During a Press Briefing on January 9, 2003 in Manila, Philippines; a reporter asked then Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security John Bolton a question: "On Iraq; the arms inspectors have not found any specific weapons of mass destruction that you've been outlining so far. What would be the justification for the U.S. Government to take military action if indeed it does?"
And how much for a grave?
Recently I read an interesting article about Iranian security forces
discovering a tunnel that apparently lead to the British Embassy in
Iran. I found the whole affair extremely interesting, not so much
because of the cloak and dagger stuff, but because the Iranian
authorities among other things, accused the Brits of using the tunnel
to bring in prostitutes into the embassy. I was naturally
flabbergasted by this insolence of the British embassy staff. How dare
they doing this in the Islamic Republic? Don't they know that
prostitution is illegal in Iran? Don't they know that the wise rulers
of the Islamic Republic allow temporary marriages (from a few hours to
many weeks or months, depending on one's stamina)? But what can you
expect of these foreigners? They don't know much about the country. So
I have taken it upon myself to educate them on how the Islamic Republic
Revolutionary Guards are terrorists, but it's founder can teach in the United States
Let's get the most important issue out of the way: Apparently I've been
drinking the wrong wine: Merlot is out and Shiraz is in if your name is
not Sally but Sadaf. Phew...thanks Mr. Bahmani...To think that all this
time, I wasn't doing what Iranian women do. (For the record, my comment
on well done steak and Merlot was SARCASTIC. I'm a quarter French. My
French ancestors would
nefrin me if they ever caught me eating a piece of meat
mal cuvee!)
As an Iranian girl, it is so hard not to get obsessed with getting married. There is so much pressure from our families and from society but it also seems like a lot of it is internal. I want to get married, I want to share my life with someone, I want to have children - but before I can do that successfully, I need to learn how to love myself.
Donna Haghigat Jou has been missing since June 23, 2007 and her Family misses her much.
A screenplay by Ren A. Hakim
Interestingly Hollywood may well discover a new and interesting version of the legendary tale of Xerxes and Esther thanks to a script written by a beautiful American actor/writer of Iraqi heritage: Ren A. Hakim. All the more interesting is that Hakim's script is titled
Xerxes and tries to take a look at this story from the perspective of the King whose reign saw the expansion of the Persian Empire to its pinnacle and during which the Palace of Persepolis was to be completed as an architectural Imperial legacy for future generations before its fatal destruction and burning centuries later by Alexander the Great.
In February 2007 when Stop Child Execution Petition and website at www.stopchildexecutions.com
were launched we were aware of 25 recorded cases of children awaiting
execution in Iran. Due to highened awareness about the subject within
Iran every month parents and lawyers of more children in Iran have
contacted SCE and others asking for help.
ساعت سه و نیم با جی قرار گذاشته بودم در پاپ مترو نزدیک ایستگاه قطار لیورپول.پنج دقیقه دیر رسیدم چون یک ایستگاه قطار را اشتباهی سوار شده بودم .شب قرار بود برای مسافرت دو هفته ای به هلند و چند جای دیگر برود .دو ساعتی با هم گپ زدیم و طبق معمول پر از لذت و شادی برایم بود ، محور حرفها از شیما و مارینا ، از پروژه تواب سازی و نیروهای اپوزوسیون و از جزیره و ایرانی هایی که هنوز در دنیای آزاد در سال پنجاه و هفت مانده اند و دنیا را سیاه و سفید می بینند بود .
Whoever I may be, I know that now I’m the precise and perfect meaning of my name
I don’t know the meaning of my name. But I know one thing: my name is entirely what I am. Already, I’ve forgotten the name that’s given to me. Maybe if I think harder, I’ll remember it. Yet I feel no urge to look for it: it was like all those things that must have been lost, those that must have been gone and set free in formlessness. I shaped my new name on my own, though. First, it was simply an insignificant speck of pollen among thousands of other specks, drifting around in the air, searching for the pistil. I waved at that very spec and it floated toward me. “Just don’t forget to water me everyday,” it whispered.
Welder to the Stars. On the way to Mars. Designing the Malls. Building the Stalls. Poker is my game. Evening I start. <!--break-->
Iranians are the smartest people I know. Always thinking, always doing. <!--break-->
Tell all of us what you do. Your fun, different, weired, way out there jobs. No rules, nothing is in and nothing is out.<!--break-->
I will report with the results in the next posting.
Going to bat for Mossadegh
In moments of statistical introspection, I wonder if LA Dodgers fans are generally Pahlavi supporters. The occasional Shah picture posted on huge Westwood billboards, and the handful of TV stations time capsuling pre-revolution Tehran are tempting bits of data. San Francisco Giants fans, on the other hand, are likely pro-Mossadegh, though I lack the evidence of billboards. Needless to say, Giants rule and Dodgers suck, but it is nice occasionally to brawl with facts and reason. Two meticulously researched books by Oxford scholar Homa Katouzian hit the ball right out of the ballpark for the Giants.
The new Iranian.com site is very nice and COOOOL... but it's like I have remodeled my kitchen and now I have to find where all the pots and pans and other items are in the kitchen cabinets! I now have to look for the "news headlines", the "Iranians of the day", the silly cartoons (!)