No Rest or Peace

Why does the international media focus so much macabre interest in the dying moments of an Iranian woman?


No Rest or Peace
by Reza Esfandiari & Yousef Bozorgmehr

The ruthless exploitation of the death of Neda for political purposes is an egregious example of a propaganda war being waged by the enemies of Iran – everyone should be concerned, however, since the manipulation of the media and public opinion is a feature of domestic news coverage in the West as much as it is of reporting on a Middle Eastern state, notes Reza Esfandiari and Yousef Bozorgmehr.

The tragic death of Miss Neda Agha-Soltan continues to reverberate five months after her shooting in Tehran. Documentaries have been made about it on British and American television and a scholarship has been awarded by no less than Oxford University in her honour. The pertinent question that needs to be asked is: why?

Why does the international media focus so much macabre interest in the dying moments of an Iranian woman? Why is there is such callous disregard for her right to privacy that her death should be viewed all over the world on Youtube and Twitter?

The answer, of course, is simple: Neda’s murder has been scurrilously exploited by those who seek to put a beautiful name and face to the “struggle for freedom” in Iran. These same people have decided to posthumously call her the “Angel of Freedom [1].”

Miss Agha-Soltan, it should be remembered, was not shot while in the act of any demonstration – the incident happened in a side street at least a kilometre away from where the protests were occurring. Moreover, the unassuming young woman was neither a political activist nor had any affiliation to a civic organisation. She was a student of Islamic philosophy with musical interests and who had a desire to become a tour guide.

If she intended to take part in any protest, she was certainly not any different from the hundreds of thousands who also did. And, unlike some of the more riotous elements among the demonstrators who also lost their lives, Neda did absolutely nothing to provoke any hostility from the security forces, let alone being shot at. She was a threat to none.

Yet we now have begun to hear that she was a high-profile “natural leader” [2] of the protest movement, “committed to the overthrow of Ahmadinejad” whom the Iranian regime had every reason to fear. And if that isn’t enough, she was determined not allow Iran to suffer the fate of a “tyranny worse than that of the Arab and Mongol” invaders of the past [3]. We are also told how she was prepared to be “shot through the heart” [4] in her pursuit of “freedom and democracy for the Iranian people”.

Of course, all of this is utter nonsense that only the most naive of individuals cannot see through. There are several points that the “investigative documentaries” failed to account for or delve into in any way.

A letter sent by the Iranian embassy in the UK to the Provost of Queen’s college [5], which has awarded the Neda scholarship sponsored by an undisclosed British citizen, correctly states that Neda had a high-resolution camera trained on her for a full 20 minutes before the incident took place – this, along with other important observations [6], does give the appearance of it being a pre-rehearsed and staged scenario.

The letter goes on to the mention the fact that Dr Arash Hejazi, a publishing student and medical doctor at Oxford Brookes university, had arrived only two days prior to Neda’s death and left the day after anxious to tell the story to the British media of an innocent woman being shot by a Baseej militiaman – this despite the fact that the Baseej never ever carry firearms outside of military compounds (they use sticks, chains and other household items).

The media has since accepted his testimony uncritically, in particular Times of London correspondent Martin Fletcher, who has been nothing short of an obsessed anti-regime propagandist in the wake of the June election. Indeed, Dr Hejazi changed his story early on – he had initially claimed that the assailant was a rooftop sharpshooter [7], but later said that Neda was shot by a man on a motorcycle [8].

Anyone with even a measure of circumspection would be suspicious of Dr Hejazi’s actions and motives as well as his possible involvement with British intelligence which regularly approaches Iranian students and residents in the UK to serve as informers in Iran. Yet, he is hailed as the “man who heroically tried to save” a bleeding Neda (although there is very little to show for it).

The stolen/lost ID card of a certain Abbas Kargar Javid, posted on the Web with the intention of inviting vigilante-like retribution [9], and the video of a semi-naked man being accosted by demonstrators [10] prove absolutely nothing. There is nothing that links any member of the Baseej force with the murder of Neda. These two pieces of “evidence” were both produced after several months had passed, indicating that they were most likely dug up among the myriad of video footage and documents from the days of the unrest. Moreover, other witnesses present at the scene deny that there was any security presence.

It is inconceivable that an Islamic regime which understands the power of martyrdom in its own culture would sanction the cold-blooded murder of an innocent and ordinary young woman on the streets of Tehran.

However it is every bit conceivable that those who thought the opposition movement needed a symbol and icon of resistance – recipients and supporters no doubt of a $400m CIA-backed destabilization program for Iran [11] - would have arranged this horrible murder and try and pin it on the Iranian authorities.

It is especially salient that the British TV station, Channel 4, whose investigative “Dispatches” program had exposed that policewoman Yvonne Fletcher had not in fact been killed by Libyan diplomats but by underworld operatives linked to the American Government [12], would be so compliant with the official version.

The appalling and brutal murder of an Egyptian woman, Marwa El-Sherbini, in a German courtroom in July of this year has – just a matter of weeks after Neda’s death - has largely been ignored even though it is one of the worst racially-motivated and Islamophobic killings in recent times. Will Mrs Sherbini, “the headscarf martyr”, be honoured in any way by a German university or have films made in commemoration of her? Of course not.

The ruthless exploitation of the death of Neda for political purposes is an egregious example of a propaganda war being waged by the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran – everyone should be concerned, however, since the manipulation of the media and public opinion is a feature of domestic news coverage in the West as much as it is of reporting on a Middle Eastern state.

Reza Esfandiari and Yousef Bozorgmehr can be reached at:


[1] Fox News: Iran's 'Angel of Freedom' Neda Soltan Vowed to Protest Against Injustice

[2] The Guardian: Exclusive: Boyfriend speaks of his love for Neda Agha Soltan, murdered Iranian protester

[3] Neda's Voice: In memoriam: Neda

[4] Telegraph: Iranian killed in protest was willing to be 'shot in heart'

[5] Iranian embassy letter complaining about Oxford's Neda fund

[6] killed Neda?

[7] Irish Times: How a young student became the face of Iran's struggle

[8] BBC: Iran doctor tells of Neda's death

[9] Times: The face of Abbas Kargar Javid — man accused of killing Neda Soltan

[10] YouTube: Neda's Killer confronted video

[11] YouTube: CIA, Iran and the Election Riots




Islamic Idiots of Iran & NEDA

by Bahramerad on

كشف معمای قتل ندا در نمایش امروز تنی چند از دانشجویان رشته تئاتر دانشگاه‌های تهران با برگزاری نمایشی در جریان تجمع مقابل سفارت انگلستان در تهران، صحنه قتل ندا آقاسلطان را از نگاه خود به تصویر كشیدند. به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، دانشجویان عضو اتحادیه‌های دانشجویی عصر امروز مقابل سفارت انگلیس تجمع كردند و خواستار تحویل آرش حجازی قاتل ندا آقاسلطان به ایران جهت محاكمه وی در دادگاه صالحه شدند. در این تجمع چند تن از دانشجویان هنر صحنه واقعی! قتل ندا آقاسلطان را به نمایش درآوردند. در ابتدای این تئاتر خیابانی یكی از دانشجویان به عنوان مجری شبكه bbc فارسی به ایفای نقش پرداخت. سپس یكی دیگر از دانشجویان در نقش مامور سازمان جاسوسی انگلیس MI6 ماموریت آرش حجازی برای قتل ندا آقا سلطان را تشریح كرد.وی با دادن مبالغ،‌ اسلحه و بیان نحوه ماموریت آرش حجازی و همچنین دادن بلیت رفت و برگشت به ایران، حجازی را برای انجام ماموریت روانه ایران كرد. در قسمت بعدی این تئاتر، دانشجویی كه نقش آرش حجازی را بازی می‌كرد و چهره خود را با تصویر این فرد پوشانده بود، نحوه قتل نداآقا سلطان را به یكی از همكارانش توضیح داد. قسمت بعدی این تئاتر صحنه قتل ندا آقا سلطان بود. آرش حجازی با حضور در كنار نداآقا سلطان وی را علیه جمهوری اسلامی و سر دادن شعار تحریك كرده و وی را به گوشه‌ای از محل قتل راهنمایی می‌كرد. همكار وی نیز در این زمینه او را به این كار تشویق می‌كرد و بعد از آن نیز هنگامی كه ندا آقا سلطان در حال شعار دادن بود، همكار آرش حجازی از پشت سر وی با اسلحه‌ای كه در پیراهن خود پنهان كرده بود، پشت سر ندا آقا سلطان را مورد هدف گلوله قرار داد و وی را به قتل رساند و بعد از آن سوار بر وسیله نقلیه خود، از محل دور شد. در قسمت بعدی آرش حجازی با حضور در محل قتل با ایجاد سر و صدا و هیاهو مردم را به سمت خود و جنازه ندا سوق داد و شروع به سردادن شعارهایی علیه جمهوری اسلامی كرد. به گزارش فارس این تئاتر خیابانی با سر دادن شعار مرگ بر BB C دروغگو به پایان رسید. این نمایش واقعی! در حالی است كه ندا آقاسلطان شعاری علیه نظام نداده بود و برخی مسوولان از بررسی شهید معرفی كردن وی سخن گفته بودند. // --------- واکنش مادر ندا به نمایش بسیجیان: دخترم را کشتید، سیاه بازی را تمام کنید

می خواهم فریاد بزنم چه می خواهید از دخترم؛ تو را به خدا بس کنید، او را کشتید حالا سیاه بازی راه انداخته اید مقابل سفارت انگلیس برای چی؟
خبرگزاری هرانا ـ حقوق شهروندی، اندیشه و بیان: می خواهم فریاد بزنم چه می خواهید از دخترم؛ تو را به خدا بس کنید، او را کشتید حالا سیاه بازی راه انداخته اید مقابل سفارت انگلیس برای چی؟" مدام اشک می ریزد این مادر، گریه امانش نمی دهد، او مادر ندا آقاسلطان است که این سخنان را می گوید. درست در لحظه ای که جماعتی را همچون زمان های برگزاری نمایش های رو حوضی خیابانی جمع می کنند، جمع کرده اند تا هنرشان را به رخ بکشند که در قتل این دختر دست خارجی و دشمن در کار استتا شاید بتوانند شرم شان را از قتل دختران و پسران جوان میهن پنهان کنند.

به گزارش سایت جرس ندا آقاسلطان در جریان اعتراضات مردمی به نتیجه انتخابات و پس از خطبه های آیت الله خامنه ای در نماز جمعه تهران که هشدار داده بود در این تجمعات ممکن است برخی به دنبال اهداف تروریستی خود باشند به همراه عده ای دیگر از جوانان معترض به شهادت رسید. انتشار فیلم چگونگی جان دادن این دختر جوان در لحظه ای کوتاه تمام جهان را تحت تاثیر قرار داد. دولت احمدی نژاد و فرماندهان نظامی تاکنون بارها اعلام کرده اند که ندا آقاسلطان توسط عوامل خارجی به قتل رسیده است.

روز گذشته در حالیکه عده ای را تحت عنوان دانشجویان بسیجی مقابل سفارت انگلیس برده بودند تا نمایش بازسازی صحنه قتل ندا آقاسلطان را به اجرا درآوردند، مادر این شهید جنبش سبز، عازم روزنامه ایران بود تا تکذیبیه خبر دروغ این روزنامه را برای انتشار تحویل آنها دهد. او دقایقی با خبرنگار ما همکلام شد. خبر دروغ ایران چه بود؟ مادر ندا می گوید: آنها به دروغ نوشته اند که من برای دادن مجوز ساخت فیلم دخترم به شبکه خبری سی ان ان پول گرفته ام. او در حالی که داغ دلش تازه شده است و اشک می ریزد، می گوید:" من اگر داشتم خودم پول می دادم که فیلم دخترم را بسازند، چطور ممکن است برای ساختن فیلم دخترم پول خواسته باشم. "

خبر روزنامه ایران و برخی سایت های وابسته به اقتدارگرایان که با اعتراض مادر ندا مواجه شده به این شرح است: "با گذشت چندین ماه از واقعه قتل ندا آقاسلطان، اخیرا شبکه خبری سیانان در تماسی که با خانواده ندا آقاسلطان برقرار کرده از آنان خواسته با این شبکه برای ساخت مستندی درباره زندگی دخترشان همکاری کنند. بر همین اساس، این شبکه خبری در نخستین گام برای نشان دادن حسننیت خود به خانواده آقاسلطان به آنان پیشنهاد داده با دریافت 150 هزار دلار عکسها، خاطرات و فیلمهای مختلف مربوط به مرحومه ندا آقاسلطان را در اختیار سیانان قرار دهند. بنا بر این گزارش، سیانان قصد دارد با جمعآوری این عکسها و نیز اطلاعات بیشتر درباره ندا آقاسلطان دست به ساخت مستندی از این واقعه دردناک زده و با وارونه کردن واقعیت، حملات بیشتری را متوجه جمهوری اسلامی کند."

مادر ندا یکبار دیگر ماجرای چگونگی به شهادت رسیدن فرزندش را اینگونه شرح می دهد: "من به همراه دخترم در تجمعات اعتراضی شرکت می کردیم. روز به شهادت رسیدن فرزندم به ندا گفتم امروز نیروهای نظامی حکم تیر گرفته اند بیرون نرو. ولی دخترم اعتراض کرد و گفت: مادر! اگر من نروم، تو نروی، دیگران هم نروند، پس چه کسی باید این اعتراض را فریاد بزند. او به همراه استادش به تظاهرات رفت و کشته شد."

مادر ندا می گوید:" خودشان دخترم را کشتند، آنها یکبار که مرا تهدید به سکوت می کردند از زبانشان در رفت که دخترم را نشان کرده بودند، آنها به من گفتند که فیلم تو و دخترت را در راهپیمایی های قبلی داریم. این ادعای آنها نشان می دهد که آنها دخترم را نشان کرده بودند و در روز حادثه او را کشتند و حالا مقابل سفارت انگلیس نمایش راه انداخته اند."

مادر ندا در حالی به برگزاری نمایش بازسازی صحنه قتل دخترش در مقابل سفارت انگلستان در تهران معترض است که اقتدار گرایان تیم های رسانه ای خود را به صحنه اعزام کرده اند و تدارک وسیعی برای پوشش خبری این مراسم دیده اند. امروز بیشتر روزنامه های اقتدار گرایان در صفحه اول روزنامه هایشان این مراسم را به صورت برجسته منتشر کرده اند. کیهان در صفحه اول خود به نقل از تجمع کنندگان که آنها را دانشجو خوانده، نوشته است: "انگلیس قاتل ندا آقاسلطان را برای محاکمه به ایران تحویل دهد"، روزنامه ایران نیز همراه با چاپ عکسی نوشته است: "دانشجویان در برابر سفارت انگلیس اجرا کردند؛ بازسازی صحنه قتل مشکوک آقاسلطان" و روزنامه رسالت نوشته است "دانشجویان صحنه واقعی قتل ندا آقاسلطان را به تصویر کشیدند". هیچکدام از این روزنامه ها ننوشتند که مادر و پدر ندا در لحظه ای که دانشجویان به خون خواهی ندا جمع شده بودند کجا بوده اند و موضع آنها چیست.

خبرگزاری فارس متعلق به سپاه پاسداران، سناریوی نمایش اجرا شده در مقابل سفارت انگلیس را اینگونه شرح داده است:

" در ابتداي اين تئاتر خياباني يكي از دانشجويان به عنوان مجري شبكه bbc فارسي به ايفاي نقش پرداخت. سپس يكي ديگر از دانشجويان در نقش مامور سازمان جاسوسي انگليس MI6 ماموريت آرش حجازي براي قتل ندا آقا سلطان را تشريح كرد. وي با دادن مبالغ،اسلحه و بيان نحوه ماموريت آرش حجازي و همچنين دادن بليت رفت و برگشت به ايران، حجازي را براي انجام ماموريت روانه ايران كرد.

در قسمت بعدي اين تئاتر، دانشجويي كه نقش آرش حجازي را بازي ميكرد و چهره خود را با تصوير اين فرد پوشانده بود، نحوه قتل ندا آقا سلطان را به يكي از همكارانش توضيح داد.

قسمت بعدي اين تئاتر صحنه قتل ندا آقا سلطان بود. آرش حجازي با حضور در كنار ندا آقا سلطان وي را عليه جمهوري اسلامي و سر دادن شعار تحريك كرده و وي را به گوشهاي از محل قتل راهنمايي ميكرد. همكار وي نيز در اين زمينه او را به اين كار تشويق ميكرد و بعد از آن نيز هنگامي كه ندا آقا سلطان در حال شعار دادن بود، همكار آرش حجازي از پشت سر وي با اسلحهاي كه در پيراهن خود پنهان كرده بود، پشت سر ندا آقا سلطان را مورد هدف گلوله قرار داد و وي را به قتل رساند و بعد از آن سوار بر وسيله نقليه خود، از محل دور شد.
در قسمت بعدي آرش حجازي با حضور در محل قتل با ايجاد سر و صدا و هياهو مردم را به سمت خود و جنازه ندا سوق داد و شروع به سردادن شعارهايي عليه جمهوري اسلامي كرد."

بازداشت ساعتی پدر و مادر ندا در روز 13 آبان

مادر ندا در این گپ و گفت کوتاه خبر از بازداشت ساعتی خود و همسرش در روز 13 آبان می دهد. او می گوید: روز 13 آبان به همراه همسرم به قصد شرکت در مراسم این روز به میدان هفت تیر رفتیم. اما همینکه بسیجی ها چهره ما را شناختند به شدت ما را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادند. او می افزاید: آنها سپس برای چند ساعت ما را بازداشت کردند.

اقتدارگرایان که هنوز از شوک رسوایی به قتل رساندن جوانان ایرانی در رسانه های دنیا بیرون نیامده اند، هر روز می کوشند با نمایشی تازه این رسوایی را به گونه ای پنهان و با قلب ماهیت کردن این اتفاق از پاسخ دادن به این پرسش که با کدامین مجوز به روی جوانان معترض وطن، گلوله بسته اید، طفره می روند. اما جنبشی که با خون این جوانان آبیاری شده، مثل رود خروشان به پیش می رود. دیروز مردم شرکت کننده در مراسم 13 آبان را به باطوم بستند ولی باز فردایی در پیش است. 16 آذر در پیش است و بار دیگر جنبش سبز ایران، صدای اعتراض خود را بلند خواهد کرد تا شاید این بار، حاکمیت صدای مردم را بشنود.
شروین ناظمی

American Dream


by American Dream on

I was born in the U.S.A.

If you don't like it you are free to leave.

No one is forcing you to stay and post your garbage on

The American Dream is here to stay!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: One hair of Neda ..

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Indeed one hair of Neda is worth infinitelt more than all the IRI apologists. Or all the spearetists put together.  We should honor Neda and her memory forever.

I much rather have our children talk about Neda than the "Imams". Her memory will be a shining star and will provide a symbol that people will remember. The brutality and evil of IRI will never be forgotten. Mark my words: A thousand years from now Neda will be remembered and honored. Her murderers will only be known as murderers.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Ethnically Persian

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Means nothing. May I remind you of some of the well known "ethnically Persian" traitors:

Salman Farsi - who sold out the Sassanids to Muhammad

Afshin - who sold out Babak Khorramdin to Arabs

These are not unique. Many more exist. Anyone who supports breakup of Iran is a traitor. I don't give a rat's b***d what your ethnicity is. Once Iran is free of Mullahs; the best thing that could happen is that Northen Afghanistan; Tajikistan and some of the other nations should form a federation with Iran. The aim should be eventual integration into a single national entity. Under a single flag; preferebly Darafsh-eh Kaviani. That is a lot better than a bunch of misrable broken little bannana republics.




I am ethnicly Persian ......that is a laugh

by Freedom5 on

Are you on drugs again , what do you mean by saying " I am ethnicly Persian " so where were you born ? IRAQ

American Dream

Freedom5=Vatanforoush+ liar

by American Dream on

I am ethnicly Persian, this is a fact that is known by many on this site.

That being said, my statements support the rights of ethnic minorities in Iran.

If ethnic minorities in Iran threaten to seperate from Iran then the central government would become alarmed and would help alleviate the problems of those locations in Iran.

The plan has the goal of helping Iranian minorities.  I support Iranian minorities being liberated.

You on the other hand want a dictatorship of your beliefs.

That is just plain wrong.  With that type of thinking you should go and post your nutty comments on some other site.

Your insults will get you no where. 


American Dream = Vatanforoush+ liar

by Freedom5 on

American Dream who's purpose on this site is crystal clear . He is a true supporter of Islamic Republic.

Read some of his comments

 by American Dream on


You don't know anything about the Kurds.

The Kurds want an independant Kurdistan.  They have been fighting the Iranian central government for over 100 years.  One day they shall be free and they will break away from Iran once and for all.

As for the Baluchis, they too will get their independence.  They will break away from the Iranian central government and create greater Buluchistan.

And the great freedom loving Iranians of Khuzistan, The tomb Islands, Kish Island and Abu Musa Island will also break away and create Arabistan.  These people will all be free.

If you don't like the West or America go back to Iran freedom5.  No one is forcing you to stay here.  Stop using the english language to post stuff on this site.

freedom5, you are one sorry bad-bakht bee-char-eh who just happens to post on this site.

Here is another comment by AMERICAN DREAM about IRANIAN...

 I believe as an American, the best form of government in Iran is a democratic republic like the United States.  What types of social freedoms should a democratic republic of Iran have?  The same freedoms we see in Amsterdam. I know a lot of Iranians who are predominantly Shia Muslims and they drink like fish.  They drink so much alcohol.  And a lot of them smoke that opium stuff.  Many of the men are womanizers and their wives also carry on adulterous relationships.  unquote and here is American dreams final touch and his mighty opinion in regards to Mullah's rule in IRAN. You will be the judge. quote from American Dream Do I see the theocracy going away in Iran? No.  It will evolve with time.  The more pressure by Iranians the more the theocracy will change so they can stay in power.  The Iranian theocracy is willing to make pork and alcohol "Halal" if they can stay in power.  God knows the Revolutionary Guards help introduce satellite dishes into Iran and take in money for it. That being said, things will take time to change



by shushtari on



I could not have said it better myself 


One hair of Neda

by IranFirst on

This ia an IRANIAN forum , take your cries for Egyptians, Saudis, Pakistanis,.. somewhere else. One hair of Neda is worth million times more than all Arabs, Palestinians and terrorists  that you IRI apologists are defending




Haj Davood

by Harpi-Eagle on

Mr. Esfandiari and Mr. Bozorgmehr,

You forgot to mention that Haj Davood Rahmani (Of Gohardasht and Evin Prisons Fame) and Mr. Lajevardi were completely inocent and actually were saints.

Gentlemen, it is obvious that you are both certifiable morons, but please, don't take the rest of us for idiots.

I do have to commend the IRI on their choice of most recent "Vatan Foroosh" goons, at least you two can speak and write decent English.

Stop selling your souls to Satan, join your hamvatan youth.

Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland.

Maryam Hojjat

OmidKarimi: Thank you

by Maryam Hojjat on

for responding to these two Bacheh Mollah e Vatan Froush so elequently.  You answered their baseless claim so well that I was not able. 

p.s.  Please contribute more often to this site. We need your support!


Mardom Mazloom

Sargord Napelon,

by Mardom Mazloom on

Stop to explain all the ills of this world from the narrow hole of zionism conspiracy. In another subject, you tried to explain Iran's high record in drug addiction by the presence of US in Afghanistan! And now, you’re trying to substitute the savagery of Basiji thugs killing iranians, by an excessive exaggeration of Zionism propaganda.
Grow up!

Mardom Mazloom


by Mardom Mazloom on

You are very logical and you deploy your arguments elegantly. We'll victorious because ma hameh ba ham hastim.


Thank you Omid and Babak and others

by Fair on

I agree with you, characters like SS Major sound too much like IR operatives, only someone whose job is to defend the indefensible can spew out such nonsense.

Waffen SS Major seems very concerned about me being able to make my arguments, as if this is actually a debate with arguments. There is no debate here. Where lies and deception and baseless claims about innocent Iranians are made such as the ones made by Waffen SS Major, Iranians will respond. There is no "argument" needed, as the best argument against IR propaganda is the IR propaganda itself. It is so preposterous it needs no debunking. Lies are lies, simple as that. Cheezy keh ayan ast cheh hajat beh bayan ast.

Day is day, night is night, and a duck is a duck.




RE: Fair

by OmidKarimi on

Fair wrote

"I never labelled anyone who is not anti IRI shameless mouthpieces of
the IRI. However, I will call a duck a duck. If you bring here
completely baseless claims that support the IRI I will call you out on

When you claim millions of peaceful demonstrators whose only
question is "where is my vote" are a vocal minority, expect a response.

When you call rapists and thugs and torturers "law enforcement", expect a response.

When you call those who want change in our country and their basic human rights to be observed subversive, expect a response.

And when the 2 authors of this "article" make the ludicrous attempt
to call Neda's murder staged by anti IRI elements, expect a response.

In all these cases, people like you label without proof without end, so expect a response.

Such tactics are typical of Hitler's propaganda ministry, not civilized countries.

So SS Sargord Nakam, when you stand against your people and defend
their murderers, you have already diverted the discussion by hijacking
it for propaganda of your "establishment", so guess what- you should
expect a response."


Beautiful, perfect reply, just wanted to bump it.


Discuss, chat and post your opinions about Iran on my new forum:


babak pirouzian

New "internet Police" are here.........

by babak pirouzian on

Sargord and the other two so called authors ( I bet that's not their real names) are part of new "Internet police" recently formed, so please do not waist your time and energy. We shall see more of these shameless anti-Iranian "mozdoor" in coming months.  But we have to be alert we do not fall in to their traps, and make us fighting among ourselves.

I only hope these "vatan foroosh" are paid well enough.


Down with IRI and their mercenaries.     


stop the masquerade Major

by Fair on

I never labelled anyone who is not anti IRI shameless mouthpieces of the IRI. However, I will call a duck a duck. If you bring here completely baseless claims that support the IRI I will call you out on it.

When you claim millions of peaceful demonstrators whose only question is "where is my vote" are a vocal minority, expect a response.

When you call rapists and thugs and torturers "law enforcement", expect a response.

When you call those who want change in our country and their basic human rights to be observed subversive, expect a response.

And when the 2 authors of this "article" make the ludicrous attempt to call Neda's murder staged by anti IRI elements, expect a response.

In all these cases, people like you label without proof without end, so expect a response.

Such tactics are typical of Hitler's propaganda ministry, not civilized countries.

So SS Sargord Nakam, when you stand against your people and defend their murderers, you have already diverted the discussion by hijacking it for propaganda of your "establishment", so guess what- you should expect a response.




Major Pirouz: You are in the

by vildemose on

Major Pirouz: You are in the Islamic Republic's military as a Major and you think you have credibility to discuss matters objectively? How stupid do you think we are ? If you live in the US as an active/inactive officer of the IRI, I wonder how you were able to get your Green card or visa to stay here. I think you're being irresponsible by coming here and causing a  possible link between the IRGC and IRI military and IC members.


Major: why don't you answer

by vildemose on

Major: why don't you answer my question? Are you a member of IRGC? Do you live in the US?


This is non sense!

by David_Jones on

Let's remember that Islamic Repblic is a dictatorship and censorship is rampant, so you have to take all this article with a grain of salt but facts are gradually emerging, which the authors have conveniently overlooked:

1. "Rutheless exploitation" why ruthless?...who kicked the reporters out of Iran? and imposed a media black out, what was Islamic Republic scared of?  We are all trying to get facts and news out of Iran, and ascertain what happened, what is so ruthless about it? This shows clear bias on the authors part.

2. "Enemies of Iran" , Islamic Republic is the enemy not the people whose votes were stolen.

3. If Islamic republic disputes the fact that Neda was killed by anybody other than under Khamenei's orders (see his letter ordering to shoot and kill), why does it not allow an independent Human Rights investigation and find out the facts?

4.  Why did Neda's mother was approched and offered a bribe to her to allow her daughter called a martyr (see your tube videos).

5. Why did not Islamic Republic allow a proper burial for a person (NEDA)  Killed by CIA, or MEK or somebody other than the Basij who killed her? Don't mullahs love a good propaganda?

6.  Iran is a dictaorship. Demonstartors are being killed and arrested daily.  Naturally anybody who is arrested and the families of those who are arrested and in this case killed are not going to readily admit that their children were active demonstrators.  That is admission of guilt and a fast ticket to jail, torture, rape and indictment.

7. Neda demonstarted like anybody else, why was she picke up by the Basij sniper is to be investigated.  Remember a doctor who withnessed the whole thing left his good life style and fled Iran.  I wonder why the authors did not attempt to interview him.  Or are they interested in obfuscating the facts and cover up mullahs crimes.  For heaven's sake even Karubi said Rape was taking place in Islamic republic jails.  Why does the givernment rape a citizen who simply wants a recount of an illegitimate elction?

8. High resolution camera? Give me a is of a very poor quality and done by a mobil phone.  (Consipracy theory: Hey Neda, why don't you join the demonstartions and walk in this ally we  have sniper waiting to shoot you and we have a high resolution camera to record th scene-such perverted thinking!).

9. The angle of shooting?  Why did Islamic Republic buried her body so quickly and did not allow the examination of the body to determine the shooting lost your credibilty - if any- with me here!

10. The Basij who was briefly captured, admitted that he killed Neda but did not want or mean to, his ID is open to the world, why has he not come out and disputed the claim thathe was not the killer?

11. Appalling murder of an Eygptian women?  Islamic republic even issued a stamp to memorialize her, which Iranian victim(s) has so for received recognition by the Islamic republic leaders?

Conclusion, very biased reporting by Islamic Republic apologists or paid agents who are trying to give a human face to a brutal and barbaric regime.



by Abarmard on

Nothing wrong with being suspicious since our history has shown us what most foreign governments are capable of. Remembering Mosadegh era when the British hired bunch of butchers and successfully staged a pro government demonstration, showing the nation how "ruthless" Mosadegh government (and their supporters) truly are.

I don't agree with ending part of this article but will keep in mind the main points made earlier and value it. It is important to be aware and question. Agreeing with a bad move by a foreign government doesn't mean agreeing with the Islamic Republic. Sometimes they both are in the same line, against the people.

Overall good and informative article. Thanks.

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

I've already previously considered your explanation for Hejazi not returning my email. It's a possibility. But I'll tell you: he sure doesn't have a problem communicating with anyone and everyone sympathetic to his story. That in itself is curious.

I'm not the one that made the comment regarding Basidji carrying firearms. A few Basidji appear to have been equipped in June. It's my understanding that the practice was in large part discontinued after what transpired in June. The emphasis in September and November was put on less-lethal means of crowd control.

I do have a few off-topic questions (I apologize for the diversion): why is it you feel the need to label anyone that's not anti-IRI as "shameless mouthpieces for the IRI"? And why the constant resorting to ad hominem attacks? Don't you realize how this serves to undermine the arguments you're trying to make? Or does that even matter to you?


Military Dictatorship Sargord

by Fair on

The reason you are the subject is that you call those who stand up to military dictatorship peacefully subversive. Expect outrage when you take an outrageous stand against the Iranian people.

I don't know why Dr. Hejazi doesn't answer you, but he is under constant death threat of a miltary dictatorship who has assassinated hundred of its opponents abraod so far. His decision to not answer you or anybody is completely justified and up to him.


Esfandiari and Bozorgmehr are shameless mouthpieces of the regime who have the gall to judge Oxford on what scholarship to award and what not to, and to completely whitewash the murder of Neda. This murder was witnessed by so many, and tons of evidence link basij not just to her murder, but to ruthless rape and torture and murder and intimidation of thousands and millions of peaceful, unarmed Iranian citizens. The notion that basij "don't carry weapons outside military compounds" is just ludicrous. Basij carry whatever they want, whenever they want, and use it against whoever they want with no restrictions from anybody. How many cases have you seen in an Iranian court brought against a basiji for "police brutality" or anything similar?

Fake Sargord tries to compare these events to Kent State, and is ludicrous. I have already responded in detail to what a ludicrous comparison that is. US police are subject to limits that a basiji's grandmother isn't subject to. Get real. Stop defending thugs and stand with your people.

I don't care if or how much western media "exploits" the murder of Neda by the miltary dictatorship that you shamelessly support. But you know what? The more the better. The more attention our civilized freedom loving people receive in the world, the better. It is about time. Iranians have paid with their blood this year to be seen around the world and their struggle heard, and for their image not to be monopolized by the barbarians that you defend. You or Esfandiari or Bozorgmehr or any other dirty regime agent are nobody to stop their voice.

And maybe while you are at it, you can explain what the military dictatorship has doen to Abbas Kargar Javid, the murderer that it paid to murder Neda. Or are you going to feed us some cr*p like the Israelis kill Neda?

If the Islamic Republic and its Fuehrer don't want such embarassments in the world media, it is very simple. Treat your people with respect and observe their most basic human rights. Otherwise, stop nagging and shut up. Isn't raping and torturing and imprisoning thousands of people without charge and no legal representation enough for you?

Shame on you, you are a disgrace to your uniform and you defend the worst enemy of Iran.



Sargord Pirouz

Why is the subject me?

by Sargord Pirouz on

All I've done is comment on this post. I don't think anyone has responded directly to what I've written.

Instead, all I see are comments referring to my name, avatar, as well as the usual anti-Iran rants or paranoid accusations of sock puppetry.

Is this how it always is here at 

Returning to the topic at hand, yes the video presents evidence that Neda was not a typically motivated green activist. But you know what? The topic pretty much revolves around Western press coverage, and the lack of any critical journalistic investigation regarding Hejazi's claim(s).

Like I said before, I politely emailed Hejazi for answers but so far he has totally ignored me. Why? He seems to converse with others on his multiple web sites, facebook page, etc.

I'm not trying to diminish the tragedy of this woman's death. Personally, I've lost a loved one about the same age, as a result of violent crime. Even so, it's obvious to me in the case of Neda that the Western press has publicized this in such a way as to contribute towards its own anti-Iran agenda.

Like a previous commenter has noticed: why haven't the slain British and American female victims of Zionism been publicized to this degree?

Now go right ahead: criticize me for not being subversive, for my name, for my avatar... anything but the actual topic at hand. 

American Dream


by American Dream on

Omid Karimi you have missed the point!

Reza Esfandiari & Yousef Bozorgmehr were making the same argument as Ahmadinejad.  That was the point.  Reza and Yousef have not produced anything new.  I did not mention an Egyptian or German.

I don't know where that would make anyone a supporter of Ahmadinejad. 

You ramble on and on.

Who mentioned Press TV?  Who mentioned Zionism?

It seems you are watching and following too much I.R.I. media.

You are clearly confused.

I suggest that you contact Press TV directly.

As far as the Bahais are concerned, Bahais have declared that more Bahais were killed before the Iranian Revolution.  That being said, the Bahais have been persecuted in Iran since they began as a religion.  If there should be blame against anyone for the bad treatment of Bahais in Iran it falls on the shoulders of Iranians since the 19th century when Mirza Husayn Ali of Nur, born in Iran and later known as Baha’u’llah appeared on the scene.

Omid Karimi, your knowledge of Iranian history is weak.  Get to the library and read some books fast.


RE: American Dream

by OmidKarimi on

You wrote:

"Reza Esfandiari & Yousef Bozorgmehr's argument is similar to the argument that Iranian President Ahmadinejad made to Katie Couric.  The Couric interview occurred when Iranian President Ahmadinejad visited New York after the June 2009 Iranian elections."

Are you boasting his presentation in-front of Couric? An EGYPTIAN woman killed in Germany by a racist which is now being put through trial? Is that your equal grasp of the Neda Soltan situation? Are you a complete idiot sir, or are you trying to play the obvious fool? 

1. The Egyptian woman was an egyptian (actually GERMAN), not Iranian. Ahmadinejad, you and the clowns that follow him first have to present a professional investigation into NEDAS death that shows who and what caused her death. I only say this because I presume that an IRANIAN government puts more weight ont he death of IRANIAN people. Its the governments DUTY to give a valid explenation that lasts longer than 3 sentences and has not "Zionism" "Pentagon" and "Military industrial complex" in it.

2. The man that murdered the Egyptian women is being put through trial, the murderer of Neda is sititng in some mosque eating ash while being patted on his back.

3. Germany, no matter how much you and PressTV try to paint it as a racist country, has the highest number of muslim immigrants in Europe, and grant them full rights Bahais can only dream of in Iran. EVERY SINGLE one of those muslims would give an arm to stay in free Germany than to move to your Islamic paradise in Iran. 3 of my MUSLIM family members came to Germany with nothing, and all of them have now doctoral degrees (not fake ones mind you), two of them are married to ethnic German women.

4. This comparison is just insane! How can you justify the murder accused against the police force (Neda case), one of the highest authority in a country that people are supposed to trust, to a murder incident were the man is a bigot, single, lone racist? If you ever travel to Europe, you will notice that most courts at low levels have no guards, which is how he was able to kill her, when the police finally arrived, they thought that her husband was the bad guy and shot him, but no, I guess your right, It was all just a huge Zionist German conspiracy to kill one pregnant muslim woman! How cunning of them!.. thank God we have PressTV and Ahjamdinejad to show us the light! 


Discuss, chat and post your opinions about Iran on my new forum:

Red Wine

زنده باد جمهوری ایران

Red Wine

اسم و فامیل،نشانی‌،آدرس خانه و آی دی افرادی که به مملکت خیانت کردند و خیانت میکنند و با جمهوری اسلامی همکاری میکنند،ضبط و یاد داشت میشود. گذر پوست،به زودی به دباغ خانه خواهد افتاد... هیچ دیکتاتوری روز خوش ندید که نوکرانش بینند ! هنوز وقت هست،توبه کنید و به آغوش مردم ایران برگردید.باور کنید که این پول‌ها خوردن ندارد،نفرین به جان خود و خانواده خود نخرید،خود را ارزان به آخوند و سپاهی نفروشید،آنان به فکر شما نیستند،اندکی‌ آرام گیرید و به روزی بی‌ اندیشید که مردم تک تک خائنین را مجازات کنند... این بار همچو چنگیز و همچو تیمور لنگ با مفسدین طرفدار رژیم اسلامی برخورد خواهد شد ، این را مطمئن باشید که حتمی است. باز گردید به آغوش مردم. زنده باد جمهوری ایران


نقدی(2 آذر) : ندا


نقدی(2 آذر) : ندا را آمريکا کشت /نقدی(6 آذر): ندا را نیروهای امنیتی انگلستان کشته‌اند ایران ب ب ب سلام نيوز : سرتیپ محمدرضا نقدی، رییس سازمان بسیج مستضعفین که به مناسبت هفته بسیج در برنامه از تهران شبکه خبری(العالم) شرکت کرده بود در برابر سئولات بی‌حاشیه مجری این برنامه قرار گرفت.
مجری برنامه سئوال کرد: در زمان جنگ بسیجیان با فداکاری و شجاعت حتی روی مین می‌رفتند و از نظام و کشور و انقلاب دفاع می‌کردند اما امروز یک عده‌ای در باره نیروهای بسیج تشکیک می‌کنند، چرا عده‌ای به بسیج می‌تازند؟
نقدی در پاسخ گفت: امروز با یک سحر رسانه‌ای و جنگ نرم مواجه هستیم که حقیقت‌ها را واژگون می‌کند.
وی افزود: یک عده از انگلستان مامور می‌شوند تا به ایران بیایند و در اغتشاشات بعداز انتخابات ریاست‌جمهوری دهم یک خانمی را ترور و فیلم آن‌را ضبط و پخش کنند، بعد با این ادعا که ماموران امنیتی ایران آن خانم را کشته‌اند، این موضوع را به یک جنجال خبری و رسانه‌ای تبدیل می‌کنند و موضوع روز جهان می‌شود.
رییس سازمان بسیج مستضعفین با بیان این‌که این ترور بدست نیروهای امنیتی انگلیس انجام گرفته است، خاطرنشان کرد: اسم این خانم را همه دنیا می‌دانند و فیلمش را دیده‌اند اما این سئوال مطرح می‌شود از همه اصحاب رسانه جهان، هر چند روز یک‌بار آمریکا ده‌ها نفرانسان بی‌گناه از جمله کودکان وزنان را در پاکستان می‌کشد آیا مردم جهان اسم آن‌ها را می‌دانند و رسانه‌ها‌ به آنها توجه می‌کنند؟، البته جواب خیراست.
سردار نقدی با تاکید به اینک‌ه باید ریشه این ادعاها و وارونه جلوه دادن حقایق را بشناسیم، تصریح کرد: در جمهوری اسلامی، نظام ما مبتنی بر ولایت فقیه است، شخصیتی که منزه‌ترین، دانشمندترین، باتقواترین و شجاع‌ترین است، توسط مردم برای رهبری انتخاب می‌شوند، این را می‌گویند دیکتاتوری، حال در انگلستان رهبرشان یک ملکه است که هیچ‌یک از این امتیازات را ندارد و نظام آن‌ها می‌شود آزادی‌خواه.

در همين رابطه :
23 نوامبر 2 آذر - سردار نقدی : شخصی از آمریکا خانمی (ندا) را در تهران به قتل می رساند و رسانه های غربی فریاد می زنند که قاتل او حکومت ایران است

ایلنا: به گزارش ایلنا به نقل از سپاه نیوز سردار محمدرضا نقدی شب گذشته در همایش پرچمداران بصیرت که در سالن اجتماعات مدرسه فیضیه قم برگزار شد، با اشاره به فضاسازی تبلیغاتی دشمنان در جنگ نرم ‌علیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران در سخنانی اظهار داشت: شخصی از آمریکا خانمی را در جریان اغتشاشات اخیر تهران به قتل می‌رساند و رسانه‌های غربی فریاد می‌‍زنند که قاتل او حکومت ایران است....



by OmidKarimi on

I dont have the time to debunk all the stuff you have written here (which is as accurate as a 5 year olds school report on the human cardiovasculaar system), but I will show two examples that proves that all you say belongs in the garbage bin of irrelevancy

You wrote:

"The letter goes on to the mention the fact that Dr Arash Hejazi, a publishing student and medical doctor at Oxford Brookes university, had arrived only two days prior to Neda’s death and left the day after anxious to tell the story to the British media of an innocent woman being shot by a Baseej militiaman – this despite the fact that the Baseej never ever carry firearms outside of military compounds (they use sticks, chains and other household items)."




and this video that clearly shows Neda participating in the demonstrations


Il finish by warning readers that have any doubt not to listen to these snakes, they are a fascist bunch, justifiying the killing of their own people for religious and corrupt reasons. These two men are well paid and are well conected back in Iran with the regime.

Oh, and mr. Reza Esfandiari & Yousef Bozorgmehr, I wonder how it would be for you, if your son or daughter being shot dead in the chest at point blank range on the streets like an animal, then having to go on the internet and find snakes spewing lies?

I wont forgive you, our people wont, you better hope God will because, if there is a God, there is a nice warm place for vatan forosh kesafats like you to roast in all eternity. Being cruel against the enemy is one thing, being cruel to your own sons and daughters is the ultimate betrayal.


Discuss, chat and post your opinions about Iran on my new forum:


Major Pirouz:

by vildemose on

Sargord or Major Pirouz: Who issues your paycheck? are you a member of IRGC?? Do you live in the US??Are you an official military spokesperson/propagndist of the Islamic Republic? What is exactly your mission on this website or here in America?

You sure sound a lot like "no fear", Darius, and Xerexes????