Morghe Sahar

Kiosk & Mohsen Namjoo collaboration directed by Ahmad Kiarostami

Morghe Sahar
by AhmadK

"Bird of Dawn" is more than a hundred years old, dating back to the Constitutional Revolution of 1906. Its message still rings true:


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more from AhmadK

Breath of fresh air......

by PERS66 on

Dear Arash, Mohsen and Ahmadk,

Thank you for another breath of fresh air ;)

Thank you for keeping it REAL.

Ba sepass,



It's OK

by XerXes. on

I expect better

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

I loved it! Good work you guys! The message is still as fresh as it was a hundred years ago, and it is delivered with heart and soul as can only be expected from Namjoo and Kiosk. Good work Ahmad Jan and all.



by statira on

These guys are so talented and patriot.



by bahmani on

The more I see from young Ahmad, the more I believe, Sir, you are in the wrong (software?) business. More! More! More! Damn our fathers! Damn the past! This is our time!

Or, to make a vague film reference, "Tonight is your night, bro!"

Brilliant! Great to see the collaboration with Arash and Mohsen, this is so cool!


One of my all time favorite songs

by Princess on

sung by two of my favorite artists. Could it GET any better??

And nicely put together with powerful images. Thank you, AhmadK, keep up the great work!