No trade with IR terrorist regime


US Treasury extends sanctions to 26 Iran-related firms

SIFY News / SIFY News
recommended by Simorgh5555
14-Jan-2011 (one comment)

man pleads guilty to selling plane to terror regim


Man pleads guilty to trying to sell fighter jet to Iran

CNN / Sarah Hoye
recommended by Simorgh5555
Darius Kadivar
14-Jan-2011 (66 comments)
Unrests in Tunisia and the passionate reactions it has triggered in a nation often hailed as an “Island of Stability” in the Maghreb could benefit from lessons on Iran's clumsy "Islamic" revolution>>>
Orang Gholikhani
14-Jan-2011 (4 comments)
رها کن زندگی>>>
Multiple Personality Disorder
14-Jan-2011 (9 comments)
My adaptation of lyrics of a song by Majid Afshari, performed by Ehsan Khaje Amiri >>>



Tragic twilight of a dynasty!

CNN / Hamid Dabashi
recommended by P_J
14-Jan-2011 (one comment)

On the absurd claim that we need western support


Without Western Support, Tunisian Revolution Forces Dictator Out

lobelog / Emad Mekay
recommended by MOOSIRvaPIAZ

Trumping Truth-Telling

Afshin Ehx

Helen Thomas: Freedom of Speech and the Zionist Albatross

CounterPunch / Daine Shammas
recommended by Afshin Ehx
14-Jan-2011 (8 comments)
People trust their governments like the babies intuitively know that they are cared for >>>


دل شاد سعدی

سعدی زندگی و شادی های آنرا شایسته ی بهره جویی میداند و به مرگ اجازه نمیدهد که چون کابوسی بر زندگی سایه اندازد

14-Jan-2011 (3 comments)
در میان گویندگان قدیم و جدید فارسی کمتر کسی را به زندهدلی سعدی می شناسم. تخلص او "سعدی" و عنوان کتاب هایش "بوستان" و "گلستان" است. خدای او باغبان طبیعت و مذهبش آسانگیر است. نه چون مفتی در بند عبادات است و نه چون صوفی در قید ریاضت. نه چون بابا طاهر در سوگ رفتگان سوته دل است و نه چون خیام و حافظ از ترس مرگ خوش باش، بلکه دیوانی دربار شاهی است خودکامه و شادی کُش>>>


Darius Kadivar

Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out

recommended by Darius Kadivar
14-Jan-2011 (3 comments)
Red Wine
14-Jan-2011 (12 comments)
یادها و خاطره ها >>>

Many a title will fit


White Guy Shooting = Crazy; Brown Guy Shooting = Terrorist / Cord Jefferson
recommended by comrade


In the Library

"I don't like the way they read things like this. About women in Iran."

14-Jan-2011 (2 comments)
The two boys sat in the library after school. The newspaper on the table was opened to an article about their country. "Iran Sentences Woman to Death by Stoning," it said. They had read it. It was difficult to go straight to their chemistry homework after reading it. "I don't remember hearing about stoning when we were still there," Mohammad Reza said. "You were probably too young," Keyvan said>>>


Fairytale II
14-Jan-2011 (3 comments)
To call it a fairytale
our story needs a Prince.
He needs to be young,
reasonably handsome
and above all good of heart.