
Shirin Ebadi & Akbar Ganji

Walk out to protest free speech award to Mohammad cartoonist

Fred: Kurt Westergaard, the Danish cartoonist most known for his Mohammad cartoons was awarded the German Media Freedom Prize [News]. The 2007 honoree of the same award, journalist Akbar Ganji and the lone Iranian Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi were to attend the ceremony. In protesting the awarding of the prize to Kurt Westergaard, both Iranians walked out. Sabine Sasse, project manager of the award event told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: “Kurt Westergaard is a symbol for press freedom and freedom of opinion because he stands for what he is doing -- and it's not right that some people want to kill him... Death threats are not our culture. So we fight for these rights. In a good democracy, it must be possible to have different opinions and discuss things." >>>


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mash Ghanbar

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I need a whole post because you brought up a lot of issues. The Quoran burning was prevented under "Fire Regulations" not because of "Hate Speech". It is a technicality but and important one. In Florida a city is entitled to regulate burnings. The permit was denied. This is different than banning it because of a religious reason. If someone wants to go to a desert in Arizona and burn the Quoran these laws will not apply. However I am sure the motives were to prevent a big religious induced fight. 

I alredy said burning it was stupid. People need to discuss the Quoran and their disagreement. Burning it won't solve any problems. Right? 

You are using European laws to understand America. It won't work because they are different. In USA freedom of speech is more important than people's feelings. It is a choice that was made.

Regarding "Amir Kabir" I have no doubt you agree with him. However he does not get democracy or free speech. He is coming from the Islamic point of view. Islam does not have free speech so what is the point of discussingt it.



by AmirKabir on

As usual, when it comes to Jews, answering the questions stops and the accusations starts. That is your freedom of speech and democracy. 

You speak of human rights and criticize Ebadi who has been the symbol of struggle for human rights in Iran and then defend the Zionists and US for many years of violations and crimes against human rights and all kinds of freedom.  This is your definition of freedom.  You are just as brainwashed as you claim the Muslims are,  just by a different system.  

Talk is cheap. Many speak of freedom, democracy, love and people, but very few like Ebadi have acted and practiced that in the true meaning of democracy.  In your case and many of your masters you use those words to violate them, cover them and sell your garbage.  


mash Ghanbar

Dogmatic VPK

by mash Ghanbar on



) Mash Ghanbar - I need a whole post for you. Just some points: American law did not prevent Quoran burning as it is legal; it was general pressure.  Public protests are regulated by permits. I did not follow the details but they may have been denied a permit. Meaning they could do it on private preoperty but not public. I said it was a stupid idea. My suggestion was to read the Quoran and argue against it based on its content.

Why a whole post? Cuz you consider yourself the vanguard of Information on this and a know-it-all? please. Your answers to Amir kabir was so weak and without any basis in reality. Regarding the burning, It was general pressure that "led" to legal action and the Fbi did get involved. You are busy making things up yet again, They were planning on doing it on church's property, which is private property by the way.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


1) Raoul - thank you for your kind words. I try to show not all Iranians are brainwashed Muslism. It is possible to break out of the mold. I did.

2) Escape - Amirkbir poster is an Islamist. Their knee jerk response to all things is "Jews" did it! Or "Jew" hating. Please excuse them as they know no better.

3)  Q -By allies like Q Ebadi and Ghanji sure prove they are full of it. It this guy supports them they are not worth taking seriously.

4) Mash Ghanbar - I need a whole post for you. Just some points: American law did not prevent Quoran burning as it is legal; it was general pressure.  Public protests are regulated by permits. I did not follow the details but they may have been denied a permit. Meaning they could do it on private preoperty but not public. I said it was a stupid idea. My suggestion was to read the Quoran and argue against it based on its content.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Just because Christians don't care or respect their prophets and give themselves the rights to insult him doesn't give them the right to d the same with others.

This has nothing to do with Christians. It is freedom of speech. Many of us don't take any of the "Prophets" seriously. In America we have the right to say whatever about them. Nothing you can do.

Democracy is about respecting the rights of
others and not disrespecting. 

I don't need lessons on democracy from a Muslim. You do not have any idea what democracy is. So keep your ignorance to yourself.

Islam forbids any Muslim to insult prophets including Jesus and Moses.

I don't care what Islam forbids. I do not accept Islamic rule. I don't accept any of the prophets.

This seems more democratic to me than disrespect in the name of freedom of speech. 

Tough. In the US we have our own definition of democracy and don't need yours. In other words it is not up to you and your 6th century religion. 



by AmirKabir on

You have nothing to say in defence of the lies and exaggerations. therefore, changed the subject to the 8 years old boy in Iran?

OK, are you talking about the same boy and people whom you are sanctioning and bleeding to death?  You speak of the people in jail. Wasn't Ganji one of them and isn't Ebadi who has been fighting for those same people's human rights and freedom and putting her life on the line?  Since when your opinion carries more weight than theirs, considering their efforts and yours?

The reason why prisoners are in prison and IRI is what it is, is because of the misinterpretations, abuses and mistakes by all sides.  Here is another example and the man is getting a prize for it.  That is nothing new. Bush is getting hundreds of thousands of Dollars each year for his mistakes and so do many others and Blair become the messenger of peace to middle east.  I guess by the same standards The criminals in every government should be rewarded.


Mohamad, the Cartoonist and Jews all have powerful voices

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

to speak on their behalf. They dont need us to defend them. Why waste so much time on this topic?

On the other hand, the poor 8 year old Iranian kid having to skip school to work as street vendor to feed his family, the out of work Iranian worker ashamed of not being able to feed his family, the political prisoner in torture chambers of islamsit regime because he spoke for the 8 year old boy and unemplyed worker, needs our voices to let the world know about this criminal anti Iranian Islamist fascists and their crimes against Iranians.

Dont fall for this yet another diversionary tactic by the islamist regime. Cant you see that the islamist agents on this site, after backing Ganji and ebadi- the same people who were exiled by their islamist paymasters- and shedding a few crocodile tears for the "oppressed muslims", can not help but giving the entire plot away by launching into yet another rabid anti jewish attack lamenting the fact they can not deny holocust?! 


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


a few misunderstandings

by Escape on

Number One : Muhammad is not Holy to people who are not Islamist's.

Christians do care and respect their prophets.Just this week there is news of a Christian smashing a Artist's work and was on trial.In that sense Christians and Muslims are alike.Christians came forth to stop the Koran burning.

But try not to rationalize Islam with other religions.It's not..At all.Other Religions get along because they have different EDUCATION'S.

ps Amirka I don't really want to talk about the Jews,if the subject is a bit darkened here it's ok.I understand your meaning,ok maybe there are some things that are exaggerated but they are minor.And I understand 'victimization' and how it can be abused.



by AmirKabir on

As I wrote, you don't get to read it because they get deleted. 

Here is one question of many. In the pictures was posted here a few days ago in a blog about Auschwitz, there was a picture of the hairs of the Jews that were shaved and there was a writing on the display that read, "The Germans/Nazis sold those hairs to textile factories". 

I found that to be a lie and exaggeration because the Germans were invading country after country with enormous wealth from each country. Why would they sell some hair to textile factory and to generate how much money? Is this how Germans paid for war expenses? I don't deny the Holocaust because it happened. But there seem to be some exaggerations and lies created to make that tragedy a money making machine and a license to occupy, destroy and kill since then. 

Now, what are the chances of freedom of speech here, specially on this issue? 

My respond to the questions Fred asked was, Yes, Shirin Ebadi and Ganji did the right thing in my opinion and I agree with Eynak.


دوست عزیزم عینک



ممنون از این تبادل نظر

شاید بحث من و شما سر همین «حقّ و محتوی» باشه!

بنظر من  اینجا محتوی تحت الشّعاع حق قرار گرفته که «اصل حق» رو در درجهء دوّم قرار میده!

رند شیراز میفرماید..........

یکی از عقل می لافد  یکی طامات می بافد

بیا کاین داوری ها را به پیش داور اندازیم


Just because Christians

by AmirKabir on

Just because Christians don't care or respect their prophets and give themselves the rights to insult him doesn't give them the right to do the same with others. Democracy is about respecting the rights of others and not disrespecting.  Islam forbids any Muslim to insult prophets including Jesus and Moses. This seems more democratic to me than disrespect in the name of freedom of speech.  Lets be hones here. These Europeans who call this freedom of speech and democracy also love to see their spouse being taking care of in front of them and call it freedom and democracy. So what does that tell you?



by Escape on

  What 'speech' did you lose? I have read holocaust denial here,did you not get your's in? Why it's practically the latest trend fashion.. I think you're just mad because you don't have any proof in what you believe but you wish everyone did as you.Ifyou have proof that the Holocaust did not happen,let's hear it! I will try to respond as much as I can,which is not as much as other's here but still quite a bit.Because I for one am eager to learn of this farce we have heard of called the Holocaust for years now.Recently there was a point that the Holocaust was a farce because of a some empty tin can markings.I clicked the links,read some and well,I had to laugh.  

I know it's pretty hard,look with all of Iran's Oil Millions,they haven't proven jack except shown their prejudice..It's just simply the Holocaust is pretty much proven as factual history.They made sure and documented everything pretty dang good.Europe was a slaughterhouse,it's kinda hard to cover that up.But you know it just anger's me to know that there are people who are trying to mislead other people in the world.We have enough ignorance in this world as it is,must we promote it?


It is funny that some here

by AmirKabir on

It is funny that some here defend the freedom of speech and questioning Islam and etc. especially JJJ and then my answers to Fred are deleted all because I asked what happened to freedom of speech when it comes to Holocaust, Auschwitz and Zionists. Apparently this Jew thinks that freedom of speech is not for everyone and Muhammad can be criticized, but not the Jews. So this contradicts the claim of freedom of speech and democracy by whoever speaks of freedom of speech including this cartoonist and yet cannot question Holocaust. I dare him to draw cartoons of that in the name of freedom of speech.  


مجید جان - شما حقوق انسانی را با حق محبوبیت مخلوط کرده اید.


مجید جان - شما حقوق انسانی  را با حق محبوبیت مخلوط کرده اید.    اولی
الزامی  است دومی اختیاری است.
اتفاقا مثال شما بسیار جالبه.    در برخی کنسرت ها، سه یا چهار خواننده در
یک شب برنامه اجرا می کنند.   افرادی که از یک خواننده خوششون نمی اید
میروند بیرون صحبت میکنند با دوستان تا نوبت خواننده محبوبشون برسه.  لااقل
من که اینطور هستم.   یک گشتی می زنم و بر می گردم..   در یک میتینگ سیاسی
وقتی کسی حرفی می زند که خوشمان نمی اید  ممکن است او  را هو  کنیم.    
صد در صد برایش کف نمی زنیم .   حالا در این مورد خاص اینکه این کارتون ساز
به خاطر توهین به مقدسات برخی نباید مورد حمله قرار گیرد و زندگیش مورد
تهدید قرار گیرد در آن شکی نیست، ولی دلیلی برای جایزه گرفن او هم نیست.  
به بیان دیگر این حق شخص برای آزدی بیان است که محترم است نه محتوی .  
ایشان برای محتوی دارد جایزه میگرد.   برای مثال خانم سکینه آشتیانی نباید
سنگسار شود. (به جرم قتل و روابط جنسی)  ولی جایزه هم نباید بگیرد.


عینک جان



یک کنسرتی برگزار میشه، همه جور آهنگی نواخته میشه، آهنگها به مذاق بعضی ها خوش میاد بلند میشن دست میزنن، اونهائیکه از اون اجرای بخصوص  بهر دلیلی خوششون نیومده می شینن سر جاشون و منتظر بقیّهء اجرا ها میشن! اومدن موسیقی گوش بدن! از همه نوعش!

کسی کسی رو مُلزم نمیکنه که «یا رو سری یا توسری» «یا با مائی یا بر ما» «یا باید از این آهنگ خوشت بیاد یا از موسیقی هیچّی نمیفهمی»،  یا باید سفید باشه یا سیاه! خاکستری هم یه رنگیه!

مخصوصاً در مورد افرادیکه توسّط همین مجامع صاحب صلاحیت و صاحبنظر تشخیص داده شدن!

مفهومی تحت عنوان «سِعهء صدر» رو خیلی شنیدیم، باور معنوی کلمه و اجراش کار بینهایت مشکلیه!


دوست محترم مجید ،


دوست محترم مجید ،
شما نوشتید :  "البته که اینها «حق داشتن اون جلسه رو ترک کنن »  ولی این
دو نفر بخاطر
دفاع از همین آزادی حق بیان و مبارزه با سرکوب از طرف جامعهء جهانی تقدیر
شدند! بنظر من این غیر قابل قبول ترین حرکتی بود که این دو نفر میتونستن
بکنن! پس اینها بخاطر چی اون عنوان ها و جوایز رو گرفتند؟"
من تصور می کنم تفاوت بزرگی بین درک من و شما از آزادی بیان وجود داشته
باشه.   اتفاقا همین حرکت گنجی و عبادی -- دقیق ترین درک از آزادی بیان و
احترام به آن را نشان می دهد.   در فرهنگ رایج طالبانی کسی که به مقدسات
آنها توهین می کند، باید نابود شود.    درک صحیح از آزادی بیان این است که
اگر شما چیزی گفتید که من نپسندیدم  بجای اینکه کله شما رو بکنم اتاق رو
ترک کنم.  صد البته مفهوم دفاع از آزادی این نیست که اگر شما به آنچه من
محترم میشمارم توهین کردید من بگویم آفرین.  مگر در همین سازمان ملل وقتی
احمدی نژاد دهنش را باز میکند همواره تعدادی بلافاصله محل اجلاس رو ترک نمی
کنند؟    اینکه عبادی برای این کاریکاتوریست حق درج کاریکاتور قائل باشد
با اینکه به او جایزه بدهد یا از جایزه دادن به او حمایت کند  دو مقوله
کاملا متفاوت هستند.   امیدوارم در این مفهوم دقت بیشتری  کنید.





البته که اینها «حق داشتن اون جلسه رو ترک کنن »  ولی این دو نفر بخاطر دفاع از همین آزادی حق بیان و مبارزه با سرکوب از طرف جامعهء جهانی تقدیر شدند! بنظر من این غیر قابل قبول ترین حرکتی بود که این دو نفر میتونستن بکنن! پس اینها بخاطر چی اون عنوان ها و جوایز رو گرفتند؟ تشویق به  تسامُح و تساهُل و سعّهء صدر و احترام به عقاید دگراندیشان تا وقتی من مشهور و پولدار بشم؟


These two are from the same dictatorship and will not change!

by shahabshahab on

These two characters sound open minded, kind of like Maryam Rajavi, talking about democracy and freedom. But when it comes down to their Islamic beliefs, they are through and through Moslesms, complete with the closed backward mnd.

We should thank them for exposing themselves for those who mistaken thought they were freedom fighghetrs.

At best, ethy are trying to be politically correct and they are so wrong. Backward  so-called intellectuals!


These two are from the same dictatorship and will not change!

by shahabshahab on

These two characters sound open minded, kind of like Maryam Rajavi, talking about democracy and freedom. But when it comes down to their Islamic beliefs, they are through and through Moslesms, complete with the closed backward mnd.

We should thank them for exposing themselves for those who mistaken thought they were freedom fighghetrs.

At best, ethy are trying to be politically correct and they are so wrong. Backward  so-called intellectuals!

Mola Nasredeen

When Ganji and Ebady speak, I listen

by Mola Nasredeen on

Ebady and Ganji are the face of the recent movement for democracy in Iran. They haven't sold their souls to the 'forces' and that's why when they speak I listen.


What is the big deal?

by aynak on


Someone creates a work which some consider insult, while some others think it is worthy of a prize.

Basic rule of tolerance says, Ganji and Ebadi had the right to walk out because they had issue with what that work symbolized.

What folks should comprehend:  Tolerance/democratic behavior  means not buring/killing/dismembering the person who does something we disagree with.   It does not mean we should clap or endorse something we find disrespectful or insulting.


Slap on their own titles?

by Majid on


I think they discredited themselves to be invited to such event to begin with.

And they have guts to promote tolerance, co-existance and human rights ?


Proud to be Iranian

by Q on

and proud of Ganji and Ebadi. Both of these Iranians understand much better than any cartoonist or any armchair critic, what freedom really means. To compare their award fighting for the rights of millions, to this pathetic cartoonist, denigarating and attacking the beliefs of 1.5 Billion muslims is a joke indeed.

The world will know that the vast majority of Iranian are not hateful islmophobes, like the assorted clowns on this thread.

mash Ghanbar


by mash Ghanbar on

Please tell me in what way specifically am i demanding you to not speak your mind ? Criticize but do not Insult , can you and your friends understand that? I AM NOT DEMANDING ANYTHING:)) demanding means that i am forcing you to do it, All i said was that such respect is BEING ASKED. Now where is the demand part come into play in this??????????????!!!! Just by trying to explain that to you i am making demands??? get real.

The American Law does not allow no such thing. People say what they want But as we just saw last month , they are stopped in their tracks when they go too far. remember that the law enforcement got involved when that freaking idiot in florida wanted to burn korans. Besides, There is always something I can do about this. You are again sounding dictatorial. As usual.

Being a muslim by blood Jane man, means They are Born that way, This does not mean they are forced to accept it. quit twisting and skewing words.

Your Logic and your conclusion is so so so pathetically flawed and misguided. So, In your opinion Islam is a cult, for some odd reason, which you can not even prove, other than repeating it a million times, and because of that should not be protected in USA? that indicates your level of hate. Perhaps you should not even live in a democratic society? were you notthe one who were screaming for "ohhh everyone needs to be heard"???

Yeah. Good for you to at least realize this much. Go on with your crusade but don't expect too much. Our collective concern is Iran and what is best for our country, and its people, even if that means they want to follow islam and its teaching. Ponder on that.


To: 'Veiled Prophet of Khorasan'

by Raoul1955 on

Your writings present you as a very thoughtful and rational person.  Most humans are NOT rational and thoughtful, and that is why many folks follow the violent and destructive cults such as islam. 
I enjoy reading your posts.

Dariush Kabir

Nothing is sacred!

by Dariush Kabir on

There should be more and more of these kind of cartons and articles , Muslems better get used to these kind of cartons, and books and articles, "nothing is sacred" in this day and age, everything is open to make fun of and be ridiculed including Mohammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hassan,  Husain and the rest . If Muslims do not like it is too bad!.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mash Ghnbar

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

s being asked is respect towards Holy and religious figures. If you don't think that way, that is Your problem. does not mean anyone is making demands.

I suggest you read your own writing. You are making a *demand* that I not speak my mind. What if someone wants to criticize your holy book? It is their right. You are demanding they don't do it. The American law allows it so people say what they wantjj. If you don't like it that is *your* problem. And there is nothing you can do about it. 

 s being asked is respect towards Holy and religious figures. If you don't think that way, that is Your problem. does not mean anyone is making demands.

They are being forced under the penalty of death. What is Muslim by blood? Islam is not a race and people get to chose their religion. Forcing people to remain in a group is sign of a cult. Islam forces people to stay in or die. That indicates Islam is a cult. That IMHO is why it should not get the protections of a religion in the USA.

Hey I am fine and no one is making demands off me. It is between West mostly Europe and the Muslims. I am mostly interested in Iran and saving it from Islam. Miracle is has survived so long.

Now I will call it a night. 

mash Ghanbar


by mash Ghanbar on

Wash your mouth and then we will talk. You must be drunk or something.

mash Ghanbar


by mash Ghanbar on

No. Please. You have done enough digging . I am afraid you will come up with more nonsense.

1- That is not true. No one is "demanding" for westerners to not speak their mind. All that is being asked is respect towards Holy and religious figures. If you don't think that way, that is Your problem. does not mean anyone is making demands.

2- there was once a debate on it and there is still maybe debates on it, but really no one has dare to actually implement anything. Having debates on issues won't bother you, would it? It bugs the hell out of me when this is brought up, Now this has become Rush limbaugh's cannon fodder as well, quoting from the nevada's senatorial candidate , can't remember her name, that supposedly has declared that muslims have dominated us and are Imposing their laws on us. Nonsense. Nonsense. That is pure fearmongering. In a country where People vote for every single law thatgets enacted we all know damn well no such thing will ever have the chance of becomeing a law. and those like you who hate ISlam are jumping on the bandwagon.

3- Blaoney. So what? everyone knows That pope is not gonna do this. You sound so desperate by even bringing this up.

4-anothert Baloney. All those who marry into a muslim famliy have the option and usuallly become so by choice. Don't make stuff up.

5-No they are not. They are muslim By blood. They are not "forced" into being anything.

6- Ah. god. I don't evenknow what to say to this one. Where do you get these from? VPKoogle?:)

you have done a lot for one day, I think you should call it a day. Again. Non of whatyou have listed here are not Demands that are being made on western democratic systems.



VPK: As a counter argument I am going to change …

by reader1 on

… the word Islam with Judaism in your sentence to make my point.

“We are not all in this together, Judaism is not a race and no one is after our "race'. judaism is a religion and in the West it is by choice. “  
Hitler didn’t see it that way, he slaughtered the lot – orthodox, secular and atheist Semites!
I relate to you on everything you have said. I have lived in the UK since a few years before the revolution and like you,  people around me at work and my neighbourhood,  see me as one of them.  I am open and confident about my ethnicity and secure enough to call myself an Iranian as against Persian – I am sure you know what I mean by this. It is a sobering experience when you hear shocking views expressed  by best of friends, colleagues and neighbours on people of eastern ethnicity (referred collectively to as “foreigners” on this side of the pond), when they genuinely forget that you are a foreigner and not a native. When I say we are all in it together, I meant to say  that  at time of crisis and increased ethnical tension we are seen  all the same “bloody foreigners”