AP: Iran on Wednesday hanged a former soccer player's mistress — known as a "temporary wife — who was convicted of murdering her love rival, the player's wife, the official IRNA news agency reported. Shahla Jahed was hanged at dawn, after spending more than eight years in jail, IRNA said, in a case that has captivated the Iranian public for several years. Jahed had become what is known as a "temporary wife" of former soccer star Nasser Mohammad Khani. She was charged in 2002 with stabbing to death Laleh Saharkhizan, the player's wife, and convicted of murder in 2004 and again in 2009, after her appeal was denied. >>>
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Am I allowed to copy the text here,? link is not working
by Souri on Wed Dec 01, 2010 08:21 PM PSTپستان های داغ شهلا جاهد دیگه سفتی سابق رو نداره
25-Jan-2008عمو ناصر سلام!
از خواب که بیدار شدم خبر تائید اعدام شهلا را خواندم اصلن هم تعجب نکردم.
می دانی چرا؟ چون حالا بهترین وقت برای به دار کشیدن شهلا ست. حالا که برف
ها دارد آب می شود و سربازان و مجریان به دار کشیدن، مجبور به برف روبی
سکوی اعدام نیستند.
اصلن بی خیال این حرف ها! عمو ناصر خودت خوبی؟ ببین! من همه ماجرای عشقی تو و شهلا را به خوبی می دانم.
ناصر! یادت می آید خانه ی شهلا در خیابان ظفر؟ همان جایی که پستان های
داغ و هیکل خوش فرم شهلا را به دهان می گرفتی؟ همان جایی که شهلا بساط
تریاک کشی ترا آماده می کرد؟
راستی در همه جای خانه با شهلا عشق بازی کردی و به قول خودت چه سکسی هم
داشت. آخر می دانی اگر شهلا سکسش خوب بود به خاطر این بود که با تمام وجودش
ترا دوست داشت گرچه می دانست همسری داری و شاید به قول خودش هوویی! شما دو
نفر سالها با هم دوست بودید. نمی دانم شاید هم زن شرعی ات شده بود نمی
ناصر! خانه میدان کتابی را یادت می آید؟ همسر ناز و خوبت محل امن
وآسایشی برایت فراهم کرده بود. خب خانواده اش پولدار بودند و تو هم رفیق
علی پروین بودی و پول پشت سرپول به دنبالت می آمد ولی راست و حسینی خوش بخت
نبودی رفیق؟ همه چیز که پول نیست! به قول آلمانی ها زندگی یعنی زن خوب،
معشوقه خوب و آشپزخانه خوب، ولی تو همه این ها را با هم داشتی ولی تن ات می
لرزید وقتی خیانت می کردی. اصلن بی خیال معرفت و شرع و خجالت و چیزهای
عمو ناصر یادت می یاد به شهر ری آمده بودم و تو تازه از بهت خبر مرگ
لاله بیرون آمده بودی؟ رختخواب ات را کف سالن انداخته بودی و با پیژامه و
تی شرت سفید روی زمین نشستی و در ساعت دو بعد از ظهر با هم صبحانه خوردیم و
گفتی داداش! ایران دیگه جای من نیست باید بکنم و بروم.
بهت گفتم رفیق شهلا چی میشه؟ گفتی نباید این کار می شد چه به دست شهلا و
یا کس دیگر. گفتم مشتی این همه با هم خاطره ی مشترک داشتید همش پر؟ گفتی
آره. می دونی تن ات درد می کرد چون بساط تریاک کشی شب قبل ، خوب نبود. اصلن
خلق ات تنگ بود ولی چه می شد می کرد.
عمو ناصر نمی گم تو به شهلا و یا کس دیگر دستور قتل را دادی ولی مشتی!
این مرام لوطی ها نیست . من مثل شهلا کسی رو ندیده بودم که این همه عاشق
کسی باشه ولی طرف ولش کنه به امان خدا! تو! تنهاش گذاشتی و رفتی. ای آقا!
در این روزها که مرگ واژه ملموس همیشگی اش را از دست داده چه فرق می کند
شهلا بمیرد یا که... مهم این است که تو زنده ای!
یادت می یاد به خانه ظفر که آمده بودم شهلا با چه سلیقه اتاق ها را
تزئین کرده بود و با چه ظرافتی در خانه راه می رفت و با چشمان کشیده اش محو
تو و حرکات تو بود؟ به خوبی می دانم تو هم عاشق اش بودی ولی خوب پای لاله
هم در وسط بود. همیشه یک مزاحم عیش آدم ها را خراب می کند. لاله به آسمان
رفت و شهلا به زندان اوین و تو به لندن و خارج از کشور آمدی.
عمو ناصر این روزها هم می گذرد ولی وقتی به چشم کودکانت نگاه می کنی حس شرم و گناه هم به سراغت می آید یا که نه؟
خب رفیق نامه ام زیادی طولانی شد. دلم برای خنده های شهلا بد جوری تنگ شده ولی برای دیدن تو نه!
Hadi Khojinian's bloghadikhojinian.blogspot.com
عمو ناصر!
SouriWed Dec 01, 2010 08:09 PM PST
A tribute to Shahla Mojahed by hadi Khojinian (Iranian.com 2008)
نمیتوانم فراموشت کنم
Mardom MazloomWed Dec 01, 2010 07:35 PM PST
نمیتوانم فراموشت کنم
تو که میخواستی امروز بروی
پس چرا دیروز با من عهد بستی
تو که میخواستی امروز مرا تنها بگذاری
پس چرا دیروز مرا عاشق خودت کردی
به یادت است حرفهای روز اول آشنایی را
به یادت است قول و قرارهای آن روز بارانی را
به یادت است فریاد دوستت دارم را
به یادت است از اول کوچه دویدن، به شوق در آغوش کشیدن من را
نمیتوانم فراموشت کنم.... نمیتوانم فراموشت کنم
همه خواهشا دیده تر کنید ...
او که خود را به میان مِه دریا گم کرد
KamRan FarzanWed Dec 01, 2010 07:54 PM PST
برای شهلا مجاهد
او که خود را به میان مِه دریا گم کرد
روح من را دیدی؟/ از کدامین طرفی پای به فریاد گریزان برداشت/ او که از بزم جذام تن من عاصی بود/ و خودش را به میان مِه دریا گم کرد.ـ /
به چه کس باید گفت؟/ و چه باید بَرکرد/ روح من از تن من پای به عقبا برداشت/ روح من از جسدم عاصی بود/ روح من رفت و مرا بین هزاران جسد خسته به تنهائیِ تن ها بگذاشت.ـ/
اِی همه خسته تنانِ تشنه ی بی ارواح!ـ/ روح خود را دیدید؟/ از کدامین طرف بخت سیاهت توی ظلمانی وحشت گم شد؟/ تو چه کردی؟/ بر چنان سودائی که ظهور چشمت اشک دریاها بود.ـ/ و تمام ماهیان خاموش/ از غمت ساغرنوش.ـ/
از غمت هیچ مگو/ آینه از سر آوار غمانت/ در ته بُعد سیاه پیکر تشنه ی سردت/ توی بغضی که گلویش برداشت/ توی آوار تن خسته ی بی جان شقایق پَر زد/ و در این اضمحلال/ در میان ظلمت اشک دقایق/ عاطفه توی غبار ابدی پنهان شد/
ذره ها شیشه ای یند/ آنهمه خُرده ی شیشه که فرو رفته به ذهنت در بُعد/ هرگزت نور طلا را/ از پی روز خوشت ساغر "حافظ دل" رویائی نیست/ و غبار بوسه های متروک/ در فرو پاشی دستت/ در افق های مودت و مروت در دنائت گم شد.ـ/
آینه رفت به قعر....ـ/ من و تو مانده به دهر.ـ
کامران فرزان دسامبر 1 ، 2010 مون تاون شیپ. پنسیلوانیا
by yolanda on Wed Dec 01, 2010 04:04 PM PSTThis article said:
Khani was held as a suspect in the murder, but was released after Jahed confessed, the BBC reported.
According to reports, Jahed tearfully prayed and shouted for her life to be spared before the victim's son pulled the chair she was standing on as Khani watched.
If there was any secret....Shahla took it with her....or maybe her mom knows the really truth!
Dear Souri and Faramarz
by divaneh on Wed Dec 01, 2010 03:49 PM PSTDear Souri,
I think he only wanted to get rid of his permanent wife. The plan was to show that it was committed by the jealous and possesive temporary wife.
Faramarz aziz,
I did not see a political angle in this neither (nor seems anyone else) but it was a case of extreme injustice. This case certainly needed proper investigation.
by statira on Wed Dec 01, 2010 03:44 PM PSTlooking at he picture of Shahla's mother breaks everybody's heart. I dont know how this mardake aldang( Nasser Mohamadkhani) can live with himself.
Divaneh jon
by Souri on Wed Dec 01, 2010 03:26 PM PSTYour theory seems to have some potential too. Not very far from mine. At the difference that I don't see Nasser's motivation for putting the guilt on his lover, Shahla.
They first tried to constitue a scene of robbery. Some items has been stolen from the house. So why then the need of implicating Shahla too?
And if he wanted to get rid of Shahla, then why killing his wife? A temporary marriage can be canceled at any time.
So the idea that Nasser wanted to get rid of both women at the same time, seems a bit odd to me....but it is also a possibility. Who knows?
Justice undone
by comrade on Wed Dec 01, 2010 03:10 PM PSTThe real victim here is a nation under thrall to the notion of revenge, and wholly unfamiliar with the concept of rehabilitation.
Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.
Many Thanks
by Faramarz on Wed Dec 01, 2010 03:09 PM PSTThank you Souri, Divaneh (welcome back!) and Simorgh. There is never a doubt in my mind about the nature of the IR Regime and their "legal system" and how it discriminates against the women. But this case more than anything else looked liked a love triangle. I just didn't see a political angle in it. Thanks for your clarifications.
Simorgh, I do agree with you 100%. The real issue in Iran is the human rights, not the nuclear issue. That's just a smoke screen and when the West tightens the screws on the Regime, they will compromise in a second. But, respecting the human rights, especially the women mean the end of theocracy. That will happen only by force.
by yolanda on Wed Dec 01, 2010 03:12 PM PSTThe man who killed Sakineh's husband has been forgiven by Sakineh's children, so he won't be executed.....I believe he is serving a 10 year sentence......so Sakineh really should not be executed..... she did not carry out the murder......
Back to Shahla case, in the 4th video, she yelled hysterically, "What was wrong in loving you?"..."Was my sin that I loved you?".......it shows that this lady was clearly obsessed with the guy......it is possible she confessed in order to clear Khani....I agree with Souri........it is sad that Khani did not beg for mercy for Shahla and wanted this lady hanged......he even watched the execution......because of him.....both permanent and temporary wives of his are gone.....and his children are motherless!
by Simorgh5555 on Wed Dec 01, 2010 02:44 PM PSTNobody knows who killed Laleh Saharkhizan or the motive behind it. Perhaps we may never know the answer but what is indisputable is that Shahla could not have killed her. In addition, why is it that every murder committed by the Iranian security forces all involve stabbing and mutilation of victims: Forouhars, Shaphur Bakhtiar, Farrokhzad are amonsgt the more famous people murdered by the Iranian security forces. The body of Saharkhizian, as discovered and described by her family and the original police investigator was that of a 1) professional 2) a man.
Where in the world and even in other terrorist regime like the Islamic Republic are people convicted and executed without a proper lawyer, no murder weapon, no finger prints, no footprints, no items of clothes, no proper crime scene investigation evidence and only circumstantial evidence: a confession by an infatuated feeble half-crazed man woman who was unstable to testify in court.
Finally, and as much as I do not wish to bad mouth Saharkizian's grieving family, do you not find it strange that they seem to have forgiven the man who led a double life, betrayed his wife, ruined two women's lives, smoked opium and who then had the audacity to turn up for the execution?
The United Nations must call an international ban on Shariah Law, and in particular the eye for an eye Qisas rule - ironcally based on the Old Testament laws of the Jews - and the United States and Israel should forget about the Nuclear issue and address the real problem: The terrorist regime's human rights issue.
Shahla's death is politically significant and underscores my repeated call for military action to end this evil ant-woman, child murdering, woman stoning regime. How many more Nedas, Nazanins, Shahla, Sakineh's and innocent women must be banged up in jail and murdered before action is taken?
My theory
by divaneh on Wed Dec 01, 2010 02:40 PM PSTIt was planned by Nasser. He gave the key to his house to the real killers before going to Germany. They killed her and then a friend of Nasser known to Shahla as Haafez (not his real name) called Shahla and asked her to go to Nasser's house. She may have got there before Laleh was dead or she may have just imagined the conversations with her.
An Observation:
How come that Sakineh who has not killed her husband is sentenced to death for soliciting in his murder, but Naaser does not receive such a treatment? Does anyone know what happened to the man who killed Sakineh's husband?
عکس / مادر شهلا جاهد پس از اعدام دخترش
TapeshWed Dec 01, 2010 02:34 PM PST
My take is....
by Souri on Wed Dec 01, 2010 02:20 PM PSTAnd this is as if I am watching a movie, sorry if I look too bold here to give my own opinion. God forbid, I don't mean to put guilt on an innocent person. But this is what my intuition tells me:
This has been planed by both of them (Nasser and Shahla) and maybe some friends have been involved too. But it went wrong. Then Nasser might have asked Shahla to confess that she did it alone and by her own, and eventually he promised her that he will release her (because he is influential or something).............
Shahla being naive and deeply in love, never confessed that Nasser has been involved from the first step, thinking that either she will be released or she will have scarified her life for the well being of her lover and his children now that she has killed their mother. So she took the risk to confess.
Another probability could be also that at the time of murder, she was somehow drugged and forced to be implicated in the scene. That's why she couldn't remember really what had happened. But she could remember some scenes when Laleh had grabbed her hair and asked to have mercy for her. Also she said, Laleh was saying: They came , they came! Who, they were? She never said that. The juge asked her this question: who, they? and she answered: I will tell you afterward!!!
I believe if it was here, things might be different. A good lawyer might have asked to do her a hypnotism for she could remember exactly what has happened to her.
At the end (the last trial with her gold scarf) she was looking too confident! It gave me the impression that she has been promised to be released or at least not to be executed. She was somehow aggressively defensive.....and that also didn't play in her favor.
Any how, I hope this sad story will serve as a lesson to all married men and also the ambitious young & single women in Iran.
May her soul rests in peace.
HajminatorWed Dec 01, 2010 02:03 PM PST
تا این حد مفلوک شدیم، که حالا هر کی رو تو ایران کشتن فقط میتونیم بگیم : روحش شد، از دست صادق جانی، ا. سد علی و بقیه دجالین راحت شد
Then who did it?
by Faramarz on Wed Dec 01, 2010 01:58 PM PSTFirst of all, thanks to everyone that has been providing valuable information on this case and I have read them all on both blogs. But I am still not sure if I understand what exactly took place here, if Shahla is innocent.
From what I gather, this was not a political case. What is "the word on the street" on this case? If this was a murder by hire by the husband, then what was the motive? Get rid of both women? In which case, the victim's family including the kid who pulled the chair will have to live with Shahla's blood on their hands. And just to revenge the woman who was having a Sigheh with Nasser? That seems too cold blooded. Please articulate your best theories, if you may. Thanks.
Dear Souri
by divaneh on Wed Dec 01, 2010 01:53 PM PSTYes, she has not helped her own case but so what? What is the rule of the justice system? I have now watched all the videos in the blog posted by Anonymouse and in the last few minutes it becomes almost clear that there are serious flaws in her confession and that the murderer was most probably a man.
You can see form those videos that she is very disturbed, she does not seem to think straight, she does not even seem to know what is happening to her.
I however feel that she says the truth at the end of that video, she was called and asked to go to that house after the murder.
I don't care about the confession
by Souri on Wed Dec 01, 2010 01:30 PM PSTDivaneh,
Listen to this video (minute 8:03) she deny that she has been there at the time of murder.
While here in another trial (2004) she clearly stated that someone asked her to go there. She cried and said that she has been asked to go there and she went there and she has found the victim, already dead. (minutes 4:49)
In both cases, she is denying having killed Laleh, but once she said she went to her house, and then she said I wasn't at that house that night.
I mean, what is holding her from saying the truth?
This was a public trial, she could reveal that Nasser (or someone else) asked her to give a false confession! What did she have to loose at that point?
If she was innocent but has decided to sacrifice her life for her lover, whose fault is it? Given the fact that we have a corrupted justice system?
9 years should be enough for a 30 some woman to become mature and think about her own life and her own interest. We can't save someone who has decided to commit suicide. Although the Human Rights has tried, but Shahla didn't help herself in any way.
All in all, I think she has been given some contradictory advice as to how she should defend herself and she didn't know how to play her cards rightfully.
آیا شهلا جاهد واقعا قاتل بود؟ـ
KamRan FarzanWed Dec 01, 2010 01:16 PM PST
آیا شهلا جاهد واقعا قاتل بود؟ـ
KamRan Farzan
Tue Nov 30, 2010 08:19 PM PST
برای باز شدن پرونده مرموز شهلا این لینک را باز کنید
Please read
by Simorgh5555 on Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:44 PM PSTA Statement by the International Campaign of Human Rights Lawyers on the Imminent Execution of Shahla Jahed:
Considering the various flaws and misgivings as well as the existing
documents and evidences, the International Campaign of Human Rights
Lawyers (ICHRL) asks the head of the Judiciary to immediately halt the
execution of Shahla Jahed. There are serious questions and doubts about
the veracity and accuracy of the verdict and death sentence.
On February 3, 2003, Shahla Jahed, before the judicial and police
authorities and in the presence of national media, stated that she is
not the murderer of Laleh Saharkhizan and has insisted many times that
she was not involved in the murder. Based on the statement of Major
Abharian, one of the officers assigned to the investigation of the case,
the fate of Shahla Jahed changed forever after she received a private
and illegal visit at Tehran’s Agahi (the police criminal investigation
unit) by Nasser Mohammad Khani and one of his friends. After this
meeting and due to her extreme affection for Nasser Mohammad Khani, and
apparently because of his private request in the meeting, Shahla Jahed
denied admitting earlier (of non-guilt) and confessed to the murder.
Major Abharian states that he obtained evidence that pointed to the
innocence of Shahla Jahed. However, the case was taken away from Major
Abharian and he is not allowed any involvement in the case anymore.
Major Abharian is one of the senior officers of the Tehran police force
and has longtime experience in investigating serious crimes, and honour,
serial, and organized killings. He explicitly stated that Shahla Jahed
is innocent and believes that the police and the security agents have
planned [all along] to blame Shahla Jahed for the murder of Laleh
Saharkhizan who was killed by the security organizations. He also
believes there were evidences in favour of the defendant’s (Shahla)
innocence that were intentionally not collected. He adds that the crime
scene was compromised and destroyed from the start of the
investigations. The traces of the crime were cleared and the evidences
that showed Shahla Jahed’s innocence were destroyed by some of the
plainclothes agents acting under the supervision of Colonel Kashfi,
Tehran’s Criminal Investigation Unit deputy director.
ICHRL, out of duty and to prevent the death of an innocent
human, condemns any form of the death penalty. It joins the opponents of
the death penalty across the world to remind [the authorities] that the
death penalty is irreversible, and once carried out [and] the defendant
is proven to be innocent, there is no return. Given the
serious flaws and doubts in the course of the investigations and due to
the explicit contradictions in the evidences presented, including the
statements of the investigating officer, the verdict and the death
sentence were issued in a manner inconsistent with the legal procedures
and do not have the required legal credibility. The hesitation of the
former Head of the Judiciary as to whether Shahla Jahed was really
behind this murder and his orders that the case be re-investigated and
retired is a testament to [our] claim.
ICHRL once again insists that the execution of Shahla Jahed
has to be halted and asks all international human rights institutions
and organizations to protest such unfair proceedings and prevent the
Islamic Republic Judiciary from, once again, unfairly taking the life of
an innocent person.
International Campaign of Human Rights Lawyers
Tuesday, November, 23, 2010
Editor’s Note: In 2002, Iran’s state media filled TV
channels with the news of the murder of soccer player Nasser Mohammad
Khani’s wife Laleh Saharkhizan. The accused is Mohammad Khani’s lover
Shahla Jahed. A documentary titled Red Card was created by Mahnaz Afzali
to highlight the court proceedings and Shahla Jahed’s testimonials
throughout the trial.
The value of confessions
by divaneh on Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:40 PM PSTFor those who think there is a value in confessions.
13% of assize trials Essex, were for Witchcraft
Most of the accused confessed to the charges, even without torture. (At least none that was recorded.)
The first of the Chelmsford Witch trials in 1566 was against Elizabeth Frances. She confessed to using a cat named Sathan, as a familiar to harm various people.
From here:
Salem witch Trials
The witch hysteria in Salem began in January 1692. It led to the deaths of more than 20. Altogether 19 people were executed by hanging.
..... On 29 February 1692 the three were arrested. On 1 March Judge John Hathorne and Judge Jonathan Corwin examined them. Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne denied the charges but Tituba confessed. Perhaps she felt that if she denied the charge she would not be believed, after all she was only a slave. She may also have hoped that if she confessed she would be spared.
From here:
Hoshang TargolWed Dec 01, 2010 12:30 PM PST
11آذر.ناصرمحمدخانی بعد از حضور در مراسم اعدام شهلا به قطر رفت.
به گزارش خبرنگار ما ناصر محمد خانی بامدادچهارشنبه در مراسم اعدام
شهلا جاهد که محکوم به قتل لاله سحرخيزان بود، شرکت کرده و بعد از اجرای
مراسم با پرواز از فرودگاه امام تهران را به مقصد قطر ترک نمود.
بامداد امروز در حضور خانواده مقتول شهلا جاهد اعدام شد. فرزند لاله
علی رغم گريه های مدام و جيغ و فريادهای وی صندلی اعدام را از زير پای شهلا
by Simorgh5555 on Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:13 PM PSTWhat silly banter is this from you guys? Do you accept lies told you by the IR judiciary system hook, line and sinker? An innocent woman was hung this morning. By innocent I mean she did not commit the actual horrfic actat least.
As I have said before (and I will not apoligise for the gruesome details) Do you know how difficult it is to plunge a knife repeatedly into someone's chest? To get an idea of it try taking a carving knife stab into a joint of meat several times. Add to that, place yourself into the shoes of the alleged murderer, a woman who is emotionally unstable with a small phsyique, who then finds extraordinary physical force and ice steel nerves to carry a cold blooded attack.
Even by the standards of the Islamic Republic judicial system the case was flawed. Did they find a murder weapon? If so, did they find a set of matching finger prints? Did they find any of the murderer's hair or item of clothingI'm not expectign terrorist judges in the Islamic Republic to be able to become Liutenant Columbo or CSI forensic experts overnight but these are basic requirementsin order to secure a conviction.
Shahla was a fall guy and the terrorist judiciary system conveneintly extracted a confession out of her after probably repeatedly physically and psychologically abusing her so that the victim's family and a stupid gullible public would be appeased.
Shahla, may your sould rest in Peace. I woke up 5 o'clock Iranian time and thought about you over and over again. Rest assure the criminal judges and the authorities who sentenced you to death, the jail wardens who took you to the courtyard of your execution, and the warden who put the noose around your neck will get their cummupence in this world and the next.
You and Neda Solatni are heroes of Iran and your memory will be cherished.
Dear Souri and Anonymouse
by divaneh on Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:08 AM PSTSouri Jaan,
I saw a bit of it when it was posted but did not have the time to watch it all. Please point me to the part where the prosecution provides the evidence. The confessions of this disturbed person, in or out of the court, are of little value.
Dear Anonymouse,
Thanks for putting me right.
Mrs. the victim's child is a story all its own.
by Anonymouse on Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:59 AM PSTBased on the phucked up rules of the Sharia law which is the law of the land in Iran, the victim's family will have to push the chair so the accused gets hanged.
I posted a link to a movie about this process in the comments below, you can watch it if you like.
Now the victim's child has to live the rest of his life with the conscious that he pulled the plug - he killed Shahla. If he grows up and become a normal adult he'll have to carry this load with him on a daily basis. It's sad, very sad.
Everything is sacred
Divaneh jaan, r u ur avatar today?! what "evidence" is needed?!
by Anonymouse on Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:45 AM PSTWhen there is "evidence" of crimes, like the youtube videos of the destroying public property by the Police in POLICE UNIFORM, when there was "evidence" of the tortures in Kahrizak or other evidences galore, they ignored them.
They don't need evidence. They go by what they feels like. Evidence is a western influence! God has all the evidence and communicates it to whoever needs to have it.
Everything is sacred
If her trial wasn't such a
by TheMrs on Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:43 AM PSTIf her trial wasn't such a joke, i wouldn't have a problem with her execution as I'm not against capital punishment when it comes to brutal crimes like murder or crimes against children. For example, I would fully support the execution of the psycho who kidnapped the Smart girl. But Shahla didn't get a fair trial. And that is a crime.
I hope the victim's children can move on and maybe this will give them some closure. Even thought it was totally unfair and messed up. As for the victim's husband, what a dirt bag.
Dear Divaneh
by Souri on Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:42 AM PSTHave you seen those videos posted by Anonymouse?
Here they are: