در پیچ و خم دنیای سیاست ایران، دردناک تر از سکوت عالمان، دشوارتر از گناه هم خونان، غمناک تر از خیانت یاران و دلخراش تر از همدستی گستاخان، دسیسۀ سبز شیران کاغذی میهن است. این روزها، در میان هیاهوی وعده ها و خواسته ها، پیشنهادها و برنامه ها، معجون مسخرۀ "دمکراسی هدایت شده" یا "دمکراسی حداقلی" نسخۀ اسلامی دیگری است که مدعیان اصلاح طلبی حکومت ملاهان برای "مستضفان" به تنگ آمده پیچیده اند و جاهلانه به عنوان متفکر نواندیش مذهبی، ملت را دوباره به بیراه کشیده اند.
وارثان ایدئولوژی دکتر علی شریعتی ابلهانه راه نجات میهن را پریروز در ظهور امام غایب دیدند، دیروز در پیروی از خط امام جستند و امروز از سایه بان سیدان سبزگستر طلب میکنند. حلال زادۀ حجله اخیر این آقایان روشنفکر با مراجع تقلید، دسیسۀ سبز است و دسته گل نورسیده، اصلاح طلبی استبداد مذهبی می باشد.
گذشته ای سرخ و سیاه
از ابتدا، روشنفکران مذهبی ایران از میان فعالین خیابانی بودند که هویت اسلامی انقلاب را برنامه ریزی کرده و پایه گذاران نظام خودکامۀ ملاهان به شمار میایند. پس از انقلاب، با بنیان گذاری خط امام و مشارکت و حمایت از آن خط، به سیاست حذف گروهای غیر وابسته پرداخته و در اورگانهای دولت همدستان جلادان رژیم بودند. سازمان اطلاعات ایران زادۀ بذر شیران کاغذی میهن است و مسئولیت انقلاب فرهنگی و تصفیه و پاکسازی استادان و دانشجویان "غیر خودی" از مراکز علم و دانش و هنر ایران بر دوش این آقایان سنگینی میکند.
بعلاوه، برخلاف اشتیاق نویافته اشان برای حق و آزادی، رهبران جنبش اصلاح طلب پشتیبان همان جنایتکاران مذهبی هستند که در قتل عام زندانیان سیاسی در دهه شصت نقش عمده ای بازی کردند. در واقع، هدف اساسی نخبگان "دمکراسی حداقلی،" نجات ملت از جور اقتدارگی مذهب و برقراری حکومت ملی، بدون قید و بند دینی، نمیباشد. در گذشته، اگر سرکوب دشمنان اسلام، سانسور قلم و گفتار ضد اسلامی و سرزنش کردار غیر اسلامی مورد تائید شیران کاغذی میهن بود، فراخوان "دمکراسی هدایت شده" نمیتواند بیش از آزادی مطلق مسلمین روشنفکر در ضرب و شتم "غیر خودی ها" باشد. بر این مبنا، دسیسه گران سبز قادر به هدایت اعتراضات کنونی بسوی تحولی بنیادی نیستند.
بنابراین معمای اختلاف کنونی آنان با حکومت روحانیان چه هست؟ چرا دست در دست جلادان منبر، قتل جان و غارت مال ملت دیگر مجاز نیست؟ چرا مدینه فاضلۀ متفکران نواندیش مذهبی به کورۀ جهنم آنان تبدیل گشته است؟ چرا به بن بست کنونی با ولایت فقیه رسیده اند و چگونه راه نجاتی برای اسلام خود میجویند؟
خودی ها و غیر خودی ها
آغاز اختلافات اصلاح طلبان با اصولگرایان رژیم اغلب به دوم خرداد 1376 ردیابی شده و وابسته به ریاست جمهوری سید محمد خاتمی تلقی میشود. در واقع، چنین نمائی تحولات دهۀ شصت و هفتاد و شکل گیری قدم به قدم حکومت مستبد اسلامی را در این دوران کاملا نادیده میگیرد.
ظهور جناح اصلاح طلبی در رژیم جمهوری اسلامی ایران بیش از هر چیز معلول محیط خفقان و رعب و وحشت شهروندان از روحانیت حاکم بود. در حالیکه هر گونه زمزمۀ سیاسی و اجتماعی فقط از درون حکومت و از زبان "خودی ها" تحمل میشد، "غیرخودی ها" را به فعالیت در انجمن های اسلامی جذب کرده و ریشه تناقض را در آرمانهای نظام مستقر نموده است.
همچنانکه "غیرخودی ها" فعالیتهای سیاسی و مدنی خود را گسترده تر کردند و توده های مردم از دست رژیم مستبد به تنگ آمدند، شیران کاغذی میهن نگران تر گشته و بزودی به این نتیجه رسیدند که خطری فراگیر نهاد انقلاب و حکومت اسلامی را تهدید میکند.
سبزها در آپازیسیون
علیرغم تجربه تلخ سه دهۀ اخیر، متفکران نواندیش مذهبی هنوز سجده به درگاه حکومت دین میکنند و طالب مقام نظارت مذهب بر قدرت هستند. سی سال ظلم و جفای مسلمین، روشنفکران مذهبی را نگران سرنوشت اسلام در ایران کرده است و با دست پاچگی، به دنبال اثبات بیگناهی دین و هنوز در پی "تولد دوباره اسلام" و بازشناسی "هویت ایرانی اسلامی" خود، دسیسۀ سبز را بنیاد گذاشته اند.
روشنفکران مذهبی میهن دوازده سال است که تلاش کرده اند تا با مسالمت، چهره دمکراسی را بر نمای استبداد دینی جهل کنند. ولیکن همانند ریاست جمهوری سید محمد خاتمی شکست خورده اند. در عوض، در چند ماه گذشته، با حضور گستردۀ انجمن های اسلامی در صحنۀ مخالفت با ریاست جمهوری احمدی نژاد و فعالیت عظیم و سازمان دادۀ آنان در انتخابات اخیر و تظاهرات متعاقب، متفکران نواندیش مذهبی جاعلان نهضت سبز بر سیمای دسیسۀ خود گشته اند.
اگرچه حضور شیران کاغذی میهن در صحنۀ سیاست ایران پدیدۀ تازه ای نیست، اهداف کنونی آنان هنوز برای ملت ما نهان است. این روزها، وظیفه درمان "مرض بی مذهبی" میان ایرانیان و خصوصاً جوانان میهن، جلوگیری از بازگشت آئین باستان یکتاپرستی، مهارکردن عداوت ایرانیان با سیدان، ابقا تسلط اسلام در زندگی روزانۀ ملت، ترمیم و بازسازی نظام کنونی و همچنین تطهیر چهرۀ گناهکار مسلمین، روشنفکران مذهبی میهن را، دست بر سر زنان، دگر بار به عرصۀ سیاست آپازیسیون پرتاب کرده است.
اخیرا بخش عمده ای از گروه های اسلامی در آپازیسیون به رهبری شیران کاغذی میهن وقت و انرژی خود را صرف "ایران نمایی" کرده اند و خود را وارث تمدن اجداد ما اظهار میکنند. هرگونه انتقاد از اعراب متجاوز، تلقین دین اسلام بر قوم عجم و پذیرش آن از جانب تبار آریا، توهین و اهانت به هوش و بینش ایرانیان باستان مجسم میشود. گذشته از این، کلیه تضاد میان تمدن پارسی و فرهنگ اسلامی به سرعت، تبعیض نژادی جلوه داده میشود و مورد انتقاد شدید قرار میگیرد.
طناب سبز
هم زمان با گسترش ناآرامی در سراسر کشور، هیچ سندی یا رویدادی نمیتواند چهره فریبکار متفکران نواندیش مذهبی را بیشتر از "هشدارهای کلیدی" شبکه جنبش راه سبز (جرس) افشا کند. در حالی که رشادت ملت در رویارویی با نیروهای انتظامی وسعت گرفته و ایرانیان دلیر در تظاهرات از خود دفاع کرده اند، شیران کاغذی میهن نگران سناریوسازی صدا و سیما بر علیه سبزها می باشند و از تکرار اشتباهاتی همانند پاره کردن تصویر امام خمینی در "کارناوال عاشورا" هشدار میدهند.
انگار تجاوز به جوانان ایران در زندانهای رژیم، زیر گرفتن معترضان توسط خودروی پلیس و دوباره رد شدن از روی پیکر بی جان آنان، تیراندازی به قلب پاک و بیگناه ندای ایران، و بازداشت و شکنجۀ شهروندان، به ملت ظلم کشیده ما حق پاره کردن عکس رهبر جلادان حکومت را نمیدهد. ولیکن درد متفکران نواندیش مذهبی نه این است و نه آن. حفظ حرمت امام خمینی و جلوۀ احترام بی قید و بند به قصاب پیر، برای شیران کاغذی میهن مهم تر از دادخواهی ملت است. هرگونه جسارت به پیشوای نظام اسلامی باعث محنت و عذاب این آقایان روشنفکر میشود و بر اعتبار و آبروی سبز آنان در برابر چشمان امت مسلمین لطمه وارد میکند.
در حالیکه شعارهای جمعیت در تظاهرات چند ماه گذشته از اصلاح طلبی گذشته است و حکایت از روند براندازی رژیم و بنا نهادن حکومتی ملی و ایرانی را دارد، شیران کاغذی میهن مضطربانه فهرست شعارهای "متین و محترمانۀ" خود را در روز 21 بهمن 1388 انتشار میدهند. حتی با نگاهی مختصر و مرور سریع شعارهای توصیه شده، مشخص میشود که هدف دسیسۀ سبز رام کردن نهضت افسار گسیخته ملت ایران است.
در عین حال، اعمال دسیسه گران سبز دلالت بر بی میلی آنان به مقابله با نظام را دارد. متفکران نواندیش مذهبی به دنبال افزایش فشار بر حکومت خودکامۀ اسلامی نیستند. گسترش تظاهرات و برنامه ریزی برای اعتصابات متداول در سراسر کشور، در چهارچوب دسیسۀ سبز نمیگنجد. از اینرو، هرگونه برخورد خشونت آمیز با رژیم چندین تأثیر ناخواسته بر سیمای سبز شیران کاغذی میهن خواهد داشت.
از جایی که، به نقل فرماندۀ نیروهای انتظامی ایران، "دورۀ مدارا" با تظاهرات اتمام یافته است، آغاز اعتصابات باعث گسترش برخوردهای خیابانی خواهد شد و ملت دادخواه ایران را بر علیه نظام جنایتکار تحریک خواهد کرد. بویژه، اگر روند انقلابی نهضت افزایش یابد، پایه های حکومت اسلامی ضعیف گشته و نوید سقوط نظام را با خود به همراه خواهد آورد. دریغا اگر تاریخ نویسان، گناه متلاشی شدن آخرین حکومت اسلامی در ایران را به گردن متفکران نواندیش مذهبی بیندازند.
در انتها، هم چنانکه اصولگرایان رژیم ریسۀ دار فرزندان میهن را آماده میکنند، اصلاح طلبان سبز وفادارن نظام باقی میمانند و در پی مهارکردن توفان خشم ملت، وعدۀ عدالت اسلامی را به ما میدهند. از زخم فشار استبداد قرون وسطائی بر گلوی ملت ایران هنوز خون میچکد.
چه فرقی میکند اگر طناب سبز باشد یا سرخ و سیاه...
هشدارهای کلیدی برای راهپیمائی 22 بهمن – ویرایش نهایی، جنبش راه سبز (جرس)
تولد دوباره اسلام، دکتر علی شریعتی، بنیاد فرهنگی دکتر علی شریعتی
پلیس ایران: دوره مدارا با مخالفان تمام شد
Recently by LalehGillani | Comments | Date |
حق حیات، حق آزادی و حق پیگیری خوشبختی | 30 | Jul 28, 2011 |
Future Belongs to the Fallen | 12 | May 03, 2011 |
منکه ماندن را ندانم یا که رفتن | 7 | May 03, 2011 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Concluding the Thread
by LalehGillani on Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:49 AM PSTOnce again, I would like to thank everyone for their participation and contributions. It has been my pleasure to visit with you on this thread. Until the next article…
fine vilde!
by marhoum Kharmagas on Tue Feb 23, 2010 07:41 PM PSTYou don't have to answer anything anyway, but don't get carried away with the word "creature", its is not equivalent to 'Heyvon'. In some sense we are all creatures, humans included. Additionally, nobody but myself deleted my comment as I realized you could find it upsetting instead of funny.
BTW, if you are so sensitive, why do you make statements such as the one below when you very well know that at least one Muslim is reading your comment. ...... don't think for a moment that you bother me with that because I am a Muslim, I don't believe in any religion but I consider your kind of statement like Ahmadinejad's statement about Israel.
MKM: WHo do you think you
by vildemose on Tue Feb 23, 2010 06:32 PM PSTMKM: WHo do you think you are?? Do you think I didn't read the infantile comment you wrote, which was subsequently deleted precisely for its mendacious tone?
I don't owe any explanation to anyone who calls me "Heyvon" all the time.
Enough is enough...
vilde's revelations!
by marhoum Kharmagas on Tue Feb 23, 2010 05:54 PM PSTVildemose says: "I'm comforted in the fact that in the next 50 years, there will be no sheikh and no Islam left in Iran and for that we should be grateful to IRI and their lackeys."
vilde jaan, can you elaborate on your revelations, specially the number 50!? Please forgive this hagheer and don't regard this as questioning your prophecy!
Yes, Iran is a muslim country...
by jamshid on Tue Feb 23, 2010 03:09 PM PST.... Despite Islam being forced upon the population by the sword throughout history.
From its inception 1400 years ago, Islam was mostly a forced religion. Even several centuries ago, when the Safavids took over, the Shia version was shoved down people's throat.
And because of this periods of forced conversion, today Iran is a muslim country. Can we change history? No.
Let's say there are two hypothetical opposition camps against both the IRI and the deceptive reformists. One camp does not hide its dislike of Islam and attacks it whenever possible. The other camp restrains from attacking Islam or even critisizing it.
Which camp do you think will have a better rate of success in recruiting supporters in Iran from all layers of society?
Today, our priority should be to free Iran and to establish a democratic and secular government. Teaching people about the flaws of Islam should be at the bottom of the list.
There are many Iranians who are silent today. Because they don't like the reformist's political Islam, but they don't appreciate the other extreme which constantly bombards Islam either. They have no options, nowhere to go, no leaders to follow, so they remain silent and only watch.
This is a huge asset that is getting wasted because we don't know our priorities. For a true secular movement to succeed, we must understand our priorities and make sacrifices by restraining our many strong positive or negative feelings toward Islam or even toward past political figures.
طنز مسلمانان
LalehGillaniTue Feb 23, 2010 12:20 PM PST
به پایان آمد این نقل و مذاکره، ولیکن دسیسه همچنان باقیست...
خانه بهائیان پناه مسلمانان: بزرگترین طنز دوران بیداری...
Dear Anvar: Eloquently put.
by vildemose on Tue Feb 23, 2010 09:22 AM PSTDear Anvar: Eloquently put. The sense of entitlement without merit is disturbingly bigotted and racist and sadly, I don't think they are even aware of it. There has been instances in my own family where my mother who has a heart of gold sounds like a rabid racist against Bahia and the Jews but she really has no ill intention towards them and would treat them them with utmost respect...It's so ingrained and part of the norm of the society and culture.
The pre-emptive cry-wolf expression of irrational fear for the alleged upcoming waves of revenge, exile, forced conversion(!), and bloodshed against Muslims is intriguing. I guess, with a slight modification, this old Persian proverb is applicable here: ‘kaafar hame raa be kish-e khod pendaarad!’
They fear not for losing their lives but their unjustly privileged livelihood.
And to the overly dramatic good Muslims lamenting an upcoming, real or imaginary, backlash against them in Iran: If God-forbid such a day ever comes; I’d like to offer you our (Baha’i) homes in which you may take refuge. Of course, had you not remained silent when the rest of our properties were confiscated and our houses of worship destroyed, then you would’ve had more hiding places.
by David ET on Tue Feb 23, 2010 08:06 AM PSTWhat kind of referendum is it when you already have chosen that we have only two choices?
OK here are my answers:
Islamic Republic Constitution (present one) NO
Islamic Monarchy Constitution (last one) NO
Now what happens to me. get out of picture for another 30 years?
You call this idea of yours democracy?!!! or you just want Reza pahlavi in power no matter how?
visit: www.seculariran.org
Now these are very reasonable (to Laleh)
by marhoum Kharmagas on Tue Feb 23, 2010 07:45 AM PST"We all have heard it time and again: The majority of Iranians are Muslims.
This is a claim that can’t be supported by any scientific data.
Iranians have always been under various types of “pressure” to be good, practicing Muslims. The perpetrators of this social pressure have been two groups: Mullahs and Muslim fanatics.
Even long before the establishment of IRI, this pressure manifested
itself in many ways. For examples, merchants couldn’t conduct business easily and freely in Iran’s bazaars if it became known that they were practicing any other religion but Islam. In social settings such as schools, non Muslims were shunned or ignored.
As long as Iranians can’t freely choose their religion, no one can claim what their beliefs are…"
Now you are presenting a strong case, and you did not need to bring in race, blood line, or any of the SS guy terminologies to it. Did you?
Modern Day Alchemists
by Anvar on Tue Feb 23, 2010 01:13 AM PSTFor centuries, the alchemist tried to transmute base metals into gold and they all failed miserably. There is no amount of wizardry that can force something to manifest a hidden potential that it does not have.
The next time you confront pseudo-intellectual nouveau-secular reformists, ask them this question: In their yet to be realized Utopian Islamic Republic, can an Iranian Baha’i be the minister of Education, Health, or Social Services? If the answer is yes, then consider their background, record, and credibility before believing them.
(Disclaimer: Baha’is do not participate in partisan politics but strive to serve humanity in other ways.)
Unlike some recently-awakened self-preserving reform-advocating Muslims, we have always advocated the separation of (all) religions from politics. The arguments, with these so-called reformists, stem from the fact that they insist on Political Islam having the last word in a Pretend Secular Society.
I, for one, never bought this gold and many of those who did want their money back. There’s no alchemical process refinement that can produce gold, and there’s no “reform” that can make a failed theocracy practical or ideal.
As for the empty label of Islamophobe goes, don’t even try it with me. Ironically, of all the people in the world, religious or not, in addition to Muslims only Baha’is believe in the divinity of Islam and that the prophet Muhammad was from God. We have just taken the mantle of “reform” all the way.
I know that there are a lot of ‘good’ Muslims in Iran. Sadly, I also know that every single sanctioned atrocity against Baha’is in Iran has been committed by the self-identified Muslims, and in the name of Islam. Not being God, I cannot determine who is a ‘real’ Muslim and who is not; especially, when even they themselves have not been able to make that distinction over the centuries. I just can’t help but to observe that they collectively do everything they wish and reap all the benefits as a group, but when their stability gets slightly threatened then they conveniently start making distinctions between the ‘true’ or ‘good’ Muslims and other supposed imposters.
The pre-emptive cry-wolf expression of irrational fear for the alleged upcoming waves of revenge, exile, forced conversion(!), and bloodshed against Muslims is intriguing. I guess, with a slight modification, this old Persian proverb is applicable here: ‘kaafar hame raa be kish-e khod pendaarad!’
They fear not for losing their lives but their unjustly privileged livelihood.
And to the overly dramatic good Muslims lamenting an upcoming, real or imaginary, backlash against them in Iran: If God-forbid such a day ever comes; I’d like to offer you our (Baha’i) homes in which you may take refuge. Of course, had you not remained silent when the rest of our properties were confiscated and our houses of worship destroyed, then you would’ve had more hiding places.
However, when you come, bring your own tea and tea set if, even then, you find yourself preoccupied with that Najis thingy. After all, I have yet to figure out which group believes that the Baha’is are Najis (impure/unclean). Is it the ‘true’ Muslims or the ‘fake’ ones? Let me know if you have a solution to this Catch-22. ;-)
by jamshid on Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:03 PM PSTI meant to say that for secularism to work in Iran, it should protect Islam and all other religions, including atheism. I did not mean it should single out one religion such as Islam as favorite or as a reject.
To me protecting all religions is the same than protecting people's rights to practice any religion they choose, and it is not the same as promoting religion. I would be against promotion of religion. I think perhaps we are misunderstanding each other due to syntax and wordings.
Regarding wiping Islam out of Iran, my apologies for having misunderstood you. It was stupid of me to take Mammad's words on your views. I shall hit my head on the wall a few times!
Is Iran a Muslim Country?
by LalehGillani on Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:03 PM PSTWe all have heard it time and again: The majority of Iranians are Muslims.
This is a claim that can’t be supported by any scientific data. Iranians have always been under various types of “pressure” to be good, practicing Muslims. The perpetrators of this social pressure have been two groups: Mullahs and Muslim fanatics.
Even long before the establishment of IRI, this pressure manifested itself in many ways. For examples, merchants couldn’t conduct business easily and freely in Iran’s bazaars if it became known that they were practicing any other religion but Islam. In social settings such as schools, non Muslims were shunned or ignored.
As long as Iranians can’t freely choose their religion, no one can claim what their beliefs are…
by jamshid on Mon Feb 22, 2010 09:44 PM PSTMy views on Islam have not changed. But considering what is happening to our people in Iran, I believe that the establishment of a secular democratic government in Iran should override everything else, including our personal feelings about Islam, or about Mossadegh, the Shah or Shariati, and so on.
Protect Religions or Freedom of Religion?
by LalehGillani on Mon Feb 22, 2010 09:31 PM PSTJamshid wrote, “As for you Laleh, although I respect your views, but you are almost in the gray area as far as secularism goes. A true secular will not believe in wiping out Islam from Iran. I am an agnostic and Islam would be the last religion I would convert to, but whether we want it or not, Iran is a majority moslem country. A true secular would actually do his/her best to "protect" Islam (as well as all other religions.)“
No one is talking about “wiping out Islam from Iran.” This is the type of fear mongering that the reformist movement has orchestrated.
For Iran’s Muslim intellectuals, it is inconceivable to “demote” Islam to a private choice of individuals and send it to people’s homes and mosques. The type of Islam practiced by our Muslim intellectuals is synonymous with politics and can’t be deprived of its lifeline. Hence, Iran’s Muslim intellectuals fear that their “Islam will be wiped off the map” when a secular government rules the country.
It doesn’t serve the interests of a secularist to protect Islam or any religion. Instead, the freedom of individuals to practice any religion must be protected. There is a vast difference between these two types of protections:
The former promotes religious beliefs while the later endorses freedom of religion.
Long term interests of Islam
by SamSamIIII on Mon Feb 22, 2010 07:54 PM PSTNationalists actualy serve long term interests of Islam & other religions better by virtue of sending it back to peoples houses & spirirts as a private spiritual channell than making a dokoon for buncha charlatans like M who worship Islam for power as political Islam. All this phony supporters of Islam who all claime to be former lefties & accuse nationalists as being muslim killers with not one shred of proof are the main culprit behind the bad rap Islam(their political Islam) is getting these days. Was Islam better off under nationalist shah or religious khomeini? . The fight is not against muslims but against bi vatans.
Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia
by benross on Mon Feb 22, 2010 05:49 PM PSTMost of those who want a secular regime are religious. This is not the issue. The issue is that by amalgamating secular requests with 'workability' of political activity within IRI we are killing a national discussion and a national historical decision to come to a conclusive term. It means that we are perpetuating a society in crisis which only sees a social peace and stability if a secular regime came in power.
A referendum on past and present constitutions of iran can be a rallying point for secularist, while leaving the peaceful space of national discussion, not only among the supporters of each of these two historic path that Iran has chosen in modern time, not only among secularists themselves, to develop a more profound and strategic understanding about the future of Iran, but also -and it shouldn't be undermined- to provide a better political space for supporters of IRI themselves, to develop their ideas, and evaluate their real strength and resolution, without being able to use the secular forces of the society as their powerless backup crowd for the show.
In other words, let's Soroush, Khatami and others speak, but to speak to IRI supporters, to those who referendum coming, will vote in support of IRI constitution. Don't let them talk from both sides of the mouth. Because they are confusing both camps of IRI supporters and securlarism supporters and this damages the national debate and discussion that we should be carrying on in clarity, on those two fundamentally different historic paths that Iran has experienced.
A referendum between the two constitution, after which the structure of the country can be developed, without any chronic and permanent crisis. This is the rallying point for secularists, and for a true national debate and resolution.
If you focus on a non historic constitution, you are giving a god sent gift to IRI, because the discussion will no longer be the historic content, but the wording of this or that article. This will never ever become a social movement. Open your eyes please.
Even Failed Prophet is getting it!
by marhoum Kharmagas on Mon Feb 22, 2010 05:01 PM PST"But even from a practical point of view it is best to leave religion alone."
by Souri on Mon Feb 22, 2010 04:46 PM PST"As long as you attack Islam, you will not be able to gain any
significant approval from the masses in Iran. There is a proper time
for everything. Now is not the time to attack Islam."
Is that you, Jamshid, who say that? I can't believe my eyes :)
Either you have tremendously changed your views for better, or....
I couldn't get your point in the past.
Either way, I truly appreciate reading those lines from you.
معیار پست اصلاح طلبان
LalehGillaniMon Feb 22, 2010 04:07 PM PST
قتل عام شهروندان به هر بهانه و دلیلی که باشد، کشتار ناحق است. بعلاوه، فرقی نمیکند اگر صد نفر کشته شدند یا ده میلیون.
دام سبزها برای ملت ایران همیشه از این قرار بوده است:
اصولگریان از اصلاح طلبان خونخوار تر هستند. اصلاح طلبان کمتر میکشند، کمتر غارت میکنند و به مردم آزادی های بیشتری میدهند. زمانی هم که میکشند، فقط خون مجاهدین خلق و کمونیست ها را میریزند... پس به اصلاح طلبان رای دهید. میان بد و بدتر، بد را انتخاب کنید...
معیار دادخواهی هیچ انسانی نباید چنان پست باشد...
Re: Secular
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Feb 22, 2010 04:05 PM PSTAs long as you attack Islam, you will not be able to gain any significant approval from the masses in Iran. There is a proper time for everything. Now is not the time to attack Islam. Once a secular government is established, people (of both sides) can then preach their views without fear of persecution, and people can decide for themselves.
I would add that religion feeds on being attacked. If you leave religion alone people are more likely to become moderate. If you force religion on people they become anti religion. If you ban religion people are likely to become fundamentalists.
But even from a practical point of view it is best to leave religion alone. Just let people have their choice. We will be fine. This coming from me a person with little interest in any religion.
by jamshid on Mon Feb 22, 2010 03:53 PM PSTMammad: You are not a secular. You have stated many times that you believe in forming Islamic parties, which is again the same than mixing religion with government. A better term to describe you, Soroush and other reformists is "moderate fundementalists", or "political Islamists". A true secular would be against religion in government in any form. You don't even understand the meaning of the word secular.
As for you Laleh, although I respect your views, but you are almost in the gray area as far as secularism goes. A true secular will not believe in wiping out Islam from Iran. I am an agnostic and Islam would be the last religion I would convert to, but whether we want it or not, Iran is a majority moslem country. A true secular would actually do his/her best to "protect" Islam (as well as all other religions.)
People still should be able to preach Islam and preach other religions as well, and critisize Islam and critisize other religions, all without fear of persecution.
As long as you attack Islam, you will not be able to gain any significant approval from the masses in Iran. There is a proper time for everything. Now is not the time to attack Islam. Once a secular government is established, people (of both sides) can then preach their views without fear of persecution, and people can decide for themselves.
Re: Are we supposed to feel better ...
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Feb 22, 2010 03:25 PM PSTWell said Anahid Jan:
The IRR does not kill because of race the kill because of religion. Just if you happen to be a secular then you better pretend to be Muslim. If you are Bahai then god help you.
I feel so much better now! All I have to do it lie about my religious beliefs and I get to keep my head.
The term "Ommatie"
by SamSamIIII on Mon Feb 22, 2010 02:25 PM PSTused by me the SS guy has absolutly nothing to do with being a Muslim or following a sect, dimwit Ommatie!. It covers wide range of stateless ideologues & anti Kiaani elements that adheres to that mentality be it that they might belong to Atheists/leftojunkies/seculars/shaikhists/status quo safi ali shahi saltanat talabs and cheerleader crowds of status quo cultural or what ever background they come from.
Genicide?cleansing?=7 million forced migrants? kidding me? . Iranian women (35 millions) to you are the same as what Jews were to Nazis. They are the 5th class citizens behind Shia men, sunni men,Iraqi shia men(like aagh Saadegh Najafi Larijani), They both have to wear star of David(Hejab), no freedom of movement & travel(men have to okay their traveling), They both are segregated socialy,academicaly, they both lack opportunity of higher advancement in either public or private sectors, they can never get selected or elected as leaders of republic,...etc in short worth half the men . add to it 10 million sunni Kurds & Balouch as 2nd class citizens of republic.
Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia
Are we supposed to feel better that thousands killed in Iran...
by Anahid Hojjati on Mon Feb 22, 2010 01:36 PM PSTSo according to marhoum kharmagas, IRI did not do ethnic cleansing. Kharmags wrote:"...IRI/Muslim fanatics have killed many during past thirty years in Iran, absolute majority of them not only typical Iranians but also Muslim Iranians (MEKs), or what the SS guy calls Ommaties." So are we supposed to feel better that thousands of Iranians killed by IRI were killed because of their ideas not because of their ethnicity? Somehow, I don't think any real human gets any satisfaction out of this fact. Mass killing is mass killing, be it result of ethnic cleansing or result of idea cleansing.
On a Pedestal
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:06 PM PSTWell said Laleh Jan. These people feel entitled to special treatment. Once a secular government is in power they will scream discrimination. Right now criminals like Soroush benefit from all the rights in the West that they denied Iranians. I wonder if Mr. Soroush would like ask Western universities like Harvard where he lectures to kick out non Muslims? Or is he only brave in Iran with the cover of the basiji. I don't understand why this guy is even is in the West and not in jail.
On a Pedestal
by LalehGillani on Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:01 AM PSTVildemose wrote, “In a secular Iran, you can criticize any religion and not get executed. I think the Islamists have a problem with that little minor inconvenience of a secular society. Hence, their murderous rage of "victimhood" on this site.
Iran’s Muslim intellectuals are devout religious people who can’t accept anything but a privileged status in the society. This privileged status, in their view, neither stems from their intellect nor their education. Not even from their nationality or humanity.
Our Muslim intellectuals are there, high up on a pedestal, because of their devotion to Islam.
Giving up this privileged status is painful. The kicking and the screaming will continue for quite a while even after the establishment of the secular democracy in Iran…
In a secular Iran, you can
by vildemose on Mon Feb 22, 2010 08:46 AM PSTIn a secular Iran, you can criticize any religion and not get executed. I think the Islamists have a problem with that little minor inconvenience of a secular society. Hence, their murderous rage of "victimhood" on this site.
Easy Faili "jaan"
by marhoum Kharmagas on Mon Feb 22, 2010 08:32 AM PSTFaili "jaan", I do have high respect for patriotic progressive Muslims (people such as Mammad) who are trying to reform the country, but that does not mean I am a Muslim!
BTW, Failed Prophet "jaan", you want me out of west, come catch me and kick me out if you can!
here u go into Palestine to PotPol to justify IRI - stick w/ IRI
by MM on Mon Feb 22, 2010 07:56 AM PSTEven what IRI did to MKO, monarchists..... and others in the prison, without proper court/jury/attorney/appeal process was 7th century barbaric justice, at best.
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Feb 22, 2010 07:55 AM PSTI am neither Muslim nor Islamist, and more importantly I don't live in Iran, so I have no worries for myself if likes of you or the SS guy come to power
Sure, I can tell from your posts that you are not an Islamist ! No more than the Pope is a Catholic. I know all about taggiyeh.
How do you know I am even talking about you? After all your posts about genocidal Americans and Germans what are you doing in the evil West anyway? Run back to a safe non genocidal Islamic nation. Hurry before it they get you.
If all you know is to throw insults then I am done with you.