
Sale Khoon by Shahin Najafi - Soon in Your Hands


Shazde Asdola Mirza
15-Oct-2010 (28 comments)
Our beloved Ahmadinejad the Great has just made a speech in Lebanon, asking for Israel to be eliminated and subsequently, its Jewish population “to be shipped to their countries of origin>>>

Human Rights Activists Must Work To Halt Iran's Nu


Human Rights Activists Must Work To Halt Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program, Too

The Huffington Post / Nazanin Afshin-Jam
recommended by seannewyork
shahireh sharif
15-Oct-2010 (3 comments)
خسته ام
خسته، از تکرار دلگیر بازی موش و گربه

Washington Post on Marzieh

Maryam Nayeb Yazdi

Persian songstress a voice of Iranian political dissent

Washington Post / Adam Bernstein
recommended by Maryam Nayeb Yazdi
opened racism is ok in the us media >>>
15-Oct-2010 (8 comments)
15-Oct-2010 (one comment)
Behzad, my husband, was born and raised in Tehran. I was born in California. He is an artist. I am a writer>>>


Only Alternative

Interview with former President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr

15-Oct-2010 (44 comments)
"I believe that this regime cannot be reformed. It is beyond repair or reform. If this regime were open to reform, why would someone like me be in exile? We would all be working towards a better and more progressive society. Even the Iran-Iraq war would not have taken place. And even if it did, it could have ended in June 1981. A ceasefire was going to take place with Iraq but those who staged the coup d’état managed to prolong the war; that was one of their goals because war equaled tyranny or the establishment of tyranny. The regime of Velayat e Faqih can only be reformed by abolishing it...">>>

Video: Mohsen Sazegara


Friday 23 Mehr 1389 Oct 15, 2010

Youtube / M. Sazegara
recommended by kazem0574

The China Syndrome

Darius Kadivar

China's leaders meet to plan economic future

recommended by Darius Kadivar
Darius Kadivar
15-Oct-2010 (25 comments)
David Starkey depicts the rise to power of Oliver Cromwell who very much like in Khomeiny was to topple the Monarchy and establish a Religious Republic. Naming himself "Lord Protector" (aka Vellayateh Fagih) of Great Britian>>>
15-Oct-2010 (8 comments)

درتاريخ ما نام كشتی گيران همواره يادآور جوانمردی ،گذشت وفروتنی بوده است،هميشه استادان كشتی به عنوان اولين درس به شاگردان خود مردانگی وپشتيبانی از ضعيفان وستمديدگان راآموزش داده اند،
