Eat, drink & khosh baash

Eat, drink & khosh baash

Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, northern California

by kfravon
14-Sep-2007 (one comment)



... and The End of Iraq

14-Sep-2007 (2 comments)
It is now painfully obvious that U.S. administration has given up on any chance of the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds ever burrying the hatchet(s) and settling in peace under the unbrella of one country (Iraq). Sadly, this may be the only viable way forward. Just as it was the case in the Balkans, the roots of hatred and mistrust go too deep to ever be resolved peacefully. This is not, however, a new option for Iraq. Many politicians, generals and pondits, including the Democratic Senator Joseph Biden, have advocated the "partitioning" of Iraq along the secterian and ethnic lines.>>>


Endless meaning

Endless meaning

Hadi Tabatabai's show, San Francisco

by Jahanshah Javid
14-Sep-2007 (one comment)


14-Sep-2007 (27 comments)

Please sign the peition below.


Also please write a protest letter (be vey professional) to the Editor of the newspaper.,
See the letter from Professor Marsha Cohen in Miami. >>>
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Common grounds

Israelis and Iranians hold an exaggerated and almost mythical view of each other

14-Sep-2007 (7 comments)
As similar as Israelis and Iranians are, recent Iranian immigrants to Israel experience difficulty in overcoming the cultural shock. The contrast between the traditional values of Iranian society and the liberal currents of Israeli society -- defined by the norms and culture of its European immigrants rather than by its Middle Eastern geography--could not be greater. I once had a conversation with an elderly Iranian Jew whom I sat next to during the bus ride from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. Ehsaq (Isaac), as he was called, spared no love for the clerics in Tehran, but he liked to reminisce about the country in which he had spent most of his life. >>>



Why former communists are attracted to the IRI

14-Sep-2007 (11 comments)
Of all the alternatives that are out there the one that has a special attraction to some diehard Communists-who by the way mostly like to be called Socialist nowadays- is of all things, militant Islam in general, and its poster boy Islamic Republic of Iran’s (IRI) version of it in particular. Just to give some evidentiary weight to this proposition lets take the old axiom of birds of a feather flock together as a road map and see where it leads to. Students of Communism’s history know well that one of the initially widely appreciated arguments of that nascent ideology was its antagonism towards capitalism and the despicable exploitation of the workers, proletariats in Communist lingo, which in varying degree is part and parcel of it.>>>


آه، کلادیوسِ ایرانی، کجایی؟!

وقتی کالیگولا به قتل رسید، سربازان "کلادیوس" را به عنوان بهترین گزینه برای حکومت در نظر گرفتند

14-Sep-2007 (4 comments)
هنگام خواندن صفحات زرین زندگی کالیگولا، بعضی تشبهاتِ او و دکترِ عزیزمان احمدی نژاد، توجه ام را جلب نمود! هر دو مدت زمانی را در ارتش (سپاه) گذراندند. هر دو در آغاز قدرت، قول رفاه و عدالت دادند. هر دو در آغاز سخاوتمندی بسیاری (به خصوص به نیروهای نظامی) نشان دادند. هر دو بعد از مدت کوتاهی، نشانه هایی از ضعف و عدم تعادل روانی نشان دادند (اعمالی که به سادگی قابلِ توجیهِ منطقی نبود)! و بالاخره، به نظر می رسد که احمدی نژاد جان هم، مثل کالیگولا، فقط چهار سال در قدرت بماند! جالب تر از همه اینکه، احمدی نژاد هم در تلاش دادن درجۀ کنسول به اسبهاست >>>


گاهی هجوم صبح
گاهی میان حادثه  
گاهی من از فرط این همه راه
گاهی کنار ویرانه های گلدان
گاهی کنار چشمه های عسل
هنوز می بینم
کمی ترانه در باغ روییده است >>>


دفتر شعرم گاهواره نام توست
14-Sep-2007 (one comment)
جاری ام
از ارتفاع شیدایی
با نور آفتاب
بر شانه ی دیوار خانه ات
نشسته ام
به تماشای بوی سیب >>>


Despotism, colonialism, federalism, and...

... now tribalism!

14-Sep-2007 (one comment)
Anyone who has a child knows that you can never make a 4 year old do anything they don't want to. The best you can hope for is that they stop just long enough, to notice the example you have to set for them. So goes the war in Iraq now in it's 4th full year. Rather than set a proper example for this 4 year old 3rd world child to follow, the US and the greater Western 1st world is guilty of nothing short of child abuse and endangerment.>>>
Alahazrat Hajagha
14-Sep-2007 (10 comments)
آقاي بوش چند ماه مانده به پايان دوره رياست جمهوري اش ايران را بد جوري بمب باران خواهد كردִ اولا چون دولت ايشون به پايان راهش داره نزديك مي شه و احتياجي به راي و نظر رسانه هاي عمومي ندارهִ به همين دليل بدون در نظر گرفتن هيچ گونه ملاحظه اي مي تواند اين كار را انجام بدهد >>>


To the last Baiji Dolphin
14-Sep-2007 (3 comments)
Hang in there, buddy
Swim on, no matter how much the river burns
People worshiped you for millenia
You were loved by old, young, strong and weak
But Three Gorges took over
It happens to the best of us. >>>
13-Sep-2007 (4 comments)
Approximately 10 months ago a family member went to Best Buy and purchased a rather pricey Mitsubishi 65" 1080P DLP WD657 large screen projection TV. Within the first thirty days the television stopped functioning, and Best Buy replaced it with a similar model from the same manufacturer. In the past 9 months, the television has broken down nearly every 2.5 months, with the authorized service repair person taking an average of about one week to visit and repair the television.>>>
13-Sep-2007 (10 comments)
or, How to stop a recurring nightmare, Dude! Just wake up! Many Iranians when learning I was a Republican would say crazy shit like, "How could you vote for George Bush?" They thought that if you join a party you necessarily have to blindly vote for the party's candidate.>>>