Green, White & Red

Green, White & Red

Photo essay: Iran & Iranians

by Hasan Ahmadifard
23-Nov-2010 (6 comments)



Difficult Road Ahead

The U.S. and Iran at a pivotal crossroad

23-Nov-2010 (one comment)
Two years into the Obama administration, the United States has made important progress in tightening sanctions against the Iranian regime, but more must be done to alter Iran's nuclear ambitions. Despite the new sanctions, Iran has continued to gain influence in Iraq and Afghanistan and stir unrest in Lebanon, strengthening its armed forces all while advancing its uranium enrichment efforts. Today, it is unlikely that Iran views the United States, preoccupied with withdrawing from the region and addressing its languishing economy, as a genuine threat to its nuclear aspirations>>>
I got this in an email, found it interesting, so I wanted to share it with you! >>>


Unbelievable bond

While roaming “Cloud Nine” a new friendship had begun

Over the years of life in Chicago, with two jobs and three children, my participation in the Iranian’s literary circles was limited to the annual poetry nights, and/or events of huge presences such as Shamlou, Pezeshkzad, Behbahabi and Amirshahi. Now ten years later, it was a writer’s dream of returning to Chicago to introduce my new book. One could say I worked that entire week, however, this time “work” had a whole new meaning. What had once been a luxury was now considered hard work and sometimes I had to tear myself away from book discussions just so I could visit old friends>>>
23-Nov-2010 (19 comments)
The Haifan Bahai organization loses its appeal against the Orthodox Bahai Faith and Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant in a US appelate court. >>>
Is this swing from the king himself real or fake? >>>


دروغ هایی به بزرگی خدا (1)

دروغ هایی که به زور تکرار، به واقعیت تبدیل شده اند

23-Nov-2010 (2 comments)
دروغ هایی که بصورت یک واقعیت در اذهان بشر جا افتاده اند، آنقدر بسیار اند که تشخیص سره از ناسره ناممکن و گاه محال بنظر می رسد. اگرچه برای گستردگی "دروغ"، دلایل بسیاری می توان یافت، در اینجا به دو دلیل عمده که سبب شده بسیاری از دروغ های بزرگ تاریخی، امروز بصورت واقعیت مطرح شوند، اشاره می کنم. اولین دلیل گسترش وسیع دروغ، "باور مردم" است. زندگی نه امروز، که همیشه ی تاریخ برای مردمان عادی سخت و طاقت فرسا بوده. اما زنده بودن با همه ی مصیبتی که دارد، شیرین تر از مرگ است>>>


Cemetery of Dreams

Excerpt from a novel

For months she had lived in agony with her mother in an old cottage close to Saveh. In that desert climate, they had waited patiently for news about her father. Senator Zandi had been yanked from his home the day before they were to fly to the States. That had been eight months ago, and they had not had news from him until a few days ago. Her mother had insisted they move to their old farmland in case the pasdars came after them as well - their passports were confiscated and they were not allowed to leave the country>>>


23-Nov-2010 (one comment)
The old brick house hosted
three generations up to my mother.
In each corner it has etched a story on its old soul.
my favorite corner was an open space living room
with three tall walls and a dome-shaped ceiling >>>

Saving Iran from Bush Attack

Afshin Ehx


My CatBird Seat / RAY MCGOVERN
recommended by Afshin Ehx
Singing Maddahi >>>

Video: The Warmongers of PNAC

Sahar Naaz

Project For The New American Century

Real News Network / David Swanson
recommended by Sahar Naaz
23-Nov-2010 (one comment)
بیست و دو سال از ترور جنایتکارانه سیاستمدار و پزشک گرانقدر, دکتر کاظم سامی گذشت. پزشک آزاده ای که به دنبال پاسخ این پرسش بود که چرا پزشکان نقشی ضعیف درعرصه ی سیاست و فرهنگ جامعه ایفا می کنند؟ دراین یادواره کوتاه به این پرسش نیز اشارتی خواهم داشت.>>>
ebi amirhosseini
23-Nov-2010 (16 comments)
همه را مســــت و خراب از مــــی انــــگور کنیـــــد>>>
Darius Kadivar
23-Nov-2010 (5 comments)
Iran's new ambassador (name?) and wife (name?) on way to Buckingham Palace to deliver his letters of credentials to Queen Elizabeth>>>