It looked like business as usual when Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei began a nine-day tour of the western province of Kermanshah last week. But Ayatollah Khamenei appears to be setting the stage for political changes that will further shrivel the democratic aspect of the Islamic Republic.
On the road, as usual, Khamenei excoriated Iran's enemies – the United States, Israel, and all the West – and praised the martyrs of Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution and the war with Iraq in the 1980s.
Khamenei also seemed to be giving a get-out-the vote pep talk to Iranians in anticipation of parliamentary elections next March, and a presidential vote due in 2013.
"It's the people themselves who decide. They go to the polls, they make their choice; things are run by the people," Khamenei told a large crowd last Wednesday, as he ticked off reasons why Iran's Islamic system was superior and indestructible, according to a simultaneous English translation by state-run PressTV.
All problems, Khamenei said then, were solved because of this "participation, the faith of the people in the Islamic establishment, [their] steadfastness and their loyalty, [so that they] consider themselves the owners and governors of the country."
But by Sunday, those sacred principles appeared to be giving way to a less democratic future.
Khamenei – whose title is meant to confer the authority of God's interim representative on earth – suggested that the post of Iran's directly elected president might be abolished, to be replaced by a premier chosen by parliament.
"The current political system of the country is presidential, and the president is elected directly by the people. This is a good and effective system," Khamenei reassured another large crowd on Sunday. "But if one day, possibly in the distant future, it is felt that a parliamentary system is more suited for electing those responsible for the executive branch, then there would be no problems in making changes in the system."
From outside Iran, that might appear to be a subtle change.
But inside Iran, resurrection of the post of prime minister – which existed for the first decade of the revolution, until 1989 – would mark a further decline of democracy.
Such a decision would come in the context of the divisive six-year presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – and the violent aftermath of his fraudulent 2009 reelection – which has caused political mayhem, especially among conservatives.
It would also come as Mr. Ahmadinejad has mounted several challenges to Khamenei, and proven himself to be a gutsy street-fighter willing to damage the regime's reputation to preserve his own. His closest aides have been accused of sorcery and leading a "deviant current."
Khamenei's comments "reflect ... a nearly decade-long conservative, undemocratic trend in Iranian politics where political change has been engineered and managed," writes Reza Marashi, research director at the National Iranian American Council in Washington.
"Should Iran decide to eliminate the post of a directly elected president, the primary role of a reinstated premiership would be to execute the Supreme Leader's directives," Mr. Marashi writes on the Tehran Bureau website. "This was – and continues to be – what is expected from Ahmadinejad. His increasing intransigence has only sped up an otherwise steady moving process toward the domestic vision for Iran that many unelected officials hold: more Islamic than republican."
The possibility of such substantial change harkened back more than two decades, when Iran's Constitution was tweaked by the leader of the revolution. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini changed the Constitution to pave the way for a mid-ranking cleric with less popular support – in this case Khamenei, who had been president twice in the 1980s – to assume the supreme post.
Khomeini passed away months later, and Khamenei was elevated to "ayatollah" almost immediately. But he had neither the charisma nor religious learning to fully grasp the reins of leadership, in the view of many more-senior clerics.
"Of course, any change and modernization and reviewing of policies must be based on Islamic principles," Khamenei said on Sunday, according to a transcript posted on Khamenei's official webpage. "The changes must also conform with the Constitution," he said, and would be made "without deviation from the path" of the revolution.
Khamenei's words may provide an early clue to how Iran's hardline leadership will deal with the upcoming elections, which would be the first nationwide vote since the star-crossed exercise of 2009.
Millions of Iranians, wearing green of the opposition Green Movement and carrying signs that read 'Where's my vote?" took to the streets that year to protest the officially announced landslide for Ahmadinejad. In the lethal crackdown, scores of pro-democracy Iranians were killed, many raped, thousands arrested, and their actions described as "against God" in show trials.
As a result, some Green Movement leaders say the opposition will not take part in upcoming elections. Top opposition leaders remain under house arrest, including Mir Hossein Moussavi, the man who challenged Ahmadinejad for the presidency in 2009, and who, ironically, was the last to serve as Iran's prime minister in the 1980s.
During the later stages of the protests, portraits and banners of Khamenei were regularly torn down, burned, and trampled upon by Iranians, who chanted "Death to Khamenei."
None of those critical events of 2009 have been mentioned by Khamenei during his tour of Kermanshah, except to describe how the "wisdom" of the people – and the vigilance of the basiji militiamen – came together to stamp out the "sedition" and thwart the plots of foreign enemies to destroy the revolution.
"Our Western enemies should know that this establishment possesses strength and power thanks to the participation of the people," Khamenei said in one speech.
In another, on Sunday, he said: "In case American officials are living in their dreams, they should know that any wrong move – be it political or security – will face a strong response for the Iranian nation."
Referring to the Occupy Wall Street protests, Khamenei lectured Western officials: "You have turned your back on your own people and you are hated by the majority of your people, but the situation of the Islamic Republic is the opposite..."
Iran was moving toward a nation marked by "justice, freedom, [and] giving a role to play in ... determining their destiny," Khamenei averred. Meanwhile, Western intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya showed "they pursue evil goals," and so "we decisively say that the kind of democracy that is common in the West is for the most part fake and shaky."
Khamenei also blamed the US for fanning "Iranophobia," while losing ground to what he calls the "Islamic Awakening" of the Arab Spring people power revolutions that have toppled dictators this year in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.
Rarely mentioned in Khamenei's worldview is the fact that Iran played virtually no role in those events, nor, it would appear, in inspiring them with their own 1979 revolution, as he claims.
If anything, antigovernment protesters in those countries often say they were partially inspired by the pro-democracy street protests in Iran in 2009 – not by the lethal government crackdown.
Also rarely mentioned by Khamenei are the months-long antigovernment protests in Syria, which threaten the rule of Iran's close ally President Bashar al-Assad. With more than 3,000 dead in Syria, according to the UN, Iran considers the uprising a case of "sedition" – not "awakening."
"There are times when I look at Khamenei's speeches, and I think – how shall I put it diplomatically? – he has his own very particular views about what's happening in the Middle East that don't always reflect what's going on on the ground," says Alireza Nader, an Iran expert at RAND Corp., in Arlington, Va. "There is this sense of self-confidence in Iran, among certain elements of the Iranian government, that is misplaced."
First published in
Scott Peterson is the author of Let the Swords Encircle Me: A Journey Behind the Headlines.
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He is too stupid to learn a lesson
by rain bow movment on Sat Oct 22, 2011 08:33 AM PDTThind his man too stupid to learn a lesson from ghadafi bloody death.
history will teach him and his donky's behind him.
There is no limit to stupidity & ignorance of VF
If Khamenei picked
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Thu Oct 20, 2011 04:16 PM PDTthe next VF does assembly have to approve it. Or do they get to say *** now gone Khamenei and pick whomever they want. I am not sure about it.
Papal style
by Cost-of-Progress on Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:47 PM PDTOnly the smoke will NOT be white.
Opium aas a darker color smoke, you know!
........... :-)
Yes Esfand Aashena
by Abarmard on Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:15 PM PDTIt would be interesting to see after Khamenei. Lot's will go on then.
Abarmard jaan VF to Iran is Pope to Vatican!
by Esfand Aashena on Thu Oct 20, 2011 09:42 AM PDTAfter he dies the Assembly of Experts is supposed to pick the next VF and hail him like they do in Vatican! We now have a Pope! (followed by release of piegons ;-) = We now have a new VF! (followed by released of piegons ;-)
Khamanei may recommend a successor but the Assembly has to pick him up. When Khomeini did it, he was the 13th Imam and anything he said would've gone even if he had said let's make Rajavi my successor! Besides the Assembly did not have much authority during Khomeini's rein.
Although, he may choose his successor before he dies in which case the next VF would be his hand picked, but I doubt he would be from his clan.
Everything is sacred
Anarchy+Despotism+Barbarism+Republic= IRI
by Abarmard on Thu Oct 20, 2011 09:26 AM PDTIt seems like you can take the Republic out of the equation now.
With current constitution
by Abarmard on Thu Oct 20, 2011 09:22 AM PDTIf Khamenei goes, his power base is gone. He might be thinking about his clan.
Anarchy+Despotism+Barbarism+Republic= IRI
by Iqbal Latif on Thu Oct 20, 2011 06:11 AM PDTAnarchy+Despotism+Barbarism+Republic= IRI, added criminality of actions and mind makes is horrendously authoritarian and thuggish.
A revolution of total freedom lurks round the corner in Iran, Equation is simple for Khamenei's script: The durability of Islamic revolution owes its existence to confrontation course with the 'infidels' of the world and their perceived enemies.
Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan describes the natural condition of mankind as a war of all against all, in The French Revolution, the narrative of increasing anarchy undermined the narrative in which the revolutionaries were striving to create a new social order by writing a constitution where man lived a brutish existence.
Iranian brutish conditions have become worst a mother of all revolutions that world had never witnessed is brewing. Like Gaddafi who probably suffered the fate of Louis 16 at the hand of freedom fighters; no guillotine for him, what an irony Libyans have to fight a war against their own to liberate themselves!
The authors of Iranian revolution are smart to read the writing on the wall. They will become more radical, more Islamic, that is how the people around them will coalesce with them, Mullah production factories of Qom and Najaf have prepared more mullahs than graduates output from the entire Universities in Middle East, these hardened zealots are the backbone of the revolution.
Wherever the unholy combination of religion and dictatorship has evolved in milieu of statecraft in Middle East the chances of survival of such an unholy alliance are brilliant. Freedom cannot be stage managed dictatorship is 'state managed.'
Chaos is the first sign of stability when liberty ensues, look at freedom of man from American federate and confederates clash and the gory war, so were 'anarchy' under after the French revolution.All revolutions are chaotic and full of disturbance originally, this new line of total dictatorship is the only mullah way out to impose guardians of truth once for all on the embryonic freedom tendencies .
Iran is combination of Anarchy, Despotism, Barbarism and botched Republic. Immanuel Kant describes various stages of man revolutionary zeal and tryst with freedom, before true freedom he goes through a society that has Law And Freedom without Violence (Anarchy); or Law And Violence without Freedom (Despotism); or Violence without Freedom And Law (Barbarism); or Violence with Freedom And Law (Republic). Some are combination of all four, Libya under Gaddafi and Syria of today add Iran are classic examples of this deranged arrangements of state.
Absolute dictatorship of religion
by Siavash300 on Wed Oct 19, 2011 09:46 AM PDT"Khamenei sets stage for a less democratic future" S.Peterson
Mr. Peterson the above statement is NOT correct. The correct version should be read as follow:
Khamenei set stage for a absolute totalitarian and dictatorship future
Islamic gang who occupied Iran for last 32 year has never been democratic my friend.
I have serious problem with
by Iran 2050 on Wed Oct 19, 2011 07:41 AM PDTI have serious problem with the title of this article “less democratic future”.
When was IRI democratic that now we have to worry about “less democratic” future?
It makes no
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Wed Oct 19, 2011 07:28 AM PDTdifference folks what is the point of wasting time? IRI never had real democracy and will never have it. At least without a re-write of the constitution. If that happens it will no longer be IRI.
So who cares PM; President; VF whatever you want to call it! The one good thing about more of them is more in fighting. The bad thing is more olaghs on the dole. One way or other it is not going to make any difference in anything.
Dictatorships are all this way. Does it make a difference if Saddam had a parliament or not? How about the Soviets? The time it mattered was when it fell apart. Then all the supreme Soviets got to the head of the robbers line. With Saddam they all got hanged.
The Leasable! The Shameless!
by G. Rahmanian on Wed Oct 19, 2011 07:12 AM PDT"From outside Iran, that might appear to be a subtle change. But inside Iran, resurrection of the post of prime minister – which existed for the first decade of the revolution, until 1989 – would mark a further decline of democracy."
How can something be less than absolute zero
by Cost-of-Progress on Wed Oct 19, 2011 07:07 AM PDTCan a jew run for presidency, can a Christian or Zoroastrean (the legitimate religion of Iran)? NO! Those who do run must go through a screening process by the guardian council before they are allowed to go any further to confirm their allegiances to the regime as well as their purity in being a muslim.......
Which part of this is democratic to you?
There is no democracy in the Islamist regime. So technically, there can be no lessening of something that never existed.
by Fred on Wed Oct 19, 2011 06:04 AM PDTThe former CS Iran based reporter says:
“But Ayatollah Khamenei appears to be setting the stage for political changes that will further shrivel the democratic aspect of the Islamic Republic.”
It is no secret that Peterson is another one of those who have bought into the “reformability” of the Islamist Rapist Republic, hence this “further shrivel the democratic aspect of the Islamic Republic.”
There has to come a time for these clueless reporters, people like this Peterson, Barbara Slavin of USA Today and Roger Cohen of NY Times, to just name a few, to finally understand that there is no way a democracy can come out a religious fascism, it has never happened, it will not happen now or in the future.