Another completely illegal and stupid idea

Mahmoud's brand new ideas

Shifteh Ansari
Rooz Online / Arash Motamed
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

Spiegel's interview with Mehdi Karroubi

Shifteh Ansari

Iranian Opposition Leader Defiant Despite Government Crackdown

Spiegel International / Dieter Bednarz
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

Not if Russia can help it

Shifteh Ansari

Will sanctions against Iran hit Russian firms?

BBC / Konstantin Rozhnov
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

An ounce of prevention would have been better...

Shifteh Ansari

Iran, Egypt ready for battle at U.N. nuclear meeting

recommended by Shifteh Ansari
Ali Ohadi
28-Apr-2010 (2 comments)
هر کسی در هرجای آن سرزمین متولد شده باشد، اعم از ترک و کرد و بلوچ و ترکمن و فارس و ... یا شیعه و سنی و مسیحی و کلیمی و بهایی و یزیدی و نمی دانم چه و چه، زن یا مرد، معتقد به نظام یا مخالف نظام، باید بتواند در شرایط کاملن مساوی از امکانات آن مملکت بهره مند شود>>>
Darius Kadivar
After Reading about the Boobquake Day I was reminded of Eugène Delacroix's famous painting "Liberty Leading the People ". A woman personifying Liberty leads the people Baring her bosoms.    >>>

IRI/Taleban Enforcing More Anti-women Islam


Tehran police chief: Iran to crack down on suntanned women

recommended by IranFirst
28-Apr-2010 (5 comments)
Known as "bacha bazi" (literal translation: "boy play"), this illegal practice exploits street orphans and poor boys, some as young as 11, whose parents are paid to give over their sons to their new "masters." >>>
Jolly Me
28-Apr-2010 (2 comments)

میبینی یهودستانیان از دق دارن  میمیرن



نامه خصوصی به رهبر?


Rumors of Rafsanjani's private letter to Khameneie
recommended by KamRan201
28-Apr-2010 (one comment)
28-Apr-2010 (one comment)
Iran is likely to ascend to the Commission for the Status of Women because it agreed to pull out of running for the Human Rights Council in exchange for securing an uncontested seat for the CSW>>>