A Privilege Long Forgotten

Though voting options may be limited, there are still options


A Privilege Long Forgotten
by MitraYazdi

A vote; an amazing right capable of extraordinary change. Where a vote used to stand as something worth fighting for, we now see the great degree to which some people have lost sight of this fact. This power and control is a privilege taken for granted. How long ago it now seems that the forefathers of the United States waged a revolutionary war to declare their freedom from Great Britain and give the choice of government back to the people. How long ago it now seems that women marched the streets in demand of the rights of suffrage. How long ago it now seems that people of all different colors banded together to achieve their rights as equal citizens in the selection of their government.

But the truth is, that it was not so long ago. These events did not transpire in an age of dinosaurs or cavemen, they were merely generations before us. Yet, how do we repay these brave souls who fought to earn us the fundamental right of a say in society? Do we cherish our right to vote? Do we rejoice at how lucky we may be to have such opportunity? Few do. When election days rolls around, most of us, rather than excitement in the ability to take part in our government, view it as an obligatory chore.

As the Iranian presidential election rises on the horizon, many Iranian citizens find themselves not debating over which candidate to vote for, but whether to vote at all. In a state where many rights are forbidden, I find it surprising to believe anyone would turn down such a direct form of choice. Though their voting options may be limited, there are still options.

Many people have this idea that their vote is simply one of many with no effect on any outcomes whatsoever. This is a disappointment. If every person were to decide their vote made no difference, then democracy, in essence would be incapable of implementation. It is the power of singular votes which come together to form a majority; majorities do not spontaneously happen on their own.

The most prominent appeal of voting is to make our voices and opinions heard. We find candidates who seem capable of appeasing us, and through their contributions in office, shape our government. Every election has candidates of variety, though sometimes that variety may not be as abundant as we would hope. But still there is a variety, and every small step towards a change, is still a step.

Though people say that the candidates in the running for the Iranian presidency are all equally unjust or un-ideal, there are still differences among them. Preferences can still be made between different candidates, because each little bit of change brought to the table can eventually lead to big changes, or at least improve conditions subtly. Some of the people who are refusing to vote are the same ones who sit and talk of changing the Iranian government. They spend time and effort writing articles and fighting to make a difference in the country they once called home, but when that chance comes knocking on their doors in the simple form of a ballot they turn it down with excuses that they refuse to support the government they oppose, or that their votes would be pointless. Perhaps their votes put together could make some difference in their government, even if small, that their articles, etc., have not yet been able to.

Not to dismiss the significance of these persons honorable works, but as of yet, no significant change has been seen in the governing of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and these works have been simply shrugged off or blocked out by those in power. Perhaps with slow or small changes through the selection of more liberal candidates, we could reshape and reform the face of our nation.

In the end, every vote counts. Realizing how lucky we are to have this freedom of choice, this right of selection, is key to filling up our polling stations and forwarding the progress of our government. As the first to hold a right in such democracy, the ancient Greeks had a good word for those who chose to ignore their right of participation in government: idiot.




by capt_ayhab on

After being here in this site for few weeks now, and having the privilege of knowing some truly progressive, fair, eloquent, and patriotic people through their writings and comments I am yet see one who is as delusional, bad mouth, arrogant, abrasive, pathologically lair than this Jaleho character. And I am being quite honest about this.

For someone to be so dense, ignorant to call the monstrous illiterate Akhunds in Iran democratic, who have bestowed this shame called election[more like eradication] upon people of Iran is astonishingly amazing.

Political polarity aside, where is the intellect? morality? and objectiveness in calling bunch of [Ammameh besar criminal] who call themselves leaders, who have given Iranian people nothing but misery, death, suppression, war, economic chaos, prison full of innocent political prisoners, 1000's upon 1000's of rape, murder, kidnappings a true representative of nation and democratic leaders.

What is the priority here? Criminial entity called Islamic Repulic, or a suppressed but PROUD nation that is called IRAN?




Dejas vu, JalehO

by getting tired of this (not verified) on

Lambasting people with from a position of power is something Zion did -- her position of power we know, and yours is all the people who will vote of Ahmadinejad. Yes, I'm sure lots and lots of people will vote for him -- yes, he will probably win. You take that as your own personal platform of power, like your own personal victory, from which you offend and insult. And you rub people's face in the fact that no matter what they say you have the staying power to come back and lambast some more. Also a Zion tactic.


Your Confidence is Baseless!

by LalehGillani on

Jaleho wrote: “you belong to an insignificant fringe of Iranian people whose voice has become worthless in comparison to millions of Iranians who will elect one of the people that you badmouth, while majority of Iranians respect and will elect them in LARGE NUMBERS.”

If you and the mullahs in Iran are so confident about the popularity of the regime amongst the masses, have a transparent election whose validity is easily verifiable.

Politics in Iran isn’t determined at the ballot boxes, at the end of a debate, or by public polls and opinions. Iranian politics is decided at the end of the barrel of a gun.

The fact that elections in Iran are controlled by thugs is proof enough that IRI can’t last one day without holding that gun in our faces.

In other words, give people breathing room and watch your beloved regime crumble!


Sheeshaki & Others

by Anonymous111 on

why do you even bother responding or validating this hezbollahi nut job Jaleho?  She is universally despised on this site.  her only fans are a couple of other hezbollahis like her.  she thinks that she can get away with insulting and intimidating people on this site like her buddies do in Iran to silence the opposition.  we are fortunate, however, in that unlike Iranians inside Iran who actually have to pay attention to these worthless pieces of ...., we can just ignore them. 

Keyvan Talebi

Sheeshaki & All Others Re Jaleho's lack of manners

by Keyvan Talebi on

This Jaleho character has no idea what she is talking about. All her arguments are based on twisting the truth, character assassination and outright lies as you see below. Its pure unadulterated evil by a shameless IRI supporter who actually dares to argue that the IRI is a "democracy". She is all about propaganda in favor of the Islamist regime and nothing else.

Please see a comment to her by our own Party Girl regarding her character, it is very relevant to what she is trying to do here. Every time she starts regurgitating her shameless support for the IRI with her arrogant attitude, she should be reminded of what Party Girl wrote to her.

Dear Jaleho
by Party Girl on Wed Oct 22, 2008 06:46 PM PDT

Are you addressing me when you say "Self-disrespecting Iranian expats?"

I not only respect myself, I respect almost all Iranians whether they live inside or outside of Iran. I respect you, too, even though you clearly don't respect me.

In your fervor to be contrary and to have the last word on everything, you often sound so angry and disrespectful yourself. Honestly, your defense for IRI's at best questionable nuclear "achievements" leaves a lot to be desired for respect for other people's intelligence. Your reasoning that these pigeons' capturers "safeguard Iran's nuclear achievements and possibly lives of thousands of Iranians near Natanz facility" is one of the most ridiculous and unpatriotic things I have ever heard! Come on, you could do better than that!

Who is endangering the lives of thousands of Iranians near Natanz facility? Who has systematically planned and implemented human shields around all Iranian nuclear facilities through encouragement of construction development around areas inherently dangerous to populate, in order to increase the costs of a possible attack on those facilities? Who has cared nothing about those lives, treating them as disposable for the good of the cause? The IRI has, that's who. Nowhere in the world are nuclear plants operated in densely populated areas. Even if there are no attacks on those facilities, the risk of a malfunction causing human catastrophes is so great, no prudent government would ever attempt it, unless they cared NOTHING about human lives or if those very lives were used as "insurance."

And after taking such reckless risks with those people's lives, the IRI looks to capture and neutralize PIGEONS?!! This is the extent of their caring for those lives?!! This is the embodiment of their vigilance? And this isnot only acceptable, but commendable by you? This satisfies you? Oh My God! That is really lame, Jaleho!

You may read a lot, Jaleho, and you may know a lot, but no amount of knowledge and reading can ever justify arrogance of the caliber you dish out to others in encouraging them to "educate" themselves.

May I suggest that you learn and educate yourself on some basic manners, then? Have you ever heard of the word "solook?" Do you know that in order to be a member of any community and to be respected, you need to show goodwill and respect towards other members of that community? There is absolutely nothing wrong in disagreeing with others. You say your piece and others would say theirs, too. But to use language which is disrespectful of and insulting to others cannot possibly achieve "education" for them, can it? You need to learn some solook my friend.

My father taught me an important lesson in life. He taught me that a thousand friends are too few and even one enemy is too many. You are an obviously educated, intelligent, well-read, and interesting Iranian. I am convinced if you only improve your human interfaces a little, you will be dynamite! Best of luck to you.



by KouroshS on

Consult a credible source please before you unleash your thought in here. I did not use the term sheep. that is the creation of your mind. Things like that DO HAPPEN wherther you wnat to accept it or not. So no generalization on my part.

The Normal people around the also see the level of Bias and anger and sadism and silliness in calling the supposedly in the minority people's voices, as insignificant barking. That is downright rude and impolite of you jaleho, The majority believes whatever the hell it is they do, Putting down the minority is nothing less than living in a police-state and a dicatatorship.

You are in no position in passing judgment on what i or anyone else says, as being meaninful or not. You have had your share of nonsense on this site and you are still going at it as i can see, with no degree of shame whatsoever. You calling me a pathetic reinforces one notion and only one, that IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE. Now i know for sure that you are racist and an angery person.

You worry too much about my personal affairs and likings and i really, really, do not appreciated that. Please don't make me come down to your level, the outcome will not please you, You brave girl sitting behind your PC typping about your support for crime.



getting tired of this, beccasue

by Jaleho on

....the venom directed at millions of people by some self-important loudmouths DOES make you tired. Soon the wishes of Iranian people will be out and I guess we have to respect that. And as you have correctly observed, I don't care to represent my opinion in a crowd pleasing fashion. Clear and honest is good enough for me.



Sheeshaki, maybe you don't respect people

by Jaleho on

in Iran and around the world, as you generalize them like sheep; idiots who are being bought by cash and few kilos of potato!

The normal people around the world though, listen to the collective voice of millions, and disregard insignificant barking in the background.

If you have something meaningful to say, and you think that beside a pathetic few, there are many people who think like you, go ahead and translate it into a LARGE VOTE THAT WOULD COUNT, or a revolution that would make that voice count. Iranian masses have done both.

Or else, go grow some potato if you think that's your salvation.


JalehO why all this venom?

by getting tired of this (not verified) on

Regardless of who wins the election in Iran, or whether there is democracy in Iran, or any other point you're trying to make... don't you see how you discredit yourself by attacking others? Why do you call another contributor worthless and that sort of thing? Don't you get tired of attacking people who do not attack you in any way?

Sometimes you act exactly like that Zion character we almost all unanimously despise. Do you really intend to act like this?

And we won't even talk about nonsense such as how we have been granted freedom and that sort of thing. Are you crazy?


Wow. How elegant

by KouroshS on

In other words JAleho, in zaboone bi zabooni is saying that be thankful that we are giving you this limited, half-assed, chance to speak out your voice, and that we are letting you be heard based on your freedome of speech but you-are-going-to-jail-after-you are done.

Disconnected and worthless in a real sense in some one who belittles and demeans another person, by showing utmost and deplorable rage and anger, as to how insignificant one's opinion is, This is the ultimate, shameless display of one's ignorance and prejudice. One speaks of a majority that has been gathered by passing Fruits and grocery bags during campaigns and meeting where their votes and support were basically bought. Oh, not to mention cold hard cash. That is how they build majority around the world these days! that is how make their opinion count.


jaleho... Are you dilusional agaaaain friend

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

Where do you get your info from???? majority of iranian will elect those people??? Are you really in touch with reality..Are you talking about few minority from qom or those whom are making fortune because of this racist governement?? or the very poor who have been lied to??? Aziz, I suggest you do tour in Iran, get intouch with your roots and see how many of us hate your Shia government. I suggest you start with western part and make your way down....You make me laugh...


Smartass The very fact

by KouroshS on


The very fact that you do not live in iran and all the information that you have is based solely on what you get from family and friends here and there, cuz let's face it i doubt if they bother to give you the most accurate and up-to-the-minute information on what exactly happened that day or even that week in terms of killings. So you really and truly can not and should not put everyonen down for not coming up with facts, the facts i might add that would only convince you and the facts that should only look pleasing and acceptable t you,  since everyone else is convinced with evidence is already at hand and need not hear anymore.

You have this notion that yeah some kinda rivalry went on during the early days and some got killed from both sides and supposedly there were no people involved in it. You don't know for sure. It is like you trying so hard to distant yourself from the reality and have created your own reality and on that basis you think every other assertion to the contrary are nothing but Exaggerations. Well, My friend, Crime is a crime. It does not matter if it happened in the millions or the thousands or even in tens. You or no one else has the right to set a series of standards by which facts presented by others ought to be measuredas what they really are or far from the truth and the image that you happen to have in your head.

What does it "seem" to you that this man is a mentally retarded is really beyond any sane's person's mind. Why do you say that? Was he retarded prior being jailed or did it happen because of all the crap and beatings that he received, all the blows to his head? And if it had already been established that he was one, why would they want to jail him to begin with? They just felt like throwing himin there right? just for the hell of it i suppose. Finish reading the entire statement that was put out by a reutable international organization and see what really went on. It so deluded of you to justify the chain killings and murders as a KGB vs CIA conforntation. That is really shameful.

So acccording to you all bloggers in iran who happen to state and opinion are delusional and imagine things and so they way to deal with them is to haul them away and toss them into jails and thenlet them rot to death without any decent medical supervision? A mentally retarded or ill person can not be HALF-EDUCATED they usually use that term to describe these poor souls because of their lack of capacity to be educated in normal ways. Can You tell then why they garner the support that they do if what they have to say is based on the things that comes into their imagination's and not nobody else's.  You are right. They do need help and SUPPORT.

Bahais have never been struggling for having access to the most freaking basic rights in a society that an individual has. They never formed gatherings to decry the fact that they are being denied access to higher education and to being expelled in some cases. IT has EVERYTHING to do with the government and Absolutely NOTHING with the bad education of iranians. Since they receive great and solid support from their miuslim friends. Are you denying that too? IS that another case of mental retardation ?

IF they are not going to be accepted widely in iran for another 300 years, It is because of the prejudice and discrimation towards them that is silently and covertly forced on them by people who share this mentality. And Yes in cases like these, sometimes using violence and force ONLY TO  A REASONABLE EXTENT, is absolutely justified.

We are seeing things in their proper perspective as we witness that that countries around us are doing so much better in terms of social and economic freedom. the same goes for US and europe. That is what really matters right now, Their people live with much more control over their lives and without the fear of being micro managed by their respected governments. So guess what Bro, You are the one who needs to take off the glasses and quit with propaganda and rhetorics.



Leleh Gilani, of course you are ONE

by Jaleho on

of Iranian people. But, your type are disconnected from what goes on inside Iran, and thus your opinion is so unimportant that it won't be even reflected in the outcome of Iranian election.

That is, you belong to an insignificant fringe of Iranian people whose voice has become worthless in camparison to millions of Iranians who will elect one of the people that you badmouth ,while majority of Iranians respect and will elect them in LARGE NUMBERS.

That should not discourage you from expressing your opinion of course, thanks to present regime and Iranian revolution, you were granted that right. The Iranian important majority who bestowed you that right, will excersice it themselves. You can either use it, or continue to whine, they'll go on and  won't wait for you to thank them.


Who Are Iranian “People?”

by LalehGillani on

Smartass wrote: “Some people also got caught in the "cross-fire." Some people also took side, mostly not really knowing what they were doing, and got killed, etc… No "people" was ever involved.”

So were there “people” involved or not? You seem confused, not being able to make up your mind whether they were “people” or not.

For someone who claims to have a level head, calls the rest of us “mentally retarded” and rejoices at the news of bloggers arrested, you are trapped in a dilemma: “People” who dared to voice opposition to the previous regime or the current one are “people” when you describe them but all of sudden lose their status as “people” when others write about them.

Let me help you to define and understand who “people” are in Iran: All citizens of our country constitute “people” of Iran. Yes, even IRI supporters are part of our people whether we like it or not. And yes, even you, Smartass, are part of the “people” of Iran.

Does it bother you to share your status of “people” with the rest of us? Have I touched a nerve in your arrogance and self righteousness? So please don’t rejoice at the news of our loved ones’ imprisonment and death. By doing so, you laid your soul naked, exposing your utter disregard for human life…



by ThePope on

"If Iran is a republic, then so is the Vatican, North Korea, Baathist
Iraq, the USSR, and many other such ridiculous governments that have no
business being around in the 21st century.

Fair jaan
The goverment of Vatican is an absolute monarchy/non-hereditary. 
(shhhhh,,, not a theocracy like IRI!!! ;-)
Ooooppssss, sorry! I mean a theocratic republic (deen saalaari...).


hamsade ghadimi

odd thing about this article...

by hamsade ghadimi on

this article seems to be a high school essay on american voting and politics.  midway through, some references are inserted about iranian politics.  the title is also amusing "a privilege long forgotten."  forgotten since when?  by whom?  the voting turnout hs been extraordinary perhaps with the exception of last election.  there've been only 4 presidents (s)elected so far.  and would the establishment which seems proud of ahmadinejad's stance on the nuke and israel issues let him be the only president not chosen two times?  come to think of it, the article seems as genuine as the election.



by Parham on

So you're saying it's not even a republic. I see...


یادتان هست ?

1 hamvatan (not verified)

میرحسین موسوی چنان شش دانگ خیالش از وفاداری این جماعت هراس زده راحت است که احدی را پاسخگو نیست و خود را یکه تاز صاحب اختیار همه ی مخالفان احمدی نژاد می داند. او مرکب خود را با اجازه و بی اجازه به هر سرایی که می خواهد، می راند و علنا با فعل و گفته ی خود خط و نشان می کشد که: همین است که هست. می خواهید بخواهید، می خواهید نخواهید اما آقای موسوی درب سرای ما بر روی شما بسته است. یابوی پیر شما در میان گوزنهای این جنگل جایی نست. به شما این اجازه را نمی دهیم سرود دل خستگان به بستر خون تازه خفته را مصادره کرده و در بزم و عیشتان با هراس آلودگان از آن استفاده کنید.

یادتان می آید دادگاه های چند دقیقه ای و اعدامهای دسته جمعی را؟
یادتان می آید برادر زخمی را بر دوش برادر چگونه در مقابل جوخه ی اعدام می گذاشتید؟
یادتان هست تا شبی ٣٨۰ تیر خلاص شمردن زندانیان سیاسی را؟
یادتان هست گفته ی علمایتان را که دختران باکره به بهشت می روند؟
یادتان هست که شما مصمم بودید که دشمنانتان را از بهشت محروم کنید و به جهنم بفرستید؟ یادتان هست تجاوز به دختران جوان را برای برداشتن بکارت و محروم کردن از بهشت؟
یادتان هست که اعدام دختران مبارز چپ جوان را یک ساعت پس از تجاوز برادران شما انجام می شد؟
یادتان هست رفتن به درب منزل اعدامی و تحویل دادن ساک زندانی را؟
یادتان هست که خانواده ها از دیدن ساک عزیزشان چگونه در هم می شکستند؟
یادتان هست بردن جعبه ی شیرینی و پنجاه تومان پول به درب خانه ی دختران چپ اعدام شده را؟ یادتان هست به مادران داغ دیده شرینی ازدواج دختر اعدامی را می دادید و پنچاه تومان مهریه دختر اعدام شده را کف دست مادری می گذاشتید که دستش همچون مردگان خشک شده بود؟
یادتان هست؟


It's only in your head, people

by SmartAss (not verified) on

Right after the 1979 "revolution" there were fights and killings. The way I remember it the MKO killed a bunch of mullahs by bombing, etc. Then the mullahs or whoever killed a whole bunch of them. Some people also got caught in the "cross-fire." Some people also took side, mostly not really knowing what they were doing, and got killed, etc. The MKO then went to Iraq eventually and backed by CIA/MOSAD conglamorate attacked and killed mullah people. The mullahs got mad and killed a bunch of them. That was pretty much it. That's the actual truth or as close as we can get to truth without hype. No "people" was ever involved.

I look at the link "LalehGillani" provides and if we assume that these names are real, etc, I still see even in her "evidence" that almost all these people were MKO and some other commie groups. Of course, like I mentioned, there were also some people caught in cross-fire, or did take sides or were victimized by unknown reasons. Let's face it I am not trying to say the regime is an angel or saint and I am not even saying it is a good regime. I am just saying it is NOT nearly as bad as you claim at ALL. All I want is facts and near facts. All I am asking is to stop exaggerating things to a point of insanity. I am not saying nobody died or nobody was supressed. Heck I am not living in Iran for the fact that I don't like it there. But I don't lie about the situation. I tell it as it is or was, as truthfully as I can. And that's all I am asking for.

Parham provide a link that show one person in prison, who seems to me is a mentally retarded person. I can't figure out at all why he needs to be fighting the government. What is he exactly trying to do? I don't think anybody really knows.

"Still Voting in North Korea" makes some comments that are hard for me to understand. The only thing I can respond to is that I base my conclusions on what I hear from relatives, friends, sometimes news agencies, this site, etc. You seem to want to discredit my sources but you are not actually disagreeing with what I say. So I am not sure what you are trying to do or say.

"LalehGillani" later seem to change her statements a little although she still uses misleading words like "massacre" and "chain killings" (MKO wordings) to describe the same CIA-KGB fight that I explained earlier and tries to make it look like since 1979 there is a running river of blood everywhere in Iran. It is just not true. Not even vaguely resembling the actual conditions. So again, I am not saying things are great. I am just asking to please state the truth or stay somwehere near the vicinity of truth. Don't go so far away from it. It's insane.

Here and there some "blogger" has been arrested. I say great! They should be arrested. These are the same type of people who fought Shah and with the help of KGB and Mosad spread extremely exaggerated falsehood about conditions to Iranians and helped start the "revolution" which destroyed Iran almost completely. They are at it again. These are half-educated individuals who seem to suffer from some sort of mental illness and imagine things that are not real and see threats and dangers that nobody else sees. They need help.

And as for Bahai, their problem did NOT start with this regime. they have been struggling for over a 100 years since their inception. And no matter what you may think, they will be struggling for a very long time and it has NOTHING to do with GOVERNMENT, it is the PEOPLE in Iran who have the bad education now. Yes, it was given to them by the mullahs but then what are you asking? How do you think this will resolve? by US intervention? By starting a violent revolution? Let' sface it Bahai will not be accepted in Iran widely for at least another 300 years even if MKO takes over the regime tomorrow.

In addition to all this, you have to put things in perspective. otherwise you will only see blackness and death. You have to look at neighboring countries. Are they doing any better? How about Europeans and Americans? Are they living in a eutopia? You can't just put all focus and atention on one negative issue, put a trillion pound magnifying glass on it and say that is the only thing that exists! Itis simply a lie.

Telll he truth people. Stop making up stories so that you can have some attention or fame or power or whatever.

don't do it!


Definition of a republic

by Fair on

according to the Merriam Webster dictionary:

Main Entry: re·pub·lic Pronunciation:

Function: noun Etymology: French république, from Middle French republique, from Latin respublica, from res thing, wealth + publica, feminine of publicus public Date: 1604

: a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president
: a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government

a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens
entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and
representatives responsible to them and governing according to law

: a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government
c: a usually specified republic government of a political unit <the French Fourth Republic>

: a body of persons freely engaged in a specified activity <the republic of letters>

:a constituent political and territorial unit of the former nations of
Czechoslovakia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or Yugoslavia



The supreme power in Iran lies in the hands of an unelected official. The power is exercised by officials who are not responsible to the people, but to Islam and the clergy's interpretation of it.

If Iran is a republic, then so is the Vatican, North Korea, Baathist Iraq, the USSR, and many other such ridiculous governments that have no business being around in the 21st century. The concept of republic is a moot one at that point as it means nothing.

It is really not that complicated, and there is no need for a self proclaimed expert to "educate" us and have us listen to them. Read and decide for yourself. That is the first step to a better tomorrow for Iran.




Evidence of IRI's Crimes

by Armeen (not verified) on

Those IRI's supporters who stubbornly deny the IRI's crimes against Iranian people have nothing but a simple Google search to shed light on the crimes committed by their regime. The scape of crimes committed by the psychopath like Staline, hitler, Pol Pot, and Khomeini is so enormous that it cannot be denied--even Mosavi the PM of the first decade of the IRI has never officially denied the mass purges of 1988.

No IRI's full-job hired apologist on this site like Q, Abarmard, Irandokht, with a few grammes of brain, can deny the crimes, no lobby group of CASMII and NIAC has officially denied the crimes. Only those who belong to a bunch of brainless Islamist thugs can stubbornly baptise the IRI'crimes "God's justice".


The Enemy within…

by LalehGillani on

SmartAss wrote: “The murder, war, fight, oppression you talk about was NOT a fight between people and government - it was a fight between Russian inspired groups and the CIA backed groups. Russians (you guys) lost badly… According to what you say we should be able to just walk around in Iran and hear their names.”

The crimes of IRI aren’t limited to the massacres of 1988. There have been chain killings throughout 1990’s.

There is no freedom of speech and press in Iran. The access to the internet is monitored and is largely blocked by filters. Bloggers are arrested and imprisoned. One of the latest victims of mullahs’ oppression is Omidreza Mirsayafi who was murdered in Evin prison.

When visiting Tehran, go to see Omidreza Mirsayafi in Behesht Zahar cemetery. You will find his family members congregating around his grave, mourning the loss of their son. Talk to them about this beautiful, brave, and young light that was extinguished so cruelly and nonchalantly.

When visiting Tehran, go to Khavaran on a Friday night. You will find ordinary families from all walks of life holding memorials to sooth their grief. The victims of these crimes perpetrated by IRI thugs were innocent children and young adults arrested for political affiliation to MKO and Fadaian Khalgh. They were tried in closed courts without attorneys and murdered according to Islamic laws.

Bahá'í believers are persecuted and discriminated against on a daily basis. Their names and addresses are published to warn Muslims from affiliating with them. I have a 32 page pdf document to prove this.

Iranians are fighting a murderous, corrupt, Islamic regime! The enemy is within…



by Mehrban on

The point is that many of the ones who do vote are doing so with no illusions. So, turn out at voting booths is not necessarily a direct measure of the people's support of the regime.  Under totalitarian regimes people do many things out of fear or an instinct for survival. 

My initial point was actually directed to the premis of this article and not your comment but now that you have brought it up.....

I also totally disagree with you and Get real that the people of Iran are somehow sub par, given what this nation has suffered it is a miracle that it is still standing so please do not belittle Iranians.  Ruling minorities have always done enough of that.


Get real

by Parham on

So are you saying you're proud of that? (I'm only asking!)



by Still Voting in North Korea (not verified) on

You claim that all conflict in Iran is between the commies and the CIA. You don't think Iranians have the capacity to disagree, go to the streets, put their lives at risk, die for what they believe?

You say that "I don't know of even ONE person who was killed or tortured or persecuted anywhere in the family, friends, even friends of friends." Are you basing your conclusion on your lack of knowledge then.

You say: "Hundreds of thousands of Iranian have been traveling back and forth to Iran. They don't seem to see the rivers of blood you are seeing." Did you actually talk to these people or conducted mail surveys, telephone interviews and such. What kind of logical argument is that?


To : Get real - Exactly and I could 've never said it better

by Bavafa on




SmartAss and Shaghayegh

by Parham on

So are you saying this is in LalehGillani's head?

So if you're saying it's not a democracy, why are you defending it like it is one? I mean, we all know it's a republic, so what's your point?


اسامی قربانيان کشتار زندانيان سياسی در سال ۶۷


Smartass wrote: “I guess that's where we are different because personally I don't know of even ONE person who was killed or tortured or persecuted anywhere in the family, friends, even friends of friends. In fact i can't even find them by Googling.”

You can’t even find one name? Oh, really? How about here?



LalehGillani: As I said commie claims

by SmartAss (not verified) on

The murder, war, fight, oppression you talk about was NOT a fight between people and government - it was a fight between Russian inspired groups and the CIA backed groups. Russians (you guys) lost badly. I am sorry about that. But I think you need to move on. It was a bad decision to pick that fight to begin with. Not because the CIA side was better but because it was a bad strategy. Quit trying to prove you were right.

I guess that's where we are different because personally I don't know of even ONE person who was killed or tortured or persecuted anywhere in the family, friends, even friends of friends. In fact i can't even find them by Googling. The only people I find are members of MKO and similar groups plus a few misguided individuals who want fame, martyrs status, hero reputation or are fighting a war long lost (Avenge the fallen comrade, is it?).

Hundreds of thousands of Iranian have been traveling back and forth to Iran. They don't seem to see the rivers of blood you are seeing. Could it be it is all in your imagination, due to the piled up hatred you have and a desire to get revenge for the losers, I mean the fallen comrades? Get real. Say something vaguely resembling the truth and the actual situation in Iran. Where do you see this "oppression" and "bloodshed?" Have those "scholars" finally been able to come up with some names or something? Is it that hard to find out who was murdered? According to what you say we should be able to just walk around in Iran and hear their names. Isn't it like millions who were murdered? What is the number anyway? I think you get the idea, don't you? It's all in your head!


Abroad, contrary to inside

by Fed up with mullahs (not verified) on

Abroad, contrary to inside and more efficient than the killing machinery, nothing better sums up the interests and safeguard of mullahs' regime than these apologists. Through a full-job propaganda, IRIs lobby groups spread the idea that any help-expectation of Iranians from the international community is mechanically a synonym and labeling for treachery to the father land. False, the main enemy of Iranians is the Mullahs' regime and their traitor apologists. An international intervention is morally and patriotically allowed when the totalitarian IRI brutally suffocates any protest voice.

In the course of history a number of countries have been released with the help of outsiders. The last and successful examples are Germany freed from fascism in 1945.Thailand freed from Pol Pot in 1978. Why the people of Iran cannot be freed with the help of international community from the the bloody yoke of Mullahs?