The Bright Sunlight
31-Aug-2007 (2 comments)
When I looked outside to see the bright sunlight, I knew right away that life was just too good to be true. That even though the sky was blue, I wasn't. I could see the clouds moving, as I concentrated, staring at the sky. In my mind, my life was going great and I had nothing to worry about. At that moment, enjoying the bright sunlight, I felt right, I felt complete.>>>


Walls say it all

Walls say it all

Argentina 25 years after restoration of democracy

by Shervin



The art of getting some

Iranian men's guide to success with Western women

31-Aug-2007 (54 comments)
Let's start with one very very important thing, just like selling a product, when you are a man, you are sort of trying to sell your product on the market. You put yourself on some sort of a virtual (imaginary) shelf for women's picking/ viewing, so that some, or more, of them can fall for your offering. So, you kind of need to do what they call in marketing a SWOT analysis. SWOT goes for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (threats is less relevant though important if you consider the post-success period). I have done the SWOT analysis and reached some conclusions that you, the Iranian man, can take into consideration. STRENGTHS - what then: First, you need to analyse your specific situation, to see what is your strong point compared to the competition.>>>


Hoder's recent problems

What matters is that his postings are interesting and thought provoking.

31-Aug-2007 (24 comments)
The moral of this story was that freedom of speech can only exist as long as the speech is in-line with the policies of certain groups. Otherwise, it is a source of trouble and better be silenced, even if it is in the price of false accusations. If you take the time to read Khalaji's complaint, you'll notice that the points he has raised are quite inaccurate and sometimes ridiculous. They are mostly based on mis-translations of Hossein's original article and were only aimed at scaring the hosting company. In his defense, Hossein has recently written a detailed article pointing at all the inaccuracies in Khalaji's complaint. Of course, he has the right to sue Khalaji, but that won't change the fact that what has happened is unjust and very alarming. Let's ask ourselves, who is in charge of defending the freedom of speech of a blogger? >>>


تاریخ موجودیت کردان

و نقش آنها در پایداری و استقلال ایران

31-Aug-2007 (one comment)
در آشفته بازار امروز جهان که جمعی ناآگاه ، جمعی مغرض ، جمعی بی تفاوت ، جمعی بد ستور ، جمعی خشک سر ، جمعی نان به نرخ روز خور و جمعی... از کنار واقعیت های گذشته خود می گذرند ، باید به اندیشه ورزان گرایش های مختلف هشدار داد که به خود آیند و در کشاکش تلاش ملت برای مردم سالاری ، در راستای منافع بیگانه ، جبهه های دروغین و سنگرهای پوشالی برپاندارند که ایرانیان از همه اقوام از کنار این مواضع ساده عبورنمی کنند ، از این رو ، برآنم دست کم به نوبه خود به عنوان یک ایرانی کرد به گذشته خود مراجعه کرده ، بگویم از کجا آمده ام و نیاکانم کیانند تا سربلند برخلاف یاوه سرایان دستوری بیان کنم به راستی ایران پیش از هر قومی ، سرای کردان بوده و هست . جمله ای است مشهوراز ملامصطفی بارزانی ، بزرگ مرد میدان های نبرد غیر کلاسیک که " هر کجا کرد هست ، آنجا ایران است ." >>>


Fidelity Ring

Wedding ring of the future

31-Aug-2007 (2 comments)
To All Women: If your husband is a man and has in his possession a fully functional penis, then he is genetically designed to cheat on you. It’s just a matter of when and not if. And if you don’t know this horrifying fact, you are either relatively naive or totally naïve. Women who don’t belong to either category are classified as simply gullible. The male character is formed by this retractable object. If this organ is not fully-grown a few times a day then the man attached to it is not capable of demonstrating a fully developed personality in his social interactions.>>>
MPG reports
 قهرمانان ملي -مجله تهران >>>


Dream machines

Dream machines

Vintage car show, Victoria, Canada

by Azadeh Azad
31-Aug-2007 (one comment)


Sheila K
31-Aug-2007 (6 comments)
Dr. Holakouee, why can’t these women simply say, “I married the a..hole cause I wanted to get out of Iran? …AS IN DESPERATELY!” Like many Iranian women, and some men, I have come to adore Dr. Holakoueeand his noble cause in doing the impossible: healing our troubled psyche. Walt Disney once said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” Is it Dr. Holakouee? I think he’s the tower of knowledge, and wisdom in Farsi, and he’s always gracious and very consistent with his programs. But I wonder if he’s capable of doing the “impossible.” >>>
Siamack Baniameri
30-Aug-2007 (one comment)

A Blogger told me ...



بانوی نیلوفران ریشه در آب
دست در دل آسمان می ِکشی
با پنجه های پر از تردید
تا بپوشانی بوم برهنه ات را
از خون جاری خورشید
بانوی روشنا
دست تو در تطور تاریخ >>>
30-Aug-2007 (5 comments)
During my last decade that I spend my time out of Iran mostly in Europe and North America, I met a lot of Iranians from different backgrounds who left the country and settled down in a Western country for a better life or to get rid of the Islamic government. I met a lot of people in Europe who paid a lot to smugglers to bring them to Europe and how much money they spent to get an asylum-ship. >>>


دکانی به اسم ادبیات
30-Aug-2007 (2 comments)
دی دیم دیم دیم دی، دی دیم دیم. گفت و ما TV رو با نگاهامون کردیم. رفتیم تو برفکش و همه سریالا رو «رو سریال» کردیم. ببخشین آقا، معروفیتتون چنده؟ نوبل گرفتین؟ هنوز منتظرین؟
ماهی می گرفت. پرسیدم خرچنگتون چنده؟ یه سال بعد تو استکهلم یه میلیون و دویست هزار خرچنگ بهش جایزه دادن. پیشنهاد کردم که به هرکدوم از اون خرچنگا یه میلیون و دویست هزار شاعر و نویسنده جایزه بدن. گفتن غذا خوردن خرچنگ حال آدمو به هم می زنه!
Jahanshah Javid
30-Aug-2007 (one comment)
In 1991, I wrote a piece for the my college paper's April Fool's edition. The fake commentary on the state of affairs in the Middle East offended so many Arabs on the Albuquerque campus of the University of New Mexico that I had to write another column explaining the joke. My April Fool's piece (I have the clip somewhere in my junk boxes, but too lazy to look) said something to the effect that Israel should just take over the entire Middle East and civilize savage Arabs and Muslims.>>>


Misguided rights

Consequences of Jimmy Carter's implementation of human rights policies

30-Aug-2007 (93 comments)
In the mid twentieth century, US-Iran relations prospered. Many Americans celebrated Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as a model king. President Lyndon B. Johnson pronounced in 1964: "What is going on in Iran is about the best thing going on anywhere in the world". During the 1970's Iran's Shah propelled Iran into becoming a dynamic middle-east regional power. The Shah implemented broad economic and social reforms, including enhanced rights for women, and religious and ethnic minorities. Economic and educational reforms were adopted, initiatives to cleanse politics of social upheaval were systematized, and the civil service system was reformed.>>>