
Jahanshah Javid

Laser fusion test results raise energy hopes

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30-Jan-2010 (one comment)
Amil Imani
30-Jan-2010 (4 comments)
Rape in prison is a cruel invasion of the helpless victim. In addition to its physical torment and transmission of sexual diseases, rape reduces the victim to a subhuman status—an object for the use of others to be discarded when no longer desired >>>


Why the Green Movement is doomed

Everything I wanted to know about revolution, I learned in a project management class

30-Jan-2010 (39 comments)
Change, revolution, transformation, reform is a project. Like any project, it has to meet certain requirements to succeed. Every project has some common principles. The outcome must be clearly defined, right team must be assigned, a clear strategy must be put in place, risk assessment must be implemented and most importantly … the process must be executed by the right leader. The leader must be able to sell his/her vision to the team. The team must be able to sell the leader’s vision to the stakeholders>>>


Painful Demise

Revisiting Iran's Green Movement

30-Jan-2010 (one comment)
While some are of the opinion that it is no more than a civil rights movement in pursuit of specific concessions from those in power, there are those to whom the movement is no less than a revolutionary phenomenon destined to topple the Islamic Republic. Whatever the truth behind such speculations, one thing is for certain: Iran’s Green Movement is the concrete embodiment of an emerging democratic consciousness on the part of the majority of Iranians, and, as such, cannot be reduced to its component parts, including its leaders>>>


So much in common

The Nazi regime and Ahamdinejad’s Islamic Republic

30-Jan-2010 (93 comments)
The English historian, Richard Evans, in his three extraordinary volumes on Nazi Germany goes into great detail about the rise and fall of the third Reich. As someone who follows the events in today’s Iran, reading the 700 pages of volume two, The Reich in Power, I am struck by various similarities between the Nazi regime and the Islamic Republic. One is the role of resentment of perceived humiliation by foreign powers in both regimes. The Nazi regime derived much of its popularity and ideological fervor from anger about the humiliating terms imposed on Germany following World War One>>>


What changed
Never did I think
that with a single call
this paradise of mine
would so utterly sink.

I tried and failed
holding the handle, watching
my eyelids slowly close
to make me disappear.
جنتی حیوان بود
جنتی یابوی سرگردان بود >>>


حرامزاده - 5

اگر قرار بود حرامزداه ای به دنیا نیاید که نسل بشر همان هنگام منقرض می شد

30-Jan-2010 (one comment)
مرگ عزیز باعث شده بود از شدت فشارها بر الهه کاسته شود. برای آقاجان مرگ همسرش نامنتظره و دردناک بود. خفته ای را می ماند که بر اثر شوکی سخت از خواب بیدار شده باشد. بلافاصله پس از پایان مراسم سوکواری و خاکسپاری عزیز تغییر رفتار آقاجان آشکار شد. بسیار بی حوصله و عصبی شده بود. کمتر سر کار می رفت و بیشتر در خانه می خوابید. کم غذا و کم حرف شده بود. او که پیش از این چندان به سروصدای محیط اهمیتی نمی داد اکنون با کمترین بازیگوشی و سروصدای بچه های مهستی خشمگین می شد و آنها را سرزنش می کرد>>>

Another way to anhilate a people, burn their books


Tens of thousands of Palestinian books destroyed after Israel’s establishmen

Aletho / Aletho
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net
30-Jan-2010 (2 comments)
دو تا جوون و کشتن
صدای منو میشنوی >>>

Can US risk on China?


US issues China ultimatum on Iran sanctions

PressTV / PressTV
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What is China's next move for Iran?


U.S. sells weapons to Taiwan, angering China

Washingtonpost / Washingtonpost
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Russia claims to deliver S-300s to Iran this year


Top Russian arms clients: India, Algeria, China, Venezuela, Syria

World tribune / World tribune
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Howard Zinn: The Historian Who Made History

The Nation / David Zirin
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Very Sad News


Howard Zinn, 1922-2010

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