Manoucher Avaznia

چهری, که فنا دید درین کوچ پیاپی؟

بنگر که چسان در گذر از نیست به هستیم.


Report of the Special Rapporteur


The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

International Human Rights in Iran
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Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
15-Oct-2011 (one comment)
The Bahais who robbed my friend Nasser were persecuted by the government and their jobs or money had been taken, so they did the same thing to Nasser who trusted them.    >>>
Brian Appleton
15-Oct-2011 (5 comments)
Unrequited love of God and His daughter >>>

An insane Mansour Arabsiar !


Did the U.S. fabricate the Iran plot?

yahoo news
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Obama's Plan for Iran

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"Where Is the U.S.-Iran Confrontation Headed?" Obama Doubles Down

Foreign Policy / Stepen M. Walt
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Israel and Libya

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Preparing Africa for the “Clash of Civilizations”

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US Foreign Policy

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Hypocrisy at Its Most Naked

Information Clearing House / Alan Hart
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Who Is Telling the Truth?

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Truth and Falsehood in Syria

Information Clearing House / Jeremy Salt
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Ari Siletz
15-Oct-2011 (3 comments)
Photo purportedly showing Mansour Arbabsiar and his cousin during a Quds training operation >>>
salman farsi
15-Oct-2011 (16 comments)

Is my scholar brother "Tabarzin" blocked again? Can some one please offer an explanation?
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
الفتاة الصغيرة عمرها حوالي سبعة عشر عاما تخطوا بقوة إلى مكان الإعدام، وكانت منى واحدة من أفضل طلابي و كانت مضطهدةفي إيران (بلاد فارس)، لأنها كانت بهائية>>>
15-Oct-2011 (2 comments)
مصاحبه با مرتضی کاظمیان، فعال سیاسی >>>

Khamenei lambasts U.S. over assassination plot


Iran's supreme leader lambasts U.S. over assassination allegations

cnn / CNN
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Azadeh Azad
15-Oct-2011 (12 comments)
A cartoon >>>