Being there

Photo essay: Sachsenhausen concentration camp

by Alireza Ajam

Last January I went to Germany and I had a chance to visit one of the biggest concentration camps in Europe: Sachsenhausen.

The camp was operating between 1936 and 1945. It was named after the Sachsenhausen quarter, part of the town of Oranienburg. The camp is sometimes referred to as Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg.

From 1936 to 1945 it was run by the National Socialist regime in Germany as a camp for mainly political prisoners; from 1945 to spring of 1950 it was run by the Stalinist Soviet occupying forces as "Special Camp No. 7" for mainly political prisoners.

On the front entrance gates to Sachsenhausen is the infamous slogan Arbeit Macht Frei (German: "Work makes free"). About 200,000 people passed through Sachsenhausen between 1936 and 1945. Some 100,000 inmates died there from exhaustion, disease, malnutrition or pneumonia from the freezing winter cold. Many were executed or died as the result of brutal medical experimentation.


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Babak Khorramdin

Dame Antarinejad who denys The Holocaust

by Babak Khorramdin on

shiny head what gives IRI to do the same thing to our people in the name of ISLAM!!!!


taas jaan DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!!Here we're NOT talking about the palestinian's plight .



ebi amirhosseini

RE : I Wonder !

by ebi amirhosseini on

 Dear Friend,"Power corrupts", regardless of Race,religion,....take a look:

1-The Japanese army´s comfort women:

Asian women forced into prostitution for the Japanese army during World War II :


2-Rape of Nanking :

 Nanjing Massacre. Japanse Atrocities in Asia. This documentary is based on 20 years research and consists entirely of archival photos and film-clips. This film begins with an overview of Japan and China at the beginning of the 20th Century, explains the mind-set of the Japanese and their God.


Best Wishes

kaleh dar

cocentration camp in america !

by kaleh dar on

good try shiny head, America was at war with Japan ,  lost 3000 young man on Pearl Harbor as a result of unprovocte attack by Japan, and in those camps , Nobody was killed or torchered  , unlike  what is going on right now in Iran !.

Shiny Head

Re: It is so sad

by Shiny Head on


The saddest part is that the people to whom this injustice was done during WWII, are doing the exact same (or worse)  cruilty to others in the occupied territories. What gives?


It is so sad

by Tahirih on

How could humans , be so cruel towards each other, even wild animals do not attack their own. The most disturbing part is that it is  still happening in many parts of the world, including in Iran.

may God bring justice to our planet,




I don't know what happened to my post?

by Tahirih on

 was it removed by accident?

Shiny Head

I wonder ...

by Shiny Head on

I wonder if anyone has pictures of "japanese internment camps" (that would be nice/diplomatic way of saying "concentration camp") here in USA from WWII era?





by NIKKHAH (not verified) on

No Doubt. It is a tragedy but do our comaptriot a better destiny in Evin or even see Bakhtaran.

Free Iran down with IRI