shahireh sharif

When the Earth cries


The sickest joke


Khamenei criticizes Sepaah monsters he created

May Day demonstrations planned

This could actually be a good thing, says Ardalan

Can't expect more from a fraudulent president

Temporary Bride
29-Apr-2010 (2 comments)
We straightened out our clothes, I fixed my scarf and we emerged into the dim light of the passageway; again into the ancient streets of Yazd>>>

بهانه جوئی های متقابل؟

29-Apr-2010 (one comment)
Iranican teamed up with Maz Jobrani to create this multi-part Public Service Announcement. Look out for the next ones to come. Very funny>>>

New York prepares for Mahmoud

Shifteh Ansari

No Hail to Iran Chief From N.Y.

Wall Street Journal / MICHAEL HOWARD SAUL
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

While more crackdowns are planned on women at home

Shifteh Ansari

EXCLUSIVE: U.N. Elects Iran to Commission on Women's Rights

FOX News / Joseph Abrams
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
29-Apr-2010 (24 comments)
Bahais are not part of Islam. They claim to be the right religion and so on, lets take a look. >>>

Farshid Jahedi

Shifteh Ansari

Ex-Alavi Foundation President Jahedi Sentenced To 3 Months In Prison

Wall Street Journal / Chad Bray
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
Sahameddin Ghiassi
29-Apr-2010 (3 comments)
در حاییکه دخت شاه پرپر میشود بدانید که دخت های دیگران چقدر در عذاب هستند و شما از این ناراحتی ها و فقر مردم این چنین ظالمانه سو استفاده نکنید>>>