Bamahang Productions
25-Nov-2010 (2 comments)
Giving the fans a personal connection to the music by having a part in the creation of the project>>>
Maryam Nayeb Yazdi
Read Hamed Rouhinejad's letter from Prison. Hamed Rouhinejad's case is one of the saddest I have read since post-election Iran. He is a poor student who suffers from multiple sclerosis>>>

One of the 2 Sepaah Quds Brigade members convicted

25-Nov-2010 (3 comments)
A tradition for family members to gather together >>>

What an appetite!


Nigerian Muslims angry at man with 86 wives - 30 Sept 08

recommended by erooni
25-Nov-2010 (6 comments)
Haifan Nakazeen thwarted in their efforts to suppress the truth of the Baha'i faith! >>>

Treasure trove of facts and arguments


Victims of Economic Sanctions: The People and the Green Movement

Tehran Bureau / Muhammad Sahimi
recommended by DelilahNY
25-Nov-2010 (4 comments)

Bon Appetit

homo sacer

On the origin of the species

Los Angeles Times / John Bemelmans Marciano
recommended by homo sacer

Yes, but did they learn to read and write first?

KamRan Farzan
25-Nov-2010 (6 comments)
احمد شاملو نظر دارد که شاهین ادب ایران در جوانی ساز میزده و آواز می خوانده است اما چون به کهولت میرسد بد دلان مذهبی بر او بر می آشوبند و معدومش میسازند>>>

پاسدار دیپلمات قاچاقچی

25-Nov-2010 (4 comments)

آهنگ تولدت مبارک , کاری از استاد انوشیروان روحانی.

persian westender
25-Nov-2010 (8 comments)
سکس میانسالی>>>
Darius Kadivar
A book entitled 'Carl XVI Gustaf - The reluctant monarch’ provides a rare and detailed look into the King’s private life, including details of love affairs, and wild sex parties. Surprisingly the Monarch did not refute the book's claims.>>>