Turkey & Israel

Turkish prime minister confronts Israeli president

BBC -- Turkey's PM has received a hero's welcome on his return to Istanbul after he stormed out of a debate about Gaza at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Recep Tayyip Erdogan had reacted angrily when he was refused the chance to respond to Israeli President Shimon Peres' defence of the operation Thousands of people turned out in the city to greet Mr Erdogan's plane. He told them Mr Peres' language and tone had been unacceptable, so he acted to stand up for Turkish honour. The BBC's Sarah Rainsford in Istanbul said there had been huge anger in Turkey at Israel's operation in Gaza and there now appears to be widespread support for Mr Erdogan's actions in Davos.


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by Turkish Coffee (not verified) on

a few brave men who do not kiss a** like Turkish PM can make a lot of changes in the controlled media of the world. As I said before, Iran must become friendly with all neighbors and start a campaign against world media's bias.

The issue is not Zionism. What matter is why should world press be controlled by the Zionists and if you confront them they will crash the market, bankrupt companies and send Madoff to rip you off.


Erdogan! What took you so long to speak up!

by Kurush (not verified) on

The Turks are finally waking up from their long slumber which the Westerners put upon them. Turkey is not a Western country, but has been a stooge of the Western countries, allowing the NATO & Americans to carry out operations against neighbouring countries from its Moslem soil. Moreover, Turkey has long history of warfare against the West. It was the Ottoman Turks who, when the Western crusaders failed to save their proxy, the Kingdom of Jerusalem, (Israel is a resurrection of the same proxy), went on the offensive and for 500 years stationed their massive forces in the heart of Europe and kept a stern eye upon the whole of Europe. In 1681 it laid siege upon Vienna and nearly took the city. Slowly but surely, Turkey is waking up, and, with a natural alliance with Iran, will kick out again the Western crusading armies and their proxy, Israel, out of the Moslem hearland. Mr Erdogn, now you are a hero for the whole of Moslem world for speaking up to the Western fascists and their poodle proxy.


it is about time

by shirazie (not verified) on

Bravo to our Turkish brothers..

may be Mr. Erdogan will be the 2nd coming of Ataturk. He realizes that the Turks are Asians / Mideastern not Europeans want to be

This whole Turkey is European / western stuff was a smoke screen by Austro Hungarian empire that wanted to break up of the Ottman Empire. they were successful then and it led to murder of 1 million Muslims on the European soil 1890's to 1917.

Last the region saw peace when Turkey ran western Islamic Empire and Persia ran the Western part.

Hamid Y. Javanbakht


by Hamid Y. Javanbakht on

We are originally from the same river, we separated somewhere, braided elsewhere, no we have learned the alchemy of a false dialectic, someday they will thank us, like mirrors we magnified their ignorance to polarize the orchestra, and from the cacophonious burst of their reactiveness, new elements will be created, something which couldn't have existed without their multiple charges.

Darius Kadivar

Some Even want to Discredit Ataturk as a Jewish FreeMason ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Now even Neo Nazi Revisionists are trying to discredit Attaturk by linking him to Judaism and Freemasonry


Did you notice that Extremists worldwide have United Colors ! Just Like Benneton !



Terrible Translation

by sadroups (not verified) on

Turkey could have provided a better translator to make their ponit better.

Darius Kadivar

Thats because Erdogan has Alzheimers ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on



جيمي كارتر (not verified)

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