A Personal Story


The Guardian: Persecuting the Baha'is

The Guardian / Bahar Tahzib
recommended by faryarm
SCE Campaign
10-Jun-2008 (one comment)
Saeed Jazee was transferred to solitary confinement and he is in danger of execution as early as tomorrow morning. >>>
SCE Campaign
10-Jun-2008 (24 comments)
Mohammad Hassan-zadeh, a 17 year old Iranian boy was executed this morning in the western city of Sanandaj. Mohammad was convicted of murder at the age of 15. >>>
Darius Kadivar
10-Jun-2008 (3 comments)
Anti Semitism according to John Cleese. Really Funny >>>
10-Jun-2008 (one comment)
Iran's leader Khomenei tells Iraqi Prime Minister that Iran will not accept US bases on its borders >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
10-Jun-2008 (one comment)
عاشق آسا در دل شبهای تنگ و تار خویش
رازها بسیار می گفتم به یار غار خویش

Talking to the man in charge in Iran

News Goffer

And now whose foreign policy is naive?

San Francisco Chronicle / Omid Memarian
recommended by News Goffer
10-Jun-2008 (6 comments)

Colonialism must come to an end!


Shiite Lawmakers: US Seeking 58 Bases in Iraq, Wants Authority to Determine if Iraq Has Been Attacked

recommended by Mehdi-Palang
10-Jun-2008 (one comment)

NY Times Editorial

Schauleh Sahba

NY Times Editorial Against Attacking Iran

New York Times / Editorial
recommended by Schauleh Sahba
10-Jun-2008 (2 comments)
10-Jun-2008 (15 comments)
Religions demand faith. Faith is believing in something without necessarily any logic or rationale. >>>
10-Jun-2008 (one comment)

Iranian.com is masquerading as equal opportunity slapsticks! In fact, it is entirely anti-Iranian slapsticks. I am not laughing!

Maryam Hojjat
10-Jun-2008 (3 comments)
Attempted de-Iranization of a historical Iranian figure by the USSR >>>