Are Sanctions Self-Defeating?
by Toney, Bahrami & Arab
Last month, a young American woman was blocked from purchasing an Apple product at a local store in Alpharetta, Georgia. After overhearing her speaking Farsi, the second generation Iranian-American was informed that selling the product to her went against the company's policy. Apple's export compliance policy states that direct or indirect sales of Apple goods to any embargoed country are prohibited, apparently categorizing domestic sales to Iranian-Americans as an indirect channel of distribution -- but such policies are essentially unenforceable
An Overview of U.S.-Iran Nuclear Negotiations
by Mary Kaszynski
Months of slow progress in nuclear negotiations with Iran have some pundits calling for a faster solution to the standoff – abandoning talks, ratcheting up sanctions, even military strikes. These recommendations tend to stem from the belief that the U.S. and Iran have engaged in sustained, substantive talks on the nuclear issue. In fact, just the opposite is true
Siamak Ghahremani Co-Founder and Director of Noor Film Festival
Today, Iranians in diaspora hold amongst themselves world-renown scholars, filmmakers, painters, and entertainers, and our community continues to raise the bar on our expectations of our artists, our community leaders, and ourselves. It is exactly in such a vein that the blossoming of events such as the annual Noor Film Festival becomes significant to our community. As the fifth annual Noor Film Festival gears up to open in Los Angeles on Friday, August 3, I had a chance to talk to Siamak Ghahrehmani
تصویری از اجتماع و قشر متوسط شهری امروز ایران
جمال که بچه نیست. تا ته قضیه رو خونده. دیگه وقتی احسان مقدم با اون کاواساکی قراضهاش که جز روغن سوزی کاری نمیکنه با چهل و چند سال سن و جیبهای شیپیش گرفته، با زن و سه تا بچه هر ماه یه سری به بازار آزاد بزنه از یه همچین آدمی با چند تا تراول توی جیبش و کت شلوار مکش مرگ ماش، چه انتظاری؟ البته به قطع و یقین صد در صد هم که نمیشه گفت و گناه مردم رو پاک کرد. شاید...
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Nothing Romney says can be taken for granted. Right now he’ll say anything to get elected. And turn around the opposite when he’s in office
Does anyone know the full story about Davar's on air obscenities and Rangarang TV?
Nothing Romney says can be taken for granted. Right now he’ll say anything to get elected. And turn around the opposite when he’s in office
In this article the various names and meanings of ANAHITA, mythological and the historical aspects of ANAHITA are studied and discussed.
by Reza Farahani
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