Mehdi Karroubi

Bows to Khamenei, acknowledges Ahmadinejad as president

BBC: Prominent Iran opposition leader Mehdi Karoubi has said he recognises Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president, despite saying last year's poll was rigged. Mr Karoubi had refused to accept the president's controversial re-election. Mr Karoubi's son says his father still has doubts about the vote, but accepts the results following Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's endorsement. Opposition activists are preparing for a new round of anti-Ahmadinejad protests on Revolution Day next month. According to Iran's Fars news agency, Hossein Karoubi quoted his father as saying: "I am still of the same belief that the election was unhealthy and massively rigged. "But since the [supreme] leader [Ayatollah Ali Khamenei] endorsed [Mr Ahmadinejad's victory], I believe that he is the head of the government, meaning he is the president.",

BBC interview with Karroubi's son:


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If regime hurts Karoubi things'll get worse so he gives in? Huh?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


Parviz jan: Spot on.

by vildemose on

Parviz jan: Spot on.


To moosir

by statira on

Many of us have family in Iran who take part in every single one of those protests. If we use fake names is just to protect them. Be gole maroof regime divari as divare mardome iran kootahtar Peyda nakarde. If they get identified they get raped, jailed and killed. But Karroubi has immunity. Regime does not do anything stupid to him. If he gets harm in anyway, regime knows that things gonna get worse. Karroubi  knows this and has this appourtunity but  apparantly,he has not enough guts.



by PArviz on


چون شما مثل اینکه این متن رو، که خدا میدونه از کجا پیدا کردی، خیلی‌ دوست داری و در جواب به هر مقاله‌ای اون رو کپی میکنی‌ ، من هم جوابم به اون رو که در یک بحث دیگه نوشته بودم این جا کپی می‌کنم.

من نمی‌دونم شما این نقل قول رو از کجا آوردید ولی‌ چنین طرز فکری دقیقا
آخرش ختم می‌شه به ولایت وقیح و یا یک جور دیکتاتوری مذهبی‌ دیگه. شما (یا
منبع شما) هر چی‌ میخواهید بگین ولی‌ اکثر مردم فهمیده ایران مخالف قاطی‌
کردن دین و سیاست هستند. در این میان هم ممکن است چندین میلیون ایرانی‌
باشند که چیزی از مذهب در زندگیشان مهمتر پیدا نمی‌شه، حتی پیشرفت مملکت،
عدالت اجتماعی و مساوات حقوق مرد و زنّ و غیره براشون به اندازه مذهب
اهمیت نداره. ولی‌ آیا سعادت یک ملت رو می‌شه به به خاطر یک قشر خاص نفی
کرد و یا به تعویق انداخت.
نه خیر دستیابی به همهٔ آرمانهای با ارزش مردم ایران از طریق آخوند و
آخوند صفت امکان پذیر نیست. شما هر چی‌ دوست دارید میتونید شعار بدید و
کاسه داغتر از آش بشید ولی‌ حکومت مذهبی‌ و ضد بشری فعلی‌ دیگه به هیچ
قیمتی نمیتونه بمونه. این رژیم در تمامیتش محکوم به زباله دان تاریخه و
همهٔ کسانی‌ هم که سعی‌ در نجات اون دارن به همراهش خواهند رفت.
در مورد رهبری این جنبش هم فکر نمیکنم اکثر ایرانیهای مقیم خارج ادعای
داشته باشند، همه خواستار یک رهبری مردمی و با کفایت هستند، حالا داخل یا


I love all these westernised Iranians bashing Karroubi...


this guy says it best:


جمع کنید این بساط
را،....توکه باری ز دوشم برنداری...میان بار، سربارم چرایی؟

آقای مهدی کروبی بیش از دویست روز است که جانش را کف دستش گرفته و
سینه اش را برای جنبش سبز سپر کرده است. کسانی که ادعای «عبور از کروبی» را
مطرح می کنند و در این وانفسا بر طبل دو دستگی می کوبند و بذر تردید در دل
سبزها می کارند، حاضر نیستند که حتی دو روز با نام واقعی خود و در داخل
کشور از خودشان بیانیه صادر بنمایند تا ما بفهمیم که آنان نیز یک صدم کروبی
شجاعت دارند یا خیر؟. این مرغان طوفان که ادعایشان گوش فلک را کر کرده
است، حتی نمی نشینند و دو کلمه فکر کنند ببینند منظور شیخ شجاع ما از بیان
این سخنان چه بوده است؟ این کم بهرگی از فکر و تعقل انسان را یاد جان
برکفان ذوب شده وطنی می اندازد. اینان نیز نمونه های مدرن شده همان ذوب
شدگانند. منتهی ذوب شده در خویش. نوریزاده چند روز پیش در یکی از سخنانش می
گفت،(نقل به مضمون) «خارج نشینان گمان نکنند رهبری جنبش را بر عهده دارند.
نخیر. اینان فقط اگر می توانند در راستای خواهران و برادران وطنی شان و
همسو و پیرو آنان کمکی بکنند، دستشان هم درد نکند.» اینکه برخی کمک که نمی
کنند سرشان را بخورد، نفاق هم می افکنند مایه درد است.  سیاست در ایران
بسیار ظرایف دارد و کسانی همچون موسوی و کروبی و خاتمی و هاشمی با این
ظرایف آشنایند. ما که طی این 200 روز گذشته کتکش را خورده ایم ادعا نداریم
که می خواهیم از کسی عبور کنیم. شما چرا جو گیر شده اید که می خواهید از
کروبی عبور کنید؟ خسته شده ایم از اشتباهاتتان. جمع کنید این بساط را.
اینقدر خوراک برای فارس نیوز نسازید. اکبر گنجی وسط این دعواها فیلش یاد
انکار امام زمان می کند، ما باید هفته ها حقارت بشنویم و ماله کشی کنیم.
فلان خبرگزاری می گوید مردم از دین خسته شده اند. باز ما باید سرکوفت
بشنویم. وقتی از جو ایران هیچ خبری ندارید، لطفا اصلا حرف نزنید. من نمی
گویم سکولاریته خوب است یا ولایت فقیه مشروطه یا پادشاهی دیکتاتوری، بنده
عرض می کنم گرفتاری ما در ایران آنقدر ظریف است که یک کلمه حساب نشده می
تواند موجب سوء استفاده شود. حالا همین تیترهای بالاترین را در خصوص عبور
از کروبی ببینید که فردا تیتر اول کیهان و فارس و جهان نیوز شده است. ای
وای بر شما


Karroubi is a scaredy cat!

by statira on


جواب هاى ِ ماست مالى


At the end of the day, they are all part of this Islamic Republic system and will only go so far. They probably worked out a deal that will free some political prisoners, but not much else.


"Three little Soldier boys walking in the zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

Two Little Soldier boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up and then there was one.

One little Soldier boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none."


Tweet jaan some ppl r just exclusive instead of being INclusive!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Little Tweet

All enemies of the green movement too quick to judge Karroubi

by Little Tweet on

//  why do you people pretend to be with the green movement? at least now we know who you are! Shame on you all!


That's right TheMrs! Koor Khoundan!!!

by B-Naam on

When Iranian people unite and put everything on the line, change is inevitable.  That has been the case since 1900s and this time it's no different. 


areyo barzan

by BehroozA on

Do you have any proof for your Ahmadinejad comment? please post them so I can read.  No hearsay! Proof. Otherwise, some can say areyo barzan has done this and that and I must belive them too.




He's a Mullah, what did you expect?!

by Datis on

تا وقتی که ملت ما به آخوند و آخوند مآب ها اعتماد کنند بایستی انتظار نومیدی از جانب آنها را داشته باشند. چگونه از کسانی چون خاتمی ، کروبی ، موسوی و یا هر کس دیگری که دار و ندارش را به این رژیم مدیون است انتظار دارید که اساس آن را به چالش بکشد؟ همگی این آقایان در طول دوران تصدی خود حتا اگر مستقیما خون مردم را  نریخته باشند ، حداقل روی خود را از دیدن آن همه نامردمی برگردانده اند. امروز کروبی ، فردا بدون شک موسوی. فراموش نکنیم که اینها هیچگاه سرسپردگی خود را به جلاد بزرگ (خمینی) پوشیده نگذاشته اند. اگر بپنداریم که کروبی یا موسوی به فرض تصدی ریاست جمهوری(!) قدمی در راه احیای حقوق مردم بر میدارند، کور خوانده ایم. رژیم جنایتکار اسلامی اصلاح پذیر نیست، به ویژه به دست کسانی چون این آقایان. مردم ما باید خود چاره کار خود کنند و با طناب پوسیده اصلاح طلبان ، ملی مذهبیون و هر کس دیگری که خرده ای رنگ و بوی مذهب می دهد به چاه نروند. پیروز باد نبرد ملت ایران در براندازی ظلم، نادانی و خرافه پرستی.

areyo barzan

Dear Shushtari

by areyo barzan on

I believe by calling Antari Goshaad an abdarchee you are actualy disrespecting a honourable job and insulting a hard working honourable section of our society.

  This monkey is a murderer rapist who use to rape female political prisoners (especially members of MKO and communists) the night before their execution in 1989. because there is a weird law in Islam that forbids killing virgin girls and hance the true solders of Imam e Zamaan should rape them first.   He was also one of the main murderers who would shot the final bullet (Tir e Khalaas) to their head when they were being executed.  

This is well documented and many of survivors of IRI dungeons and defected ex IRI agents have given testimony  and evidence on it.

At the moment they are pushing for an international arrest warrant for him and Ali Dozde.  

You can also help by going to this site and signing the petition.


Also on this Sagord character


Well! What did you expect???

This is part of his job spec. Guys like this him are noting but the well paid IRI cronies who have been dispersed around the world to do such thing.  These guys has no education no information about Iran’s history and knows noting about democracy they do not know enough the religion they claim to defend He has the IQ of a chipmunk and his only use is to intrude and send parazit during valuable discussions like this. This is to intimidate the opposition as unlike us the IRI knows every well about the value, importance and effectiveness of opposition in exile. After all he fascist Khomeini was also an exile.  

The best you can do is to ignore him. Think of his writing as a fly on the desktop.

If you give him value by engaging in a conversation with him he has won


Marg bar Asle Velaayet E vagheeh


Interesting analogy from BehroozA, another apologist

by Hovakhshatare on

reincarnation describing and attributing characteristics and MO of IRR. Watch the link I posted for your buddy.


The timing of this news, lack of clarity, and contradictions all indicate lots of behind the scenes going on. From IRR perspective, anything that can dilute people's movement is good. From Kahroubi's perspective he needs to keep his followers, while watching not to be out done by those who will sell out given the right price including Khatami, Rafsanjani & Mousavi. 

Bottom line, every showing strengthens people's hand and Bahman 22 is the next immediate target. People will lead with their presence and those who choose to follow can lead by following people's will. The rest is just distraction.


this is actually great news.....

by shushtari on

those who wanted to pretend that the akhoonds are 'reformable' can shut their traps now......

this is truly a revolution and the protests on 22 bahman will be about getting rid of the akhoonds and their rotten system altogether!

here's to a free iran in 2010

RIP akhoond karroubi 


pack of wolves

by BehroozA on

You remind me of pack of wolves dressed in green. They hunt together, but when one is injured the rest of the wolves eat him up. It is time to eat Karroubi today!!!  Am I wrong?





by shushtari on

what the heck are you doing on this site anyway????!!!!

you always come out in defense of these dogs that have raped and pillaged iran for 30's absolutely disgusting....

and it's not dr antarinejad, it's abdarchi antarinejad....

you will soon have to find a new dictator to love, the akhoonds are gone......god have mercy on your soul 


Yep, as expected SP: 'I abhore civil disorder'

by Hovakhshatare on

That sounds just like Hitler, McCarty and few others and par for course as far as you are concerned.

As for my melodrama, I already covered it with your buddy but suffice to say you were the only detractor there and Shazdeh dry cleaned you. So if I were you, I would not brag about that one. Stick to continuing your arrajif on the IRR military thread where it seems Fair has dry cleaned you. Run along and play with this one perhaps you will change your career aspirations and become an intelligence wannabe instead of military has been or wannabe...



Marg bar dictator

by TheMrs on

They are doing everything they can to cause division and suspicion. They want to demoralize the opposition. Get the people confused. Screw with the so called leaders so that people will find themselves abondonned. Koor khondan.


When Sargord speaks, Sargord prevaricates...

by AMIR1973 on

"Sargord" says: "But I absolutely reject violence and subversion.

I am a moderate. I am mainstream. I am not an exile."

What he means is: I reject violence except for the tens of thousands of Iranians executed by the IRI since 1979. (Not to mention the hundreds of thousands jailed, flogged, raped, and tortured). 

When he says: "I am not an exile", he means I live outside Iran but propagandize on behalf of the IRI.



do not trust any Akhoond

by jasonrobardas on

  This is the conclusion .

Sargord Pirouz

you're right, Jaleho

by Sargord Pirouz on

I voted Green in June 2009. After the dust settled after the election, I accepted Dr. Ahmadinejad as legitimate president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

I am not a protester. I abhor civil disorder.

If reform comes to the Islamic Republic, I will applaude it. But I absolutely reject violence and subversion.

I am a moderate. I am mainstream. I am not an exile. I've no axe to grind.

(Hova, what was with your melodramatic and false departure? You're back? Huh. So your detractors were right about you all along.)


Jaleho, I don't know you and frankly don't want to either

by Hovakhshatare on

but you or I are not the subject of this blog. Nor is sargerd, marhoum, hakha... or my goodbye blog which is here for all to see as are the quality of the people who commented there. You are welcome to do the same and see what happens. The subject of this blog is Kahroubi, islamists & IRR.

Now, do us all a favor and answer Khar's question.

Shifteh Ansari

آرش حسینی پژوه: اپوزیسیون خارج‌نشین جوک سیاسی است...

Shifteh Ansari

جالب است هرچه از بی‌تدبیری بعضی‌ها می‌نویسی گویی چشم بینایی نیست تا ببینند که ما چه می‌نویسیم!!!!! جالب است تنها بخشی را که دوست دارند می‌بینند! کروبی می‌گوید در انتخابات تقلب شده, می‌گوید چون رهبری رئیس دولت را تنفیذ کرده او را رئیس دولت می‌داند, می‌گوید هنوز ایستاده‌ام و می‌گویم رای من کو! می‌گوید مسئله امروز انتخابات نیست مسئله خون‌هایی است که ریخته شده‌اند ووو....اما بعضی‌ها تنها انچه دوست دارند می‌بینند!!!"



Jaleho there you go again, you crack me up girl....

by Khar on

You must know or at least felt it by now that this is not about the election or the political personalities or even is not about you and your side (the winners) at this point or hasn't been ever. It's about democracy, free society, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, 22% inflation, 30% unemployment, child labor, non-existence of woman (YOUR) rights, torture, crumbling economy, mass killing, human rights....... and so on, which haven't been remedied buy your "winning side" and if they are not remedied your "winning side" will have these show downs month in month out. I got a news for you girl; just by shoving the Satanic Eslam e Naab e Mohammadi up Iranian people collective ass or just buying this guy or that guy's support you won't be able to wish these problems to go away.

I wish you could answer one question for me though; what attracts and push you to willingly and whole heartedly support this government system in Iran? Perhaps you can share that with me and everyone else, maybe we are wrong and you (the winners) are right.


dorood bar marhoum!

by Jaleho on

How you doin'?

I actually neither know Hovakh, nor Hakha :-) But, few days ago, I saw one of those typical "good bye, I am leaving, cause I am hurt" blogs. (as you can see, I take a quick look at the comment section, and look at the funny ones). That's how I found out that anther one "thinks" he's biting the dust, I even posted "hit the road jack, don't you come back no more, no more, no more......" but as you also well know, they don't leave, they just nag and whine!

Anyway, I know you voted Green, the Sargord that Hovakh thinks is an Ahmadinejad-strong-backer also voted Green, (I believe he said once). One doesn't become anti-Iran if one voted the other way! But look at Hovakh's response when I show him the humbling crowd of people who he thinks DO NOT EXIST!!! He thinks all of those millions are Sargord himself ;-)


Iranian woman

by rtayebi1 on

ma mard-ha ja zadim ama khanomhay Irani NAH.  Remember the girl that got knoked out!!! LONG LIVE IRANIAN WOMAN



by R2-D2 on

Pathetic Pathetic Pathetic

Pathetic Pathetic Pathetic



Red Wine


by Red Wine on

مرگ بر خامنه اي منفور ترين چهره اين حكومت

مرگ بر تمامي طرفداران و مزدوران حكومت نامشروع اسلامي