Woman resists arrest

Orumieh vice police try to drag her away for "un-Islamic" clothing


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چرا مردم فقط تماشا میکنند


در عجبم که  چرا این همه مردم این صحنه دلخراش را می بینند و ببخشید مثل بز فقط نگاه می کنند. خدایا این بی شرفها چی به سر این مردم درآورده اند که ایمطوری  بی احساس به اینور و آنور میروند؟


Khaak bar sareh maa...

by Daadaash on

keh inah shodan rahbareh maa!  :(


Mardome Bebokhar

by statira on

ke migan hamineh. Ye mosht bozdel ba oon tomonayeh goshadeshoon vasadano faghat negah mikonand.



by hazratee on

We have very few people like her.
What would have happened if those people in the side walk, at once, would have attack the fat guy and the bitch in chador with everything that they could get a hold of and set their car on fire and flee the seen?


این عکس مربوط


این عکس مربوط به چند سال پیشه حدودا یه سال قبل انتخابات در دوره اول
ریاست جمهوری احمدی نژاد لطفا اطلاع رسانی غلط نکنید هر کی اهل ارومیه باشه
میدونه خیابان کاشانی این شکلی نیست الان

فراز از ارومیه



چه جالب در سرتاسر اینترنت همین جمله بالا در رابطه با این ویدیو گفته
شده.  مگر از 3-4  سال پیش شکل این خیابان چقدر تغییر کرده؟   تازه ، اصل
ماجرا اینکه مگر قوانین تغییر کردند؟   تا آنجا که ما به خاطر داریم از بدو
تاسیس حکومت اسلامی هر چند وقت یک که  بار سر این ارازل و اوباش خلوت شده با
مردم همین رفتار رو کردند.   شما یعنی منکر وجود گشت ارشاد در این حکومت


Apparently its from 2008, prior to last year's elections

by kazem0574 on

Can't say how people would react now, since the green uprising last year. One hopes it would be different now and people would intervene. But I guess its no excuse.

Below is a comment on YouTube about this

این عکس مربوط به چند سال پیشه حدودا یه سال قبل انتخابات در دوره اول ریاست جمهوری احمدی نژاد لطفا اطلاع رسانی غلط نکنید هر کی اهل ارومیه باشه میدونه خیابان کاشانی این شکلی نیست الان

فراز از ارومیه


I thought they wore big trousers because they had big balls

by divaneh on

How wrong I was.

کلاه مخملی


کلاه مخملی

آفرین ... :) !




Unfortunately Iranian people watched

by aynak on


a short few days after thre revolution, when Khomanaee and his thugs forced Hejab on all women, with the threat of acid and chain beating, a few thousand brave women came out in defience of this --VERY FIRST-- signs of Talebanism.

However, our socieity was not intelligent enough to comprehend nor to react to this.

Today, the reason these thugs get away with arresting women is because it costs them nothing.  People are just watching.    Should they circle their car and made it a headache for them every time they attempted this, I am sure they will give it a second thought.    Freedom is earned.

Farah Rusta

ایرج میرزا کجایی که ببینی‌

Farah Rusta

بیش از ۸۰ سال از مرگ ایرج می‌گذرد و هنوز کلامش در شهر زادگاهش حقیقت دارد:


در سر در ِ كاروانسرايي
تصوير زني به گچ كشيدند

ارباب عمائم اين خبر را
از مُخبِر صادقي شنيدند

گفتند كه: ”واشريعتا, خلق
روي زن بي حجاب ديدند“.

آسيمه سر از درون مسجد
تا سر در ِ آن سرا دويدند

ايمان و امان به سرعت برق
مي رفت, كه مؤمنان رسيدند

اين آب آورد, آن يكي خاك
يك پيچه ز گِل بر او بريدند

ناموس به باد رفته يي را
با يك دو سه مشت گِل خريدند

چون شرع نَبي از اين خطر جَست
رفتند و به خانه آرميدند

غفلت شده بود و خلق وحشي
چون شير درنده مي جهيدند

بي پيچه زن گشاده رو را
پاچين عفاف مي دريدند

لبهاي قشنگ خوشگلش را
مانند نبات مي مكيدند

بالجمله تمام مردم شهر
در بحر گناه مي تپيدند

درهاي بهشت بسته مي شد
مردم همه مي جهنّميدند

مي گشت قيامت آشكارا
يكباره به صور مي دميدند

طير از وَكرات و وحش از حَجر
انجم ز سپهر مي رميدند

اين است كه پيش خالق و خلق
طلّاب علوم روسفندند

با اين علما هنوز مردم
از رونق مُلك نااميدند

ایرج میرزا







by Fesenjoon on

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking.

Mardom are just standing there watching mesle boz.

That's why my blood boils and I write pieces like this now and then.

The entire reason the regime persists in its pathetic existence is exactly because of the "spectators" who then come over here and claim that keeping the "aberoo" of the nezaam is more important than calling out its human rights violations.


Darius Kadivar

SPink Jaan Hope You are enjoying Your Beer ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Read  Sargord Pirouz's Comments to Ari's Blog:


Iranian beer

While Your Fellow Compatriots are being deprived of the slightest right to enjoy themselves ... 



by Simorgh5555 on

Their reaction is no different from the "peaceniks" in Iranian.com.



by jasonrobardas on



dast-e in Shirzan o miboosam!!!

by Fatollah on

... "Millat-e bad-bakht eliyep-lar" ...

Bunyip, you said it, I need not say more! shame on Iranian men, shame on me!



A message to all Iranians

by Simorgh5555 on

To all Iranians that have opposed the right to bear arms against the oppressors of the Islamic Republic you need to hang your head in shame. You are no different from the bystanders who gloat as the young woman in the video is abused and taken away.

To all Iranians: You have a right to resist! Form an army, take arms and attack all institutions of the Islamic Republic including the Basij, Revolutionary Guards, Sepah and even the police. You have a right to attack them with absolute prejudice. Fight them in the streets, in their buildings and in  their mosques. They deserve the maximum punishment and you have every right to rejoice in their demise. This is the real WAR ON TERROR. 

The Iranian fight against the oppressive Islamic  regime is as just and noble a resistance as any struggle for liberationin the world. To all nations of the sane world please help the people of Iran and provide the resouces and finacial support for their liberation. Use your equipment and military to hit hard at these oppressors. 

Death to the Islamic Republic: Condemn it. Fight It. Destroy it. 



by Bunyip on

ye mosht adame bi gheirat hamintor vastadano nigah be in koskeshayeh namarde dayyus mikonan. barikalla be ranandeha ke ba boogh zadan ye gheirati neshoon dadan

کلاه مخملی

خدا لعنت کنه این بی پدر مادرا را ... !

کلاه مخملی
