زنده باد عربهای ایران

تبعیض ذهنی ما خواسته و یا ناخواسته در سیاستهای قوم ستیزانه حکومت متبلور شده


زنده باد عربهای ایران
by divaneh

چندی پیش با دخترخانمی از تهران صحبت می کردم و زمانی که طبق معمول صحبت کشیده شد به ایران، ایشان بنده را مطلع نمودند که تا پنجاه و یا شصت سال پیش در ایران عرب وجود نداشته است و همۀ ساکنین عرب ایران پناهندگانی هستند که در زمان محمدرضا شاه از عراق به ایران فرار کردند. زمانی که با چشمهای گرد شده از ایشان پرسیدم که بر چه اساسی چنین ادعایی می نمایند جواب شنیدم که این را از مادرشان شنیده اند و از آنجا که مادرشان در کودکی چند سالی در آبادان زندگی کرده هیچ شکی در صحت اظهارات مشار الیه نمی توان داشت. سرسختی بنده در رد این ادعای مضحک باعث شد که من نیز عرب شمرده شوم. مگر می شود که کسی فارس باشد و عرب ستیز نباشد؟ در پایان دلایل و شواهد بنده هر چند که ایشان را متقاعد ننمود اما باعث شد که خدشه ای بر این باور ناصواب وارد آید.

اندکی پس از آن با خانم دیگری، باز هم از تهران، صحبت می کردم و ایشان با شنیدن این که عربها ایرانی هستند غضب نمودند و گفتند: خیلی بهم برخورد که گفتید عربها ایرانی هستند. با شنیدن این اعتراض جاهلانه متوجه شدم که این عقاید اشتباه نمی تواند فقط به دو نفر تعلق داشته باشد و احتمالا طیف گسترده ای از ایرانیان چنین باورهای بی مایه ای را در خویش جای داده اند. به این خانم نیز توضیح دادم که ایران بسیار بزرگتر و فراخ تر از شمال تهران است و اتحادی از مردمانی با گویشها و قومیتهای مختلف است.

هر دوی آنها به آریایی بودن خویش مفتخر و از اعراب پستی که ما را دچار بلای اسلام و آخوند نموده بودند بیزار بودند. برای صد هزارمین بار با بی حوصلگی شنیدم که چگونه تا پیش از اسلام ما می گفتیم پندار نیک، گفتار نیک، کردار نیک و آنگاه این عربهای ملخ خوار به ما حمله کردند و آئین بدوی شان را به ما تحمیل نمودند و باعث شدند که ما از قافله تمدن عقب بمانیم. من اینجا نمی خواهم که بحث مکرر ایران باستان را پیش بکشم اما این حمله های بی اساس و جاهلانه به عربهای ایران و ادعاها و اتهامهای واهی که بخش بزرگی از مردمان ایران را نشانه رفته و آب به آسیاب تجزیه ایران می ریزد را باید جواب گفت تا شاید قدری خرد و انصاف ما را به همدیگر نزدیکتر نماید و هر کس گناه خویش را بگردن بگیرد.

بسیاری از این افراد خود بزرگ بین تعلق به محلات نسبتاَ مرفه شهرهای بزرگ دارند و با ظاهرهای آراسته خود را متجدد و روشنفکر می دانند. بسیاری اما همان باورهای بی پایه را که در صحت آنها هیچگاه تحقیقی ننموده اند مانند طوطی تکرار می کنند و هیچ شکی در صحت این اراجیف به خود راه نمی دهند. متاسفانه چنین افراد زود باوری که هر ادعایی را بی دلیل قبول می نمایند و بی هیچگونه کنکاش در حقیقت امری آن را می پذیرند فقط می توان به یک اسم نامید: عامی. اینها افرادی عامی هستند که به واسطۀ پوشش، لهجه، محل زندگی و غیره خویش را متجدد می دانند اما از پنهان نمودن عامی بودن خویش عاجز می مانند و نادانی و دید محدودشان را در نظریات متعصبانه شان آشکار می نمایند.

قدمت اقوام گوناگون در خوزستان موضوع تحقیقهای بسیاری بوده است. فردوسی در شاهنامه سخن از دشت نیزه وران و پادشاه عادل عرب، مرداس می راند که بنا بر یک تعبیر محل آن خوزستان کنونی بوده است و بنا به تعبیری عربستان. كسروی در كتاب شهر یاران گمنام می نویسد :

تا آنجا كه یقین است و دلیل در دست هست ، تاریخ هجرت تازیان به ایران را باید قرن ها پیش از اسلام و از آغاز پادشاهی ساسانیان در نظر گرفت . در زمان اشكانیان دروازه های ایران به روی تازیان باز بوده و در زمان ایشان بود كه تنوخیان و لخمیان با آن انبوهی و بی شماری رخت مهاجرت به عراق كشیدند و كسی مانع ایشان نشد . شاید دسته هایی نیز در همان زمان به درون ایران آمده نشیمن گرفته باشند ، ولی چون دلیلی در این باره در دست نیست نتوان یقین دانست . اما در زمان ساسانیان یقین است و دلیل ها در دست هست كه طایفه هایی از تازیان در گرمسیرهای ایران از خوزستان و بحرین و پارس و كرمان نشیمن داشته اند . یكی از طایفه ها (بنوالعلم)بود كه شاید نخستین طایفه از تازیان بوده اند كه رخت مهاجرت به درون ایران كشیده اند.

در همین سایت وزین نیز مقاله ای تحقیقی در مورد اسکان قبایل عرب در خوزستان می توان یافت.

سابقۀ تاریخی اسکان قبایل عرب در خوزستان

به نظر این محقق همۀ قبایل عرب در یک زمان وارد ایران نشدند و اولین قبایل عرب سیزده قرن پیش در زمان حمله اسلام و آخرین قبایل عرب چند قرن پیش در خوزستان سکنی داده شده اند اما بر فرض هم که این نظر درست باشد مگر بقیۀ اقوام ایرانی همه در یک زمان وارد ایران شدند؟

بنده نمی خواهم که وارد این تحقیقات تاریخی شوم اما می خواهم بدانم که چگونه است که تو پس از شش سال زندگی در غرب خود را بریتانیایی و آمریکایی می دانی اما اعراب ایران پس از دو هزار سال هنوز ایرانی نیستند؟

می گویند ما زرتشتیانی پاک بودیم و فقط به نیکی گرایش داشتیم و اعراب فرهنگ ما را فاسد نمودند. هیچکدام هم اندکی به خود زحمت نداده تا تحقیق کوچکی بنماید و ببیند که چگونه ایران زرتشتی گرفتار فساد دینی گشته بود و چگونه نابرابری های اجتماعی بنیاد امپراطوری را متزلزل ساخته بود. گویی جنبش مزدکیان بی دلیل صورت گرفته بوده است. بی خبر از فساد آخوندهای زرتشتی که رخت عوض نموده و آخوندهای شیعه شدند رویا می بافند و لباس فرشته بر تن این دیو پلید می کنند. حتی امروز را نیز نمی نگرند. کثافت کاری را قمی و کاشانی و تهرانی و اصفهانی و لاریجانی می کنند، فحش و نفرینش را عربها می خورند. کدام عربی را می شناسید که نگرانی اش این باشد که با کدام پا وارد مستراح شود و یا اگر بادی از او در رفت کدام ورد را بخواند؟ کدام آیت الله سرشناس در ایران عرب است؟

مورد دیگری که باید بدان اشاره کرد این است که این نوع باورهای بی مایه راجع به عربها در نزد کسانی رواج دارد که برخوردی با عربها نداشته اند. شما به ندرت می توانید فردی خوزستانی بیابید که فرقی بین ایرانیان عرب و فارس بداند. برخی ساکنان نادان مناطق دیگر اما می انگارند که عرب ستیزی نشانه ایران دوستی است و با تعریفی فاشیستی از جامعه ایده آل ایرانی آدم را به تهوع وا می دارند و عجبا که زندگی در جوامع دمکراتیک غربی نیز قادر به تضعیف این نژاد پرستی کور و عقاید خطرناک ناشی از آن در نزد بعضی نبوده است. متاسفانه این تبعیض ذهنی که ما به هموطنان خویش روا می داریم خواسته و یا ناخواسته در سیاستهای قوم ستیزانه حکومت متبلور شده و مهر تایید به تبعیض بر علیه ایرانیانی با سنتها، باورها و یا گویشهای دگرگون می زند.

در پایان بگذارید معذرت بخواهم که عکس انتخاب شده برای این متن که یک زن و مرد روستائی عرب را نشان می دهد مناسب نبوده و ممکن است که این توهم را برای برخی بوجود آورد که اعراب ایران همه روستا نشین هستند و حال آن که اکثریت اعراب ایران شهر نشین می باشند. با این حال هر چه کردم نتوانستم از استفاده از این عکس که توسط مهدی منعم گرفته شده و در یکی از موثرترین و هنرمندانه ترین مجموعه ها در همین سایت متشر شده چشم بپوشم. دیگر عکسهای این مجموعه را که معلولان جنگی غیر ارتشی را به تصویر می کشد می توانید در اینجا ببینید.



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maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

brother divan..

Aside from Dirty politic.........

As I mingled with many Iraqis here in Nashville

Them ,too victims of Brute Saddam's regime living as refugees here

All they said :  Amerika Take all our oils and just leave us the dates khormas!

shokran akhi.



Dear Shirzadegan

by divaneh on

I do not deny that there are other forms of prejudice that target the people of the same race but I still want to re-stress that the prejudice practiced against a group of people based on their race is called racism.

Slavery in Iran was abolished in 1929 according to this article.


Persian literature is full of stories about "Gholam" and "Kaniz", i.e. slave men and women.

Thanks for posting the Omar's comment which shows that the fear and mistrust is mutual.

Here is a good composition of a famous Iraqi folk song in case you like Arabic music.



Shazde Jaan

by divaneh on

I am in full agreement with your honour as usual. VIVA anyone who has no ill intention towards others.


Conquest of Persia

by Shirzadegan on

I am reading an interesting book called the Conquest of Persia. It details the various battles between the Arabs and our Zorasterian ancestors. Here is what Umar said to one of his Generals: "You have entered the land of trickery and guile and dishonesty and oppression. You have marched against a people who love evil and know iit well, and abjure goodness of which they are ignorant. So be on your guard; and watch your tongue. Reveal not your secrets, for those who guard their secrets are secure against unpleasantness and loss."


Racism and anti arab feelings

by Shirzadegan on

"Showing contempt for a group of people based on their race is called racism is my vocabulary" divaneh

There is a park in Isfahan which has a sign in the front of the park saying : NO Afghans.

One day I was asking one of my relatives who is from Isfahan about that park. He said that similar situation exist in Isfahan's barbar shops. My relative is a medical doctor and highly educated. He asked me : if you knew one specific barbar shop cutting Afghani's hair, will you be interested to get a hair cut in there? I replied. Yes of course, what is the problem. He said that I think that way, people in Isfahand don't think that way. I was compeletely shocked.

Afghan people are racially Iranians. Tajikistan, Afghanistan has been part of Iran in some point. No racial differences between these nations. We are the same race. Never the less, the negative feeling against them exist.

Konrad Lorenz (1963) , an Austrian ethologist and psychologist did some research on coral reef coast of Florida about agression among fisthes. His observation was very interesting. He  found out aggression escalates more among those fisthes who are closer in color or they look alike each other. Those fishes which are distinctively different never bother another fishes. No fight. Lorenz generalized this concept to human society. His book about "Aggression" translated to Farsi back in 70's.  Iranians fight and despise each other more than despise someone, for example, from Iceland which are distinctively different from them. (my hypothesis). 

There is a video of 2500 celeberation of Iran's history. The video claims in Iran's history there was no period of "Slaverly". Seems the video, which was broadcast among those countries who attended celebration, was credible source. That video was source of my information.  



I hope so!

by jirandoust on

" Iran and the cat shape map are for ever no change ;period."

I hope so, Maziar!

Dark hands are at work behind the scene to divide Iran into pieces.


Shazde Asdola Mirza

زنده باد عربها

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Viva arabs, iranians, jews, americans ... etc.

Down with terrorists, murderers and torturers.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Dear friend

Some un named enemy charged the ears of the Arab speaking khuzestanis with ..........

You know what ? If you're Independent And All on your own

All the money $$ from the oil is YOURS!!

And there was  the creation of Arabistan.

Iran and the cat shape map are for ever no change ;period.



Dear Shirzadegan

by divaneh on

Showing contempt for a group of people based on their race is called racism is my vocabulary. I do not accuse you or anyone else of racism but I think that all Iranians must be more critical of themselves and ponder over the real meaning of their thought and action. Shamefully I have to add that black people are not exactly viewed as equal by many Iranians either.

Please also note that slave trading did exist in Iran and formed a major trade in the Sassanid era. I have also heard (but have not seen evidence) that during the Ghajar period there was a conflict between Iran and Britain over Iran's insistence to continue with its slave trade.


Dear JIrandoust

by divaneh on

To associate all Arab Iranians with a separatist group is exactly what their Saudi backers want to achieve. This separatist group is surely created and supported by Saudi, Israel and some Western countries that Iran has managed to turn into foes. Saudis however will not be trusted given the treatment of Shias in Saudi an Bahrain. If there is one regime worse than IRI, that is Al Saud.


Bleeding Hearts

by jirandoust on

like you ignore the facts about Arabs and their true intentions for Iran...




Maziyar/ the write of the blog

by Shirzadegan on

People who lives around Bluchestan area speak Ordu and poeple who live close to Turkish border speak Turkish and people who lives close to Afghanistan has very similar dialog with Afghanis. People who lives in Khozestan and they are close to border of Iraq or other Arabic Persian gulf countries also speak arabic.  Now,  these are all Iranians and has nothing to do with foreign country. As the writer said they even gave their precious lives against Arab invasion. They're all Iranian heroes. We respect them all regardless of the dialog they speak. Yes, cooperation and unity with every nation is what we need. But do Arab world want the same thing? I am not sure about that.

I have different view about racism or rather "racial hate". Racism is rooted on the history of slaverly. In Iran's history we never had "Slaverly". Therefore, unlike Europeans, who were slave owners, we don't have "Guilty Conscious" and Unlike Africans, who were slaves, we don't carry the feeling of "inferiority". What is appear as a superiority or inferioty among Iranians has nothing to do with the notion of racism. Even in same race group some people feel superior to other person. Rich always look down at poor even though they're from the same race. In Iran, those who were living in northern part of Tehran felt they were better than those who lived in suburbs. This concept is way different from European's racism or rather RACIAL HATE. One group  of people hate the other group solely because of their race, nothing else. Japanese occupied China and killed more than 300 thousand Chinese in 1936, but Chinese never refered to Japanese as being "racist". Because Japanese never kill them because of their race. In fact, Chinese race is very close to Japanese race.  But in South Africa, when the Chinese were kicked out of the train by European counter-part,   Chinses viewed them as "racists" or rather "racial hate" because of history of slaverly in south africa.  Thanks God we never had that problem. Racially Arabs and Turks are closer to Iranian race than Russians and Mongols race.  



Very sad story Maziar Jaan

by divaneh on

It was a very sad story Maziar jaan. Barbarity of human knows no bound. I hope Iranians can be spared of any future war.


Dear Shirzadegan

by divaneh on

I agree with you that invading Arabs tried to impose their ideology on the defeated nations including Iranians, but I would like to re-stress that wars that have happened more than a millennium ago belongs to the history and not the current affair. Instead of blaming the living Arabs (inside or outside of Iran) for a sin that they have not committed, we have to promote harmony and co-operation.

With respect to the racism I think that looking down on other nations or ethnicities is a sign of racist mentality, and Iranians are very good in that.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Siavash khan

Hope you are not mixing The Um-Al Arabieh who dislike Aajams for centuries out of jelousy and stupidity.

With The Arab speaking khuzestanis (Irani).

Thanks           Maziar


Thanks Maziar for the first hand information

by Shirzadegan on

"....most of our recent wars prior to the Iraq war were not with Arabs but with Russians and Turks"   Divaneh

That is true Iran has been under attacks throughout history by different nations. But there is one difference between Arab invasion and those attacks. Arab invasion intimated with imposing Arab ideology. On strike contrast, the other attacks didn't harbor any ideology and those people never tried to impose any ideology. In fact, mongols didn't know anything of any ideology, therefore, they accepted Islam as a religion and dress in Islamic fashion. Holako was the first person who accepted Islam.

That is the reason Iranians hold hate against Arabs, but they don't hold hate against mongols or Russians or.....


Racially, Arabs are more closer to Iranians than Russians or Mongols. The animacity who Arabs created among Iranians has nothing to do with race or racism. it is due to bloodshed, rape and imposing their ideology to Iranians. 


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

I know it may be an old story..........

Personaly know about a family in sossangerd

An Arabic Iranian or (what ever is the correct term ).

The 55 yrs old Lady was Raped in front of her AAroos

Daughter in-law And after Aaroos being raped also by Iraqis  they both killed themselves.

And soosanngerd still looks the same  as it did in 1342.



Dear Shirzadegan

by divaneh on

Thanks for the additional information. With respect to the Iraqi soldiers and their abhorrent acts we can see a good example of the dangers of the racist beliefs. Please also note that many Iranian Arabs fought against the Iraqi army and died for their country.


جناب کورش


بگذارید شما را تصحیح کنم، من گفتم که آخوندهای زرتشتی دین زرتشتی را فاسد نموده و همان آخوندها بعدها رخت عوض نموده و آخوند شیعه شدند. لطفاَ سروده های زرتشت در گاهان، یسنه ها و یشتها را با قسمتهای دیگر اوستا مانند خرده اوستا و وندیداد مقایسه کنید تا ببینید که چگونه گفتار نیک، کردار نیک، پندار نیک (که اقتباسی از سروده های زرتشت است) جای خویش را به لاطائلات در مورد عادت ماهانه زنان و اضافات انسانی و تنبیه لواط کاران و غیره داد. طرز فکر و مسائل مورد توجه این آخوندهای زرتشتی همان مشغولیات فکری آخوندهای شیعه است و در واقع هر دو یکی هستند و در پستی افکار همانند می باشند. برای ریشۀ اعتقاد به امام زمان و داستانهای شیعه در مورد آن رجوع نمائید به زند و هومن یسن که بازگشت آخرین منجی و اتفاقات ادوار مختلف آن را پیشگوئی می نماید که شباهت خارقالعاده ای به امام زمان دارد.

در این شکی نیست که بر خلاف آنچه پیروان هر دین می پندارند، ادیان در نقاط مختلف رنگ محلی به خود می گیرند و رسوم و خرافات محلی را در خود جای می دهند. اسلام نیز از این قاعده مستثنی نبوده و در هر مکان مردم سنتهای خویش را درون آن جای داده اند.

  در مورد جوانانی نیز که گردن بند طلائی فروهر به گردن اندخته اند و به نظر شما رفتار ناشایستی دارند در نظر داشته باشید که اینها درون فرهنگی اسلامی تربیت شده اند هر چند که آن را رد نموده و راه گریز را در فروهر یافته اند.


One more thing....Attentiion all Iranians.

by Shirzadegan on

"....... he (Sadam) also invaded Kuwait which is an Arab country. We must understand better than anyone else that dictatorships do not reflect the will of people." Divaneh

During Arab invasion to our dear homeland in 1980, Sadam soldiers were breaking into Iranian people's houses in the cities which was located in the border of Iran and Iraq. Those families who couldn't speak Arabic language were victim of crude and harsh treatments. Those families who could speak Arabic didn't have problem with Arab invasion. In many cases, the women of the family, in those families who couldn't speak arabic, were victims of rape by Arab soldiers. The invaders simply raped the women in the front of the eyes of her husband. That is well documented. That also showed those monsters disrriminated between Iranians and families of Arabs origins. That incident never happened when Saddam was trying to annex Kuwait to Iraq. Iraqi soldiers perceived Kuwait as part of Iraq which was separated by Brits imperialism.  


Dear Friend,

by Shirzadegan on

"..the people who live in Iraq, Kuwait, Persian Gulf Arab estates and Saudi Arabia have Iranian roots." Divaneh

of course, Baath party kicked them out in winter of 1972. They were all in the border of Iran and Iraq and they needed Iranians help.There was a big program on Iran state T.V asking to help those people. Iraqis kick anyone who has Iranian ancestory. That day all movie stars and well known people gathered on T.V showing their support for people who were kicked out. They were also showed their despise from Iraqi's government. That was cold, snowy day in 1972.

 "...he (Nasser) was the darling of many Iranians too" divaneh

Those people were either sympathiezers of Tudeh party or Islamic fundamentalist. Tudeh party and Islamists both deriven Iran to this mess as we are witnessing these days.

   In general, thanks the writer of this blog for providing very useful information. His/her knowlege and understanding is admirable.



جناب دیوانه


کدوم قسمت از پندار نیک ٬کردار نیک٬ گفتار نیک رو آخوندها عوض کردند؟ درک کدوم قسمت احتیاج به تفصیر داره؟ امروز که آئین زرتشت در بین ایرانیان خارج از ایران بسیار مد شده و بسیاری گردنبند طلایی از اهورا به گردن انداخته اند و به تعلیمات او عمل نمیکنند. باز باید اسلام رو سرزنش کرد؟ 


Dear Vildemose

by divaneh on

Thanks for reading and your encouraging comment.


Dear Shirzadegan

by divaneh on

I think we need to put everything in the correct context. When we class all Arab speaking people as Arabs we ignore the vast differences between these people. We ignore the fact that a significant number of the people who live in Iraq, Kuwait, Persian Gulf Arab estates and Saudi Arabia have Iranian roots.  But even if we forget the tribal, ethnic and even linguistic difference of Arab speaking people, still the point that you raise against them are in my view unfair.

1. You have posted the images of a few Lebanese Hizbollah members who have helped IRI in suppressing Iranian demonstrators and treat it as evidence that Arabs want to undermine our national sovereignty. In that context, existence of Iranian revolutionary guards in Syria is the proof that Iranians want to invade the Arab countries.

2. Jamal Abdelnasir’s Arab nationalism is not appealing to me either, but if you talk to some older Iranians you will find out that he was the darling of many Iranians too. Of course that was due to his stance against the Israel, but it seems like that appeal was so strong that even his comments about the Persian Gulf were forgiven by many Iranians including some very educated people.

3. Sadam’s attack on Iran not only had the support of Russia but it also enjoyed the support of the West. If you however want to class it as a proof of Arabs intention to invade Iran, please remember that he also invaded Kuwait which is an Arab country. We must understand better than anyone else that dictatorships do not reflect the will of people.

4. I did not blame the West for encouraging the UAE to claim the three Islands. I blamed IRI for making so many powerful enemies who would in turn try to hurt our interests.

5. Please note that most of our recent wars prior to the Iraq war were not with Arabs but with Russians and Turks. How about counting those nations as our eternal enemies?

The hatred shown by some Iranians towards Arabs is misguided and ignores the role of many Iranians in helping the Arab dynasties to rule over Iran and many of the other invaded territories. They also ignore the central role of the Iranians in the development of the Shia sect that has caused us so much harm. Unless we accept our own fault for what has befallen our country we will fall in another trap next. Probably the trap of blind racism.


Great blog and ensuing

by vildemose on

Great blog and ensuing discussion. Thank you divaneh jon...


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Dear Friends

by divaneh on

Dear Shahrvand,

Thanks for reading and your feedback.

Oktaby Geraami,

I am in full agreement with you that we are not very good in accepting our own shortcomings and reflect this inability in blaming others for our today's problems.

Roozbeh Jaan,

You are right. Making enemies will not help us to go forward. We need friends, and interestingly so do our neighbours.

Fatollah Aziz,

Thanks for reading and for your generous comment.

Dear Kourosh,

Zoroastrian religion was ruined by corrupt Iranian clergy who added so much nonsense to it and employed it for its own personal interests.


جالب اینجاست که


جالب اینجاست که اونهایی که شعارهای ضد عرب میدن٬ به جای اینکه بایستند و با عراق بجنگند پرشیا شون رو رها کردند و پا به فرار گذاشتند. بسیاری هم به آئین زرتشت میبالند در صورتی که نه در این زمان به آن عمل میکنند و نه در آن زمان به آن عمل میکردند.




ایران به بیست و پنج هزار دیوانه از کالیبر شما نیازمند است، گوش شنوا می خواهد و درک و فهم اساسی، امیدورم روزی بدانجا برسیم، قربان هر چی دیوانهٔ فرزانه


we are talking about invaders to Iran

by Shirzadegan on

Arab invasion to Iran has a long historical journey. it started over thousand years ago and continues till today. Please take a look at this pictures. These are taken during Iranian uprising in 2009.


Arabs mostly followed Jamal abdul Nasser pan arabism model and tried to change the name of Persian Gulf. Nasser was the one who innovaded change of the Persian Gulf name. Iran was close allien of U.S at that time and Nasser was supported by USSR.

Time and again, 3 days war in 1969 which Shahanshahi army defeated Iraqis troops leaded to Algeria treaty. Again, Iran was supported by U.S and Baath party was socialist supported by USSR.

Right after our shah's death, Baath party decided to try it again to take over the Arvand rood. This time shah was not in the picture, so no support from U.S. But Baath party was fully supported by Soviet. Mig 13 which was bombing Iranian cities was exclusively manufactured in Soviet Union.

Now, Arab countries of Persian Gulf has eyes on 3 Iranian Islands. UNlike before, this time these countries have a good term with west especially with U.S and U.K. So we can easily blamed it on the west or U.S, U.K We can even say these are the one who want these 3 island become part of Arab countries. They are the bad ones and they're the one who instigate and provoke these countries agaginst Iranian Islands. We couldn't say these things  when shah was on power, but we can say it at this time. But my friend Arab invasion has always been big threat to Iranian regardless of our leader being pro west or being against west. It has nothing to do with west. That is Arabs call. Why don't we want to see it? These are arabs who has been invaders to Iran territory throughout history. Nothing has been changed since 1400 years ago. Attitude of Iranian toward Arabs have not been changed either.  The Arabs still invading to our country. Talk is cheap and we can say or speculate whatever we like.

   Recently, Some one was saying the U.S troops are in Afghanistan because there is a good opium in Afghanistan and Americans can get good high on those opium than any other drug from south America. We have to use our judgement to see what is going on. Sure, those Island will be patrolled by U.S forces because those peoploe didn't burn American flag. But if they are the ones who push it to annex those island to the arab world. That is another story which we have to be realistic.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

*off the blog subject......

Last night I was watching C SPAN3

A Bahraini girl and an Iraqi Man had 2 Simple questions and neither of the speaker of middle east for Peace did Ansewer that.

Iraqi sid By experincing the sanction all he can say was ordinary Iraqi suffered the most And now Iran sanction.

Are they (Iranian) suppose to love USA and his actions?

And the speaker said is 12 o'clock and no time left.

