«عملیات خداحافظی»

ترور، این حربه برگزیده رژیم، اکنون علیه فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای خود آن به کار گرفته شده است


«عملیات خداحافظی»
by Hossein Bagher Zadeh

اکنون تقریبا مسلم شده است که ترور دو متخصص هسته‌ای در خیابان‌های تهران در هفته گذشته کار عوامل موساد، سازمان امنیتی اسراییل، بوده است. ترورها هدفمند بودند (و نه کور)، حذف فیزیکی افراد شاغل در فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای ایران را دنبال می‌کردند، پیچیدگی و مهارت زیادی در اجرای آن‌ها به کار رفته بود، و مجریان آن بدون جا گذاردن اثری از خود از صحنه گریخته‌اند. هم به لحاظ انگیزه (فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای ایران) و هم به لحاظ اجرا، این عملیات همه نشانه‌های مشخصه کار موساد را در بر دارد. ترورها هم‌چنین در آستانه دور جدید گفتگوهای جمهوری اسلامی با گروه ۵+۱ صورت گرفتند، ولی باعث آن نشدند که این گفتگوها به تعویق بیفتند، و جمهوری اسلامی به رغم این که (علاوه بر اسراییل) سازمان‌های اطلاعاتی و امنیتی غربی را نیز در این ترورها مقصر می‌شناخت حاضر شد پس از یک سال و اندی مجددا بر سر میز مذاکره بنشیند. این دور از مذاکرات اگرچه بدون نتیجه‌ای خاتمه یافت، ولی صِرف برگزاری آن از انعطاف جدیدی در تعامل سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی با غرب حکایت می‌کند. رژیم که بیش از هر زمان تحت فشار سیاسی و اقتصادی غرب قرار گرفته، اکنون ظاهرا در آستانه نوشیدن «جام زهر» دیگری است...

بیش از ۱۴ ماه از آخرین دور مذاکرات پیشین جمهوری اسلامی با کشورهای غربی می‌گذرد. در این فاصله، غرب تحریم‌های گسترده جدیدی علیه ایران و به خصوص شرکت‌ها و افرادی که به نحوی در فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای ایران دخیل هستند وضع کرده است. البته رژیم جمهوری اسلامی سعی کرده که اهمیت این تحریم‌ها را ناچیز جلوه دهد، و مقامات رژیم و به خصوص آقایان خامنه‌ای و احمدی‌نژاد مرتبا علیه تحریم سخن گفته‌اند و چنان وانمود کرده‌اند که این تحریم‌ها تأثیری بر اقتصاد و زندگی مردم ایران نداشته و نخواهد داشت. واقعیت‌ها، اما، ظاهرا سخن دیگری می‌گویند. نابسامانی‌های اقتصادی به اشکال مختلف گرانی و بیکاری در این فاصله بیشتر شده است، و مقام‌های سیاسی و روحانی از نمایندگان مجلس گرفته تا هاشمی رفسنجانی و مراجع تقلید در قم مرتبا از این نابسامانی‌ها و تأثیرات سوء تحریم‌ها سخن می‌گویند. از همه مهم‌تر این که نگرانی عمومی از تشدید این فشارها در آستانه اجرای طرح هدفمند کردن یارانه‌ها بیشتر شده است، و تأخیرهای مکرر اجرای این طرح به نگرانی‌های فوق بیشتر دامن می‌زند.

در این مدت، انزوای سیاسی رژیم در صحنه بین‌المللی نیز تشدید شده است. اسناد ویکی‌لیکس نشان می‌دهد که دامنه دشمنی کشورهای همسایه ایران با رژیم جمهوری اسلامی آن‌قدر شدت گرفته که برخی از آن‌ها مستقیما از آمریکا خواهان حمله نظامی به ایران شده‌اند. در سازمان ملل اکنون دوستان جمهوری اسلامی به شدت رو به تحلیل می‌روند. رسوایی شکست رژیم در عضویت کمیته حقوق زنان با نامزدی آخرین لحظه کشور کوچک و جوان تیمور شرقی (که اقدامی سازمان‌یافته برای بیرون نگاه داشتن ایران از عضویت در این کمیته بود) نشان داد که تا چه حد رژیم حتا در بین کشورهای آسیایی نیز به انزوا رفته است. تصویب قطعنامه تفصیلی در سازمان ملل در محکومیت کارنامه نقض حقوق بشر در ایران با اکثریت به مراتب بیشتری نسبت به سال گذشته، و به رغم حضور جواد لاریجانی (رییس ستاد به اصطلاح «حقوق بشر» قوه قضاییه و برادر رییس این قوه) در سازمان ملل، از افول هرچه بیشتر نفوذ رژیم در جامعه جهانی حکایت می‌کند. 

بسیاری از تحلیلگران معتقدند که علاوه بر فشارهای سیاسی و اقتصادی که در یکی دو سال گذشته با تحریم‌ها و انزوای سیاسی رژیم در صحنه بین‌المللی بیشتر شده است، به لحاظ فنی نیز رژیم در فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای و موشکی خود با مشکلاتی روبرو شده و به وقفه‌هایی دچار شده است. اکنون نظر غالب بر آن است که رژیم در پیش‌رفت‌های هسته‌ای و نظامی خود غلو می‌کند، و حتا تصاویر منتشر شده از رزمایش‌ها و توانایی‌های نظامی ایران کمتر مورد اعتماد قرار می‌گیرند. حمله سایبری ویروس استاکس‌نت به تأسیسات هسته‌ای ایران یکی از پیچیده‌ترین و سازمان‌یافته‌ترین حملات نرم‌افزاری در تاریخ اینترنت بشمار می‌رود. و اکنون ترورهای فیزیکی متخصصان هسته‌ای ایران جبهه جدیدی را از سوی دشمنان جمهوری اسلامی علیه توانایی‌های هسته‌ای آن گشوده است، و ضربه‌پذیری رژیم در این کارزار دوگانه حملات سایبری و ترور فیزیکی بدون تردید بر نگرانی مقامات ایرانی در ادامه فعالیت هسته‌ای آنان افزوده است.

ترورهای دوگانه هفته گذشته بدون تردید به منظور ضربه زدن به توانایی‌های هسته‌ای جمهوری اسلامی صورت گرفته است. این ترورها بسیار دقیق و سازمان‌یافته بود، و تنها از تشکیلاتی قوی و حرفه‌ای می‌توانست برآید. در سال گذشته که دکتر مسعود علی‌محمدی به نحو پیچیده دیگری به قتل رسید، حدسیاتی در باره احتمال اجرای آن از سوی رژیم به دلیل مواضع سیاسی او وجود داشت. ولی در دو مورد اخیر، چنین شائبه‌ای مطرح نشده، و از این رو انگشت اتهام مستقیما به سوی سازمان‌های امنیتی خارجی متوجه شده است. در بین این سازمان‌ها، هم به دلیل انگیزه و هم شگرد و سابقه عمل، بیش از همه موساد اسراییل مورد اتهام است. در واقع، بسیاری از ناظران و تحلیل‌گران خارجی، همانند گوردن توماس که در مورد فعالیت موساد تحقیقات زیادی کرده و کتاب نوشته است، تردیدی ندارند که این عملیات از سوی موساد طرح‌ریزی و اجرا شده و حتا بر اساس اطلاعات محرمانه خود از آن به عنوان «عملیات خداحافظی» میر داگان که آخرین روزهای ریاست خود بر موساد را می‌گذرانده یاد کرده‌اند.

ترور فیزیکی البته مانند هر عمل خشونت‌بار دیگر مذموم است و باید بدون قید و شرط آن را محکوم کرد. ولی جمهوری اسلامی که حربه ترور را همواره، هم در صحنه داخلی و هم در مناقشات بین‌المللی، به کار گرفته است به سختی می‌تواند در برابر کاربرد این حربه از سوی دیگران لب به اعتراض بگشاید. رژیم نشان داده است که در حذف فیزیکی مخالفان خود در داخل و خارج کشور هیچگاه از کاربرد حربه ترور ابا نداشته است، و در مناقشات بین‌المللی نیز، از گروگان‌گیری در لبنان و ایران گرفته تا بمب‌گذاری‌های هدفمند یا کور در عراق و نقاط دیگر، حربه ترور را بارها به کار گرفته است. به این ترتیب، اگر دشمنان جمهوری اسلامی نیز حربه برگزیده رژیم را علیه خود او به کار گیرند نباید شگفت زده شد - ولی باید این تأسف را با درد اظهار داشت که بهای این سیاست دوسویه ترور را افرادی مجبورند بپردازند که احیانا خود در تعیین یا اعمال این سیاست نقشی نداشته‌اند. این از خصوصیت نبردهای تروریستی است که پیکارگران و قربانیان آن را معمولا دو گروه (گرچه نه کاملا) متمایز تشکیل می‌دهند.

در هر صورت، ترور، این حربه برگزیده رژیم، اکنون علیه فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای خود آن به کار گرفته شده است. سازمان‌دهندگان این حملات البته برآنند که با حذف فیزیکی چند نفر و ایجاد ترس در دیگران، توانایی‌های هسته‌ای رژیم را کاهش دهند. رژیمی که در زیر فشار تحریم‌های سیاسی و اقتصادی رو به ضعف رفته است اکنون باید تضعیف توانایی‌های هسته‌ای خود را به دلیل حملات دوگانه سایبری و تروریستی نیز شاهد باشد. مجموعه این عوامل است که ظاهرا رژیم را واداشته است که به رغم رجزخوانی‌های خود و اعتراض به سیاست‌های تحریم شورای امنیت و غرب، با آنان به گفتگو بنشیند. صِرف موافقت رژیم با گفتگو، از سوی غرب به عنوان یک موفقیت تلقی می‌شود. ارزیابی غرب ظاهرا این است که با تحولات یکی دو ساله اخیر و ضرباتی که تحریم‌ها به رژیم وارد کرده، همراه با تضعیف توانایی‌های فنی رژیم در زمینه‌های هسته‌ای و نظامی، ورق برگشته است - و اکنون زمان دیگر نه به نفع رژیم و بلکه به ضرر آن حرکت می‌کند.

جمهوری اسلامی سابقه زیادی در «از دست دادن فرصت در شرایط قدرت و تسلیم از موضع ضعف» در روابط خارجی خود دارد. حل مشکل گروگان‌گیری دیپلمات‌های آمریکایی در تهران پس از پرداخت هزینه‌های سنگین سیاسی و اقتصادی و انزوای جهانی که حمله عراق به ایران را نیز به همراه داشت صورت گرفت. جنگ خانمانسوز با عراق نیز پس از تحمل سدها هزار قربانی و نیز هزینه‌های طاقت‌فرسای اقتصادی و اجتماعی و سیاسی با نوشیدن جام زهر از سوی آیت الله خمینی به پایان رسید - جنگی که شش سال پیشتر از آن می‌توانست از موضع قدرت و با اخذ خسارت تمام شود. و اکنون در مصاف جمهوری اسلامی با غرب بر سر فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای ایران نیز، پس از این که انواع تحریم‌ها مردم ایران را زیر فشار قرار داده و برای رژیم پس از تحولاتی که در عراق و افغانستان و لبنان و فلسطین رخ داده کمتر برگی باقی مانده که آن را بازی کند، رژیم تن به گفتگو داده است. مهم این نیست که نمایندگان رژیم وانمود کنند که گفتگوها فقط حول «نقاط مشترک» صورت خواهد گرفت. مهم این است که رژیم این قدر به این گفتگوها اهمیت می‌دهد که به رغم رجزخوانی‌های زیاد، درست یک هفته پس از ترور دو متخصص هسته‌ای خود و در عین این که کشورهای غربی را مسئول آن می‌شناسد با آنان به گفتگو می‌نشیند. در گذشته، به بهانه‌های کوچک‌تری رژیم از گفتگو سر باز می‌زد و یا طفره می‌رفت. به نظر می‌رسد هنگام نوشیدن یک جام زهر دیگر فرا رسیده است...

Iran Emrooz 


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more from Hossein Bagher Zadeh

Re: Mersheimer

by aynak on

you wrote:

"Mearsheimer and Walt's book was described as not "very convincing" by 
none other than the Godfather of the Left, Noam Comskey. Although the
Jewish lobbby is very influential, the US is the primary benefactor of
the Arab-Israeli conflict in the shape of military contracts in the tune
of billions annually. The USA previously slapped down Israeldemands for
military strikes against the IR and years before when it tried to King
Hussein's Jordan. Bush Sr actually started the Madrid Peace conference
forcing the Israelis to enter into a "territorial conpromise"with its
Arab neighbours. What other examples do you need that the USA ultimately
pulls the strings? "

For starters, what Chomsky says does not negate the above, consider that according to Jane's defence weekly (July 28, 2010) Israel is ranked number 5 in total arms export in the world!  Does that intrigue you one bit?   Are you saying Obama is also pulling the string and wanted this settlment to freeze to end?   Are you even following the latest development, and the restart of settlement?

So the disagreement that Chomsky has becomes very unsubstantial when Israel is both a big arms exporter and also one prmoter of perptual war in the region.   Islamic Regime is the other.  I would still recommand you read the book for yourself, rather than quoting Chomsky.   It is full of information, with possibly one of the longest index of reference (almost 1/4 of the book).

Bottom line, and I dont want to argue for the sake of arguing, is that you have to buy one of the two notions:

1-A great injustice has been done to a group of people in Palestine, BASED on their race, and it is among one of the longest running conflicts in history.   There are millions that are refugees, and every couple of years Israel commits war crimes against them.  And this conflict must be resovled by Israel accepting the agreement that was made in Camp Daivd, between Arafat and Begin.   (Please read Israel, peace not apartheid by Carter, regardless of what you think about Carter, he has a very straight explanation of the whole issue in his book, something NOONE has refuted since its publication, including Allan)

2-Israel is dealing with a permananet treath by these suicidal/terrorist Palestinaian!   Who understand no reasoning but stick!   They (Israel) is victim, and these "terrorists" are the agressor, and therefore Isreal is justified to attack/kill destroy them in any manner that pleases it.   All the while THE ACTUAL SIZE OF THE ISRAELI TERRITORY IS INCREASING.

I subscribe to no 1, and you call me a Jew hater for that, can I apply your own rule and call you a Palestinian hater for subscribing to the second?

The fact of the matter is, post Septembe 11, Israel is promoting its approach (as we watched Netnyahu as the first to appear on U.S t.v)to be the method to solve conflicts.   I remembe his statements:"See what type of --animals-- we deal with on a daily basis"!!

you write:

"I think you are getting two issues mixed up 1) the topic of Arabs in
Israel 2) The West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In regards to (2) Of course, I want to see asettlement freeze and a
viable Palestinian state"

So why do you not condemn the latest move by Israel to continue settlment?   How does that help?   In you view, does that strengthen or weaken the hands of Palestinian Authority?   Is that a good thing or bad?   Is that good for Obama?  Or do you think like BUsh Obama also wants to continue the war and using Israel as a ploy?

Assuming all of what you say is correct and AIPAC/Israel is the tail, and U.S is the dog, why would Israelis subscribe to this?  

you write:

"When I hear condemnation against Israel for Gaza, no one ever mentions
the fact that it also shares a border with Egypt which also sees them as
a threat to their security. "

You are kidding me right?   THe only reason King Mobark with his bankrupt policies and despotic system is in power, is because of unconditional support he gave to Israel.   Most of the aid Egypt receives is in the form of MILITARY aid :)   You see, because Mobark is willing to support Israel (BTW, Egypt has no oil) U.S (also turns a blind eye to his despotic system) which is impoverisd and corrupt beyond imagination.   So much so that in 2010, some are contemplating the same backward religious moves as Iranians did 30 years ago!   It is not Egypt, but Mobark that would see Palestinians as a threat, no so because they want to take over, but by the virtue of their support for anti-establishment groups.  In Iran, they supported Mojahedeen, Fadayean, when Mosad supported the Shah.   You may have a fundamental problem, with people who are tired of dictators speak up (unless of course the dictator is in your approved list of OK dictators, like Shah, or King Faysal or Hosni Mobark), but there is broader struggle for freedom than does not recognize such hypocicy.

You write:


Here is a food for thought for you, read the following article in
Haaretz regarding Lebanes treatment of Palestinains and compare them to
the status of Arab Israelis who despite problems have their rights and
freedoms guaranteed under the Israeli Declaratuion of Independence and
laws of Basic Freedoms:


When I see your double standard I have no choice but to question your
motives and come to the conclusion that you are anti-semetic unless you
can convince me otherwise. "

Once again when I suggested you should take classes in basic reasoning, it was not meant as insult, just a suggestion for self improvement.   How anyone is treated outside Israel is IRRELEVANT.   If I did not have a roommate that had his home taken away in Haifa, and another friend whose bother was jailed in Nabelous for peaceful protest to the cutting of Orange and Olive trees (by Israeli POLICE) in his garden, which made his fater bankrupt ....  so many others that takes books to enumerate I would have bought to that notion.   The fact is more and more the rights of non-Jewish citizens of Israel is compromised, and they are treated as second class citizens.   

But since you like to quote from Haaretz:  here's a Israeli professor (who is probably a Jew hater, oh wait he is Jewish, so he must be self hating Jew) promoting boycott of Israel for its aparthied policies:



And this  is my last exchange on this.


Morgh aka simorgh: I guess you are dumb enough

by Bavafa on

Not to know the difference between a discussion and when some one TELLING you some thing. And you lack self respect enough not to know when being ignored, you should just put your tail between your leg and go your  merry way, which ever طویله you belong.

Wishing not getting involved in a discussion with you does not mean to let you get away with rude and ignorant remarks. So, if you want to قد قد like a chicken that has got a extra large egg stock in his @$$, then carry on.




by Simorgh5555 on

Mearsheimer and Walt's book was described as not "very convincing" by  none other than the Godfather of the Left, Noam Comskey. Although the Jewish lobbby is very influential, the US is the primary benefactor of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the shape of military contracts in the tune of billions annually. The USA previously slapped down Israeldemands for military strikes against the IR and years before when it tried to King Hussein's Jordan. Bush Sr actually started the Madrid Peace conference forcing the Israelis to enter into a "territorial conpromise"with its Arab neighbours. What other examples do you need that the USA ultimately pulls the strings? 

I think you are getting two issues mixed up 1) the topic of Arabs in Israel 2) The West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In regards to (2) Of course, I want to see a settlement freeze and a viable Palestinian state. This view is now endoresed even by the  Israeli right. However, East Jersusalem must be shared between both people. The cultural and religious ties that binds Jewish people  to this city such  the Temple Mount is undeniable which a member of Abbas's government tried to argue did not exist. I empathise with the Israeli view on this. It is as if a mosque were to be built on Persepolis or sovreignty to the Fars provinve being given to a an Arab country. How  would you feel? 

The settlements and restrictions on movement in the West Bank are of course deplorable and I condemn them but the way this can be done is through a peace process. I am sorry but Palestinians are not the only people in the world to suffer inuustices and I do not think it is worth my country Iran  pursuing a course of war against Israel on this matter when closer to home our old enemy Russia invaded, occupied and devestated three countries in the last thirty years. For me to rush to the aid of  'Palestine' and condemn Israel  would be grossly hypocritical especially as the sadterrorists occupying my country are sypporting murderers in Sudan and Darfur. 

When I hear condemnation against Israel for Gaza, no one ever mentions the fact that it also shares a border with Egypt which also sees them as a threat to their security. 

Here is a food for thought for you, read the following article in Haaretz regarding Lebanes treatment of Palestinains and compare them to the status of Arab Israelis who despite problems have their rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Israeli Declaratuion of Independence and laws of Basic Freedoms:


When I see your double standard I have no choice but to question your motives and come to the conclusion that you are anti-semetic unless you can convince me otherwise. 




Bolboly, as a tax payer in U.S

by aynak on


I condemn U.S unconditional support for Israels policy of land grab and aparthied.   The latest settlement "unfreeze" is the proof that Israeli government is moving further to the right.   It is also a slap in the face of Ubama administration as well as Palestinian Authority, that Israel is not interested in any sort of peace as long as they can rely on U.S's unconditional support, which comes at a huge cost to U.S.  How the current policy of unconditional support is against both U.S interest as well as Jews (not obviously against the interest of warmongers) is well established in a 400+ book/document by Mearsheimer and Walt in a book titled "Isareal Lobby and U.S Foreign Policy".   If you have open mind, you would at least read that book and not subscribe and reiterate only Alan Dershowitzes view.  


Bavafa a.k.a. Mehrdad

by Simorgh5555 on

But you already have spoken to me. One day you are avoiding me and then talking to me. Very childish don't you think?

Very convenient for you to decide not to talk to me after I exposed you as a fantasist. 


Aynak- Mooshe Kur

by Simorgh5555 on

Spoken like a true moron! Its not my problem if your brain is muddled. You join the best of the Left Wing/Islamist coalition which have condemn Israel and then decide to live in the basion of world impersialism: America.

The point I was trying to make and your stupidity prevents you from understanding is that you cannot label Israel a 'Criminal State' without condemning America first. You know very well that Israel - love her or hate her - is tied to the umbilical cord of America and your condemnation of Israel's actions as a 'criminal state' which has the full backing of America military and polically is conveniently left out in your rubbish attempt of a political assessment. Every military action by Israel can be stopped by the State Department but where is your condemnation of the USA? I challenge you again to have the courage of your convictions and call America a 'Criminal State'. Israel has acted no worse than the USA or any NATO country and Russia. Of course, you won't condemn the USA because you risk being harassed by the immigration authorities who will deport you and deprive you of your social security bum pay cheque.

The declaration of Human Rights in Israel is no different from the US one other than a fact that it calls itself a 'Jewish state'.  

I have and always will say that I support Israel's right to exist and just creation but I have criticised her actions. The difference between myself and you - apart from the fact that you have an acute shortage of grey cell - is that you fail to recognise the legal statis of Arabs in Israel is light years better than non-Arabs in Arab countries who openly practise discriminatory polcies  2) that you assume that Jewish nationalism is a crime but Palestinian nationalism and other forms of nationalism are noble. When you selectively criticise one nationality it then questiosn your motives for doing so.3) You refuse to condemn the inhumane treatment of Palestinians in Lebanon and Jordan who refuse their own Arab brethren to integrate into their society regadless of what Israel has done to them. 

The discerning readers amonst most Iranian.com wil of course realise your hypocricy. I wil wager that if Palestinians were to plant  a suicide bomb on a school bus you will refuse to condemn it - you might even condemn it but qualify it with a statemtent saying you 'understand' their actions. 

Persoanlly I couldn't care less who assassinates Ahamdinejad or a IR criminal whether it is the Mossad, the CIA,MI6,  the Red Brigade, the IRA or the MKO. Anyone who does this noble act should be wholeheartedly congratulated. Only an apologist of the IR or a compelte fool will condemnn the decision.



a note on assasination

by aynak on


Many people post here with varying interests and goals.   Sometimes we --incorrectly-- assume the old famous saying: Enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Islamic Regime has many enemies.  Simply because it can not tolerate anything but its own narrow view.  Heck even those who used to be considered insiders can easily turn to outsiders ovenight,as we saw in last year election.

So contrary to some projection, being anti-Islamic regime alone is not the measruing stick.   Even Taleban is anti Islamic regime.    What is important is --Why-- you are against this regime, and What you want to replace it with, and as imporant --How--?

The answer to Why-What-How sheds light to true nature of each opposition and evaluation of its merit.

In this thread, we get a glance at some of these views.   Here, in simple words, assasination, murder and torture are acts that must be condmened by anyone seeking True human rights, democracy and better Iran.

The hypocricy and double standard that is introduced by putting postivie value depending on --WHO-- does it rather than --WHAT-- has happened, should be a true  delimiter.   As we say in Persin, not every round thing is a Walnut.    Ends never justify means and that should be self evident.


Morgh a.k.a. Simorgh

by Bavafa on

As I mentioned in another thread, you are not worth my time at least till you have shown maturity in carrying a discussion and without involving ones family.



  "As for Israel's

by aynak on


"As for Israel's policy of counter violence and target assassination? I
rejoice in every killing of Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Republic
Terror. I condone and encourage Israel to take further action against
Ahmadinejad, his cabinet and ambassadors and high profile
representatives of the IR. This is both just, moral, pracical and
perfect retribution for their crimes. Unless you want a full scale
carpet bombing of the IR then you really have no choice in the matter. "

Counter violence and targeted assasination means you go to someone elses country and kill a person?    You are definition of terrorist.   

One time I am U.S apologist, one time I am IR apologist and now I am far left.    The shrink has an opening, we should double up.  You need help.

آنکس که نداند و نداند که نداند، در جهل مرکب ابد و دهر بماند.




by Simorgh5555 on

Don't make me laugh with that stupid IRI offcial 'poll' which is just as ridculous as your statements that you are a "native son" of America based on your half-Azari and half-American maternal  lineage (there is only so much mileage you can get out of that!) 

Even if the poll was true then most Iranians would be wrong - and it is understanable when you are subjected to Islamist proaganda 24/7. 

By your own admission you are also far removed from mainstream America because of your support for Palestinians. Most Amercans supprot Israel. This is a fact which has been proven by Gallop or any reputable independent poll in America. But of course what do you expect from an Islamist terrorist supporter such as yourself who speaks about American presidents disparaingly and has nothing but praise for the Islamic Republic. You do more than 'accept' the IR: You have defended or found excuses for most of its policies from rape, murder to the underground sale of human organs.


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

So what you're saying is that you think the 70% of Iranians living in Iran that oppose Zionism are "idiots". That's a lot of people, Simorgh. 

So you're opposed to Iran's official position and the 70% that support this policy.

That's fine for you, I guess, as long as you admit that your view is considered radical among current perceptions inside Iran.  



Bavafa a.ka. Mehrdad

by Simorgh5555 on

Thank you for your apology but I am afrad I cannot reciprocate because there are no reasons to do so.

Your response to my question was in relation to which you said: 

 I am willing to bet that I have done more of "real fighting" then you
or most here on IC. Lets suffice to say that I have come much closer to
death at the hand of IRI thugs/Basij, then ever by the Saddam's

Come on, tough guy! Tell me how you did your 'real fighting' which distinguishes yourself from other users in Iranian.com. 

I am waiting for you to regale us with your stroies of heroic fighting and taking up resistance against the Islamic Republic. 

Until then you remain a fantasist or/and completely loooooooooooopey. 


Aynak Mooshe Kur

by Simorgh5555 on

Stupid far Left wing idiots will always be stupid far Left wing idiots like a leapord that will never change its spots. 

Let's beging with your nonsensical claim that Jews were a chosen people. I never said that. For the record I am not Jewish and I have never travelled to Israel. But the reason de etre for Israel's existence is not because of its racial supriority but because of a homeland for Jews  which at the time of its creation was very much justified. If nationalism bothers you then you should take issue with alsmost every state in the world including Palestinian nationalism, Tibetans, Swedes or Germans. The discriminatory policies of Israel may very wll be in relation to the demographic time bomb which threatens the Jewish state but it s a fact that Arabs are free to travel to any part of Israel, buy land, take up employment, become lawyaers, doctors, professionals, footballers and receive educational and scholarship grants and have used money from Israel to patron Palestinian art and cinema . Many Arabs still take up state benefit.Any whils there is undoubtedly discrimination against Arabs this by no means makes it an Appartheid state. Yes, things are bad for Arabs but compared to ethnic minorities in America who still after two hundred years live in abject poverty they have made giant leaps. As it happens Jordan, Saudi Arabia and many other Arab countries positively discrimniate against non-Arabs in relation to acquisiton of land and entitlements? Do I hear a peep out of you? Course. not you are a Jew hating Islamist. Palestinians banged up in concentration camps in Lebanon? Criminal? Your condemnation? 'course not 'cause they are not Jews. 

If you were not mentally challenged, I said that the criteria for anti-semetism is not criticism of Israel but when you call it a criminal state  or 'Zionists' then you are calling to existence its right to its existence. I have asked you befor and I ask you again. The United Sates has been accused by like minded people such as yourself - stupid people - of carrying out two recent wars of aggression. I therefore challenge you to call the United States a criminal state. You have  avoided the question comepletely which acknowledges that you are a hypocritical who resised in California and takes advanatge of her properity all the while living on stolen Native American land and living off the opportunties whih has come about by American hegemony in the world. It's not your fault: the vile Jew hate is in your genes from the time of the Islamic invasion.

As for Israel's policy of counter violence and target assassination? I rejoice in every killing of Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Republic Terror. I condone and encourage Israel to take further action against Ahmadinejad, his cabinet and ambassadors and high profile representatives of the IR. This is both just, moral, pracical and perfect retribution for their crimes. Unless you want a full scale carpet bombing of the IR then you really have no choice in the matter. 

Now how about heading for tht shrink and an optician for that eyesight of yours? 


If it helps your case Bolboly

by aynak on


I will seek a shrink, please register in a nearby college.  A mind is a terrible thing to waste.  Read your own statements and see if they make any sense.   You are using an outdated but very common practice of  unconditional supporters of Israel's policies by labeling me a anti-semite, and Jew-hater.  This is not very origianl, I know holocaust survivers that are labled the same, only because they oppose the barbaric policies of Israel, so I take no offence.  Your level of discussion, is really at 7th grade level.   I have seen more intelligent approach to discussion from younger kids.   Just saying I am a Jew hater, may make you feel more rightous, but does not give your write up one ounce of extra credence.

I never discussed U.S foreign policy, but internal human rights.  Because you introduced that.   I said, in U.S sex, religion, ethnicity is not a criteria for Human rights.   You can not even comprehend the difference between law and what a hillbilly may do in his little town.   You now have expanded the discussion  to foriegn policy.    You took the enslavment of black which stopped after civil war or natives which happend more two/three centuries ago and conlcude a modern state has every right to mistreat her citizens (Israel).  


If you are really more than 18 or 19 years of age, you are truly a hypocrite:

1-You condone assasination.  To you the concept is not bad, only who does it that makes it right or wrong.  In that regard, if Israel (are you Iranian?) does it, it must be self defence, if someone else does it, then it is probably terrorism.

2-You are advocating assasination by a foreign power to kill Iranian citizens.   THat is crimianl.   Modern behavior is based on trial not random killing.

3-You try to justify (Can I call you Israeli appologist?) all Israel's criminal activities, and offer as a rebuttel  a Jewish hater label.

4-I stated, anyone meeting certain requirement (like having skills, etc etc) regardless of religion or sex or ethnic origin can become U.S citizen.   If you are a U.S citizen, assuming your parents were from Iran, you would be a hypocrite to enjoy this right, and yet equate this to apartheid state of Israels policy where CURRENTLY peoples home are bullodzed on routine bases, because THEY BELONG TO A DIFFERENT RACE.   YOU ARE RACIST FOR CONDONING AND SUPPORTING AND NOT EVEN APPOLOGIZING THIS POLICIES.

Jews ARE not chosen people.  Get that to your little head.  Therer is no chosen people.  ALL HUMANs ARE EQAUL.

5.I dont see how you and your mind can be any different than a Hezbollahi?   They also have excuse for their murder.   Are you right in your murder and advocation of assasination, because you feel rightous?

I did not mean to insult you by suggesting, to take courses in college, it is for your own good.



Simorgh5555 a.k.a. shakhse gomnam

by Bavafa on

If you can not pick the sarcasm in that comment which is in response to your rather absurd comment, then that is beyond me. But let me make it clear, if that comment or any other comment of mine for that matter in any way shape or form mislead you to believe that I was part of any armed resistance against IRI, then I apologies for that.

Now only if you had the audacity and maturity to apologies for your comments of which you had ridiculed others.

And forgive me for not giving a hoot about your "anti-Semite" crap label, had I been accused of that by some one that is remotely aware of what racism is or have any respect for other races and religion, it may have provoke a second look. But such words out of you, it is just purely meaningless.  Once you proved you can be respectful of other race and religion, then you can begin to think if some one is anti-Semite or not. But then again, this follows your pattern of accusing others of things that you routinely exercise.



Aynak a.k.a Moshe Koor

by Simorgh5555 on

Frankly your counterpiece shows you are stupid beyond redemption. Never mind me registering for classes you need to check into a mental health clinic. 

Crap argument 1

U.S has a declaration of Independence, part of which states;  "All men
are created equal".  If some  interpreted "men" to mean White Men, and
enslaved, that is their wrong......How can you even compare that with Israel?

Israel also has a written declaration of independence although it does not have a formal written constitution. Regardless of polciies and discrimination Israeli Arabs suffer theequality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants
irrespective of religion, race or sex, and guaranteed freedom of
religion, conscience, language, education and culture. Most roadsigns in Israel are written in both Hebrew and Arabic and whilst Arabs are routinely discriminated there has been significant number of Arabs who are memebrs of the Knessetand hold both junior and ministerial posts. So on the same token despite what is done in practise Israel in theory is both a democratic and Jewish. Furthermore, since you are an expert on comparative analysis  compare the advancement of Arab minorities in Israel compared in its short 60 years to the centuries of sluggish progress for ethnic minorities espeicallu African-Americans to gain full civil rights. Your historical account of full enfranchisement of ethnic minorities in America is for the gullible or the completely stupid. Even after the civil war and Lincoln 'liberated' former slaves they were given forty acres of land and a mule as their lot in life. The former black slaves then were subnjected to another hundred and fifty years of separate but equal  and segragation which you conveniently left out. Compare that to the status of Arabs in Israel in just sixty years. The genocide of the native Americans was more than just 'criminal' it was plain genocide and ethnic lceansing of an entire population, culture and theft of their land. Do not disguise it. . The Palestinians claim there are 6 million of their descendents living in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and neighbouring Arab countries who are refused full citizenship rights and made to live in make-shift concentration camps. Compare that to the West Bank which has a semi-independent government (although it is still under Israeli occupation), a national flag, governemnt institutions and their own national identities. Where is the equivalent recognition in America or the neigbourng Arab countries? Infact, did the Palestiniasn have an indpendent government when it was occupied by Jordan and the Ottomans before? I dont think so.  

Israel's foreign policy has admittedly been a mixture of success and catastrophically misguided at times. But hey, whatever wrong Israel does it has never dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, invaded Afghanistan, Iraq,  shoot down an Iranian airliner, kill over 2 million orientals in Vietnam, and the other war crimes associated with America. I challenge you to call America a criminal state becaue of its chequered foreign military (mis)adventures. Of course, you won't. You are a Jew hater. Not because you criticize Israel - which is legitimate but because you use the most agrressive terms of condemnation at Israel and softly rebuke others. It is evident from your criticism that you just don't have problems with Israel's polcies but its existence which is more justified than the creation of America. the former being victims of the Holocaust, hate progroms and the latter the creation of greedy Europeans in cearch of gold, spices, land and slavery.

If Israel is guilty of doing deals with South Africa then put France, Germany, the UK and the whole of Western Europe amongst them.What about the USA which called the ANC terrorists! Hah!  Where is your concemnation?  Because they are not Jews. 

If you were mentally stable, I would ask you which county would you prefer to live as a Westernized Iranian? I'm glad you mentioned Jewish criticism of Israel. It happens all the time in Israel. Google 'Peace Now,  and 'Haaretz'.   Try doing the same in the Islamic Republic. 

Take my advice and seek therapy, Aynak. Discuss your anti-semetism with your California shrink.




by aynak on


bolboly writes:

"If you cannot see the difference between Israel and the Islamic Republic
then you are myopic and you should go to a good optician and invest in a
new aynak."

Of course there is a difference, one is gender aparthied the other a racial aparthied.  But the similarity is more:  they are different forms of Aparthied.


"Israel's policies have undoubtedly been misguided and counter productive
over the years  but their use of violence and methods which they
employed in attacking their enemies is no different from he 'war on
terror' of other countries such as the USA, Britain and Western Europe.
For you to single Israel out as a 'criminal regime'  in this regard when
the USA has a bigger track record in criminal wrongs shows time and
time again your problem. Its been passed down from geenration to
generation. From mother to daughter. Father to son: anti-semetism. "

Look up the word Apologist before you use it.  Israel, has been behind training of many military juntas in South and Central America and also Irans Savak.  They were among the last countries to cut ties with South African Aparthied.   Criminality of Israel does not mean it is the only criminal state, but you were the one applauding their involvement in assasination in Iran.  So you lack basic reasoning in your discussion.


"If you call Israel a criminal state then you must call the USA a
criminal state as well. But you know it. The creeping Jew hate in you
makes you discriminate against one against the other."

It appears you lack basic skills or comprehension of comparative analysis.  I am engaging with you with the hope that you are very young.   Otherwise (if you are older than your mid-20's please let me know and I would not bother to write, as that would be indication of cognetive disability).

U.S has a declaration of Independence, part of which states;  "All men are created equal".  If some  interpreted "men" to mean White Men, and enslaved, that is their wrong.   Based on the same laws, slaves where ultimately freed, and women were allowed to vote.  I dont know what your ethnic background is, but based on the same law anyone meeting the requirement is granted entry and if they qualify they can ultimately become US citizens.   Regardless of their race, religion, gender.   How can you even compare that with Israel?  As for Native Americans, they were mistreated, and very criminally at that.  But ultimately, they were given the option to live in reservations which is autonomous fom U.S or mix and integrate in U.S.   A Palestinian, is now days subject to the policy of --transfer--. That means systemically, they will be forced out of their home and sent outside.   Do you understand the meaning of absurd comparison?


"Furthermore, before you attack Israel's alleged appartheid state then
perhaps you might shed look closer to home at the treatment of blacks
and the Bush's hopeless and poor response to hurricane Katrina. The USA
(the country where you live) was built on land taken from the native
Americans and a country which imported slaves. At least Palestinians
still exist as a people and a national force. Do you see that
difference? Nope. Your JEW HATE prevents you."

I suggest you take a basic course in logic, and stop repeating a nonsence like a parrot.  Condemning Israel is not equal to condemning Jews.   Some of the most vocal opponents of Israel are Jews.  Your ignorance in equating the two is mind buggling. 


"Finally, are you telling me that if the Larijani brothers, Ahmadinejad
or Saeed Jalili were assassinated you would not rejoice? This reveals a
lot about you. So apart from being a Jew hater then you are also an IR
apologist. No self respecting Iranian would condemn the death of any
criminal IR man. "

Once again, your lack of understanding basic reasoning principle is evident.   Even though I wrote explicitly about failed attempts to remove Islamic Regime by assasination method used by Mojahedeen, you are under illusion that assasinating 2 or 3 immaterial elements of A SYSTEM BASED on martydom will change anything.   I seriously hope you are very young, and simply do not comprehend what you write.   In that case forget saving Iran and please please register at you local community college in basic clases in reasoning, sociology, humanity.   Expand your knowldege but as importantly improve your methods to reason.   

Only someone ignorant of these basic fields, would deduce from the statement that: both Islamic regime and Israel are criminal regimes and assasination by one criminal regime is NOT a proper way to reach the ultimate goal of democracy in another regime, that I hate Jews, and I am therefore an IR apologist.  But we are free to say what we want.

Please help yourself and register for classes today.



Mehrdad a.k.a Bavafa

by Simorgh5555 on

I just read youc comment and I want your apology. So apart from being  an anti-semite, an Islamic Republic sympathiser I see you have added lying to your list of odious qualities.

Here is the post from you on Tuesday September 16 of this year in response tomy question 'how did you fight the IR' after you boasted how you have done more than your fair shair of 'fighting' against the Islamic Republic than other members of the Iranian.com.



You said: 

I took arms against them, aimed at them but missed the "between the eye"

Oops, I guess this doesn't count as it did not hit them between the eye, right?

What does this reveal about you. a) You are a fantasist b) You tell porkies  c) completely loopey d) all three.

I;m waiting for your explanation and apology.



Oh Simorgh5555:

by Bavafa on

First, you need to learn to have manners but as you said it yourself, manners are a family virtue.

Second you need to have your ears examined as I have never said such thing because I have not done such things. If I had taken arms against IRI, I would be proud of it and not denying it.

Third, there is a big difference between a scientist that works under the regime of IRI and an IRI system/leader. By your account, all those who work under IRI are subject to terror, perhaps even the mailman that delivers mail in Iran.

The more you open your mouth, the more you reveal about yourself.


P.S. all my comments here are still available, if you were able to produce such claim on my part, I will apologies to you here on the record.  If you couldn't, then maybe you can do that, although I won't hold my breath as this is also a family virtue to hold yourself accountable.


Bavafa a.k.a Mehrdad

by Simorgh5555 on

You need to learn to SHUT UP. You confessed to me on this very site that you took up arms against the Islamic regime. Remember when you told me you took a gun and aimed at 'them'? I don't know how genuine your story wasbecaue you often sprout rubbish out of your mouth but let's say for instance what you told me is the truth....

so apart from being another Jew hater you are also a terrorist by your own standards? 

Whta is the difference between you and me wanting to support target assassinations against the IR criminals?



by Simorgh5555 on

If you cannot see the difference between Israel and the Islamic Republic then you are myopic and you should go to a good optician and invest in a new aynak.

Israel's policies have undoubtedly been misguided and counter productive over the years  but their use of violence and methods which they employed in attacking their enemies is no different from he 'war on terror' of other countries such as the USA, Britain and Western Europe. For you to single Israel out as a 'criminal regime'  in this regard when the USA has a bigger track record in criminal wrongs shows time and time again your problem. Its been passed down from geenration to generation. From mother to daughter. Father to son: anti-semetism. 

If you call Israel a criminal state then you must call the USA a criminal state as well. But you know it. The creeping Jew hate in you makes you discriminate against one against the other.

Furthermore, before you attack Israel's alleged appartheid state then perhaps you might shed look closer to home at the treatment of blacks and the Bush's hopeless and poor response to hurricane Katrina. The USA (the country where you live) was built on land taken from the native Americans and a country which imported slaves. At least Palestinians still exist as a people and a national force. Do you see that difference? Nope. Your JEW HATE prevents you.

Finally, are you telling me that if the Larijani brothers, Ahmadinejad or Saeed Jalili were assassinated you would not rejoice? This reveals a lot about you. So apart from being a Jew hater then you are also an IR apologist. No self respecting Iranian would condemn the death of any criminal IR man. 


آخی، گًل و‌ بلبل اینجا دارن در مورد ترور گًل میگن و گًل میشنوند


فقط سنبل (فرد) رو کم دارند که به جمع دوستان بپیونده و از این ترور به به و چه چه بگن



Bolbol Jan

by aynak on


Calm down.  Any sane individual would condemn assasination.  

"A sustained target assassination campaign will yield huge dividends and may even prevent the path to a devestating war.  

Well done Israel"

are you for real?

Israel is a criminal state not too different than Islamic Regime. The fact that one kills her own citizens and the other, kills others is just the difference.   Stop licking the arse of other criminals.

No true Iranian, would ever welcome assasination in his country after seeing what happens in Iraq and what happened earlier in Iran wit Mojahedeens approach.

I have a sense, people can pose with an ID advocating things that may seem "revolutionary" or "anti-Islamic Regime" where as in reality, both the apartheid state of Israel and the apartheid Iranian regime, benefit from escalation of violence and this type of approach.

The two are the two faces of the same coin.



I agree that terror of any kind is beyond human endeavor

by mahmoudg on

but then again, i am not sure we are dealing with humans when talking about the Islamic Rapist Cultists.



by Simorgh5555 on

I welcome any Mossad operations against the regime inside Iran and across the world . They have showed admirable courage and ingenuity in elminating their enemies. Israelis can easily carry out assassiantion operations in Iran and anywhere in the Middle East. Israel is not short of Farsi speaking operatives and most Sephardis are olive skinned.

The Islamic Republic is the natrual enemy of Iran and Israel. Israel should assassinate all high profile members of the Islamic Republic from the Spiritual Leader, the Council of Guardians, President, Ministers and ambassadors. Israel should also continue its operations against Lebanese Hezbollah but not a full scale war as in Lebanon which killed countless civilians. As Iranians we should welcome Israel's war on Hezbollah.

A sustained target assassination campaign will yield huge dividends and may even prevent the path to a devestating war. 

Well done, Israel! 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

من با ترور فردی مخالفم

Shazde Asdola Mirza


کار خیر رو باید بصورت دسته جمعی‌ انجام داد!


Viva Meow!!

by Tavana on

Thanks much Inspector Faramarz. We should also remember that immediately after the self executed plots Al Nose (AN) announced that those were the work of "MOSSAD" agents!! Did not he need to at least ask his thugs for "make to believe" investigations first?? Is not also such announcement similar with Khamenie's congratulation for AN's "set up" 2nd time presidency when the election poles were still open?? Is there anything left with the regime for people to believe??  


An Assassination and a Decoy

by Faramarz on

I agree with Anonymouse and I have stated my reasons before. But now there is a new twist.

The initial reports said that men on motorcycles simultaneously approached the two cars as they were driving to the university at 7:45 am, attached magnetic bombs to the driver side, sped away and detonated the bombs using remote control. They then showered the cars with bullets, killing Shahriari while injuring his wife.

They said that Abbasi escaped because he opened the door and ran out. Looking at Abbasi's car pictures below, one can see that the bomb was not detonated while some bullet holes are on the dash and the window. And they do not look lethal.

They meant to kill Shahriari. Maybe they thought that he was the one that introduced the Stuxnet worm into the Siemens computers using flash memory cards. It's been reported widely (NYTimes, etc.) that Stuxnet needed to be physically introduced into a computer on the site, and not through a remote cyber attack. Maybe he was under suspicion because of his access to the facility.

Abbasi who got away is a high ranking member of the Regime and involved in its missile program. He is also on the UN sanctions list. This could have been a fake assassination on him. If you compare the pictures at the top and my pictures, you can see that the intent of the operations were different. Also, this could not have been two separate operations one carried by Mossad and one by the Regime!

Abbasi's Car:




Shahriari's Car:



در این که بمب گذاری و خشونت در ایران زیاد شده که شکی نیست.


من معتقد نیستم که اسرائیل این ترور را انجام داده باشد.  اون هم دو نفر روی موتور!  این جور آرتیست بازی‌ها تو تهران فقط از خود سپاه پاسداران بر میاد.

تئوری من اینه که بعد از اون ویروس کامیپوتر stauxnet و غافل گیری بعدش و بودن این شخص در مجامع علمی‌ دنیا، بهش شک کردند و با یک تیر دو تا نشون زدند.  یکی‌ که ترس بندازن تو جامعه هسته‌ای که دست از پا خطا کنید با موتور سر به نیستتون می‌کنیم! و در عین حال عزا داری هم بکنید و تقصیر رو گردن دیگران بندازین.

خلاصه کلوم از موقعی که احمدی اومده سر کار، خشونت و کشت و کشتار به عرش اعلا رسیده.  این جدیداً هم که بنزین داخلی‌ میدن بیرون مردم رو تو روز دشمن هلاک می‌کنن و افتخار به "کیفیت" بنزین داخلی‌.  بعد هم اگر گندش در اومد میندازن گردن آمریکا و استکبار جهانی‌.  باز دوباره با یک تیر دو نشون، البته برای مصرف داخلی‌. 

Everything is sacred


As gullible as another Bagherzadeh

by SamSamIIII on


Eynollah that is. If Israelis had such sophisticated presence in Iran they would have had bigger fish to fry than these two. 2 daring risky operations on one day in broad daylight using from all things guns & physical presence just to remove couple of mid-level technicians? In Tehran !...u kidding?. Just like Hosseinieh in shiraz soon some poor sap asghar watching porn or voa in his basement will be picked up as mossad 007 and hanged overnight.

As for sanctions, keep dreaming, it will only alienate & add millions more to the already crowded destitute class in omaru republic. & remember what dasterdly Brits said on how to keep em in chain;, "Keep I-ranians hungry & Arabs full".



Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia