دفاع از حضور بهائيان در قلمرو عمومی ، پيامد منطقی فتوای آيت الله منتظری است
by Akbar Ganji
11-Jun-2008 (62 comments)
فتوای آيت الله منتظری شجاعانه است، اگر به مکتوبات جريان روشنفکری دينی نگريسته شود. اگر برخوردهای سرکوبگرانه ی رژيم جمهوری اسلامی با بهائيان را بتوان ناديده گرفت، اگر نگاه حوزه های دينی شيعی به بهائيان را بتوان ناديده گرفت، سکوت معنادار بسياری از روشنفکران دينی نسبت به بهائيان را نمی توان ناديده گرفت. روشنفکران دينی در خصوص حقوق بشر بسيار سخن گفته و می گويند.ولی در خصوص يکی از مهمترين موارد نقض حقوق بشر در ايران سکوت اختيار کرده اند. اعتراض به ستم هايی که به بهائيان می شود و دفاع از حقوق اساسی آنها وظيفه ی روشنفکری دينی است. در حاشيه ی فتوای نماد مقاومت و مبارزه و پاکی، به عنوان يک مسلمان شيعه( شيعه ی غير غالی کثرت گرا)، چند نکته را بيان می دارم:>>>
Imagine finding out that a nomadic tribe has named a mountain after your grandmother. My mother and I learned just that when a relative phoned to say the storied Bakhtiari tribe had so honored my grandmother, Helen Jeffreys Bakhtiar, to commemorate her public health work there in the 1950s. It's quite a legacy for a woman born in Weiser, Idaho, at the beginning of the 20th century. Located in the central Zagros Mountains of Iran, near the ancient city of Isfahan, the area around Kohe Helen or Helen's Mountain, is home to a wide variety of species>>>
"Dynamic composition, powerful expression and vibrant colors along with great imagination." A recent description of the paintings of Persian born artist Hessam Abrishami
I was in New York for a reason. I had to meet with a lawyer and I had to speak at a conference. The Market Research Association Conference. Usually I don’t dig the conference circuit. But this year I will have spoken at 4 events. More than I have done in the last 4 years combined. The subject of my talk was an expose of international ethnographic research. Spilling the beans on all of the cock ups, mess ups and screwy clients I had experienced over the years. A side note: I had called V to say I look ‘hot’ walking up 46th Street to the conference Hotel (the Marriott). She had asked if I looked hot and sweaty. I think she is so familiar with my look she has lost all sense of how good looking I have now become.>>>
Executions of Behnoud and Mohammad delayed for one month. Meanwhile Saeed Jazee's lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaee said that Saeed's execution was scheduled for 25 June
Kader Abdolah, or Seyed Hossein Sadjadi Ghaemmaghami Farahani as his real name is, writes Dutch novels since 1993. He arrived in The Netherlands in 1988 as a political refugee and bravely started a career as a novelist. His column “Mirza” in the Dutch daily newspaper “De Volkskrant” shows the way he perceives social developments in The Netherlands through the eyes of an immigrant, an Iranian and sometimes a(n)(ex-)Muslim.... His “The Quran and the Messenger” is a simplified version of the Quran combined with the story of the prophet’s life, in a twin series. Mohammad becomes an actual person in this book, which makes it very different from all other writings by Muslims in which the prophet is portrayed as an infallible being.>>>
«حق خاموشي» بر اين اصل بنيادي عدالت استوار است كه شخص متهم تا هنگامي كه پس از محاكمه «به دور از هر گونه، شك منطقي» جرم او ثابت نشده، بايد بي گناه شمرده شود. وجود اين اصل باعث مي گردد كه دادستان در جستجوي شواهد عيني بر آيد تا اين كه بتواند ميان جرم و متهم رابطه اي پيدا كرده و موفق به ارائه يك ادعا نامه ي استوار گردد. بدين ترتيب حق خاموشي تضمين مي كند كه وظيفه اثبات جرم كاملا بر دوش دادستان افتاده و مانع آن مي شود كه او با مكر يا ارعاب و شكنجه متهم را به اعتراف وا دارد يا زمينه را به نحوي بچيند كه متهم گيج شده و با حرفهاي متناقض ناخواسته خود را در معرض اتهام قرار دهد. اين اصل همچنين موجب آن مي شود كه پليس به دنبال شواهد محكم و قرائن عيني براي اثبات جرم بگردد و در صدد تهديد متهم براي اعتراف و اتهام به خود برنيايد.>>>