The American Gulf

U.S. Navy's renaming of the Persian Gulf


The American Gulf
by jamal.abdi

In a move that threatens to exacerbate tensions in a region already pushed to the brink, the US Navy recently circulated an official directive to its personnel to refer to the Persian Gulf by the propaganda term "Arabian Gulf." The directive, appearing in the US Navy Style Guide, flies in the face of 2,500 years of acceptance of the term "Persian Gulf," and is viewed by many as means to divide the Middle East along ethnic fault lines. The Navy's controversial move reopens old wounds and engenders enmity that puts US service members in the region in danger.

"Arabian Gulf" is a phrase rooted not in history or geography but instead in the political machinations of British colonialists in the first half of the 20th century. The term was first developed in 1930s by Sir Charles Belgrave, a British adviser to Bahrain. His proposal to officially use the term was rejected by the British Colonial and Foreign offices. Two decades later, the term was resurrected by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company during its dispute with Mohammad Mossadegh, the Iranian Prime Minister whose battle with British oil interests would culminate in a US-sponsored coup d'état that continues to haunt US-Iran relations.

The term gained notoriety in the 1960s during the Pan-Arabism era as part of an effort exploit ethnic divisions to unite Arabs against non-Arabs--namely Iranians and Israelis. It was later used by Saddam Hussein to justify his territorial ambitions in the Middle East and, most recently, adopted by Osama Bin Laden as a means to rally Arab populations by emphasizing ethnic rivalries in the region.

Now, in an environment of heightening tensions between Israel, the Arab states, and Iran--particularly in the midst of increasing rumors of military confrontation fueled in part by the recent Wikileaks cables--the Navy's needless provocation has reportedly raised the ire of the other branches of the military. The other services should understandably be frustrated that the Navy would risk increasing regional tensions that increase potential risks for US servicemembers in the region.

The Navy's move has also prompted a swift response from members Iranian-American community who understand that regional stability is not aided by such provocations. Iranian Americans have sent over 3,000 letters to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates organized through a National Iranian American Council action alert calling for the correct name to be used. Protests also appeared en masse on Facebook, generating coverage by CNN and bringing the Navy's fan page to a virtual standstill. The page's administrators posted multiple messages to attempt to address the issue.

Similar provocations were made recently by the State Department when one of its top officials referred to "Arabian Gulf" during prepared statements regarding the recent Saudi arms deal. While the State Department has thus far failed to issue a clarification on this point, its own Board of Geographic Names has held since 1917 that "Persian Gulf" is the correct term, and it is understood that this continues to be the official US Government position.

A response posted by the Navy explains that the branch uses the controversial term because it is the "naming convention recognized by our regional Arab partner nations." But this explanation is cause for even further concern. The US Navy is effectively providing legitimacy to a propaganda term designed to fuel ethnic tensions in the Middle East by blindly repeating it.

Just as the US should not accede to any call for military action that would endanger American interests and put our troops in harm's way, the Navy should not acquiesce to dangerous naming conventions that help escalate tensions that could ultimately help drag the US into war.

In the interest of promoting stability in the Middle East rather than exacerbating tensions, the US Navy should put its foot down and assert that it will not needlessly stoke tensions and heighten the risks in the region by other states' propaganda. No superpower should find itself consigned to advancing a foreign country's political messaging that could very well put its own servicemembers in danger.

Tell Secretary of Defense Gates to instruct the Navy to stop playing dangerous name games in the Persian Gulf

Jamal Abdi is policy director for the National Iranian American Council (NIAC).


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by Doctor mohandes on

That is cuz The Gulf of mexico is its Original and rightful name Son. WHy are you getting the two cases mixed up??

By the way If you read Mr. sick's Interview on the front page, you will see that this was no "general" case. It was done for a specific purpose and he will tell you the story behind it all. Go have a look.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


did "Iranians" last march around screaming "Death to America"? Last I remember Iranians were holding a vigil in 2001 in sympathy for American people.

Get your facts right and stop putting your foot in your mouth




by TrueAmerican on

Iranians march in their streets screaming "Death to America" every other day yet they act so shocked when the US or the west in general does anything that is even perceived as hostile.  Iranians also need to get over themselves.  How many Americans do they see crying because the gulf in our territory is called the Gulf of Mexico?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The harder they squeeze the more sand falls out of their grasp. They will keep pushing but one day the Basiji will turn on them and pay them back.


recruiting Baseejis in the local preschool

by Fesenjoon on

Oh yeah, they even give them Baseej membership cards.

With intense brainwashing like this, prepare for lots more ahead too.


The Fatherland is full of Nutty's

by Escape on


  From the incident

On the morning of 3 July, the Vincennes was passing through the Strait of Hormuz returning from an escort duty.[3] A helicopter from the USS Vincennes received small arms fire from Iranian patrol vessels, as it observed at a high altitude. The Vincennes moved to engage the Iranian vessels, in the course of which they all violated Omani waters and left after being challenged and ordered to leave by a Royal Navy of Oman warship



by Harpi-Eagle on

That's all

Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Well spoken

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The American Navy shot down an Iranian civilian plane in cold blood. The filth known as Ronnie Ray Gun gave the asshole a medal. Captain Will Rogers is rotting in hell right now. The only American pundit to show any honor or decency was Patrick Buchanan. 

The USA Navy is nothing but a pirate mafia. No better than the Mollahs. Vile begets vile and evil begets evil. At the end they will betray one another.




by Fesenjoon on


It's the US Army that's at the bottom of the IQ chain, not the Navy or AirForce or even the Marines.

If the US Navy were made up of "a bunch of dropouts", how would they be able to build and operate a zillion nuclear reactors in their naval fleet?

Tell me, how many reactors has Iran built???? One? No wait, the Russians did that, cuz all our fuckin scientists have fled Iran, and what's left is "16 year olds discovering nuclear energy".

(No wonder we're such an ignorant lot, worse than the Americans. Faqat baladeem zert o zoort sho'aar bedeem)

The average American cant tell the difference between Iran and Iraq (and wont care to either), but we sure as hell cant tell the difference between dumb and dumber either: This is the culmination of Iran's achievements thru the millenia. lezzat bebar.


 There are Iranian Arab's

by Escape on

 There are Iranian Arab's around the Gulf,the Govt appears Arab and Arabic is taught in the schools.And on the other side is Arabia..

But I think the whole thing is being exaggerated so it's another excuse to cry about the American Navy & American Power.More jealousy.

Because there is something that is not clear here..If the manual says substitute the term Arabian for Persian,I'm not sure how that is interpreted.It could mean use one or the other.Or it may mean no more using the term 'The Persian gulf',go to the brink....You would have to be there to know what this really means..

As for the term 'Persia' it could mean the end of a slow death,which also fuels some of the anger here besides pride.It's like 'Persia the lost Atlantis' but with refugee's left in their old homeland and scattered about.One who considers themselves Persian and take's great pride in it is hurt.

I agree what is considered Persian should stay Persian like Persian Cats,Persian Rugs.Those things are not controversial and are clearly Persian.But things do sometimes have two names for the same thing.

For instance when I was younger the house had a "Ottoman couch".Well we called it a Ottoman couch because it came with a matching 'Ottoman' footrest but it was really a Divan with a Ottoman.



Consider the source

by hamidbak on

Is what my father used to always say. 


This stink arises from the same NAVY who shut down a 747 passenger airliner thinking it was a jet fighter!

You have to give these numb nuts a bit of a break, God knows as dumb as they are, they need it.

A sad collection of high-school drop outs, who could reach nothing higher and would not have ended up in any "lame" and "easy" university or even a Vocational School, run these outfits.  They grow to learn some big words later and wear finely pressed uniforms.  Deep down, they don't know the difference betwen Arabian and Persian Gulf, they know not what the separation is between Arab and Iranian, and will not distinguish between any nationality within the region to save their lives.

Most of us sat in classes in colleges and high-schools next to the brighter collection of Americans and have been, for the most part, very disapointed.  Remember, these are the ones who were no where near college matterial.

So, cut them some slack, let them call these waters what they like.  I am willing to let go and have them call it Arabian Gulf, only if that would mean they are going to retain some, just some geography knowledge.  

Ask an American what is the difference betwen Iraq and Iran, you'll see what I mean.


Thanks - sent

by MM on




by Fesenjoon on

1. That "it existed elsewhere" doesnt justify having it, and it's not even relevant, nor even a correct comparison. This regime has institutionalized hatred for religious minorities. In the Shah's time, you could be a Bahai and a vazir. Now, youre a Bahai, and u get sentenced as a Moharebeh. What r u talking about? Did u ever hear the Shah's goons spit out shit like this? No dude, youre a jew now, say goodbye to any higher education/govt career. The best youll ever be is a minority majles rep. And if u jeek, theyll label u a spy of Israel and drag your ass to Evin. Basically, in today's Iran, if youre a religious minority, youre fucked. Even if youre just an atheist, theyll screw you as many times as it takes to get God back into your head, or ruin your life. Thats what they mean by a "20 year homogeneizing policy": to social engineer everyone into a VF abiding Shia.

2. I dont think so. The first blood was spilt by Iranians not by Americans, because they had (and have) twisted ideas of Islam in their heads. Islam's purpose is to spread its political ideology (parcham-e Islam) over the globe, even by the sword, if needed. It's purpose is to establish the word of God and his Sharia everywhere in the world. To chop hands off, to execute non-believers, to wage war against Kuffar. U think that if US is gone, the mullahs will close shop and go back to Qom??!!!! It's the opposite: Next thing youll know, theyll set up Paaygah Moghavemat-e Baseej HQs in Europe and Canada and everywhere. Youll have Baseeji goons knock on your door in the middle of Kansas, asking you who's the woman youre sleeping with. Islam is a religion of fat'h and conquering. It has no peace in it (and they fuckin lie about it all the time). Look at their lingo and jargon: Amr-e be marouf va Nahy az monkar. They dont invite (da'vat) you to Marouf, they order you (amr) to it.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Couple of quick responses:

1) The things you mention: hate of Jews; hate of Bahai; Chadori women opposed to their own rights all existed before the IRI. At the peak of Shah's power these existed. I was there; I remember. So the problems are not new. In fact without them IRI would not have come to power in the first place. I remember these idiots were always making trouble with their fanaticism. It was they who killed many of our REAL intellectuals like Kasravi . Replacing them with fake morons like Shariati.

2) America is working to weaken Iran. That is a fact; without it Iran will be able to regain much lost terriroty. I am not saying that Iran will get rid of Mollahs. But both America and EU did a lot to promote and fund religious fanaticism. Therefore while a weaker America will NOT solve our problems. It will keep it from adding to them.



Do you seriously believe

by asadabad on

Do you seriously believe that Iran has any chance against the US/or Israel or even Saudi Arabia?  IRI couldn't even handle Iraq.  What was Irans defense during the 1980s?  Sending thousands of children in human wave attacks? 

Iran can't diff woop anyone.  Pakistan or Turkey alone could wipe the floor with Iran.  I am sorry if I offend your feelings but it is the truth!

Irans military is a joke.  What do you call flying go-kart boats?  Or how about 40 year old American hawk missiles? 

All of the hype on cnn/fox about Iran being a threat is sickening.  It is just propaganda--only useful for domestic consumption--and nothing but justification for US imperialism.  Have you not learned from the WMD bullshit how the corporate media works in the US?


Regime has nukes

by Parthianshot91 on

Wtf makes you people think that the regime already doesn't have nukes? Seriously, the way they're threatened, I'm sure they have already become paranoid and delusional, they could buy it from Russia or China easily.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


Snorting crack, Nuking Iran?

by Parthianshot91 on

 Then you can say bye bye to israel and the Persian gulf Arab states. If Iran wasn't such a threat, then they simply wouldn't be so threatened and scared of it, they also would have attacked in the first place. Iran's military even nowadays, is not a joke.

 Iran's military might not have enough power to defeat the U.S all together, but it can diff woop it's ass out of the region, along with her Arab allies, we're talking about our home turf here. Anyways, I hope no war or invasion happens, cause then you will have pissed off Iranians who despise the regime rallying with them to prevent an Invasion, best thing to do would be to not play the anti-Iranian card, support the nationalists who want secularism and freedom, and are anti-regime, and if they have to use military, then only by air or assasination of he higher ranking regime members.



"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


author contradicts himself

by asadabad on

On the one hand he acknowledges that the US is a superpower, yet he says the US shouldn't run the risk of antagonizing a third world country by changing from P.G. to A.G..  If the US is a superpower--as it clearly is--then who cares what Iranians thinks. 

Does the US really need to "fear" Irans response to this name change?  Honestly, what can Iran do?  

Here is my analysis: 

US/Israel/Arabs have made a deal with each other at Irans expense.  Israel gets Palestine from the arabs, in return the Arabs get the Persian gulf and the United States is going to give it to them after Iran is nuked.


Learn from these men

by Parthianshot91 on

Like Shahram hoomayoun, and the rest on the Iranian political t.v abroad, I truly admire these men cause they never give up and keep on fighting agianst these islamists after so long, infact many of them are behind these protests and resistance in Iran. Even if you look at khomanie, it took him how long to accomplish his goal of overthrowing the shah? Every person knows that you will absolutely get nowhere by bitching and complaining. Man up!


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


Fesenjoon, you remind of

by Parthianshot91 on

Those crazy old men I see in new-york city going around with posters around their necks saying how we're all doomed.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


That's such a pathetic way of thinking fesenjoon

by Parthianshot91 on

So according to you fesenjoon, you want all Iranians to just give up on their country! You see, this is what I meant by saying that you're only discouraging people by your rants, how do you expect people to fight for something when you present it as crap and not worthy to fight for? You lack hope, and it's none's fualt other than your own. My advice to you is, take it fvcking easy, and if you have nothing good or positive to say that will strenghten the Iranian people's resistance towards this regime, then don't say anything at all, cause with your attitude you're making it worse.

 Who listens to this regime? If anything, the people don't believe a damn word of this regime, which leads to exaggeration sometimes even. You seriously think people are more brainwashed than they were when the revolution began, 30 or even 20 years ago? No buddy, those followers of the regime are a crazy isolated community of people surrounded by the Iranians who want nothing to do with them, and their living space is only becoming smaller and smaller day by day. They're not gaining power, but losing it Immensely. What happened in 2009, the protests, wouldn't and couldn't happen 20 or even 10 years ago, we're moving up and gaining more power, it's you who's delusional and hopeless, i'm guessing cause you exaggerate things, though you're not the first person of any nationality, Iranian or whatever that i've seen exaggerate about the problems of his nation. If we all thought like you, we would go crazy, no offense. Your tactics are un-called for and useless.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"

G. Rahmanian

Dear Mr. Mirfendereski:

by G. Rahmanian on

Exactly! That is what the debate must be inside and outside of Iran: How to remove this huge 32-year-old insult on Iran and Iranians called, "IR." As long as long IR is in power, Iranians will not have it any better. IR has done everything it could to bring disgrace on Iran and Iranians. The regime did its best to arabicize the Iranian culture, so what is the problem, here? What's in one more Arabic name, anyway? Isn't that what the regime wishes for, after all? Also there are more important issues Iranians have to deal with, such as the atrocities of the regime in the past three decades, 8,000,000 Iranians living in exile, lack of the most basic human rights, skyrocketing inflation, high unemployment, rampant drug addiction among young Iranians and regime orchestrated attempts at destroying Iranian cultural heritage. Add to all that a demagogue, as president, who perpetually threatens Iranians, comparing them to dirt. What kind of respect can Iranians expect from others when a buffoon is their president? Let's not forget the war which the regime brought on Iran through its provocative rhetoric and actions in Iraq and its desire to export the revolution. The regime, after 32 years, is still calling itself revolutionary with the sole intention to export it to the rest of the region. Isn't it only natural for the Arab leaders to feel threatened by the mass murderers of IR?

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

The next step, in this process, is the inspection of all IRR

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

shipping traffic through the "Arabian Gulf" by the US Navy! Anybody's got the testicular fortitude to stop them!? No! I didn't think so! Then, through provocation initiated by the Mullahs, American forces will have to move in and the rest is just what Iranians have long been waiting for (~31 years!) Now, let the sheepish supporters of IRR keep chanting "Marg Bar Amrika" till one by one are taken out of their holes by the American forces, just like Sad'dam was!



by Fesenjoon on

I agree with u.

But it's not just the leaders though that should take all the credit for this shitty mess of a country. I wish it were. Things then would be much simpler if we had a simple rage against the machine case of fighting a dictatorship. But it's not. I see a whole lot of people involved and guilty as well. Ordinary people: The bearded veteran that keeps showing up in front of UK's embassy to shout hatred in allegiance to his friday prayer imam, the bazari guy with 2 wives who benefits from the inefficient system, the 80s pasdar who now has a business company in Dubai with multimillion dollar subsidies buying low-quality shit from China in return for some promised concession, the chadori moron that votes against women in the Majles, the Shabun Bimokh roaming the street stabbing students on sidewalks during protests, the basiji kid that arrests couples in parks for display of affection, the fucking morons living here that go eat dinner with AN each time he comes to NY, and clap for him each time he passes wind with an anti-American sound.

There's a whole legion of morons responsible for this. Not just leaders and akhonds, VPK. And this is the result of 30 or so years of constant brainwashing and successful social engineering. People grow up in Iran to hate jews and Bahais without even meeting one personally. They avoid rationality in favor of half-baked propaganda and hearsay. Look at our friend ParthianShot. He keeps repeating the same stupid shit over and over again. He doesnt understand that it isnt consequential or even important if the US survives or exists or is corrupt. Whether US is around or not, the fucking mullahs will still be raping women by legitimized Sharia law. That's what concerns me. That's what matters. Not what some retarded governor from Alaska says or does. But no, the ParthianShots of the world can onnnnnnnnnly think of Margh Bar Amrika. Why? Because we've been taught that way. To hate. To blame. To ignore. To have a loud mouth and say shit without thinking. So fucking one dimensional. Eventually, yes, the akhonds and authorities are responsible. But I wont give the people any carte blanche either. Why? Because on the one hand, we have the girl who votes every time in every election even though she knows there are no true open elections, and then we have people like Nasrin Sotoodeh. If every Iranian did and acted and cared like Sotoodeh, these fuckin akhonds wouldnt be around anymore. The sad reality is that, we dont have enough Nasrin Sotoodehs in Iran today. Most people would rather be busy on which gharz ol-hasaneh account to put their money in, or where to get a visa, or when to go to Turkey to do some shopping for their boutique on Vali Asr street. Basically, people in Iran seem to think that freedom and democracy trickles down from above, not the other way around. We're not mature enough to understand how a democracy works. Most of us, at least.

I'm sure youll disagree with me on this matter. You have lots of optimism and hope in you. I once had it too. I hope you never become a pessimist like me. It's a shitty painful life, knowing that your country is already lost. Maybe it will reawaken from the ashes in 50 years, who knows. But the Iran of today is mostly dead. And I blame her people for it. Not all, but most of them. They are accomplices to IRI, knowingly or not.

marhoum Kharmagas

Indeed Guive!

by marhoum Kharmagas on

"The U.S. calling the Persian Gulf “Arabian” is due to three factors: (1)
the requirement by the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf that said
name be used in diplomatic correspondence and press dispatches by
foreigners; (2) U.S. government’s way of deliberately annoying the
Iranian government and Iranians for political purposes because it knows
that this name-calling gets to Iranians; and (3) where money is
concerned, the U.S. government that sells billions in arms to the Arab
countries and buys billions in cheap oil, and American businesses who
sell billions more in goods and services to the Arab countries would
even call their own mothers “whores” if a sale could be made.

You said it brief and complete,... as ususal. Inspired by similar Khaar K*$&e# Baazi (*) at some point they were calling Talibans "freedom fighters".

(*) As someone once said it

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Parthianshot91 Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Do not worry. USA is on its way to disintegration thanks to their own stupidity. Yes Spanish speakers will be a part of it. But it won't be them only. The stupid short sighted politicians are exploiting North-South; and "bible belt" vs coast differences. This may work for a while but will lead to inevitable dissolution. 

Already Texas is making noises about secession. Many in the North East respond: good riddance. It is not just in the USA. It is also in UK.

Just watch Britain devolving into little parts. Before long Scotland; Wales; and all its parts will want to break off. They have themselves to blame. Those who live by the sword die by the sword.

Soviet Union did all it could to create separatism in Iran. Now they not only lost their empire but may also lose Russia. With so many break away regions.

When nations go encourage division and hate it comes back to them. Iran will service and Arabs will realize who is the long term boss. But those who want to create division will be its first victims.



by Parthianshot91 on

 Well I just hope that they can tell the difference bewteen most Iranian people who want nothing to do with this regime and this shameless regime, otherwise, you're gonna make enemies with the people, which is very stupid. since they're all gonna paint us with this islamist image, then there's no reason for talks now is there? Imagine a nation of 70 million Islamists, including nearly 1 million of them right here in the U.S,  yep, that's a  really smart move by the Americans.



"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


Darya e Pars!

by Parthianshot91 on

 I suggest Iranians start supporting the mexican/Latino seperatist groups in the U.S, Groups like Aztlan have a good and strong future, seeing how the latino Mexican population is booming and they don't wanna integrate.



"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The first "Ghalati" ke America kard was to gobble up ~9 billion dollars of Iranian money. That was when the moron Khomeini was alive. The second was to encourage Iraq to attack Iran and cost Iran hundreds of thousands of lives.

So when I hear this idiots boasting it makes me sick. Khomeini is in hell now. But his accomplices are still around. From that bith Ebtekar to Khamenei or AN they are all responsible. Just like their full of hot air groupies right here on IC.

The damages may eventually be dealt with but at a great cost. But the people who made these claims and brought this upon Iran are responsible. They should all be held personally accountable and made to pay. I know the whole lot of them together can not begin to pay for their crimes. But there should at least be a start. I wish I would live to see all of those hostage takers turned over to America. Let them rot in Gitmo before they find a permanent home in hell..

There has to be a day of reckoning and could not be soon enough. No punishment is severe enough for the IRI and those who did this to us.

We people have; it is our "leaders" who have not figured it out. Nor will they ever. That is why IRI is unreformable. One way out ant that it a regime change.

Now watch some argue how this is the "best" system in the world !?

Guive Mirfendereski

The U.S. calling the

by Guive Mirfendereski on

The U.S. calling the Persian Gulf “Arabian” is due to three factors: (1) the requirement by the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf that said name be used in diplomatic correspondence and press dispatches by foreigners; (2) U.S. government’s way of deliberately annoying the Iranian government and Iranians for political purposes because it knows that this name-calling gets to Iranians; and (3) where money is concerned, the U.S. government that sells billions in arms to the Arab countries and buys billions in cheap oil, and American businesses who sell billions more in goods and services to the Arab countries would even call their own mothers “whores” if a sale could be made. Thank God or NPR that still refers to the gulf as the Persian Gulf. There is no way to fight this American (and other countries’) proclivity but by having Iran become once again the darling of the international community – the how and when of which ought to be the greatest debate that Iranians inside and outside of Iran should be having. As far as the academic reason why the gulf is and should be called the Persian Gulf please refer to // .