Manoucher Avaznia
24-Dec-2008 (4 comments)

ابر سترون آبان به فوردین چه می کند؟

این غرشش ز چیست؟ در آسمان پایین چه می کند؟


Darius Kadivar
Leading New Photographers like Iranian Ali Mahdavi have captured their Beauty and Charisma for a Good Cause through this H&K commissioned Book>>>
Party Girl
24-Dec-2008 (7 comments)

A gift of music.

Nazy Kaviani
24-Dec-2008 (7 comments)
Merry Christmas Everyone!>>>
David ET
24-Dec-2008 (one comment)
Channel 4 is demonstrating a commitment to free speech which is to be honoured; but it should be aware that it is giving a voice to the person who robs many millions of people of theirs>>>
Javad Yassari
24-Dec-2008 (8 comments)

What's happening between UK and Iran?

24-Dec-2008 (3 comments)
In Autumn 1942, the SS concentration camp in Sachsenhausen setup a secret print shop. One of the stamps they did counterfeit was about the allies meeting in Tehran in 1943>>>
Darius Kadivar
24-Dec-2008 (2 comments)

Watch the Very first film made on Santa Claus dates back to 1898


The Arabs are coming


Arab League chief urges regional dialogue with Iran amid tension

Hurriet Daily News
recommended by Ostaad

Ghalibaf aint no Obama

Jahanshah Javid

Tehran mayor seen as Ahmadinejad rival

recommended by Jahanshah Javid
24-Dec-2008 (2 comments)


Jahanshah Javid

Conflicting reports on Iran-Russia missile deal

LA Times / Borzou Daragahi and Ramin Mostaghim
recommended by Jahanshah Javid

early april fools

Jahanshah Javid

Ahmadinejad gives festive speech

recommended by Jahanshah Javid
24-Dec-2008 (4 comments)
24-Dec-2008 (2 comments)
It's so true and so sad!>>>
Darius Kadivar
24-Dec-2008 (7 comments)
Merry Christmas to Jahanshah JAVID and STAFF and All Contributors of >>>
Tabreek, but no soup for you :-> >>>