A question of survival

Understand why Jews must support Israel's right to strike Iran's nuclear plants


A question of survival
by rwitonsk

One of the most complicated and difficult aspects of my involvement with the Persian freedom movement is related to the anti-Semitism of the Islamic regime in Iran. On the one hand, I hope with all my heart that the Iranian people will remove the totalitarian Islamic regime in Iran before Israel is forced to strike Iran's nuclear plants in self-defense. My involvement with the Persian secular democratic movement is motivated by a genuine compassion and empathy for the Persian people's appalling suffering at the hands of a barbaric totalitarian regime. In addition, I hold the leaders and members of the Persian secular democratic movement and some liberal Islamists in the highest admiration. On the other hand, as a Jewish Zionist, I naturally support Israel's right to strike Iran's nuclear plants in self-defense. This issue is a matter of survival for Israel and the Jews, and the Jews have no margin for error in this matter.

I will examine this thorny and tangled question from the Persian secular democrats' side and then from the Jewish side. The Persian secular democrats generally support the State of Israel and oppose the anti-Semitism of the current Islamic regime. Persian secular democrats naturally cannot endorse an Israeli nuclear strike on Iran's nuclear plants because they would be branded as traitors to their homeland. In addition, Persian secular democrats oppose an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear plants because they fear that such a strike will lead to an upsurge in Persian nationalism. They think that this rallying around the Persian flag will unite the Iranian people in support of the regime and undermine the secular democracy movement in Iran. They feel that this strike will prolong the regime's staying power and make it more difficult for them to organize a regime change in their homeland.

Most of my Persian secular democratic friends are deeply convinced that the regime is on the verge of collapse. Some of my Persian friends think the regime may even collapse soon after the anti-regime demonstrations on the 22th of Bahman, or the 11th of February. They genuinely believe that they can remove this regime before it obtains nuclear weapons.

Unfortunately, we are all coping with two very big unknowns. First of all, we really don't know how long it will be before this regime will have nuclear weapons. Second of all, it is really difficult if not impossible to predict when this regime will fall.

Now I will look at the question from the Jewish side. The first unfortunate point is that many of my Jewish friends conflate the Islamic regime in Iran with the Iranian people. They are deeply terrified of the Islamic regime's anti-Semitic rheotoric, of its constant threats to destroy the Jews and of its constant denial of the Shoah. For elderly American Jews who were alive during the Shoah, the regime's continuous denial of the Shoah is particularly traumatic and frightening. These elderly Jews are afraid that Israel will be destroyed, G-d forbid.

Unfortunately, many of my Jewish friends think that the Islamic regime is expressing the Iranian people's view of the Jews. Many of my Jewish friends do not understand that many Persian secular democrats are friends of Israel and the Jews and are deeply revolted on a moral and personal level by the anti-Semitic policies of the Islamic regime.

Despite these fears and concerns, many Jewish organizations and members of Congress have worked directly with the Iranian secular democratic opposition. These Jews understand that a peaceful regime change in Iran is in the vital interests of the Jewish people. They also realize that a secular, democratic Persia can be a friend to the Jews.

On a personal level, I have been extremely moved by the way that my Persian democratic secular friends have expressed their deep moral solidarity with the Jews. I have been touched beyond words by the way that my friend in Tehran has expressed his moral revulsion against the Shoah and his support of Israel. I have had amazingly uplifting conversations with other Iranian democrats in exile who have shown me their solidarity with the Jews. These conversations have helped me to envision that one day a secular democratic Persia will be a friend to the Jews.

I believe the best solution to this crisis is for the Persian people to overthrow this regime and establish a secular democracy in Iran before it becomes necessary for the Israelis to strike Iran's nuclear plants. I encourage my Jewish friends to support regime change in Iran on moral and strategic grounds because it is in the vital national security interests of the Jewish people. I encourage American Jewish organizations and the Israeli government to take the same position in support of regime change in Iran and the liberation of the Iranian people from totalitarian Islamic rule.

I ask my Persian secular democratic friends to continue expressing your moral solidarity with Israel and the Jews and your revulsion at the Shoah denial and anti-Semitism of the Islamic regime in Iran. I also ask you to understand why the Jews must support Israel's right to strike Iran's nuclear plants. This issue is a matter of Jewish survival.


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by Golinedairani on

"چون ايران نباشد تن من مباد" yes please speak for yourself as we say in Iran NA GAZA NA LEBANON JANAM FADAYE IRAN!!!!!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

They back Arab terrorists

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


That is the point! I don't know how some people don't get this. When the "students" took Americans hostage I was here. Boy the Americans were pissed. They wanted revenge and they got revenge. Obviously US sided with Iraq. Obviously they sunk Iranian ships. They are people like anyone else and demand revenge.

But if Iran were to act friendly the West and Israel will respond. I know a number of Israelis. Despite their guns and bravado they feel surrounded and alone. They would openly welcome as true gesture of friendship from Iran and be overjoyed to have a friend. The price would be  they get off Iran's back about nukes.

Iran has tried the belligerent way for 30+ years. Now it is time for a new path.



They back Arab terrorists

by vildemose on

They back Arab terrorists who blow up the U.S. embassies in Kuwait and Lebanon and the Marine barracks in Beirut. Is it any wonder then that the U.S. would support Iran's adversary? Do Islamists know or care about the consequences of their actions? If you are intent on needlessly antagonizing a far more powerful government than your own, then beware. A Third World country like Iran can't and shouldn't try to take on the U.S.; it is self-defeating for the people of that country (though, of course, IRI's leaders don't care the least bit). The U.S. has a lot more

That is the jist of the problem. The IRI or Iranians don't have a monopoly on feelings of 'revenge'. The Americans do not forget easily as we think they do...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No Fear

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

No. We have nothing to worry about the arabs. Iraq was the problem before but now they are our allies, so is Qatar, Lebanon and Syria. We also have great influences in Yemen, UAE and Kuwait. Arabs lack unity and they are greatly divided. They are on shaky grounds and it will be super easy for Iran to creat chaos within the ruling sheikdoms.

Yeh thanks to Bush! The irony is too funny to bear. So the evil Bush kicks out Saddam and leaves Iraq for Iran to run :-) 

But getting serious I don't trust the Arab masses or governments one bit. It was just 20 years agao when they wanted Khuzestan! Right now they want to rename Persian Gulf! Not to mention our Islands in the Persian Gulf. This is not some 1500 year long history. It is right now here today.

The governments fear and their population admire Iran. They admire Iran because it "stood" up to the West. The governments fear Iran because they know who is the real boss. It is well known that AN is more popular with Arabs than Iranians. That makes the Arab governments even more nervous. 

However, It better to have them as friends, not enemies. 

I agree. Iran can never have too many friends. I want Arabs and Israel as Iran's friends. The difference is that Arabs don't have much to offer Iran. They have oil but so does Iran and they are not about to give their to Iran. But some Arabs do have ambitions on Iranian land.

Israel on the other hand has no territorial issues with Iran. Not even the most expansionist Israeli wants a part of Iran. So there is territorial issue.

Nuclear: The reason West opposes nuclear Iran is because Israel is nervous. So the key is to find out the reason that Israel is nervous:

  • Iran with nuclear weapons could be a threat to Israel. That is the line taken by most. I don't believe even Mullahs will attack Israel but that is the main reason put forward. So if Iran has a regime change and changes its policy that reason will be gone. No more reason to fear Iran!
  • Iran is a regional rival and may dominate the region. This is the real reason but it won't hold water with the West. The wise action for Iran is to call the bluff. You call the bluff by taking away the first excuse. They will back down. Then Iran will dominate the region anyway.

Israel will learn to live with Iran and it will benefit both nations.


Jaleho: IRI is the victim of no one

by AMIR1973 on

The Islamist women-beaters and rapists are saying that they are victimized--now that's rich! The only victims are the Iranians that the IRI has executed (20,000 to use a conservative estimate), tortured, and hoodwinked with all their lies, broken promises, and pathetic empty boasting. Re: Chomsky, I used to be an admirer of his more so in the past than now. I still respect the fact that he is willing to criticize U.S. foreign and domestic policies (I seem to recall that he's used a comparison with the biblical figure Elijah, who denounced Ahab--or something to that effect). Of course, if any Iranian in IRI were to offer 1/1000th such criticism of the murdering regime, he wouldn't last more than a few days. IRI cyber groupies express support for a man the likes of which the IRI would never tolerate--ah, the many ironies of IRI's groupies. I think in many ways Chomsky is smarter and more principled than his so-called "radical" followers. As time has transpired, I have become more and more disenchanted with political "radicalism", whether it be Islamism or quasi-Marxism. (I was never really an Islamist or Marxist, but I was more willing to be sympathetic to them). The experience of the IRI has taught me that these garbage ideologies sow misery and death among their own people.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Well said. I keep making the same argument. People: there are consequences to actions! If a 60 pound kid picks a fight with a 200 pound football player they get hurt. It may not be "fair" or whatever but it is reality. 

We need to live in the real world. Make friends who are going to help us. Not unnecessary enemies. Then and only then we will be secure. Then no one would care if Iran enriches Uranium. 

IRI could not even keep India on  its side over the nuclear thing. Why: because US bribed India. The leadership in India chose the stronger friend. Big surprise. Iran needs real friends.


Amir, A bully doesn't badger its victim

by Jaleho on

because the victim behaved bad or silly. The bully badgers its victim because it is in its interest and it has the power to do so, regardless of how the victim acts. The US can concoct lies and excuses if it wants to invade a place, remember Iraqi lies? It doesn't have to have an excuse.

I really hope you get this idea straight. Otherwise you'd be supporting men who beat their wives and then blame the wives for "causing" the violence. Amir, I really hope that's not your personal psychology!

PS. Regarding the embassy take over and other stuff, could you please go back and listen to that Noam Chomsky interview, and tell me what part in that interview you agreed with and respect Chomsky for?! It baffles me that you write these repeated cut-and-paste propaganda of yours and then show an admiration for Chomsky in  a piece that he reveals all your type of arguments as pure propaganda!


That was a typo: I meant to write Jaleho

by AMIR1973 on

It's getting late.


Jaleho; What do you expect?

by AMIR1973 on

Rabid Islamists storm the U.S. embassy, take the embassy staff hostage, blindfold them, and parade them on TV. They make "Marg bar Amrika" and burning the American flag their hallmarks. They talk about exporting the revolution to Iraq, Lebanon, etc. They back Arab terrorists who blow up the U.S. embassies in Kuwait and Lebanon and the Marine barracks in Beirut. Is it any wonder then that the U.S. would support Iran's adversary? Do Islamists know or care about the consequences of their actions? If you are intent on needlessly antagonizing a far more powerful government than your own, then beware. A Third World country like Iran can't and shouldn't try to take on the U.S.; it is self-defeating for the people of that country (though, of course, IRI's leaders don't care the least bit). The U.S. has a lot more ways of hurting Iran than the other way around. But IRI and its miserable founder Khomeini didn't care ("Amrika hich qalati nemitavanad bekonad"). He was either delusional or just pathological (you can decide which). I guess that's what happens when a bunch of clerics crawl out from under their rocks in Qom and Najaf, and along with their armed goons and hit men (aka Pasdaran-e Enqelabi) take over a country. I'm sure there are more such good times in store for Iran's future with this gang at the helm.

No Fear

VPK ...

by No Fear on

You said;

VPK: My point is that we have more to worry about from our Arab neighbors than Israel. Now what do you mean by "drop our pants" are you saying that the nuclear research is for weapons?

No. We have nothing to worry about the arabs. Iraq was the problem before but now they are our allies, so is Qatar, Lebanon and Syria. We also have great influences in Yemen, UAE and Kuwait. Arabs lack unity and they are greatly divided. They are on shaky grounds and it will be super easy for Iran to creat chaos within the ruling sheikdoms. However, It better to have them as friends, not enemies.

US and Israel want us to UNCONDITIONALLY stop enriching uranium, stop supporting hamas and hizbollah, stop testing ballistic missiles, and giving up a whole lot more rights , again UNCONDITIONALLY before they even talk to us. If we accept that, it means we "dropped our pants down" so they can rear end us. I say hell with them. You don't seem to have any problem giving up these rights in order to form alliance with two bad boys in the neighborhood. Thats the atitude of a giver upper.

VPK: Both Iran and Israel have similar defense needs. They are surrounded by hostile Arabs. The right strategy is to join forces.

Get real. Just because the arabs introduced islam in to iran 1500 years ago, it doesn't make them our enemy today. Stop sounding childish by saying "similar defense needs". You are creating an enemy out of nothing and ignoring the real enemy.  You are still a horrible strategist simply because my arguement is closer to reality and yours is wishful thinking. You are a dreamer, keep on dreaming.

VPK:If Iran were to stop supporting hizbollah and hammas then the West would not care about the nuclear technology. In fact they would happily build reactors for Iran. 

You still don't get it.  Our pursue of Nuclear technology is NOT illegal. We are enduring and abiding all international laws in regards to our enrichment facilities. Its no ones god damn business as long as we are within IAEA guidlines. And we will continue to support Hamas and Hizbollah as long as Israel threatens to attack our LEGAL nuclear facilities.  How stupid are you going to feel if we cut all our ties with Hizbollah and help Israel to distroy them , only to get our Nuclear facility bombed the next day? Have you thought about that?

For your information, iran has been asking for security guarantees in all the talks and The US has always refused to give any security guarantess. Enough god damn begging. Stupid incompetent reformists and their god damn foreign policies. We have to earn and gain OUR rights. This does not mean we advocate war but it means that we will not back down from our rights, if that means war, so be it. 


Haha, Amir admires Chomsky without understanding

by Jaleho on

even a short video in which Chmosky tries to explain Iran-Iraq war facts here on Iranian.com :-)

Just listen to Chomsky's second youtube, around min. 8:20  to the end of his interview. when he talks not only of US being on the side of Iraq from beginning to end of war, but its entering the war against Iran DIRECTLY. US Navy was what destroyed Iranian navy during operation "Praying mantis" not Iraq! US navy destroyed Iranian oil platforms, not Iraq. And finally it was the US air force that signaled Iran that it will enter an air war with Iran with downing of the Iranian civilian airline.

One wonders why Amir who repeats western vomit about Iran-Iraq war and actually anything anti-Iran,  feels complelled to admire Chomsky still! He probably feels it is more chic to like Chomsky than Dick Cheney or Hillary, even if he repeats what Cheney and Hillary advocate for Iran not what Chomsky does!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No Fear

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

VPK: Muslims nations i.e. Saddam and Taliban have killed a lot more Iranians than Jews

No Fear: What is the point you are trying to make here? Are you saying we should drop our pants down , forget about our nuclear research, show the middle finger to hamas and hizbollah and stop funding them and start kissing some serious ass so the world think favourably of us?

VPK: My point is that we have more to worry about from our Arab neighbors than Israel. So why is IRI constantly obsessed with Israel. Now what do you mean by "drop our pants" are you saying that the nuclear research is for weapons? If so you are contradicting IRI official line. If not how does it help security? My point is that Iran gains more security by diplomacy than nuclear. I stand by my statement.

VPK: In fact I don't know of one Iranian killed by Israel or her forces.

No Fear: The Israeli threat is the most serious one we face today and the reason they haven't start killing iranians yet is because they know the price is too high to pay. I like to keep it this way and better keep our defensive and offensive measures than to drop our pants down as you suggested. Boy ... you are a horrible strategist.

VPK: The reason Iran is facing threats is because IRI destroyed the old alliances. Then deliberately made enemies. Why the heck would Israel want to attack Iran if not for IRI behavior. Why does Israel not threaten Turkey? Because Turkey has made alliance with them and so should Iran. No point making enemies. Both Iran and Israel have similar defense needs. They are surrounded by hostile Arabs. The right strategy is to join forces. The IRI is the one who is a horrible strategist.

VPK: When IRR funds Hizbolah which then shoots missiles to Israel what do you expect?

No Fear: What the hell are you saying? Do you mean an Israeli attack is justified on Iran because we sell missiles to hizbollah? US sold a lot worst to iraq, should we go after everyone who supported iraq in the war? Stop this jibber jabber riff raff please.

VPK: Not justified but not a surprise. IRI is doing more than selling arms. It is funding and running Hizbolah. Obviously Israel does not like that. You may say "jobber jabber" but it is still obvious. IRI helps hizbollah attack Israel. Israel gets pissed off. This is not rocket science now is it?

VPK: If we want these threats to stop then Iran should stop funding Hamas and Hizbollah. Or at least demand they stop firing missiles into Israel. 

No Fear: No, you are dead wrong. Once you stop supporting hizbollah, then they want you to give up nuclear technology. Then they want you to shut up when gaza is under attack. Then they want you to stop your missile program and buy their fighter jets. Then they want you to adjust your opec quota based on what someone in Texas tells you to do. Then ....

VPK: That is your opinion and I disagree. People make deals. If Iran were to stop supporting hizbollah and hammas then the West would not care about the nuclear technology. In fact they would happily build reactors for Iran. 

Regarding Gaza they don't care if Iran talks. They just don't want Iran arming the hammas and I agree with them. 

Regarding missiles and fighter jets. I don't think they care if Iran builds missiles as long as Iran stops supporting hizbollah and hammas. Plus no one will force Iran to buy fighter jets. Iran will buy what it needs when required.

No Fear: This is IRAN  , not saudi arabia.

VPK: Yes? I never said it was sauid did I!



As you saw clearly, you were full of it!

by Jaleho on

so were your "Persian secular friends" . Here are few examples:

1. "Most of my Persian secular democratic friends are deeply convinced that the regime is on the verge of collapse. Some of my Persian friends think the regime may even collapse soon after the anti-regime demonstrations on the 22th of Bahman, or the 11th of February."

haha, delusions even after the FACT :-)

Delusion No.2: "Many of my Jewish friends do not understand that many Persian secular democrats are friends of Israel ..."

Honey, Iranians majority HATES ISREAL as clearly expressed by their massive participation on Qods Day.

Delusion No.3: "I also ask you to understand why the Jews must support Israel's right to strike Iran's nuclear plants. This issue is a matter of Jewish survival. "

No again. NO sane Jew who is interested in Jewish survival is dumb enough to advocate a strike on Iran where a retaliation would cleanse the piss-ant Israel from the map, and by this, unlike Ahmadinejad's talk of "Israel being wiped off the historical pages", I mean "Israel being wiped off the geographical map." That would be a consequence of Israel attacking Iran, and all Israelis know that as well. That's why Israelis have been BEGGING their master US of A do the Iran attack for them.

Delusion No4. People like you think that US is actually crazy enough to attack Iran for the love of Jews. Your type of delusion forgets that Israel has been a US condom in the region for safe sex with Arab oil, and to limit the Soviet region of influence. With the disintegration of Soviet Union, already the biggest part of Israel's raison d'etre is gone, and the Israeli condom is ready to be flushed in the historical toilet, so to speak.

The only reason that the Zionist state is outliving its usefulness is the fact that poltical establishment inside the US has allowed AIPAC's influence to grow much more that it really should. That really is fast being revealed to American public as the half a century of the Zionist propaganda has to unwind. That fact is reflected by the taboo of Irsael's criticism being broken around the world and inside the US, thanks in part to great people like Ahmadinejad of Iran, Walt and Mearsheimer in the US and books  like that of Carter which all became best sellers inside the US.

delusion No. 5 : "These elderly Jews are afraid that Israel will be destroyed, G-d forbid."

Your delusion No. 5 is when you say "G-d forbid" to the wise elderly Jews who know Israel is bound to death. Israel's pathetic artificial existence of 60 years is a mere historical aberration and a histrorical blink. G-d-willing, it won't last another "historical blink."

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No Fear

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Don't get all upset. I am not interested in attacking you personally. I disagree with your approach and I disagree with your priorities. I also disagree with your assessment of Iranian military power. Lets keep the discussion civil.

I saw what the US did to Iraq and Serbia. I saw what Israel did to Lebanon. I do not want that to happen to us. Iran with Hizbolah; Hammas; and all its other assets has no chance against the US. This is not in anything shameful. The US spends ~100 times as much on its military than Iran does. It is just a fact of life.

I do get upset when people outside Iran seem to ignore this. 

I will respond to your points in a new post shortly.

No Fear


by No Fear on

What the hell? How could you reduce the debate we were having to personal guesses about my personality? I dare you to test my abilities to trash talk. Regardless, Your whole side of arguement is now reduce to this point;

The cow boy "make my day or bring em on" garbage is truly sickening. Then they want to risk Iranian lives for their anger.

Thats a load of crap and you know it. Throughout this whole debate i mentioned to you this is about "strategy" and has nothing to do with revenge or anger. Infact it was your sorry behind that suggested Iran should be angry at Arabs because they killed more iranian than jews. How old are you anyway? You have completely failed to understand any reasons that i spent my useless time to explain to you. You have left many of my responses unanswered and at last , you resorted to personal attacks. Get lost now.


VPK, Jerry, and Vildemose

by AMIR1973 on

No Fear (just another IRI cyber groupie safely living in the Evil West) has so much confidence in the ability of Iran's military prowess because of the Saeqeh fighter plane and other top notch IRI indigenous weapons of war. While the IRI fought a back-and-forth war with Iraq for 8 years, it took the U.S. (with a little help from its allies) 1 month of aerial bombing and 100 hours (!!!) of ground war to drive the Iraqi military out of Kuwait in 1991. Of course, we saw how well Saddam's military did against the U.S. during the Second Gulf War in 2003. The pinnacle of Arab military triumphs against Israel was the death of 120 Israeli soldiers during the conflict with Hezbollah in 2006 (compare that to how many Iranians were killed during the war with Iraq). Arab and Iranian forces are mostly useful for killing and repressing their own people. When faced with modern militaries, they crumble to dust. And no, I am NOT endorsing an invasion of Iran by any means. We just shouldn't have any illusions about Iran's military.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Thank you for your sensible post. The cow boy "make my day or bring em on" garbage is truly sickening. These people like "No Fear" sit in the West totally safe and sound. Then they want to risk Iranian lives for their anger. Well I have a lot of family in Iran. They are not expendable. No Iranian lives are for waste.

I request that all the over hyped war mongers go to front of the line. Just like the old days when the leader of the army was actually the one in front. 


Go ahead make our day & bomb Iran! Why do u bother writing here?

by Jerry1800 on

the provocation, your provocations, the A´jad and Khamenei provocations do not work and the dictatorship will be abolished without war and bombings.


NO FEAR: Your testostrone

by vildemose on

NO FEAR: Your testostrone driven tirade is what wars are made of. You are consumed with revenge and lust for war. You will get it, if you insist.

It's attitude like yours that will lead Iranians to their slaughter again without any chance of ever removing our enemies. Our enemies don't respond well to threats and false bravado, if you hadn't notice. In fact, they thrive and flourish... 

Stick  to your "conviction", and don't complain about the consequences.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

by Abarmard on

I believe you misunderstood my point. Iranian citizens don't sit around, or write articles about attacking Israel. Israelis do. Israelis see it fit to preemptive strike against those who might attack them at point X in future time. It's not disgusting that the governement has such policy but that people think this way!

Iran is in no way the same.

Israel tries, as most countries do to their rivals, to gain some influences by the Iranian borders, and they have been trying to fund anti Iranian/anti Shia groups. Their complete lack of success has to do with their Zionist ideologies that those Sunnie Muslems don't share, not that they have not been trying to create a Hezbollah by the Iranian borders. There are many small terrorist organizations that work with Mussad, yet Iran has no rights to talk or promote preemptive strike against Israel. Not acceptable on this side, and should not be the other side. Recently Israel and Saudi Arabia have join hands to create a anti Iranian (Or as SA names it anti Shia expansion) and looking for groups to join. They are targeting Pakistan and Iraq as two countries that can host those Terrorists. Turkey has not accepted the offer (so far) because of Israeli actions in Ghaza and their recent closer ties with Iran.

If you are not aware about the policies and plans of foreign countries against one another, it is because they are not broadcast but Hezbollah is. Where do you think the funds for MKO is coming from? Another Hezbollah Wanna be right by Iran that thankfully failed.

In Israeli Lebanon war, the issue started as one claiming aggression against another. This was not a terrorist act of one or the other, but war. Hezbollah acted as an army of the country. US is as responsible for supporting Israel as it is Iran supporting Hezbollah. This is not unheard of that in wars nations take sides. If lasted longer, Russia would have taken sides, and that means that Israel must think preemptive strike against Russia since there is a chance for that country to help Lebanon. It makes no sense. The concept of preemptive strike is flawed diplomacy.

On top of all this, no matter what Iranian government promotes, the people are not in the same line of thinking, as to attack and destroy infrastructures of another nation. Strangely enough, Israeli citizens find this idea normal diplomacy. That's disgusting! and societies (means people, citizens of a country) that think in forceful manners are arrogant.
I do share your concerns about Iranian government and their policies that have isolated the nation for over thirty years. This doesn't make Israeli policies in the region right. Israelis should learn one or two cultural things from Iranians, as was mentioned in some comments.


Guys, I am just keep in the score here

by Bavafa on

and No Fear is ahead by a long shot.  You need to make more sense if you want to ever have a chance to convince others of otherwise.


No Fear

VPK ...

by No Fear on

You said;

Muslims nations i.e. Saddam and Taliban have killed a lot more Iranians than Jews

What is the point you are trying to make here? Are you saying we should drop our pants down , forget about our nuclear research, show the middle finger to hamas and hizbollah and stop funding them and start kissing some serious ass so the world think favourably of us?

In fact I don't know of one Iranian killed by Israel or her forces.

The Israeli threat is the most serious one we face today and the reason they haven't start killing iranians yet is because they know the price is too high to pay. I like to keep it this way and better keep our defensive and offensive measures than to drop our pants down as you suggested. Boy ... you are a horrible strategist.

When IRR funds Hizbolah which then shoots missiles to Israel what do you expect?

What the hell are you saying? Do you mean an Israeli attack is justified on Iran because we sell missiles to hizbollah? US sold a lot worst to iraq, should we go after everyone who supported iraq in the war? Stop this jibber jabber riff raff please.

 If we want these threats to stop then Iran should stop funding Hamas and Hizbollah. Or at least demand they stop firing missiles into Israel. 

No, you are dead wrong. Once you stop supporting hizbollah, then they want you to give up nuclear technology. Then they want you to shut up when gaza is under attack. Then they want you to stop your missile program and buy their fighter jets. Then they want you to adjust your opec quota based on what someone in Texas tells you to do. Then ....

This is IRAN  , not saudi arabia.


hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

good response vpk.  it's amazing how some people have become culturally arrogant!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Imagine a map displaying missles hitting Israel

I have seen worse. They had missiles actually hitting them! I also saw Iraqi missiles actually hitting Iran. Why don't I see the same anger towards those who really attacked us as opposed to drawing a picture. Was it because Iraqis were "Muslims" and Israeli are "Jews"? We have to be honest about our feelings and reality. Muslims nations i.e. Saddam and Taliban have killed a lot more Iranians than Jews. In fact I don't know of one Iranian killed by Israel or her forces.

When IRR funds Hizbolah which then shoots missiles to Israel what do you expect? How would we react if Israel was funding a  group that routinely shot missile into Iran! If we want these threats to stop then Iran should stop funding Hamas and Hizbollah. Or at least demand they stop firing missiles into Israel. 


Imagine a map displaying missles hitting Israel

by Abarmard on

If the map was shown as Iranian missles hitting Israel, how would the world react?

Just disgusting. Disgusting how the Israeli government has made it acceptable for their population to perceive that preemptive strike is a normal foreign policy solution. Israelis speak of such actions as if there is nothing wrong with it. Unfortunate for their future generations, they have become culturally arrogant.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No Fear

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I see your points but I disagree with them. We obviously have a different approach to what is good policy. I do not dispute Iran's rights to anything. I do dispute the approach and the priorities. I am also under no delusion as to interests of Israel; Hammas; West; Russia; China; Arabs ... I think Iran will do better picking friends more wisely. 

But unfortunately the IRI leadership along with  many intellectuals are fighting last centuries battles. They are doing exactly what you said they should not. They are after revenge: mostly from the West. Result is isolation and getting a raw deal.

As for advancement they keep trying to replicate what others did 60 years ago. If we really want to be  advancing we would be pioneering Solar and other renewable just as China is doing!


Maybe we will be buying them from China :-(



No Fear

VPK ...

by No Fear on

No I am not. Nuclear energy is dirty and dangerous. Did you see Chernobyl?

This is not the 70s when you protest nuclear power plants. You need to update yourself here. Nuclear energy is the CLEANEST form of energy now. There are close to 500 nuclear power plants operating worldwide, almost all of them in countries that oppose Iran from having it. Fossile fuels are dirty and dangerous, Not nuclear energy. You got it all wrong here. And by the way, the cern collider has nothing to do with producing energy.  Man.. where do you get your facts?

Who is we? There is nothing to gain out of a cold war. It is pointless. What benefit do Iranian people get from it? How does it help Iran?

 We are not after war. Despite calling for israel distruction for internal consumption , the real threat has been from Israel, not Iran. We never practiced naval and aerial maneuvers for the sole reason of attacking Israel, they do. While we all know that Iran will never attack Israel, there is a probability that Israel will attack.

So to answer your question that " who are we?" , i have to say that " We" are those who will retaliate against any agression from Israel or US or anyone who dares to attack any part of our country. We do not expect for you to be a part of " We". You could be " them" or you could be "nobody".

Weren't these the same Palestinians who sided with Saddam?

Yes they are the same. However, your point is irrelevent. Real politic is not about revenge. Its about taking advantages of even the slightest possibilities to advance your goal. Understanding this fact will bring you closer to political maturity.

Plus what about things that are not available from China? Say why is it that Iran is unable to get spare parts for its aircraft?

This is the best point you made so far, and you are right. Our aircraft fleet is old and needs american parts. But this is no reason to give up so many other rights just to get parts for our old aircrafts. However, you point is valid.




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are in no position to speak for the rest of us.  I don't want war but I sure do not share your feelings. I think Islamic radicals are the biggest problem. I also think the we do better making peace with Israel. Why pick a fight with them.

If you are so brave please by all means pack up and go fight Israel. Do not volunteer Iranians from the comfort of your home in the West. This belligerence sounds a lot like Bush's "bring em on" comment and more unwise.

I have family in Iran and neither them nor me plan to fight Israel for Palestine. You go and fight them alright? The only reason Iran is being threatened is because of IRR. We are better off dumping IRR than fighting Israel.


No matter how much we hate

by benross on

No matter how much we hate IRI, most of us hate you even more!

Speak for yourself. That would be sufficient. 


Go ahead make our day & bomb Iran! Why do u bother writing here?

by obama on

You would regret it! Oh I forgot, you think that we are bunch of fools that need your commentary and sympathy before you do it? It reminds me of the leaflets you drop for palestinians before you drop your chemical bombs on them!

Israel is the cancer of the ME, and as long as you are there, there won't be peace! You are the mother of all evils! No matter how much we hate IRI, most of us hate you even more! We'll fight to the last drop of our blood to save our country! Got it?

You will regret this big time! Arrogance has a limit! If you want to live in the neighborhood that you have adopted, you must be humble, trying to live in peace not war! Your choice!