مرجع تقلید

Darius Kadivar
28-Feb-2011 (one comment)
Pouran Farrokhzad (who still lives in Iran), sister of Forough and Fereidoun, speaks about what his brother did for children war veterans of the bloody Iran Iraq War>>>
Question is here what if people wouldn’t come out for support of so called green party leaders and what would be the consequences of that?>>>
Ari Siletz
28-Feb-2011 (12 comments)
Natalie Portman graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a B.A. degree in psychology>>>

Iran: Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi 'arre


Iran: Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi 'arrested'

recommended by maverick


Jewel of the Nile

Jewel of the Nile

Photo essay: Aswan, a thousand years later

by Keyvan Tabari
28-Feb-2011 (one comment)



A thousand years later

Aswan: Jewel of the Nile

Aswan is a rare place. It’s a living community amidst the ruins of old settlements. It was a strategic gatekeeper at ancient Egypt’s southern frontier. Yet it absorbed the very people it aimed to keep out. The Nubians of the south are now almost indistinguishable from the Egyptians. They were the early Christian converts in this corner of the world who were later integrated by intermarriage with the Egyptian converts to Islam. In this largely Sunni city, the legacy of the Shiite Ismaili rule still competes with those of the Romans and Greeks. All of these relics are ingénues compared with what is left of the Pharaonic age. In the ruins of Abu one finds the magic of this place>>>

Europeans ponders sanctions against 80 more thugs


Three Evin Guards Jailed for Cooperating with Prisoners

Green Voice of Freedom
recommended by FG
28-Feb-2011 (3 comments)

VIDEO: "Kasho Khashak Tohee"

Darius Kadivar

Libya protests: Gaddafi says 'all my people love me' (VIDEO)

recommended by Darius Kadivar
28-Feb-2011 (one comment)

Iran threatens to boycott Olympics over "Zion"


Iran threatens to boycott 2012 Olympics after it claims that logo spells out 'Zion'

New York Daily News / Nina Mandell
recommended by yolanda
28-Feb-2011 (12 comments)

Iran arrests two opposition leaders: report


Iran arrests two opposition leaders: report

yahoo/reuters / reuters
recommended by yolanda
28-Feb-2011 (one comment)
Soosan Khanoom
charlee Sheen exposes nternational bankers that bankruped the US !>>>

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