Washington's Favorite Terrorists

Rajavi carrying U.S. down path of war yet again


Washington's Favorite Terrorists
by Trita Parsi

In the 10 years that I have lived in Washington, I have never seen lobbyists for al-Qaeda parade through the halls of Congress. I have not seen any events on Capitol Hill organized by Hamas. And I have not seen any American politicians take campaign contributions from the Islamic Jihad.

But the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an organization with the blood of Americans and Iranians alike on its hands, freely does all of these things, despite being a designated foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

And in a matter of weeks, this terrorist group may succeed in getting removed from the terrorist list -- not as a result of any change of heart -- but as a result of an unprecedented multi-million dollar media and lobbying blitz.

If al-Qaeda or any other terrorist organization were holding fundraisers in DC, lobbying Congress, or holding press conferences at the National Press Club, the FBI, Homeland Security, and local law enforcement would be all over it.

Not so with the MEK. There, law enforcement seems nowhere to be found. In fact, a prominent spokesperson for the MEK terrorist group was hired by Fox News in the mid-2000s to serve as their on-air terrorist analyst. Go figure.

Since early January 2011, the MEK has spent millions of dollars on lobbyists, PR agents and communications firms to build up pressure on Secretary Hillary Clinton to take the group off of the terrorist list. Their argument is that the MEK rejected violence and terrorism in 2001 and as a result should be de-listed.

But this is not true, according to the FBI. A recently disclosed FBI report from 2004 reveals that the group continued to plan terrorist acts at least three years after they claimed to renounce terrorism.

No one should be surprised -- not even DC's "unwitting members of Congress" -- as the FBI calls the group's supporters on Capitol Hill. The State Department has documented the MEK's disturbing record: killing Americans and Iranians in terrorist attacks; fighting for Saddam Hussein against Iran and assisting Saddam's brutal campaign against Iraq's Kurds and Shia; its "cult-like" behavior; the abuses and even torture it commits against its own members; and its support for the U.S. embassy takeover and calls for executing the hostages.

And let's not forget, the MEK suppresses and holds captive its own members - more than 70 percent of the MEK members in Camp Ashraf in Iraq are held there against their own wishes, according to a RAND Corporation study.

But even if the MEK could be believed, the reality is that they are currently on the terrorist list and, as a result, they must be subject to U.S. terrorism laws. Simply put, the laws must be enforced -- without exception.

The State Department's review of their terrorism status, which is due to be completed by August of this year, must be conducted without the essentially illegal pressure tactics the MEK currently is employing through lobbyists, lawmakers and hired former officials.

If the group is taken off the list, not as a result of an objective review, but by virtue of their lobbying prowess, several repercussions can be envisioned.

First, the desire to de-list them in Washington seems partially driven by gravitation towards covert military action against Iran. Neither sanctions nor diplomacy have yielded the desired results on the nuclear issue, and some in Washington are advocating using the MEK to conduct assassination and sabotage campaigns inside Iran.

As one former State Department official put it, the "paradox is that we may take them off the terror list in order for them to do more terror."

Much like Ahmad Chalabi of the Iraqi National Congress, the permanent leader of the MEK, Maryam Rajavi, seeks to return from decades of exile as the anointed President of Iran. And freed of the terrorist designation, there is little reason to believe the MEK won't turn its lobbying apparatus -- which puts Chalabi's to shame -- to obtain U.S. funding and to promote war with Iran. In fact, some members of Congress already refer to the MEK as the "real Green movement." Even more shocking is that top former U.S. officials have called on the U.S. to recognize Rajavi as the rightful President of Iran.

Second, de-listing the MEK would spell disaster for the Iranian pro-democracy movement. According to prominent Green movement figures Mohsen Kadivar and Ahmad Sadri:

Removing the MEK from the FTO at this juncture would embolden Iran's hardliners to intensify their repression and discredit the Green Movement by implying that it is somehow connected to the widely detested MEK terror group. Furthermore, supporting the MEK would provide the Iranian government with the specter of a foreign-based threat that could be exploited to heal key fractures within the system, increase the number of Iranians who would rally around the flag, and facilitate the suppression of the indigenous political opposition.

If you recognize the necessity of a non-violent campaign against the Iranian regime, the last thing you want is to have the U.S. government support and fund one of the most violent and undemocratic Iranian organizations -- and, to make matters worse, to do so in the name of the Iranian Green movement.

Third, de-listing will put the rising Iranian-American community in a state of shock. In the last decade, an impressive civic awakening has occurred in this successful but previously politically silent community, with dozens of new groups being formed with the aim of contributing to the American democracy and providing the Iranian Americans in the U.S. with a voice. A U.S. funded and supported MEK will ensure a return to the pre-1997 era. Back then, in the eyes of most U.S. lawmakers, the voice of Maryam Rajavi was the voice of the entire Iranian-American community.

Now, by buying off officials to pry open the floodgates of U.S. financial and political support, Rajavi and her small but vocal minority threaten to simultaneously drown out the voices of the rest of the Iranian-American community, co-opt the voice of Iran's true opposition, and carry the U.S. down the path of war yet again.

First published in HuffingtonPost.com.

Dr. Trita Parsi is the 2010 recipient of the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order and the author of the forthcoming book "A Single Roll of the Dice – Obama's Diplomacy with Iran," by Yale University Press, February 2012.


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I agree Hooshang

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Regime change by itself is a non starter specially like Afghanistan. Who needs another Islamic Republic; we have one! We need a secular regime with rights for everyone or at least every non criminal citizen. 

Replacing IRI with another Islamic Regime is pointless. I believe in many socialist ideals. But I don't want MEK to be it. They are not socialist they are power hungry. Socialism means:

  • Free health care.
  • Free quality education.
  • A minimum life standard for all people.

It does not mean this:

  • Forced divorces and forced marriage.
  • Taking kids away from their parents.
  • Worshiping the leader.
  • Forced religion.
  • Forced hijab.
  • Religion based discrimination against the minorities.

Therefore while I want a degree of socialism I do not want the MEK. Hooshang gets it. Unfortunately many others do not. Maybe because he writes in ways too complex for people to understand but he is right on the issues.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

VPK: it's not a question of respect - but of life and freedom!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Of course I don't respect your mindless points of view ... yet I can fully accept you as part of opposition to IRI, and as part of the Iranians who deserve the basic rights and freedoms.

The question is: should the Mojahedin be treated as terrorists ... therefore, shut up, jailed or even killed? My answer is No - No - No!

This article and others like it (paid by IRI or not) try to demonize the Mojahedin and put them behind bars, shut them up or even kill them as terrorists. Those are the primary goals of IRI with respect to the Mojahedin. Therefore, this article is fully walking the line of IRI on Mojahedin, whether the author is an agent of IRI or not.

The rest of your mumbo jumbo isn't worth an answer.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Why are we

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


making this a debate about Parsi. This is a debate about MEK. Once again I say forget Parsi. Let us assume {I don't actually agree} that he is an IRI agent {which I doubt}. How about McCain. Is he also an IRI agent?


Why would a prime opponent of IRI say this about MEK. Why would someone who wants to "bomb; bomb IRI" say this about MEK.



by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

English translation of the Persian telegraph. Unless we, as a nation,
could develop a proper language, methods and perspectives for achieving 
proper changes in Iran (that is changes for better, and  not worse as
is the case with IR, MEK,...) all such  'discussions' maintain their
futility, as they have in the past 32 years.

As an instance, consider the  term "regime change,"  a bygone linguistic
product of the neo-con aggressive phase, over the years it has also
become our,
Iranians, point of reference when indicating political change in Iran,
forgetting at the same time that "regimes changes" in Iraq and
Afghanistan gave us Islamic Republics established in both of them, with
constitutions not that different from Islamic Republic of Iran.Is the
term "regime change" really adequate for the improvements we have in

And it' not only our linguistic inabilities but also the methods and
tactics we use to achieve our goals. On top of these two we basically
suffer from a lack of perspective.

Now all of these issues are suppose to be reduced and answered by a
claim to "secular democracy"  and how once and for all it will change
our entire political culture,.. how do you say, we are the corner of the
alley, in farsi? Anda kham yik kocheh...

How did you like Maryam's speech? Should I translate her speech to English as well, or was it fairly  comprehensible?


Parsi: IRI agent? Article @ MKO as democracy front/cult/terror!

by MM on

Parsi as an IRI agent?  Here is a direct quote from an email that Trita Parsi wrote to Roger Stern that was from a link that MK provided (//www.iranian-americans.com/docs/Negotiation.pdf) as evidence that Trita Parsi is an IRI agent

Page 6: Trita Parsi email to Roger Stern: …… “You are absolutely right when it comes to Iran’s support of terror and its human rights abuse.  Unfortunately, nothing has set back the democracy movement in Iran more than the current tensions with the US.  …… 

Does that sound like an agent of IRI?  In another interview with Andisheh TV, Parsi articulated that the concept of Velayat-e faghih / IRI is incompatible with democracy.

But, this article is not about NIAC and Trita Parsi, but MKO being pushed as THE representative for the Iranian democracy movement.  That is question that need to be answered, and if your answer is yes, well....., you got another IRI-like regime (or worse) coming right at you.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I can exclude anyone I want from my circle of friends. We call it freedom of association. The Shah was brought down by a massive coalition of JM; Islamists; Marxists and massive Western influence. Yes many people did know he would.

Khomeini built on an intricate network of Mosques and religion. He was looked upon by many Iranians as a savior. They saw his face on the moon or don't you remember. Rajavi has no such network. Rajavis are hated with a passion. 

You say "let MEK speak". Who am I to stop them? They are getting all the funding from AIPAC to speak. One little me is not in a position to stop them. What do you think I am to stop them from speaking. Their big mouth is babbling all day and night. So don't you worry; they have all the chance in the world to speak. Of course no one with a brain will believe them. But then there are plenty of brainless out there. You say "We have paid dearly for not listening ...". I say we have paid dearly for listening to the wrong people. Like Khomeini; Shariati; Rajavi and other snake oil salesmen. No thanks I will not fall for it again. As a wise man named Bush said: fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."


Supreme Spinmeister, Mr. Trita Parsi

by Amir Normandi on

Neither Washington's Favoraite Terrorist, nor Peking or Mascow's Preferred Terrorist are good for Iran and let us tell you neither is koshered IRI regime Mr. T. P.

Mr. Trita Parsi (Supremr Spinmeister) stop playing with the future of a nation.

Amir Normandi

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Stop lecturing me for start and set an example. Why don't you start respecting others? I already said I am for inclusion of all points of view what else do you want. I am not for inclusion of all criminals. Should post Nazi Germany have included Hitler as an MP? Last I checked Ganji or even Karoubi were not traitors or murderers {we can debate Mousavi}. So I am fine with including them. But I will not be fine with including some murdering SOB like Rajavi. 

As for us being stupid you can speak for yourself. Obviously you know more about you than anyone else. When did I imply anyone owes me a debt of any kind? Show me proof or stop writing nonsense. I am neither Shiite nor a Prince. As for changing the world including me is always changing. Just because you don't see it does not mean it is not happening. 


LOL@ Mehraban

by vildemose on

Mehraban Jan:  fekr kardam faghat manam ke sar dar nimyaram az neveshtahaye aghaye targol vargol. LOL

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

MEK and Parsi

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


To all you who claim that MEK is being savaged by Trita Parsi. Your argument is that Parsi is pro IRI and hence is badmouthing MEK. Fine let us just assume Parsi is a mouthpiece of IRI. How about another source. One whose opposition to IRI is beyond doubt. Here is a link to a speech by Senator McCain.


He is a well known opponent of IRI. None may argue that he is an IRI supporter. Now I like to hear someone accuse McCain of being on the IRI payroll!



by Mehrban on

هوشنگ جان سرِ جدت یک جوری بنویس که من هم بفهمم چی‌ میخواهی‌ بگی‌.  با کلی‌ سپاس


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Mehrdad: I am in agreement with you in general. However I want to make one point. Many people lost family members to both Savak and IRI. Most of them did not become crazed blood thirsty maniacs. Only a few did and that is the difference of a sane person and a nut. That is what separates normal people from MEK. It is a terrible thing to lose one's sister. It is a worse thing to lose one's mind and soul. Or maybe Maryam never had a mind or a soul in the first place.

AI: Inclusion is a great thing. We should include all ideologies including Socialist and Marxist. But we should not include criminals or murderers. I am making a difference between that. Yes to including Socialists; no to Rajavi. Their place is in jail.

MEK was violent long before they were excluded from politics. They were responsible for many murders during the Shah's regime. Murders and bombings of things including murder of Americans; Iranians and others. Here are some from a speech by US Senator McCain. Not exactly a friend of IRI I might add.

MEK perpetrated bombings and assassinations, after the aborted maiden effort in 1971, resumed in 1972. The organization's targets included U.S. military advisers stationed in Iran. For example, the MEK claimed responsibility for the assassination of U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Harold Price in 1972, the assassination of U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Hawkins in 1973, the assassination of U.S. Air Force Colonel Paul Schaeffer in 1975, and the assassination of U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Jack Turner, also in 1975.
The MEK also targeted U.S. civilians associated with defense projects (five killed in 1976), and numerous Iranian security officials. The group also claimed responsibility for the bombings of air and oil company offices in Iran. These attacks were well executed and were designed to attract increased attention to the anti-Shah opposition, frighten U.S. residents, and make SAVAK appear vulnerable.


Khahar Maryam, first and

by vildemose on

Khahar Maryam, first and foremost should stop calling herself,  the President if she is wants to join other opposition groups. Has she ever called for unity and meetings of other opposition groups??


MEK has no place in Iranian politics

by seannewyork on

and i bet that there are many in Asharf praying the place is shut down so they can get out of the cult.  since the rajavi cult wont let people out.

they are in the way of all the opposition becuase how bad they are.

Artificial Intelligence

Dear VPK

by Artificial Intelligence on

Correct me if I am wrong but part of the reason MEK became this crazy lunatic traitor group was because of the way they were treated by the IRI. They were completly excluded from the political process. Their members were ruthlessly killed, hanged and tortured. 

Exclusion of political groups is the same  reason that the revolution happened to begin with. Shah excluded everyone from the political process and now we got the IRI. 

Part of the challenge to becoming a secular democracy is the ability to include thoes we do not agree with. I hate the MEK but I still think they should have a table with thoes who are in opposition to the IRI.  By including them in the process, you nutralize the crazys amongst them who resorted to creating this traitor cult to begin with. 





وضیعت هیچ ملتی تغییر نمیکند تا زبان، روش ها و چشم انداز صحیح

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

وضیعت هیچ ملتی تغییر نمیکند تا زبان، روش ها و چشم انداز صحیح تغییر برای بهتر شدن را دریافته باشند.    
پس از گذشت  ۳۲ سال از  آخرین شکست تاریخی مان هنوز که هنوزه هیچ کدام از
این سه عنصر اساسی را در  سطح کلان و کشوری نداریم و در نیافته ایم . و با
کمال معذرت  از گستاخی : بزک  نمیر بهار میاد، خربزه با خیار میاد.
در پاسخ به درج آخرین در  افشانی خواهر ریس جمهور, مجاهد جاودان, مریم جان
عزیز  ( شما بگید با کسی که هنوز هیچی نشده خودش را  ریس جمهور
میداند ، اصلا چگونه میشود گفتاری داشت؟) این نیز برای شما    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- متن سخنرانی خواهر مجاهد مریم رجوی فقط به خاطر تو !

در آستانه یک روز دیگر از روزهای سال هستیم . و با هم رو به سوی خدا میرویم . ربنا….بسمه تعالی ….کجا بودی تا حالا ؟
متن سخنرانی خواهر مجاهد مریم رجوی ، دوبله شده در استودیو تیف .

بنام خدا، به ‌نام مسعود و به ‌نام خودم؛ …

به ‌نام دنیای اسلام، در سراسر خاورمیانه و شمال آفریقا؛

به‌نام کهکشان راه شیری با ۱۲۰ هزار شهید برخاک افتاده در سی‌امین سالگرد ۳۰ خرداد؛

به‌نام سردار خیابانی و اشرف شهیدان به ‌نام صدیقه و ندا آسیه و صبا،
سعید وحنیف و سی‌ششمین شهید فروغ اشرف، مجاهد خلق منصور حاجیان؛

به ‌نام اشرف که خاک خوبی برای زراعت داره . البته زراعت برای سرنگونی و تا سرنگونی….. ؛

و به نام سیاست که عدالت را هشت سال پس از ۱۷ ژوئن مثل همیشه بر تخت پیروزی نشاند .

شخصیتهای تاریخ گذشته حاضر وهموطن ساندیس دوست ، پارسال
کلی برای ما دست گرفتند که خانواده شهدا کجا هستند ؟ ما هم مشخص کردیم که
پدر 5 مجاهد شیهد جان بولتون و بقیه پدران و مادران و اینا…..ما همه با هم
هستیم . اما امسال برای بسته ماندن دهن بسته های تشویقی غرب ، همانطور که
در عکس میبینید مادر رضایی های شهید در یک طرف است و در طرف دیگر تمام
خاندان غرب ….!

یاران و دوستان فراموشی ناپذیر خانواده من ….؛

پارسال و پیرارسال برای ما دست گرفته بودند که آمار تجمع سیر صعودی خوبی
دارد . از 100 هزار رسیده به 150 هزار….اما امسال آمار نمیدیم تا توی
خماری بمونند . همینکه بگیم دهها هزار …..یعنی هر کس هر چی دوست داره
میتونه فکرش را رشد صعودی بده….!

پارسال ما یه شلیک توی تاورنی در کردیم که آرش کمانگیر هم کف کرد چون
هنوز تیره توی راهه…..و امسال به جای تیر، توپ در کردیم با صدای مهیب و
اسکورت ژنرالی…….ولی با این همه دود و دم و سر و صدا ….نمیدونم چرا هیچکس
انقلاب ایدئولوژیک منو در سیاست جدی نمیگیره !…..ولی به همه شما قول میدم
که سال دیگه موشک ایدئولوژیک هوا کنیم . و سال بعدش هنوز گنده تر از موشک
پیدا نکردیم .

۷۱ سال پیش در ۱۸ژوئن ژنرال دو گل رهبر مقاومت فرانسه از تبعیدگاه خود
مقاومت علیه فاشیسم را اعلام کرد. صدای او هنوز به‌گوش می‌رسد که گفت: «هر
اتفاقی که رخ دهد شعله‌های مقاومت نباید خاموش شود و خاموش نخواهد شد».

اینکه ژنرال دوگل چه ربطی به من و مسعود و بقیه ژنرالهای منگل امروز داره ، بعدا میفهمید . الان کسی سوال نکنه .

الان درود می‌فرستیم به زنان و جوانان و اشرف ‌نشان‌هایی که ماه‌ها و
ماه‌هاست در واشنگتن و ژنو برای اشرف تحصن کرده‌اند و ساندیس مجانی میزنند .
هم‌چنین درود می‌فرستیم به مسعود جونم سمبل زندانی سیاسی در غیبت عقیدتی
…. و دورد بر خواهر عزیزم مهین صارمی ، که امروز اینجا در کنار ماست. مهین
جون بیا جلو و به همه بگو که ما با هم هستیم ! مهین که از ۳۰ خرداد سال ۶۰
تا بحال بارها دستگیر شده است، این بار به ۱۰ سال زندان محکوم شده بود. ولی
توانست از چنگ دژخیمان بگریزد. درود بر مسعود و من و اون و همه زندانیان
سیاسی در کهکشان راه شیری.

هم‌چنانکه مسعود جونم در قرن پیش گفته بود : قرارگاه اشرف قبرستان سرخود است . کسی که وارد آن شود یا مجاهد میشود و یا جنازه …..

انقلاب ایدئولوژیک و هر قدم دیگری فقط برای سرنگونی مجاز است ……

الان ماندن و کشته شدن درعراق هم در همین راستا است . یعنی سرنگونی .
اینقدر هم گیر ندید که این استراتژی چطوری به سرنگونی میرسه ! ؟ برادر
عزیزم قصیم که به آیت الله بی بی سی گفت : گذشته ها گذشته ….! 30 خرداد سال
60 قرار بود 6 ماهه بزنیم و ببریم . بعد این زمان تمدید شد و 6 ساله است و
باز که تمدید شد دیدیم 60 ساله شد . بالاخره روزی از روزها این استراتژی
جواب میده ! فکر کردید تحلیل مسعود جونم کم الکیه !؟

البته از نظر تاریخی موضوع سرنگونی جواب خودش را پس داده است بالاخره
کلی دیکتاتور در سطح جهانی تا حالا سرنگون شدند که همه ناشی از همین انقلاب
درونی و ایدئولوژیک بود . نوبت حکومت اسلامی هم میرسد . فقط نباید فراموش
کرد که خروج از عراق یعنی سرنگونی خودمان که یعنی بسته شدن دکان توحیدی
عاشورا….! پس خارج شدن ممنوع …به جزمسعود و خودم و شورای مسعود و بقیه
بروبچ اطراف !

حمله ۱۹ فروردین به اشرف واکنش رژیم برای مهار نیروی سرکش آزادی در
جامعه ایران مخصوصاً بعد از شعله‌ ور‌شدن دوباره آتش قیامها از زیر خاکستر
خیانت بود . اگر اشرف نبود که مردم ایران تکان نمیخوردند !! ولی‌فقیه،
برای حفظ تعادل خودش به ‌شدت به ‌حمله به اشرف نیاز داشت. زیرا بود ونبود
رژیم در ارتباط مستقیم با فنا و بقای من و مسعود و شورای رهبری است. این
حقیقتی است که در ۳۰ سال گذشته بارها آزمایش شده است.وهنوز رژیم را
میلرزاند . کلا جنبش مردم ایران مدیون حضور اشرف نشینان است ! کی به کیه ؟
سلام بر مسعود، راهبر و معلم این نسل و مهندس این استراتژی منگل ساز و شهید

حضار محترم غربی و شرقی و اینا…..!

حمله به اشرف در عین حال یک ضرورت مبرم را برای جهان آشکار کرد و آن
حفاظت از ساکنان اشرف، به‌عنوان یک برگ بازی بین‌المللی است. جامعه جهانی
به ویژه ملل‌متحد و آمریکا در قبال حفاظت و امنیت ساکنان اشرف مسئولند.
اونا هر کاری گفتن ما کردیم و حالا اونا باید بکارن تا ما بمانیم . قیمتش
درو شدن دیگران در اشرف است ….چه باک ؟ مسعود همیشه با شجاعت قیمت را از
جان و زندگی بقیه داده و باز هم میدهد !

به آنها می‌گوییم: مجاز نیستید به بهانه احترام به حق حاکمیت عراق در
قبال سیاست خط موازی مسعود جانم بی‌عملی پیشه کنید. این نقض آشکار تعهدات
بین ما است.

خلاصه من نمیدونم …..همه برای اشرف و اشرف هم برای شما . هر گلی زدید به سر خودتون زدید ! دعای مسعود همیشه نگهدارتان !

سلام بر خودم روزی که زاده شدم ؛ روزی که رئیس جمهور شدم ؛ روزی که انقلاب کردم ، روزی که سرکار رفتم و روزی که سر کار میذارم …..


Mehrban and SAM

by MM on


We all have lost dear ones to the brutal regime, IRI.  Losing someone dear does not make one a qualified candidate to speak for the Iranian democracy movement.  As a "democratic organization", I would like MKO to open the gates of Ashraf to see how many members they would have left, then.  These poor MKO foot-soldiers suffering under MKO with forced weddings, forced divorces, separation from their loved ones and being only loyal to the Rajavis' version of an Islamic Republic.

Of course, let them speak, but also let's hear from the lower ranking foot soldiers of MKO!


As I mentioned before, I hope this is a wake-up call for the Iranian democracy movement in Diaspora to unite under a common binding denominator.  Lowered expections does not mean 6-foot under for the Iranian democracy movement!

از چاله در آمده، توی چاه افتادن اینه

Shazde Asdola Mirza

"وضعیت هیچ قومی تغییر نمیکند، تا خودشان را تغییر ندهند"

Shazde Asdola Mirza

VPK: if you believe that openness and respecting the right of others is "good and well" - then start by behaving that way!

I believe that people seldom change beyond the age of 20 ... however, I also believe that "trying" is almost as important as the actual change ... I believe that "saying" is the start of trying ... and I believe that encouragement is needed as soon as people show signs of saying, trying and changing in the right direction.

Do I believe that Mojahedin have changed from their cult-of-personality situation? No! Do I believe that Karoubi has changed into a democratic figure? No! Do I believe that Ganji is committed to a free and non-ideological Iran? No! No! No! No!

We are the people that we are ... a bunch of stupid, shithead know-it-alls who think that everyone else and the whole world owes us a debt-of-gratitude ... because we are Shiite or we are Princes of Persia or some other cockamamy god's treasure on earth. We most probably can never change ... but we can try to change ... we should say that we will change ... and hopefully the whole world should give us a second, a third and a fourth chance ... because we are so special ;-)


We have no choice

by Mehrban on

but to let everyone in on the game (the political game of Secular democracy).  You can no longer exclude a group that you do not like because you will end up like the present regime.    From this article and other similar ones in other publications, it seems the Americans are making the decision for us because we can not do it amongst ourselves.  Like it or not MEK is the most organized opposition outside Iran (they rallied 15,000) no other group can get out 1/10 of that with ease.  

I don't think they have a support base in Iran at this time.  But did anyone think Khomeiny could bring down 2500 year Iranian tradition of Monarchy?!.

If we don't clean up our own house Americans will do it for us and we will be stuck with whomever they pick.   Let MEK speak, when was the last time we heard an interview from Maryam Rajavi?  what do we know about her? As Bahrami says let groups and people come in from the shadows, we have paid dearly for not listening up and not speaking up.  

Okay end of lecture :).


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


This is all well and good. But do you really think MEK has become democratic. Or has changed? Are you telling me that Maryam Rajavi with that head scarf of hers is going to bring change? The only change she will bring is that of one dictator to another.

Honestly I have more faith in Mollahs reforming than MEK. And I have ZERO faith in Mollahs. That should tell you how much I believe that the MEK has changed stripes. They will not become a force for reform. Don't fool yourself. Just as the Mollahs will not become reformers. Although there is a 0.0000001 % chance of Mollahs reforming there is NO chance of MEK. I am really sick of people making excuses for this bunch of filth.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

مجاهدین که هیچی‌، خود خامنه‌ای هم اگه براه بیاد، قبوله

Shazde Asdola Mirza

What we need in Iran is a complete Regime Change.

A change in our Political Regime: from a closed and oppressive government to an open and accepting form.

A change in our Cultural Regime: from a closed and oppressive ideologically minded form, to openness and acceptance.

A change in our Economical Regime: from a closed and oppressive mafia machine, to freedom of work and business.

We shouldn't care who accepts the CHANGE ... whoever accepts, should be accepted. Even if Khamenei spearheads true reform and change in Iran tomorrow ... we should support him.

Unfortunately, the behavior of IRI regime shows that CHANGE is only likely to come through force and confrontation. Therefore, all the opposition groups who can agree on the general terms-and-condtions for a free Iran, should be allowed to join the fight.


Parsi and company

by mahmoudg on

do you think for a moment the Iranians inside and outside would fall for the scum like yoiu and Rajavi?  Both of you are cut from the same cloth, you supporting the longevity of the Islamic Rapist Regime and they (MKO) bringing to Iran yet another infestation worst than the Islamic kind we have today.   Rest assured the Iraninians and the world at large will not fall for your follies and that of the MKO.  The US has every right to wage surgicall attacks on Iran to cleanse it from the filth it is grappling with.  No amount of chest pounding on your part will change that.  Get a life and leave the scene. 


Mehrban: As VPK very rightly said

by Bavafa on

Many in Khomenie's regime have lost family members to the dictatorial regimes in Iran and turned another mass killer themselves. Are they to be let go with no accountability.

One also need to note that this organization MEK, led by Rajavi not only has much blood on their hand and sided with Saddam against their mother-land, they continue to be an Islamist cult with no democratic aspiration in sight. Camp Ashraf is a perfect example of such charge.

Vahdat is one of the main key to victory



Trita Parsi an IRI agent

by Manam_Babak on

It can not be more obvious that Trita Non-Parsi is an IRI agent spreading fals propaganda against oposition. I don't care for MKO nor do I see any place for them in Iran's future, but I know enough to smel a rat when I see one, and you Mr. Non_Parsi are one of them.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Many people lost family members to IRI or Shah. I did as did my friends. We did not turn insane or traitor. We did not turn against our nation and attack Kurds or Marsh Arabs; form a cult and ask our followers to burn themselve. Or sell out to Sasddam.

Do you really not see the difference. Shame on you. The only thing she can teach others is treason and deprivation. I am too disgusted to write any more.


MEK - how are they more guilty than others

by Mehrban on

Maryam Rajavi (Ghajar Azdanloo) lost a sister to Shah's executioner.  Another sister to Khomeini's executioner while she (the sister) was pregnant along with her husband.   Let them speak, let them be heard.  Maybe she can teach a few things about organization to other opposition groups.   



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The first thing Maryam must do is stand trial. Then we talk.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are bringing many issues toghter.:

  • Socialism is not the same as MEK. Socialism is an ideology while MEK is a cult. I never mix them up. Of course I fully support right of the Socialist Tudeh or whatever other party be it Marxist or left leaning to run for office. I just do not support the traitor cult of Rajavi. In fact I know many respectable Socialists who want to have nothing to to with MEK. That cult is an insult to Socialism as well as Marxism.
  • NIAC has nothing to do with MEK. If NIAC were to disappear tomorrow MEK would still be a traitor cult. For the sake of argument say NIAC is an IRI front. Does that excuse MEK or make MEK any less or a traitor cult? 

Please separate issues and let each stand or fall on its own merit. Too bad people seem to mix things up. You may hate Parsi but that does not make Rajavi any better. Did the fact that Stalin was a murder make Hitler any better!

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

If Maryam Rajavi wants to be considered as a viable alternative

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

for the future of Iranian politics, the first thing she needs to do is to remove her headrag and the over-sized suit and let people observe what's under the hood!

Then, she needs to reveal the last time she and Massoud did it! And whether or not they use expressions such as Ya Ali or YA Imam Hossain  during the foreplay!?

Shazde Asdola Mirza

مجاهد از توده‌‌ای بدتر، کومله از فدائی، آخوند از شاهی - همه بدیم

Shazde Asdola Mirza

VPK dear: it is not a question of support but a matter of "lowered expectations" and "equal treatment".

1. What do we expect of the next government of Iran? Something like the Swiss? LOL ... that hell-hole has always been and will always be governed by the brutes and the bullies. It's the rule of history: "East will be East ..."!

2. The opposition groups should be equally treated - based on a simple set of rules ... whatever their past has been! If the Shahi agrees to a democratic Iran, if the Tudeh party accepts freedom of expression, if the Fadaey can stomach a liberal government ... all can be ACCEPTED (not neccasarily supported but just accepted) as an opposition group with freedom to participate against IRI.

Finally, don't kid yourself ... this NIAC piece is not about Iran, Mojahedin or even the US policy. The Traitor gene (through generation after generation of betrayal to the Iranian people and servitude to this or that power) sniffs and seeks to please those who are in power ... currently the Mullahs. They are simply doing their bit, in order to be recognized as "something" and accepted as a little "mole" on the butt of IRI regime ... let's call it LOBBY.