Ali Abdolrezaei
فریدون فرخزاد،شاعر، برنامه ساز، خواننده، بازیگر و فعال سیاسی ایرانی معترض به حکومت جمهوری اسلامی ایران، که در منزل مسکونی‌ خود در شهر بن آلمان، به طرز فجیعی به قتل رسید>>>

Mahmoud lies through yet another interview

Shifteh Ansari

A Few Words With Iran’s President

New York Times / Nicholas D. Kristof
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

He was 18 in lunar months, says Judiciary Jallaad

Shifteh Ansari

Iranian Judiciary Hangs Minor, Provides Unprecedented Justification

Int.'l Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
21-Sep-2011 (7 comments)
Dr. Mansur Rastani
21-Sep-2011 (96 comments)
Americans kissing the Islamic murderers asses>>>
Leila Farjami
21-Sep-2011 (2 comments)


Sherophone Podcast #10: poetry in Persian from Iran and the world by Leila Farjami & Mana Aghaee

21-Sep-2011 (one comment)

شعر خوانی فکاهی،بالای ۱۸ سال

21-Sep-2011 (3 comments)
دو آمریکایی دستگیر شده در مرز ایران و عراق که به جرم جاسوسی به ۸ سال زندان محکوم شده بودند، چند ساعت پیش ایران را ترک کردند>>>
Dan Huck
21-Sep-2011 (3 comments)
International Palestine Governance Commission should take the place of binding negotiations between unequal parties>>>

Picture of public execution of minor held today


Photos: Murder convict hanged in public in Iran

Peyvand News,Com / Radio Zamaneh
recommended by Simorgh5555
21-Sep-2011 (3 comments)

روند صلح خاورمیانه

Jahanshah Javid
21-Sep-2011 (20 comments)
I'm afraid a bloody tragedy is in the making>>>

Terrorist IRI Releases Hostages After $1M Ransom


U.S. Hikers Released From Iranian Prison, Arrive in Oman

recommended by IranFirst

آغاز سال تحصیلی

Quest for Hereditary Monarchy


WikiLeaks: The Election Was "A Power Grab by Mojtaba Khamenei"

Enduring America / Scott Lucas
recommended by FG
21-Sep-2011 (2 comments)