"The Collapse Is Coming... And Goldman Sachs Rules The World"
The recent blog by Anonymous Observer with the same title questioned the treatment of Roozbeh Gilani who has been blocked for a reason unknown to almost all other users.
A Talk given by Dr. Fereydoun Vahman at the September 2011 Chicago conference, Friends of Persian Culture
دوست عزیز و بسیار گرامی مسئول صفحه "پرند" دوباره تکخالی زده و اینبار هشت اجرای مختلف از ترانه "غوغای ستارگان"، فراهم نموده است
Mohsen Amiryoussefi's clever film about vasectomy
Schools in Iran started on September 23rd. Azerbaijani children, however, are still barred from education in their mother tongue, the Turkish language
Khajuraho is famous for its erotic sculptures. The visitor’s initial prurient interest in them, upon scrutiny, quickly changes into an appreciation of their artistic worth. Together with other types of sculptures, and the magnificent architecture of the medieval Hindu and Jain temples on which they are all planted, they constitute the best examples of the arts of India before the impact of Islam. The temples are the houses of that India’s many Gods and the sculptures tell the temporal story of the community which created them. Their value is not just in their splendor but also in their historical legacy