Video: Mahmoud's latest dorr o gohar


The Bookshelves

She loved her books but they were only books

On her shelves were books of many kinds and a picture of her grandmother who could not read. Each time she finished a book, she put it back on the shelf and she looked at the picture of her grandmother and she thought, it does not make me wiser than you. It does not make me more anything than you. It makes me in America and you in Iran. It makes me in the present and you in the past. That's all>>>
Mona Tahiri
03-Nov-2010 (one comment)
Bahá'u'lláh revealed the basic laws for His Dispensation and ordained the Universal House of Justice to pass subsidiary laws "regarding those things which have not outwardly been revealed in the Book".>>>

کلمهء شیرین امروز: لجن

واعظان را بین چه لافی میزنند
حرف از آن عدل الهی میزنند
روی طومار ستمکاری و ظلم
مهری از حکم الهی میزنند >>>

Sakineh lives to see another day (maybe)


Iranian woman will not be hanged

recommended by azadi5
03-Nov-2010 (one comment)
03-Nov-2010 (22 comments)
Good device>>>
03-Nov-2010 (35 comments)
«با مرد غریبه‌ای ازدواج نکرده بودم که همدیگر را از قبل نشناسیم. من قبل از ازدواج با او، می‌دانستم که شوهرم ترجیح می‌دهد تقریباً هر روز سکس داشته باشد>>>
Darius Kadivar
03-Nov-2010 (one comment)
Initially titled The Peacock Prince, Abbas Milani introduces his latest book, a political biography of Iran's last Shah in a Speach in Israel. Milani's Shakespearean Quotes didn't Seem to Overshadow his Republican ( aka Jomhurykhah) Stance. >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
03-Nov-2010 (one comment)
 اینجا هم ما بنام مسلمان همان مزایایی را داریم که در ایران به عنوان بهایی داشته ایم.  خوب از هر دو طرف مورد بی مهری واقع شده ایم  یکبار بنام بهایی و یک بار بنام مسلمان ضد یهودی و نیمه تروریست؟   >>>
03-Nov-2010 (one comment)
نامردا موشکامونو ندادن >>>


دیدار خمینی
03-Nov-2010 (2 comments)
پدرم هیچگاه به ما نگفت
که خمینی به دیدارش آمده
به درمان دردی، در سال های دور
وقتی که خمینی فقط یک “خمینی” بود
و هنوز جانشین خدا نشده بود.