No More Presidents?

Meir Javedanfar

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Iran's Last President?

The Diplomat / Meir Javedanfar
recommended by Meir Javedanfar


Bad excuse, worst outcome

Washington plans to impose even tougher sanctions on Iran

22-Oct-2011 (20 comments)
Since news of an alleged Iranian assassination plot in Washington rocked the international scene, public details remain scant. The Obama administration - including the president himself - has spoken with unequivocal certitude regarding the Iranian government’s intentions and involvement. But until he uses the same level of candour to publicly disclose detailed evidence, we will not know anything beyond allegations. Pundits will continue speculating with whodunnit analysis that constructs an incomplete puzzle, but engaging in hypotheticals does not paint a clearer picture>>>
22-Oct-2011 (13 comments)

رویای عشق

بمناسبت دویستمین سالگرد تولد فرانتس لیست >>>


Tilted scales or skewed vision?

Israelis, Palestinians, Steve Jobs & Gaddafi

22-Oct-2011 (one comment)
Reactions to several events last week got me thinking about our perception of what is fair and balanced and what isn’t. The web was filled with comments, none of them particularly friendly, about the fact that for Hamas to return Gilad Shalit, the Israelis agreed to liberate a contingent of 1027 Palestinian prisoners. Vox populi – populi in this case myriad analysts and commentators – was raised, there were howls about the insulting imbalance in the swap. What, they said, one Israeli equals more than a thousand Palestinians? Is that what we’re hearing?>>>


The Gaze of the Gazelle

Arash Hejazi's memoir and autobiography

22-Oct-2011 (2 comments)
‘Who is this Ayatollah Khomeini?’ I asked Madar, my paternal grandmother. I had heard his name over and over without knowing who he really was. Every night people went to the rooftops to see his face in the full moon and I really wanted to know what he was doing there. ‘He is the vicar of the hidden Imam,’ Madar explained, trying to fit her cigarette into the cigarette holder. ‘While the Hidden Imam is in occultation, the vicar is in charge of the Muslims’ faith,’ she continued, finishing her remark before lighting her cigarette. ‘He is our saviour.’>>>

اومبرتو اکو

// / اکبر فلاح‌زاده
recommended by shapourian
22-Oct-2011 (8 comments)
شبلی در همه عمر هیچ شتاب ننمود و به کنجی نشسته ثنای خدا می گفت. او را گفتند چون است که تو را هیچ شتاب نباشد>>>
22-Oct-2011 (3 comments)
Arranged for 2 Pianos and Percussions >>>

برادران داردن

// / اکبر فلاح‌زاده
recommended by shapourian
22-Oct-2011 (3 comments)
آيت الله دكتر حسینی قزوینی: عقايد سنی ها ریشه در عقاید یهود دارد >>>
22-Oct-2011 (2 comments)
If there is one thing ALL iranians agree on, is that the MEK/MKO/PMOI are undemocratic traitors ...In the long run Israel needs to align with Iran and must support the real aspirations of the Iranian people... >>>

When Khamenei Kills, its Islamic & for your Good


مادر و دختر

با دیدن آن دو جفت پاچه سفید و عریان، همه چیز را فراموش کردم

22-Oct-2011 (5 comments)
با پاهای کپل و سفید، کنار هم خوابیده بودند ... یکی‌ درشت تر و دیگری ظریف تر. در آن بعد از ظهر گرم تابستان، زانوان هر دو به بالا خم شده بود، و دامن نازکشان تا زیر شکم ها تا خورده. منظره دو جفت ساق و ران و میان پای گوشتالود، که به شورت های سفید و گلمگلی ختم میشد؛ چشم را خیره می‌‌ساخت>>>
22-Oct-2011 (28 comments)
steps of time on the emerald path >>>

Jeremy Bowen's Take

Darius Kadivar

VIDEO: Libya: 'I've never felt Tripoli this relaxed'

bbc / Jeremy Bowen
recommended by Darius Kadivar