ayatollah kashani 's call for resistance


Iranian Cleric asks Iraqis to resist US security pact

Tehran Times
recommended by Jaleho
13-Jun-2008 (3 comments)



They could kiss each other, he thought remembering his dead wife and how soft her skin felt

13-Jun-2008 (8 comments)
A man was walking at night. He stopped at the middle of the narrow wooden bridge to gaze at the surface of shining water flowing below his feet. He ignored the inviting melody of the stream. It’s just a dark thought, already written so many times in so many different ways in my precious books, he thought and inhaled the fresh air of night mixed with the stench of the river. He kept on walking and reached the muddy shores. A group of young people were swimming naked far from the coast. The sound of their laughter shivered his back. He sighed and envied their youth. I’ve read this scene in a red book when I was 14, he thought>>>

attack? who said anything about attack?


Bombing Iran? It's Not So Bad, Really

The Nation / Robert Dreyfuss
recommended by Q
13-Jun-2008 (6 comments)


Lines in our lives

Lines in our lives

Photo essay: New York & more

by Sepideh B
13-Jun-2008 (3 comments)



Islam dar khatar ast, ya khatar dar Islam ast? Time for a call to action?

13-Jun-2008 (2 comments)
This Father seems so proud of himself that he can single-handedly ruin his child's well-being. >>>
SCE Campaign

Amnesty International Update on Mohammad Fadaee

Please Take Action

“In Memory of Kazem Ashtray”: This is a play in Persian written by Sepideh Khosrowjah anddirected by Hamid Ehya – featuring Bella Warda, Sepideh Khsorowjah, Mansour Taeed and Shadi Yousefian >>>
SCE Campaign

Amnesty International Update on Behnoud Shojaee

Please Take Action

Manoucher Avaznia
13-Jun-2008 (one comment)

باز در خانۀ من صبح مِه آلود آمد.

کسی از نای سحر با من گفت:

از شفق تابه فلق راه درازی رفتم

و ز هر روزنه ای باز تماشا کردم.




Simorgh Band in England

InSight / Rakhshan Bani Etemad masterclass
recommended by AlikA
At 67 and in bad health, there is not much left to look forward. >>>

Ishaalaah mobaarakesh baad...

Ali P.
Mohammad Ali / Mohammad Ali Abtahi
recommended by Ali P.
Ali P.
13-Jun-2008 (11 comments)

Innocent times...

19th International Annual Conference of the Iranian Women's Studies Foundation. July 4-6, 2008. Wheeler Auditorium, University of California, Berkeley >>>