Making and keeping resolutions
True Iranian Art shining through and from under so much cover!!!
Photo essay: Getty Villa museum in Los Angeles
by Bita
Cartoon Titled "Fit in or Else" by Kaveh Adel
Dr. Fatemeh Eftekhari, Saeed Malekpour's wife speaks exclusively on the nightmare she, her husband, and their family have endured for over two years in the hands of Iran's corrupt judiciary system
When did we decide to give up our heroes, and take on their ghosts?
A recent email floated by, you know, the kind of email that presumes to be one of our "intellectual moments" and slyly asks you to consider an exercise, one of those annoying peace-nik ideas you can't seem to refuse to try. This one challenged me and the rest on the bcc, to instead of the obvious slamming, to come up with 5 good things to say about, in this case Ahmadinejad. As merely an altruistic exercise in forgiveness, or some sort of capitulating pious in-giving, or whatever
صحن کلیسا پر بود از مرد و زن شیک پوش و سلمانی رفته
سال پر برکت ۷۶-۱۹۷۵ برای ایرونی جماعت سرشار از عشق و حال بود - پول نفت و دل بی غم! اما اون پاییز که از ایران برگشتم، دست به نقد، سیلوی جان منو ول کرد (سیلوی که یادتونه ... از قصههای بد برای بچههای بد). گفتم که باکی نیست، و چسبیدم به درس و مشق. بر عکس خرخون شدن من، مهدی عرب (آقا مهدی رو که حتما بخاطر دارید، از همون قصهها ...) درس و مشق رو کنار گذاشته بود و بقول خودش، "بیزنس من" شده بود
Don’t know what makes me think of the old saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” It sounds rather hostile, doesn’t it? But I have always been good at “Joining them” even where “beating them” hasn’t been the issue. As a child, I joined the village kids on my father’s farms and played their games. As a young adult, I wore a headscarf -- way back before it became mandatory -- so I could work in the earthquake-stricken city of Ghaen, where women observed hejab. Like a chameleon, I adapt and try to blend into my surrounding