10 Esfand

Latest videos from Iran protests


10 Esfand
by Ghormeh Sabzi

Latest videos will be added on this page as they become available. Also see February 28 (10 Esfand): developing news blog.

Shiraz: Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein... Marg bar diktator

Tehran: Mousavi & Karroubi Must Go Free

Shiraz: Mousavi & Karroubi Must Go Free, Death to Dictator

Shiraz: "Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein"

Shiraz: Marg bar diktator

Shiraz: "Mobarak, Ben Ali, Nobate Seyyed Ali"

Shiraz: Marg bar diktator

Tehran: Marg bar diktator

Karroubi, Mousavi must Go Free

Tehran, Forsat Shirazi, "Marg bar diktator"

Shiraz security forces on the attack

Banner: Dictator Say Hello to Your End

Shiraz: "Mobarak, Ben Ali, Nobate Seyyed Ali"

Shiraz: "natarsid, ma hameh ba ham hastim", "marg bar dictator":

Tehran, Tohid Sq: Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein... Marg bar Diktator

More Tehran, Tohid Sq:


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi
Mash Ghasem

Next Tuesday: March 8th, International Working Women's Day

by Mash Ghasem on

is  a bit closer than Noroz.


Sumwoman and fussygorilla

by Siavash300 on

Islamic criminal gang are heading fast toward dumpster of history, where they belong to.

Ya'll look for a new job in our new establishment.

Pay is much higher.

BTW, our GREAT NOROUZ is coming soon. That would be the funeral day for barbaric idea of lizard eater arab. The idea that brought Iranians misery and devastation for 32 years.

Mash Ghasem

مشاهدات مردم 12 پدیده تازه در تظاهرات دیروز تهران

Mash Ghasem

  مشاهدات مردم

12 پدیده تازه

در تظاهرات دیروز تهران
        پدیده های جدیدی که حکومت دیروز به صحنه آورد:


1- تیپ "آل محمد" از لشکر محمدرسول الله سپاه پاسداران را دیروز درمیدان هفت تیر و حتی خیابان ها و کوچه های اطراف آن مستقر کرده بودند. این تیپ زیر
نظر مستقیم سردار نقدی است و وابسته به بسیج. این تیپ صدها موتور سوار
دارد. نکته قابل توجه آنست که تقریبا تمام آنهائی که اتهام قتل زنجیره ای
دارند، در جریان حمله به کوی دانشگاه نقش آفرین بودند و دست به جنایت زدند،
افرادی که عضو تیم های ترورهای فتوائی هستند و... همگی را نقدی در این تیپ
جمع کرده و به آنها آموزش دفاع از ولایت داده است.

برای آن که دل و جرات چماقداران را بتوانید حدس بزنید از شیرینکاری یک
جوان در تقاطع خوش برایتان می نویسم. میدانید که این روزها نزدیک به
چهارشنبه سوری است و بازار ترقه و فشفشه گرم است. این جوان یک هفت ترقه را
از داخل یکی از اتومبیل ها زیر پای نیروهای چماقدار پرتاب کرد. با انفجار
چند باره این ترقه موتور سوارها دنبال سوراخ موش می گشتند که در بروند.

نهضت بوق، دیروز دوباره در تهران زنده شد. اتومبیل ها به بهانه راه بندان
بوق می زدند و نیروهای موتوری و انتظامی را متوحش می کردند. راه بندان ها
هم اغلب اختیاری بود! در چند مورد باطوم به دست ها به شیشه اتومبیل هائی که
بوق می زدند کوبیدند و به آنها صدمه زدند.

4 ـ بنر بزرگ خامنه ای را مردم در میدان صادقیه تهران آتش زدند.
5- دیروز میدان ولی عصر را نرده کشی کرده بودند تا مردم از پیاده رو وارد میدان نشوند!


6ـ از جمله شعارهای دوران انقلاب که دیروز مردم آن را زنده کرده بودند، شعار: "مرگ بر شاه، مرگ بر شاه، مرگ بر شاه" بود که مردم آن را تبدیل کرده بودند: بگو: آزادی آزادی آزادی ...

7- شوكر و گاز اشك را دیروز به وفور دیروز علیه مردم به کار گرفتند.
نیروهای ویژه، خیابان پاستور را محاصره کرده بودند تا مردم به آن نزدیک
نشوند. این درحالی است که مردم میدانند موسوی دیگر در خانه اش در خیابان
پاستور نیست اما خانه خامنه ای در خیابان پاستور است. بنابراین محاصره
پاستور برای جلوگیری از یورش مردم به محل اقامت خامنه ای بود.


9ـ دیروز در ميدان انقلاب ماشين هايی شبيه بلدوزر مستقر كرده بودند.


10ـ شهرداری تهران را دیروز مجبور کرده بودند سطل های زباله نقاط مرکزی تهران را جمع کند تا مردم برای مقابله با گاز اشک آور نتوانند آنها را آتش بزنند.

از اس ام اس های خنده دار صبح سه شنبه که مربوط به مصاحبه سیمائی حیدر
مصلحی وزیر اطلاعات بود. او در آن مصاحبه گفته بود مردم روز اول اسفند و
روز 25 بهمن برای خرید رفته بودند و تلویزیون های دشمن خرید کنندگان را
تظاهر کننده معرفی کرده بودند.
مردم دیروز برای هم اس ام اس می زدند: "بعد از ظهر برای خرید عید، می رویم میدان انقلاب" و یا "برای خرید می خواهیم بیائیم خیابان، به شرطی که دستور بستن مغازه ها را ندهید" که واقعا هم این دستور را داده و صاحبان بسیاری از مغازه ها را بعد از ظهر دیروز مجبور کرده بودند مغازه هایشان را ببندند.
یک شاهکار دیگر سردار نقدی، به خیابان آوردن بسیج دانش آموزی بود. بدست
پسر بچه های 12- 13 ساله باطوم داده بودند و سر چهار راه ها گمارده بودند و
داشتند بستنی لیس می زدند!!!



by Doctor mohandes on

I Bet she is:)


Hey I got you that Number. Jot it down: it is 800-Let the good times roll. You can call them and declare your intentions of not wanting to be a follower no more. Tell them you want to go solo:)

Hurry up before they change it.


"sumwoman" I told you not to forget about me

by Onlyiran on

when you wrote your "goodbye blog" under your other username. What took you so long to start writing under your "reserved" username anyway?  

DM Jaan:

Forget Nepal.  She's writing on her laptop from Hyde Park...where she has always been...you know, the gate right across from IRI's embassy where she collects the "Eidi."  BTW, she had a Freudian slip about the media in the UK on another thread.  So much for writing from Canada!! :-))  


And you Know what else ? LOL

by Doctor mohandes on

Only iran:

I think that whole design of "styliuzed symbol of two people having sex" was her idea all along. I mean come on, whom are we kidding? SItting pretty in Nepal she could not help being inspired by the majestic Mount Evrest and actually Mounted one up:)


Relax there Daisy. we really loved and missed your ArrrrTickles:) cuz they really Tickled us to death. You left and Took away all the entertainment and passion from the sire. But now you are back and Yupiieee. We are back in buisness yet again.


What's their number

by sumwoman on


you said:

"arrested and beaten up on the streets by your regime's thigs"

Because you asked so nicely. I will call off my regime thigs. Right away! So sorry! What's their number...anybody know how I can contact my regime thigs?


I visited your astrology website - LOL! I love it!
You must explain the "Mars Attack in Feb". What does that mean? It says you only delve in stockmarket stuff...Did this attack materialize, if so, did it materialize in other realms, as well? i.e. social issues, places, etc...


Oh my i just the latest string of comments...ha ha ha

I'm back, I'm back, I'm back...it's me... you caught me again! I'm actually writing this stuff from Nepal. Damn, I had better change into another identity.You boys are really really smart. I have to report you.



You're right DM - I forgot

by Onlyiran on

It's our good old friend...she did say that she will return under a new username...and here we are...little we knew she had one in reserve...

Nice catch!!! 



by Doctor mohandes on

She has not done too bad for herself has she?:)

I mean with all the new name and new face and "i write from Vancouver" deal, she really is giving us a run for our money. I also see a little change in attitude there as well, An Attitudover:)

I wonder how big her cut was in that Rail road deal (See the clip in the news section). did she get a lumpsum or are they gonna give it to her on a monthly basis or article/comment basis:))



Yes "sumwoman"

by Onlyiran on

on a day when Iranians were being shot at, arrested and beaten up on the streets by your regime's thigs, the most important issue for all Iranians was whether or not the logo for the 2012 London olympics resembled the word "Zion!!!"

Now do you have to go a "vatan forushi" course to get to become such an anti-Iranian creature, or does it come naturally for your species? 

Mash Ghasem

می توان توازن قوا را در خیابان ها هم به زیان رژیم تغییر داد

Mash Ghasem

با اعتصابات پی در پی می توان توازن قوا را در خیابان ها هم به زیان رژیم تغییر داد

تکلیف نهایی هر رژیمی نهایتا در خیابان یکسره می شود، اما در مقابل رژیمی
که از کشتار و سرکوب در خیابان ها ابایی ندارد، بایستی از قبل برای
اینگونه رویارویی های سرنوشت ساز در خیابان ها آمادگی لازم را کسب کرد.
امروز بایستی پاشنه آشیل این رژیم را نشانه گرفت و این پاشنه آشیل هم
امروز در مراکز کار و تولید است. باید در تدارک توقف کار و تولید و ایجاد
اختلال در سیستم اداری و مؤسسات اقتصادی اش بود.

پی در پی در سطوح محلی در کارخانه ها و کارگاهها، در ادارات و مراکز
آموزشی، در کلیه مراکز کسب و کار و سرانجام اعتصابات فلج کننده سراسری، روز
تعیین تکلیف با این رژیم سرکوبگر را در خیابان ها نزدیک خواهد کرد. در
این پروسه کارگران و مردم زحمتکش متحد تر و سازمانیافته تر و در نتیجه
نیرومندتر خواهند شد.
===================================================== //komalah.org/farsi/soxan/4478.html


VP of Khorasan

by ghalam-doon on

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan, I just luv that name! It's so cool. I wish I had come up with something like that; so cool and yet mysterious. Oh, well..

To answer: What? Are U talking to me?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


How about this:

1) We deport IRR supporters back to Iran or better to Gitmo. Message is: they better pack up.

2) Confiscate the ill gotten wealth of IRR and its supporters in the West.

3) Shove a couple of missiles down Basiji you know where and see what happens to IRR.

The Mollah will not go easily. I am beginning to think it is gonna take some real muscle.


Protests are speading in right directions.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

//www.bbc.co.uk/persian/iran/2011/03/110302_l... Street demoes, as important they are, but only one step, the first step in the Revolutionary process of overthrowing am illegitiimate, criminal  government, like Iran's today. Strikes, acts of mass civil disobedience at local and national level, all culminating in the final showdown with regime, most probably an armed uprising with factions of regime's armed forces supporting the revolution.


Thanks Shifteh

by ghalam-doon on

You gave me some food for thought, unlike RG who deals with every situation by name-calling and innuendo.

On a lighter note, I really want to have some of the stuff that Ali Mostofi is smoking!

Mash Ghasem

If noroz has already defeated mullahs , how come they're still

by Mash Ghasem on

in power, after 32 years?

It will take a bit more than some seasonal national archetype and Equinox to overthrow IR.

See item below:

11اسفند :تحصن کارگران کارخانه کيان تاير

سحام نيوز :صدها تن از کارگران کارخانه کيان تاير ( البرز تاير سابق) در
روز دهم اسفند دست به تحصن زدند.به گزارش خبرنگار سحام نيوز از تهران صدها
تن از کارگران کاخانه کيان تاير همراه خانواده هايشان مقابل کارخانه در
حاشيه آزادراه آيت الله سعيدی متحصن شدند.

کاگران کيان تاير که ماههاست حقوق خود را دريافت نکرده اند با دردست
داشتن پلاکاردهايی در حاشيه آزادراه ايت الله سعيدی نشسته بودند و نيروهای
يگان ويژه نيز در نزديکی اين تحصن حضور داشتند.

به علت جمعيت زياد متحصنان نيروهای پليس و يگان ويژه از حمله به
متحصنان و درگيری با آنها خودداری کردند و تنها با محاصره کامل متحصنان از
پيوستن مردم به آنها جلوگيری ميکردند.


More specifically what has been missing  and now begining to appear more and more is that combination of street protest with workers' industrial actions, an alliance of the working class with middle class and professionals.

Once these  trends are fully congealed, united in action, and coordinated in their aims: that is when we say to IR: FATEHA.


Shifteh: every one is

by alimostofi on

Shifteh: every one is laughing at these IRI entities fighting each other. No one cares about them, because the Greens don't want a regime change. That's why they have no support. Now watch Nowruz and see the support it has. Nowruz has defeated the Ayatollahs.

Ali Mostofi



Shifteh Ansari


by Shifteh Ansari on

You will agree that the "we'll take this" and "we'll take that" rhetoric is childish and unrealistic for totally unarmed people. Right now, the movement is establishing that the year-long silence has ended and will now have to concentrate on wearing out the security apparatus which has had to keep transferring forces from other cities in order to fill those streets in order to intimidate people from resuming the protests. This not only costs the government a lot of money, it is increasingly difficult for them to motivate its forces to stay in it for an extended period of time.

I recommend this report for what was happening in Tehran yesterday. People showed up in the same numbers as they had during the 25 Bahman demonstrations. There were about 10,000 government forces there to make sure they could not congregate or chant slogans. They had to bring armed children to line the squares and streets.

I doubt this situation will end anytime soon. It is only a matter of time before people figure out what to do. Yesterday I noticed on Balatarin that someone was asking Iranians outside Iran to seek and provide expert advice to protesters on how to counter the government forces' manner of handling the crowd and what formation patterns are best to counter them. It is just a matter of time.


"was telling myself days of this regime are definitely numbered"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

You naive poor old soul have been living abroad and in cyber space too long!.
Buy a plane ticket, go back "home?" to Iran and the brave 20 something demonstrators on the streets will tell you precisely why you dont see "millions" in these videos, and to a fair approximation when the islamist regime is going to be sent where the Pahlavis and Qajars were sent to!


Is it only me?

by ghalam-doon on

I'm an avid reader of Balatarin. Leading to this day, I saw very heated slogans about bringing down the regime and taking over the TV stations and setting free Mousavi and Karoubi. I was telling myself days of this regime are definitely numbered!

Then I started watching these videos.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't really see millions of people walking down the streets and chanting.

I understand most poeple are scared but couldn't we say the same about the people who occupied Tahrir square for days?

Is this what is supposed to bring down this regime?

Perhaps it's only me trying not to be delusional but if this is all we can muster, it seems to me we have a LONG way to go!


Alaaf: Nowruz will be acted

by alimostofi on

Alaaf: Nowruz will be acted by 70 million Iranians who put Iran first. Of course they tried to stop this action and failed.

Please explain, I hope you are not troubled. We Iranians are polite and peaceful.

Ali Mostofi




to: Ali Mostofi (nice Arabic name btw)

by alaaf on

That's it, you got it right. It is indeed one branch of IRI fighting another branch. And the sheeplet here support this "Green Movement" like it's really cool and trendy, not really knowing what the fighting is even about.  And "mighty culture" ey? Your comment stinks of superiority complex and hot air. All talk, no action, very typical Iranian, I must say.


Alaaf: Iranians have

by alimostofi on

Alaaf: Iranians have ignored IRI and their so called "reform" Islamists. We are watching a civil war inside the world of Ayatollahs. Iranians will show their mighty culture in Nowruz. We love peace and nature. Ayatollahs are angry. We can take your anger, or watch its ugly display on our streets, until you all go back to Najaf and stay there. Go in peace.

Ali Mostofi




Keep recycling the same old

by alaaf on

Keep recycling the same old videos till the end of time. Iran will not be destabilized whether you like it or not. Might as well get used to it 


I second Rozbeh message

by Bavafa on

I second Rozbeh message and with that salute all the brave Iranians who have defied the regime thugs and have come out to seek their rights and take their country back.

You are the brave and the future of Iran and my warmest wishes for your full victory soon.



yeh zani.....

by Tehran on

Dari kam kam ro aaSab man rah miri,,hoselam az harfayeh sad-ta yek ghaz et dare sar mireh!!!!!


Another day of victory for Green movement

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

and Iranian people, who defied the fascist islamist regime and their murdering mercenatry thugs and claimed the streets of Major Iranian cities as their own. Another day of shame and humiliation for the islamist regime and their cowardly west residing cyber agents on this site hiding behind false ID's. Victory To Iran and it's [people. Down with the fascist islamist Regime. And well done Dear Ghorme sabzi for this excellent coverage of the events today back home.



by Doctor mohandes on

Don't forget.

If they do not change the damn logo it is not just gonna be iran. There will be some other countries involved in this too. N. Korea, Sudan, syria, and the big one Lybia. All the medal - makers and Event-busters, and record - breakers who are also committed to these "peeereenceepalz and vallluuzzz".



hellloooooo earth to green movement

by sumwoman on

olympics 2012 have not yet happened.

up here in Vancouver, initial cost of olympics was estimated at around 800 million dollars.

now we are told, we owe over 4 billion dollars!!!!

soon they will have to force cities to accept the olympics.

Zion is a racket!

And i bet a bunch of moolah relatives were involved, because we hear uber-rich iranians helped revamp Whistler mountain for the winter games.

please save the, she's an agent crap!

now, that's getting old!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Gooreh pedareh felesin 'o hizbollah!