicide bombings way before they took over Gaza and way before they had any real political power. I am talking about the suicide bombings in 1994 before the Rabin assassination. Hamas was against Oslo and the return to the 67 borders for peace. Are you denying this? I know that Israel is to blame as well for the collapse but it would not go so violent if the IRI did not supply weapons to Hamas.

If the return to the 67 borders means "slavery" to you, then I guess there will be ongoing fighting on both sides. If that is what you want, which is what the IRI wants, then you support IRI policies and more bloodshed.

No one wants to deal with Hamas. Not the Arabs, not the EU and not the Americans. Why? Hamas is being used by the Syrians as a negotiating tool to get the Golan. The IRI uses the Hamas to flex its muscle in front of the Arabs and the West. Who pays the price? Poor Palestinians.


from hosrses mouth :

by king david (not verified) on


Same old dismissing of pragmatism by fanatic fundamentalist

by Avallah Hajagha (not verified) on

The more unreasonable and unnatural a system is the more uncompromising, narrow minded, and absolute it has to be to survive. So are all religious fundamentalist systems like the Islamic Republic of Iran. They reject the pragmatic, the reasonable, and the compromising, and label them as collaborator. If every party to a conflict in the world was as uncompromising ideologue as the religious fanatics what king of word be?

At this point in the history of the world it seems that the Islamic religious fundamentalism in the only one that does not have the checks and balances from the moderate and secular forces within its own society.



by capt_ayhab on

[The corrupt Islamic regime is actually part of the problem in achieving peace between the Arabs and Israel.]

by [peace] you really mean servitude and slavery do you not?



capt_ayhab [-YT]

Darius Kadivar

Would You Prefer these Collaborators instead ?

by Darius Kadivar on

The Pakistani Taleban dispense their form of justice in much of the Swat region:

Taleban's stranglehold brings fear to Swat