Lift Terror Tag

It's time to delist Mojahedin


Lift Terror Tag
by Richard R. Schoeberl

As a retired Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you could say I have a soft spot for a good crime story. Here’s one that would make anyone’s spine tingle: a secret U.S. government document emerges that asserts a friendly foreign organization is planning to conduct multiple terrorist attacks. Sounds like best-seller material. The only problem is that someone put this purely fictitious tale on the non-fiction shelf, with dangerous implications.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will soon announce a decision on a court-mandated review of the status of Iran’s main opposition movement, the Mujahedin-e-Khalq's (MEK). The group was classified as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” (FTO) during the Clinton administration at the request of the Iranian government in a futile effort to placate the mullahs in Tehran whom Clinton believed were open to negotiations (the group had a violent past against the Iranian regime).

Today, the organization has strong bipartisan support in both the U.S. House and Senate. The poisonous “terror tag” has been removed by both the United Kingdom and the European Union years ago, yet it remains in place the United States, a naive and inhumane bit of leverage against the Iranian regime, who hate the idea of an organized democratic opposition.

Meanwhile, the MEK has provided accurate intelligence to the U.S. regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program and its deadly meddling in Iraq.

U.S. counter-terrorism professionals—including the former heads of the FBI and the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff--are perplexed that an organization that has provided so much assistance to the United States still remains listed as an "FTO." To many of us who have dedicated our lives to fighting terrorism, the removal of the MEK from the FTO list is as necessary as it is certain.

Enter the “document”.

With the State Department’s imminent decision, a number of detractors of the MEK have engaged in a last ditch campaign to hype a November 2004 document which they claim is an “FBI Report,” as evidence that the MEK was planning terrorist acts. I’ve seen the so-called “report.” I, myself, have written reports on terrorist organizations. And believe me, this amateurish collection of vague and unsubstantiated charges is no FBI “report.”

The document, known in FBI parlance as a "Letterhead Memorandum (LHM)," indicated the FBI was investigating individuals with ties to the MEK in a “criminal” investigation, not a “terrorism” investigation. It has no author and no FBI file number, making its validity highly questionable. After further examination, the LHM is actually comprised of two completely separate documents, pasted together.

The cover page of the LHM (dated November 2004) was prepared by the Los Angeles Office of the FBI as part of its criminal investigations about individuals with alleged ties with the MEK.

In a recent article, Trita Parsi, an Iranian-American critic of the MEK, claims that the “FBI Report” finds that the MEK “continued to plan terrorist acts at least three years after they claimed to renounce terrorism.” But, there is nothing in the LHM that substantiates that claim as it focuses clearly on criminal matters -- such as immigration smuggling by a number of Iranian nationals.

The LHM fails to make any reference to a single “terrorist” activity after 2001. And, some of the alleged incidents described as terrorism amount to nothing more than Iranian exiles pelting rotten eggs at Iranian regime officials on foreign trips. Incredibly, one of the examples and criteria of “past terrorist activities” is: “June 1981, the MEK began large scale protests against Khomeini.”

The second portion of the LHM, which appears to be clipped from a completely different document, is apparently meant to be a guide for agents to conduct field interviews. It begins by saying, “In anticipation of potential interviews of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) members who are detained in Iraq, the following is a guide...that may prove helpful in interviews.”

This document could not have been prepared in November 2004 because the “potential” interviews were actually already completed by that time (as mentioned earlier in the LHM).

Roughly seven months before the document’s date, in May 2004, several different U.S. government agencies, including the Departments of State, Justice, Defense, Homeland Security and Treasury (as well as the CIA, the FBI, and the DIA), completed their interviews with the members of the MEK residing in Camp Ashraf, Iraq. As a result of these interviews, the U.S. government granted the MEK members at Camp Ashraf ‘protected persons’ status under the Fourth Geneva Convention after finding “no basis to charge any member of the group with the violation of American law,” according to the New York Times

The section in the LHM entitled “Current Terrorist Activity” refers to purported investigations of alleged “telephone calls” discussing “acts of terrorism.” If “telephone calls” were used as justification to label “terrorist activity” the LHM would have been labeled “SECRET” or “Terrorism Investigation” versus “Criminal Investigation.”

Citing a Canadian newspaper, the Ottawa Citizen, the LHM charges that Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction were being hidden in Camp Ashraf, the besieged home of the MEK in Iraq. However, ten years after the invasion of Iraq, no weapons of mass destruction have been discovered anywhere in Iraq, let alone at Camp Ashraf.

The very existence of a public FBI LHM is suspect; the FBI and intelligences agencies are not known for providing investigative information to the public.

The MEK shares an important objective with the U.S.; to support democratic change in Iran that would bring human rights protection and freedom for its citizens. The MEK’s removal from the FTO list would show Western support for the Iranian people and their desire for freedom. Delisting the MEK would strengthen America’s hand in its complex relationship with Tehran and would be of material assistance in achieving U.S. regional and international goals of combating terrorism and halting the spread of nuclear weapons.

The MEK’s listing is, and has always been, about politics and not national security. Louis Freeh, former director of the FBI said he and other former U.S. military, intelligence and diplomatic leaders would not have spoken in favor of the MEK “if there was some secret, classified magic bullet that legally or factually justified keeping this freedom fighting organization on the list. There is none.”

The FTO list is an important tool in combating terrorism, but its designations must stand to reason. If due process is completed in an impartial and objective manner and not influenced by the likes of an unsubstantiated, amateurish cut-and-paste job like the LHM, then it would lead to delisting the MEK.

First published in

Richard R. Schoeberl has over 16 years of counterintelligence, terrorism, and law enforcement experience. Mr. Schoeberl is a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent where his experience ranged from service as a field agent to leadership responsibilities in executive positions at FBI Headquarters and the National Counterterrorism Center where he provided oversight to the United States international counterterrorism effort. Mr. Schoeberl held collateral duties in the FBI as an FBI Certified Instructor and a member of the FBI SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) program.



Dick, Here's c,100 Signatures on a Petition who disagree

by ayatoilet1 on

To:  U.S. State Department

The Undersigned support the U.S. State Department (and all other government organization's) proper designation of the MEK/MKO/PMOI as a terrorist organization and as an illegitimate opposition force to the theocratic regime in Iran. The MKO/MEK/PMOI operate effectively as a cult like organization controlling every aspect of their member's lives (including their marriages, status of children and contacts with the outside world) with self-appointed un-democratic and unchanged leadership these past 30 years. They have alligned themselves with Saddam Hussein's regime and terrorized both Iraqis and Iranians, and participated with Saddam Hussein in a war that resulted in over 1 Million casualties they are in fact criminals and terrorists - not a political organization with any legitimacy. They have proven by their actions that they are far worse than the regime in Iran and do not deserve international protections.  Here;s the link if anyone wants to sign.


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks for your article - I agree with the following points:

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

" ....  The group was classified as a (FTO) during the Clinton administration at the request of the Iranian government in a futile effort to placate the mullahs in Tehran ...

Today, the organization has strong bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. The poisonous “terror tag” has been removed by both the UK and the European Union years ago, yet it remains in place in the US, a naive and inhumane bit of leverage against the Iranian regime ...

Meanwhile, the MEK has provided accurate intelligence to the U.S. regarding Iran's nuclear weapons program and its deadly meddling in Iraq.

U.S. counter-terrorism professionals—including the former heads of the FBI and the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff--are perplexed that an organization that has provided so much assistance to the United States still remains listed as an "FTO." To many of us who have dedicated our lives to fighting terrorism, the removal of the MEK from the FTO list is as necessary as it is certain ..."


So long as ignorance wins over knowledge we are in trouble

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

For Knowledge


And the best we can hope for, for the wise among us.






by fozolie on


Mr. Fozolie

Maryam Hojjat

I am with all your comments about this Khaen cult of IRAN

by Maryam Hojjat on

I am so glad we Iranians on IC are in one accord regarding this backwarded, treatureous, criminal cult of MEK.  



by khengali on

No denying Mr. Richard R. Schoeberl's honest attempt at redressing some perceived injustice done to MEK.

No denying there is bi-partisan support for MEK in US congress. Actually such bi-partisan support is trivial. Anyone can get bi-partisan support in the congress. Give the members money for their re-election campeign and obtain their signature for virtually any cause under the sun.

That easy.

Your cause is to have president of planet Mars arrested and deported to planet Saturn? Give members of congress some money they'll cheerfully sign a petition in your support.

Back to the point. Mr. R. R. Schoeberl needs only look at

1-MEK's emblem. On it there is, prominantley displayed a sickle, an anvil, a red star, and some Qur'anic verse urging jihad. The means of Jihad is also displayed on the emblem; an assualt rifle with byonet.

2-Without fail and for the past 4 decades or so MEK have yearly comemorated the life and times of a terrorist named Hanif.A spiritual guru and a founding member of the terrorist group MEK, Hanif, was an an old hand at urban gurilla warfare.The Shah's FBI put a price on his head, hunted him down and killed him.His "crimes"? Bank robberies, extortions,hit and runs, and murders-both of American and Iranian citizens.

There is a picture and/or a statue of Hanif lovingly displayed in every MEK members' home now.

MEK has never issued an official apology nor disowned Hanif. It is an unrepentent terrorist organization. It justly belongs on the list. 


Ajab giri oftadima,

by Shemirani on

We don't need this  widow, she have any legitimacy to  representant of iranians diaspora or opposition ! NOONE VOTED FOR HER IN HER ENTIRE LIFE !

She is a just a Gooroo of a corrupted violent mouvement .This SECT is fully responsable for the uprising of mullahs in Iran in 1979 ! iranians don't have collective alzheimers ! WE WILL NEVER FORGOT THEIR CRIMES !!!!

Richard schoebert you like her ? keep her for yourself make her mayor of your town and leave iranians people and their national wealth alone!! Good Riddance !!!!!!


RonPaul Iranian Fan

Just a Little Pregnant

by RonPaul Iranian Fan on

Legal nuances you and Mr Pillar offer as evidence of why the State Department should or should not delist the MEK from the terror list can hardly impress upon deeply held feelings of the majority of Iranians and Iranian Americans regarding the MEK. These feelings were formed when the MEK was nestled in Saddam Hussein's Iraq under his protection, just as Mr Hussein's weapons of mass destruction were raining on Iranians and later on the Kurds, and possibly on the Israelis. The decision to delist should be informed by this critically important history that will never be forgotten by Iranians and should serve as a dire warning to those at the helm of US foreign policy. The delisting of the MEK is also an affront to the very notions of freedom and democracy as the United States continues to assert it's championship of these ideals around the world. It has been famously said, "one cannot be just a little pregnant". You are either on the side of democracy and freedom or you are on the side of what Saddam Hussein represented, his friends, and WMDs. There are now delusions suffered out of desperation for affecting political change in Iran, but we ought not be willing to pay any price to realize those changes, especially when doing so betrays the core values of our country . One of the most difficult burdens of a great power such as the United States is that it must often choose the lesser among evils. This is such a juncture in American history. Choose wisely.   



by RostamZ on

MEK thinks they can pull off another 1979 revolution just like the Mullahs did. They still think that people don't know things and have no access to information. Too bad for them, their time has gone and will never come back. 


prosecute them for treason

by bambi on

MEK needs to be prosecuted for treason, for siding with Saddam and killing Iranians.  Even the young ones over there, need to be prosecuted for siding with enemy, even now. 

Never forget, never forgive. 


What MEK wants from Iran?! Leave us alone!

by Disenchanted on


        After siding with the worst enemies of the country and attacking the homeland and selling the secrets of the country to the lowest bidder what else they want from us?



This is my question

by پندارنیک on

How come a certain segment of Iranian society abroad can advocate for airtight sanctions against the Iranian nation, but doesn't like to be called, rightly or wrongly, the stooge of the West or of the ubiquitous Israel, while whoever calls for sanctions on the MKO's religious cult is accused of being in favour of the IRI?


He was paid a ton

by Mammad on

to advocate de-listing of the terrorist cult MEK, so that they can act as spies for the U.S., and a tool for its future plans for Iran. Since 1979 the MEK has always allied itself with the highest bidder. De-listing of the MEK will result only in more bloodshed, more misery, and more destruction.At least this guy is honest about it.

This is a terrorist cult that despite the utter failure of its leaders for three decades, its supporters worship them like Gods. Come to think of it, by claiming that he is in direct contact with Imam Mahdi, Masoud Rajavi has implied that he is God's representative on Earth, or God is his representative in heavens.


Soosan Khanoom

oh ...

by Soosan Khanoom on

oh .... what a sentimental dovey pink smile from our lady liberty !!!!! 




Charity starts at home - is Ashraf democratic or a prison?

by MM on

Or, are you of the kind that believes: "Do do as I say, not as I do!"

I also echo the calls of the commentors here about needing a secular government in Iran, but we all know MEK and she ain't no democrat.

Anahid Hojjati

Of course Mehrdad jan. Everyone sick of religious government

by Anahid Hojjati on

should write something here, so those who read, know how we feel.


Anhaid jaan: Can I second your second on COP message

by Bavafa on

Well said COP, could not agree more.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


G. Rahmanian

حرف مرد يكيست!

G. Rahmanian

اقاي شوبري:  بر خلاف نظر جنابعالي جوجه هاي ساخت جمهوري اسلامي همه يك پا دارند!


This is

by vildemose on

This is sick... 

Reform requires the consent of the corrupt

Anahid Hojjati

Good one COP

by Anahid Hojjati on

I liked where you wrote:"

If the West is going to engineer another "change" in Iran, can you make it NOT Religious this time?

It would be greatly appreciated. "

I second that.


Mr Schoeberl has over 16 years of

by Cost-of-Progress on

experince and is retired FBI.

Dear sir, I doubt if you know much about the dynamics of an old culture like Iran and how it has been raped throughout the centuries by various entities the latest one being the Islamic socalled Republic.

The people of Iran are looking for a secular democracy where justice and reason can win over tyranny and corrpution. The group that you're so dearly talking about is no better than the murderous clergy in power now and cannot be trusted for reasons too lengthy to elaborate in my humble comment.

If the West is going to engineer another "change" in Iran, can you make it NOT Religious this time?

It would be greatly appreciated.






This report may sound very rosy to Faux news viewers and

by Bavafa on

To the homeless guys who were rented for a meal, free buss ticket and a place to sleep. But to those of us Iranians who know a bit more about this group' s past and present, it has a completely different meaning and affect.

Here are some excerpts from this report in his own words that may reveal more about the intention and motivation:

"Today, the organization has strong bipartisan support in both the U.S. House and Senate. The poisonous "terror tag" has been removed by both the United Kingdom and the European Union years ago, yet it remains in place the United States, a naive and inhumane bit of leverage against the Iranian regime, who hate the idea of an organized democratic opposition."

I like to ask May Mr. Schoeberl to tells us about his notion of democratic opposition and what criteria he used to determine the democratic nature of this group MEK?

"Meanwhile, the MEK has provided accurate intelligence to the U.S. regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program"

Is this the real intention, purchasing spies or a democratic opposition as earlier claimed?

"The MEK shares an important objective with the U.S.; to support democratic change in Iran that would bring human rights protection and freedom for its citizens."

Can MEK start applying this important objective with its own member in Camp Ashraf?  I think that would be a step in the correct direction.

"The MEK’s removal from the FTO list would show Western support for the Iranian people and their desire for freedom"

Really? And you say that with a straight face? Did you know that MEK is the most despised group by Iranian people, even more then the Mullahs?

"Delisting the MEK would strengthen America’s hand in its complex relationship with Tehran and would be of material assistance in achieving U.S. regional and international goals "

Finally one statement that holds some truth to it and reveals the motivation of the special group behind supporting MEK.

One question for Mr Schoeberl however:

What was the price tag for your advocacy effort?

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 
