Crying for the camera

Photo essay

by MK
FARS NEWS: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a ceremony mourning the martyrdom of Imam Hossein. Photos by Ebrahim Noroozi.

Rosie T.

Thank you for the videos....yes Ashura is horrible, it violates.

by Rosie T. on

every tenet held dear to the mind of the Secular Enlightenment.  Liberte, egalite, fraternite, guillotines, two world wars, atomic bombs, chemical weapons, destruction of countless indigenous peoples through wholesale slaughter or working them to death in mines and fields.....Mahmood cries for the camera, so jj tells us, thus implicitly establishing the parameters of the discussion in his "invisible" way...and then we proceed, seeing it through our "lens", because everybody is their own lens.  "I Am a Camera", said Christopher Isherwood in his Berlin Stories (Cabaret--written on the eve of the Holocaus.  Oh yes, the secular Enlightenment gave us the Holocaust too, as its "cousin." ) So Ashura appalls us.  And no doubt it should.  But should it appall us any more than the lens we've been taught to look through to be appalled by....the sheer VIOLENCE of "Western" techno-scientific culture is SURELY no less appalling.

Just some food for thought for anyone who might find it relevant...or no one....I'm not saying we SHOULDN'T be appalled by Ashura....but for see.....there's something refreshing to it through it all....this saying I AM MAN ANGEL AND ANIMAL AND I AM VIOLENT AND I HEREBY ENACT MY VIOLENCE UPON's less...hypocritical than the viiolence we in the "West" do every day to Third World peoples everywhere and our own underclass in order to ensure we may gorge ourselves with the "things" that are killing even Planet Earth.


Ashoora in the streets of

by Anonymous11 (not verified) on

Ashoora in the streets of New York City:



To BadBakht

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

It's the first thing I noticed.


Watch & practice Ahmaghi nejad

by young boy (not verified) on

Ahmaghi nejad, you need more practice .
Just watch and learn.


Rosie T.

Yes, evil weeps...

by Rosie T. on

and we ALL have both good and evil in us and we ALL weep.

That is the essence of Mazdaism, that the good shall weep louder than the evil in us ALL.  Spiritual Muslims call it the GREATER JIHAD and Islam for them means PEACE.  And the Secular Enlightenment calls it "The Declaration of the Rights of Man."


When Evil Weeps.....Ashkeh Temsah

by Anonymous31 (not verified) on

At least when they weep, there's a haunting realization that they may afterall be human. Yet I still wonder how these men (using the term loosely) can do so much evil and still call themselves human. The pictures remind me of a poignant saying in Farsi....Ashkeh Temsah!

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

have a crystal ball.  Are you the all-knowing all seeing eye of God which the founding fathers of the US, the great political architects of the SECULAR Enlightenment, respected enough to place on top of the pyramid on our currency?  I have said before and I will say again, I would MUCH rather live under Khatami than under George W. Bush if the latter could REALLY impose his agenda.  I will say now that if I had to choose between dubya and Mahmood, I'd probably choose dubya



This man came from a humble family and managed to educate himself to one of the top-ranking students of his graduating year.  This man won the love of the most wretched of the wretched because of his populist programs, those who felt betrayed by the Shah AND Khamenei both.  He has failed in those populist programs but Khatami failed in his reforms and the Shah's White Revolution was a DISASTER.

This man had visions of dissolving into LIGHT in front of the United Nations.  Perhaps you think  it means he's psychotic, well so be it.  Regardless..who are YOU then to say what goes on in that psychotic's brain? Or heart? Or....soul....


The infinite....infinite...complexity.....that makes a human human...both angel and animal...ABOVE the animals but BELOW that all-seeing eye of god/science which modern physics shows is one and the same...the infinite complexity...what do you really KNOW about what you "know"?

That is what I want to say.


Ashkeh Temsah!

by Anon (not verified) on

In pedar madar sagh delesh behale kasi menisoozeh! ba oon cheshmaye kooresh, aslan ashk nemirizeh ke! I love how they all "pretend-cry" and cover their eyes, pretending to be so grief-stricken! Now this is what I call a master thespian!

Rosie T.

Dear Khasteh,

by Rosie T. on

Khasteh nabaash, Please repost your comment.  I would love to read it.  I know a little bit about Iraj Mirza.  I have had experience where things have gotten erased by accident. Another thing is there are twelve editors in addition to JJ.  And finally, if you click on "reply" to a particular message before you write your post, if the message you replied to is deleted, yours will go as well, to ensure continuity of the discourse on the thread.  This leads to strange situations.  Someone may write a hate-filled invective and you may respond with the words of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, and MLK will go when the invective is deleted...just for your information.



by navid agha (not verified) on

I'll agree with you if we, Iranian, say the same thing.

we need harmony and unification among us, if we like to change something.



he is not crying for Iran.

by piolt (not verified) on

فکر نکنید که این ابله دلش به حال کشور کورش و داریوش میسوزد که اینطوری اشگ میریزد

فکر نکنید که به خاطر جوانان پاک و شجاعی گریه میکند که جانشان را در راه آزادی خرمشهر دادند

فکر نکنید که به خاطر جوانان با غیرتی گریه میکند که در جهنمی به نام اوین به دار بیدادی آویخته شدند

فکر نکنید که به خاطر آن محکومان بینوائی گریه میکند که بدست این ناانسان ها سنگسار شده اند

فکر نکنید که به خاطر آن مبارزانی گریه میکند که در خارج از ایران بدست این جمهوری فساد مثله شدند

فکر نکنید که به خاطر قربانیان قتل های زنجیره ای گریه می کند

فکر نکنید که به خاطر چهل ملیون جوان ایرانی گریه میکند که حتی اجازه شنیدن یک موسیقی لطیف را ندارند

فکر نکنید که به خاطر نقض حقوق بشر در کشور اسلامی گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر نقض حقوق زنان در ایران گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر بریدن زبان ها و شکستن قلمهای ایرانی گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر ایرانیان فرهیخته ای گریه میکند که از دست این انیرانیان به کشور های دیگر پناه برده اند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر ظلم و جور و تعدی به اقلیت های مذهبی ایرانی گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر دزدی و سرقت و تاراج سرمایه های مملکت و بردن آنها به دوبی و سوئیس و کانادا گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر اقتصاد نابود شده ی دومین کشور نفتی جهان گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر حلبی خواب ها و کارتون خواب های شهرهای ایران گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر خیل بی انتهای جوانان بیکار ایرانی گریه میکند که حتی با سن بالا قدرت ترک خانه ی پدری را ندارند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر زنان زیبای ایرانی که از شدت استیصال به تن فروشی تن در میدهند گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر اجاره نشینانی گریه میکند که آرزوی داشتن یک چهار دیواری را به گور خواهند برد

فکر نکیند که به خاطر ننگ داشتن پاسپورت ایرانی و خجالت "ایرانی بودن" گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر مصیبت گروگان گیری سفارت گریه میکند که حتی نسلهای آینده جریمه آن حماقت را خواهند داد

فکر نکیند که به خاطر از دست دادن سهم بایسته ی ایران در دریای مازندران به دلیل ضعف و بی تدبیری دولت گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر نابودی صنایع ایران به دلیل بی لیاقتی مدیران بیسواد و نالایق گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر عقب روی و ارتجاع کشوری گریه میکند که آرزوی پنجمین کشور جهان شدن را داشت

فکر نکیند که به خاطر هوای مردم پایتختش گریه میکند که کثیف ترین هوای دنیاست

فکر نکیند که به خاطر نابودی صنعت کشاورزی ایران گریه میکند که دهقانانش سر چهارراه ها سیگارآمریکائی میفروشند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر نابودی هنرهای زیبایش مانند سینماو تئاتر و موسیقی گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر سالها بستن دانشگاه هایش به بهانه ی انقلاب فرهنگی گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر دانشجویان مجروح و کتک خورده ی دانشگاه ها یش گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که حتی به خاطر نقض قانون اساسی عقب افتاده ی اسلامی خودشان گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر جوانان ایرانی که به دام مواد مخدر او افتاده اند گریه میکند

فکر نکیند که به خاطر زنان ایرانی که در کشور های همسایه به فروش رفته اند گریه میکند


او گریه میکند زیرا:

1400 سال پیش یک عرب که برای ایرانی جز بردگی مردان و تجاوززنانش آرزوی دیگری نداشت

به دست یک عرب دیگر که فامیل خودش بوده است ، بر سر قدرت و پول ،

جنگ کرده است و مرده است.

شرم و ننگ تمام عالم براین مردار خواران تازی پرست باد



by navid agha (not verified) on

I'll agree with most of your comment.
It's not Islam, it's them who using religion for their leadership and power and a tool to abuse people.



RE:navid agha

by XerXes (not verified) on

I agree with your argument, and that's acceptable way to reason. This is something that we need to learn in order to fight the fight with the system. The system has been enjoying Iranians who go against "Islam" instead of the regime and has identified itself with the religion. Shah tried the same thing when he went to Haj. If we believe in Democracy, we have to, most of us at least, admire Iranian traditions and religion, regardless of our preferences. I believe then there would be a true opposition that is not a joke as it exist today. What I have said I believe is exactly the reason that the opposition is a joke today. The realities of Iran is so vague and unknown to the Iranians who have been living in the west that I feel more foreign among Iranians than I do to my American neighbor. We will have a lot of errors and mistakes before having it right, and that's OK, but let's not be childish and hateful for people who believe in things that are crazy in our mind. I have changed now living here, but Iranians haven't live here and really believe that they are right. That's OK, don't make fun of them (us), (we)they won't learn that way, (we)they just will hate you instead!
They are things that have helped Iran under this (hated) regime, let's find them and include them in the new opposition plat form. Now that would be a great start.


Ringo star

by Badbakht (not verified) on

Has anybody noticed Ringo Star right behind Iamademonjob on picture # 14?


r.xerxes( In the name of Islam, they're using people)

by navid agha (not verified) on

u r right!

But these people like IRI they don't care about Imam Ali, or Imam Hussein.

If they do, they will go with their teachings not with theses man made shows.

you don't hit yourself on the chest or on the head to prove your love for Imams, to show how devoted u r.

You live your life according with their TRUE Message for people.

In the name of Islam,and prophet Muhammad, they're using people.


To: J.J

by khasteh (not verified) on

J.J I thought you believe nothing is sacred. Why did you erase my comment? The first sentence was from Iraj Mirza and the rest was just much milder than a lot of comments. Never mind. This is your website and you can do whatever you wish.
good luck!


Crying Heart Camera

by Beena (not verified) on

Not a single camera in the world could ever record the heart in tears!! An onion easily helps to bring eyes in tears when a camera is rolling!!


where were u guys?

by XerXes (not verified) on

You may dislike (As I used to hate myself) the Shia religious acts and the Imams, what they stand for and so on. I changed my mind long ago, especially when my brother died in Iran and Iraq war. He used to tell me a great heroic stories about the sacrifices that they did for one another. He also jump to save his "brother". He got the guts to fight for Iran without anything that a normal military has, with this same faith that you are laughing at.
Look, hate it or not, Iranians are devoted people and their sense of Javanmardi is intermixed with Ali and Hossain. They are not perceived Arab, Moslem, but Human ideology of Hero. When these guys cry, they don't cry because of Hossain, it's the pain and suffering and the idea is that makes them tear. Like going to a catholic priest to tobeh for your sins.
Have some respect for things that are beyond you, which is Mardanegi. I am not claiming that makes you an IRI supporter, no, that makes you Iranian. Do you think that during the Shah people were less religious? Think before you go against some tender part of a culture that your parents lived in, disagree with it but respect it. Change it, but don't spit on it. Do you think that your hero, Western countries disrespected their own religion, even though they were savages historically?
Come to terms and try to be smart enough to separate things, not all things are packages. Wasn't that the mistake that people did during the Shah, instead of realizing the strength of Shah and keep those, as a package denied everything he had done well. A package mentality. Only a mule will fall in the same hole twice. Would a Jew or Christian or Hindu treat their religion, that has become part of their culture, like you? Being "baa farhang" to you is "bi adabi", read some Iranian history and poetry, to learn how to deal with these kind of issues...I know that some of you don't read or hear this and begin your dumb comments as IRI agent and shit like that. But that's not what I am saying...Be Iranian, something that I am proud of that carried the idea of adab! We in Iran used to be puzzled by those who are not respectful to others, now you have become that!


Ali, you deserve Mullah

by Anti ali (not verified) on

Never Mind my English,

You deserve them.
You deserve to be told how to dress, How to speak, how to perform s-x,and how to behave......

You deserve theses dirty Mullah

if you don't like to hear, shut your ears and eyes.


I gave up long ago....

by I agree with you Ali (not verified) on

Dear Ali - You know what they say - you can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink ...


To Anti-Ali

by Ali (not verified) on

I have no idea what this "Yazid joon" that you write in every one of your post is suppose to mean and in only 3 sentences you made 4 spelling mistakes.

Act like a sane person and try to make sense in your arguments, and I will respond to you.


R. Ali (Yazid Joon)Once again, there is not ONE

by anti Ali (not verified) on

None of your dame business, what other people say or think.
Worry about yourself.


You're always defending theses devils.
Mind your own affairs

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on


Gator Tears

by Arya Pournourbakhsh on

Iranians have been hostages of an Arab idology for 1500 years.  Crying in public is part of the millions of rituals that has to be obaied by the cult members or face death. 

 A. Pournourbakhsh


Once again, there is not ONE

by Ali (not verified) on

Once again, there is not ONE intelligent comment in this thread. Just a bunch of hateful words, cheap toilet humor and worthless rantings.

It is not because you don't like Ahmadinejad that everything he does is fake!! And if you want to criticize him, criticize him on his policies, not how he looks, smells....etc If you do not have the political knowledge to analyze and criticize his policies, then you really don't have write anything, believe me it is ok.


Easier to cry than to take care of the people

by Anon (not verified) on

Why cry? Because it diverts attention. It is all an act by those in power. They are the most hypocritical of all. Truly religeous people do not flaunt it in the streets and dont put on a show. Religion is meant to be practiced by the individual, for the individual. Those who act out are just putting on a show and dont have their heart in it.

Instead of addressing unbearable smog, poverty, rationed oil and unaffordable food it is much easier for Mr. "President" to put on a show and cry over a story that happened ~1400 years ago.

Great job Mr. "President". Keep it up. You make us so proud to be Iranians. You are so competent.


Private Pilot: Just shut up.

by Private Pilot Responder (not verified) on

Private Pilot:
Just shut up.



by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

Just when you think he can't get any uglier, he proves you wrong again!!!

Private Pilot

He just happens to be one of the 70 million IDIOTS !!

by Private Pilot on

Why would anyone think that he is faking it for the camera?  He just happens to be one of the 70 million IDIOTS who cry for a barbaric Arab who died in internal fightings among barbaric Arab tribes 1,300 years ago!!


 "Any nation desrves the government that it gets"!!!

Private Pilot


Sado-masochistic Shiite's

by Anonymous11 (not verified) on

Sado-masochistic Shiite's Ashoora....hahah