I continue to cry for the victims of September 11
I asked the young Russian woman who was my translator whether they were saying anything about Ahmad Shah Massoud’s health after the explosion. She listened and said: “Some say he is still alive. Americans say he is dead.” In the afternoon, as we were driving back into the city, I asked her again if there was any news about Ahmad Shah Massoud. She listened and said: “No news about Shah Massoud. But they say an airplane ran into the World Trade Center in New York.” I didn’t believe her. She had made some mistakes with her English earlier that week, and I was sure she didn’t know what she was talking about. She was quiet and I kept quiet, too.
اینجا هنوز
زمستان در هوا موج میزند
سرما را
تا مغز استخوان رسم میکنند
گویی خیال رساندن پیام بهار را ندارد
Are we being honest with ourselves in assessing the current economic climate as a simple recession versus a full-blown depression?
Many didn't want to register just to leave a comment. Now you don't need to.
You need the greatest amount of freedom for the greatest possible diversity. So I am happy to announce that from this moment on EVERYBODY can leave a comment below articles, photos, cartoons, etc.
You do not need to register. We were hoping that most people would see value in registering. But since the launch of the new design, it has become apparent that the registration process has not appealed to average users. I got lots of feedback about this and the number one complaint was the need to register.
Condemning the persecution of labor rights advocates in Iran. (Introduced in the US House of Representatives)
(1) condemns the Government of Iran for the arrest and imprisonment of
Iranian union leaders Mahmoud Salehi and Mansour Osanloo and demands
their immediate release; and (2) expresses its solidarity with the workers of Iran and stands with
them in their effort to bring political freedom and individual liberty
to Iran.
… and the pancakes are highly recommended!
shahireh sharif >>>
In recent days in the MSM and as
Gen. Petreaus testimony last night indicated, it has become increasingly clear that the administration has decided or has nearly decided to launch a massive attack on Iran, which will include but not be limited to all installations connected to the country’s nuclear program and economic infrastucture. All military equipment is in place for such an attack (three carrier battle groups in the Persian Gulf), as reported in
the raw story piece yesterday.
Former U.S president Jimmy Carter on Greeting the Shah of Iran at the
While House, his book on Israeli Apartheid and selling Weapons to
Indonesia .....
Do you believe in Evolution? In Marriage? Just a thought: If everything from species, plants, economy, and socio-political environments go through evolutionary process, then why not marriage?I mean, why must we abide by principles established 5000 years ago? Is marriage a static entity and must not change? Is that even possible? Of course not, that’s why we have plenty of divorce cases, legal fees, and poor gay couples desperately awaiting their turn in the chapel.I say, let’s allow gay couples be married, call it “adaptation”.
Let Hollywood and Nintendo fight our war. We have a better chance of winning that way.
Much has happened in the world since September 11th, 2001. For one the terrorists seem to be winning the war on terror. They are more prominent, more popular and more active than before. They now have a new base in Iraq and “the liberation” of Afghanistan and Iraq is nothing but a joke. Iran was the only victor in the war with Iraq. The U.S. did such a bad job of occupying Iraq that anyone, like Ahmadinejad, who resists her in the region is deemed a hero. The Americans learned the hard way that it was much more difficult to bomb an ideology or a belief system than cities, towns and villages. The U.S. and her allies found out that unlike Saddam Hussein, fundamentalist Islam cannot be chased out of its entrenchment with guns.
Dutch Committee of Ex-Muslims
Today, September 11th 2007, the Committee of Ex-Muslims is officially founded in The Netherlands. Ehsan Jami (22), a young Iranian member of the city council from Leidschendam, wants to raise awareness about apostasy in Islam. He is worried about the human rights of those who are born into the religion of Islam, but who no longer wish to believe. In Islam apostasy is not accepted and is punished with the death sentence. In The Netherlands where the number of Muslims is growing more than any other religion, there are growing numbers of honor killings and violence in cases when Muslims chose to turn their backs to the Islam.
احساس بی وزنی داشتم در هوا بوی انتقام پیچیده بود
خیلی ها داشتند نماز می خواندند.زن بغل دستی ام روسری را
در دستانش داشت می پیچید و می گفت آقا تا میدان آزادی خیلی راه مونده .به
دست هایش نگاه کردم و روسریش را از پنجره به بیرون انداختم و گفتم تا چند
دقیقه دیگر می رسیم خانم !راننده ترانه ی شادی را گذاشته بود و خیلی ها داشتند می رقصیدند . سربازان
امریکایی داشتند در خیابان جیجون عده ای را تیر باران می کردند .سربازان
انگلیسی و اسرائیلی آن طرف تر داشتند مسجدی را آتش می زدند .دسته های مردم
در میدان آزادی جمع شده بودند و خیل عطیمی از روحانی های ریش دار را دار
می زدند.
I wondered why those endless images of death and ruin weren’t moving me the way they should
I clearly remember the moment I heard the news on the morning of Sept 11th 2001: I didn’t feel anything. It didn’t strike me at all. I could have heard “The stock market has crashed” or “There is shortage of flu vaccine,” and my reaction would have been the same. I couldn’t understand why Americans were shocked. Hadn’t they been warned by those angry men parading in the streets on the other side of the world--the part of the world from which I escaped? Hadn’t they heard over and over, the shouts of “Death to America?” Hadn’t they felt the heat of hatred burning from those grieving women draped in black chador, the heat so intense it turned to ash any illusions of peace?
We need to educate ourselves about Islam, radical Islam and Islamofascism
It is said that "powerlessness frustrates and absolute powerlessness frustrates absolutely; absolute frustration is a dangerous emotion to run a world with." Sometimes I wonder why I am so restless, why I cannot cease thinking! It seems like the world we live in reveals to us incessantly, at certain moments or in certain circumstances, just how little we are and how vast the universe is. This world of ours is a very complex world. The world we live in is a world of many brutal voices. It is a world of heavy blows and delirious trances, but it is the only world that we know.