کسی هم نیست که به او بگوید تو به اندازه یک ...
The Ayatollahs will act as the Demon the US wants them to be and the arms dealers will fund the political parties.
In preparation for harsh experiences we brace ourselves, but no amount of bracing could have prepared me for a visit to Auschwitz. I thought I had seen enough films on the concentration camps, that I had read enough books about Holocaust. But Auschwitz is like cancer; you think you know enough about it, but only after facing its harsh reality do you realize how little you knew. The views of the countryside around Krakow are breathtaking
هشت میلیون دختر ایراني دم بخت هستند
آیا گفتم که از دست زن
پنج کبوتر طلایی هم پرواز میکنند
Chim chim chero from Mary Poppins
شاهزاده رضا پهلوی روزنامه فوکوس آلمان به خاطر در اختیار نگذاشتن مصاحبه اصلی و ترجمه اشتباه توسط وکیل در حال پیگرد قانونی هست