Amil Imani
26-Jun-2008 (8 comments)
The intolerant monolithic Islamists are on the march, lashing out with fury at non-Islamic people and cultures. This cult of violence and death spares neither the living nor the non-living heritage of humanity >>>

Bush as Manicurist: Fingernail Pulling? Why Not?

Rosie T.

Defending the President as Tyrant

Consortium News / Robert Parry
recommended by Rosie T.
26-Jun-2008 (one comment)
ebi amirhosseini

UN is to warn in a new report that there is a surge in illegal opium being smuggled from Afghanistan into Pakistan and Iran. Thousands of Iranian forces have died in campaign against the narcotics trade.



Need to hear your voice

Will the Democratic Congress declare war on Iran?

26-Jun-2008 (121 comments)
You may be surprised at the answer; there are already over 205 cosponsors of H.Con.Res. 362. Is yours one? This bill calls on the president to stop all shipments of refined petroleum products from reaching Iran. It also “demands” that the President impose “stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains and cargo entering or departing Iran.” Analysts say that this would require a US naval blockade in the Strait of Hormuz, the critical chokepoint through which nearly a quarter of the world’s oil passes>>>


Unholy Alliances

Neo-Con conference pushes for war on Iran

26-Jun-2008 (27 comments)
On the first weekend of May 2008, Berlin was host to two extraordinary conferences. On the one hand, a crowd of altogether 1,600 predominantly young people from all over Europe met at the Humboldt University in order to discuss and reflect the turbulent, globally unfolding events of 1968. On the other, not far away, about 400 participants gathered at the classier, guarded »Auditorium Friedrichstrasse« under the theme of “Business as usual? The Iranian regime, the holy war against Israel and the West and the German reaction,“ organized by the recently created »Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin (MFFB)«>>>



The war broke my walls to pieces

26-Jun-2008 (23 comments)
My memories of my childhood are mostly vague but still I can remember being on the playground of my old school; while other children played hide and seek, I was only hiding, trying to make certain nobody would ever find me. I knew they hated me as much as the teachers liked me. I was the one with all the answers. I used to read as many as books I could to maintain my status of a nerd; I was transforming into a huge, mute, lonely devourer of words, and still hungry for anything real. “With each book you read, you’ll grow,” Father used to say. “In my time, I didn’t have this chance. I’m sure you will not disappoint us.”>>>


 موضوع انشاء؛ یک روز تعطیل

قدم می زنم و عبور و مرور کشتی ها را تماشا می کنم. هیچ سوئدی مستی اینجا ولو نیست

26-Jun-2008 (3 comments)
از رختخواب به زور بیرون می آیم. باید یک شنبه باشد! پرده را کنار می زنم. آفتاب مثل کلاه زرینی سر بلوک روبرویی را تزیین کرده. پس نباید یک شنبه باشد! سرم را از پنجره بیرون می کنم. هوای خنک و تازه ی صبحگاهی صورتم را می نوازد. با نگاهم محوطه را، بلوک ها و پنجره ها و چمن را دور می زنم. هیچ کس هیچ جا نیست. پس صبح یک شنبه است! گوشه ی یکی از خیابان های باریک بین بلوک ها، خانمی ایستاده. افساری در دست دارد. پس باید سگش را برای گردش صبحگاهی بیرون آورده باشد. کمی آن طرف تر سگ به پایین تنه ی درختی می شاشد. اوه، حتمن یک شنبه است! با فنجان قهوه کنار پنجره ی آشپزخانه، رو به محوطه ی چمن می نشینم. آفتاب کم کم از بالای پنجره به داخل آپارتمان می خزد. شبنم یخ زده ی روی چمن ها می گویند صبح سردی باید باشد. هیچ پیاده یا دوچرخه سواری در محوطه به چشم نمی خورد. >>>

Let's see... who's next?

Jahanshah Javid

US to ease North Korea sanctions

recommended by Jahanshah Javid

A film about the harmful effects of depleted uranium (DU)


"The World Is Suffering From a Dearth of Love"

Rosie T.

Iranian scholar compiling Andalusian love poems

Tehran Times
recommended by Rosie T.
26-Jun-2008 (one comment)

Supreme Court Rules: Guns are Good

Rosie T.

US court overturns DC handgun ban

recommended by Rosie T.
26-Jun-2008 (one comment)
SCE Campaign
26-Jun-2008 (one comment)
از تمام مسوولا‌ن مي‌خواهم به دليل ارزش جان آدمي , اين موضوع را جدي گرفته و دست به دست هم دهند تا اين چالش حل‌شدني، هر چه سريع‌تر مرتفع گردد تا ديگر شاهد مرگ نوجوانان اين مرز و بوم نشويم >>>

مسا بقات فوچیبال اروپا


Russia 0-3 Spain

recommended by Hajminator
26-Jun-2008 (one comment)

Ya Imam Raahel

bajenaghe naghi
26-Jun-2008 (9 comments)
she wanted to marry only because she wanted to put on lipstick. >>>