The Upcoming

The Upcoming
by jamh

Today, Jim Jones learns
that they are coming
to investigate.

They have heard, here and there,
that the people inside
are tired of their fate,

tired to wear the burden
of an idealism
that strives to isolate.

That encroaches on life,
on love, on style, on
(and he says this aloud) the Intimate.

Jim Jones, above all else,
wants to make them equal.
He takes away to make highstrum.

He knows people.
He thinks "A leak wants a flood".
He says "Let them come.

We have nothing to hide.
What we say is the Truth.
Is the Truth afraid of the Lie?

Even if it's a seductress.
We are a peaceful group."
He doesn't need Russia's aid.

He knows the congressman.
Does he foresee the event?
Yes, says the Koolaid.

Yes, repeat the children,
in unison, in a circle,
hovering above the decor.

No, the world doesn't remember.
No, it never cared for a hero
the way it does a survivor.

Back to the Intimate
for me, my people's history.
Blood-valor vs innumerably clad.

I read, I imagine, I watch
how many times?
Is it beautiful? Or sad?





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Three lines rearranged

by jamh on

After pondering about what didn't work, I have rearranged three lines in the poem.  Here is the final version which I think works better.


The Upcoming (war)


Today, Jim Jones learns
that they are coming
to investigate.

They have heard, here and there,
that the people inside
are tired of their fate,

tired to wear the burden
of an idealism
that strives to isolate.

That encroaches on life,
on love, on style, on
(and he says this aloud) the Intimate.

Jim Jones, above all else,
wants to make them equal.
He takes away to make highstrum.

He knows the congressman.
He thinks "A leak wants a flood".
He says "Let them come.

We have nothing to hide.
What we say is the Truth.
Is the Truth afraid of the Lie?

Even if it's a seductress.
We are a peaceful group."
He doesn't need Russia's aid.

Behind the gold sunglasses
does he foresee the event?
Yes, says the Koolaid.

Yes, repeat the children,
in unison, in a circle,
fluttering above the decor.

No, the world doesn't remember.
It never cared for a hero
the way it does a survivor.

Back to the Intimate
for me, my people's history.
Blood-valor vs innumerably clad.

I read, I imagine, I watch
how many times?
Is it beautiful? Or sad?

