Fine, Let's Talk about Sex, baby


by sadaf_of_the_sea

Sepideh over at Sepideh on has been kind enough to come to my defense on the issue of my dislike of smelly feet and love of Merlot.

Let's get the most important issue out of the way: Apparently I've been drinking the wrong wine: Merlot is out and Shiraz is in if your name is not Sally but Sadaf. Phew...thanks Mr. Bahmani...To think that all this time, I wasn't doing what Iranian women do. (For the record, my comment on well done steak and Merlot was SARCASTIC. I'm a quarter French. My French ancestors would nefrin me if they ever caught me eating a piece of meat mal cuvee!)

Irony of ironies, my decision to record my trials and tribulations as I test out a sex-less period has become a discussion on Iranian women's sexuality.

But as Sepideh points out, why does the discussion always have to revolve around Iranian women's sexuality. Why can't we for once have a frank discussion about Iranian MEN's sexuality?

So here are some of my stereotypes and questions: What is Iranian men's obsession with having a thin, un-natural blonde with perfectly manicured hands and a face made up like a china-doll on their arm? There's nothing wrong with being attracted to beauty but why the hell is there such a uniform notion (for the most part) of what beauty in a woman is? This, while all the while, their own physical appearance couldn't hold a candle to the women that they are pursuing.

More importantly, why is it that most Iranian men's idea of flirting is insulting either women in general, being racist, homophobic, or just mean? Who told them that saying nasty things is a form of foreplay? I enjoy a joke more than the next person but really, are you that insecure that to make yourself interesting, all you can do is make fun of other people and laugh at your own un-funny joke?

Also, really, it possibly cannot be a surprise that we Iranians are hairy. We have hair, all over. Get over it! I always thought it so odd that the woman spends hours and hours and dollars and dollars preening herself so she can be found attractive by a man who has a rug on his back. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the fact that Iranian men are hairy. Just think that courtesy should be returned.

And to bring it all back to sex: Why is it that Iranian men LOVE a blowjob but have a problem with women who like to give them? Makes no sense. I won't even get into the problems of oral sex here. That needs a blog of its own.



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by n.zanincanadai on



"obsession" is the wrong choice of word Ms. nzanin canadai

by KouroshS on

nazanin canadai

I think you need to be more careful with the words you choose. Why do you think that we are "obssessed" with Topol or borderline topols, instead of thinking about it as an "attraction" ?

Men Do have to be "attractive" and handsome in order to attract a beatiful girl. There has got to be something interesting about them, at least. You seem to be living in another world, namely "poshte koh".


"obsession" is the wrong choice of word Ms. nzanin canadai

by KouroshS on

nazanin canadai

I think you need to be more careful with the words you choose. Why do you think that we are "obssessed" with Topol or borderline topols, instead of thinking about it as an "attraction" ?

Men Do have to be "attractive" and handsome in order to attract a beatiful girl. There has got to be something interesting about them, at least. You seem to be living in another world, namely "poshte koh".


You are iranian and a woman

by n.zanincanadai on

You are iranian and a woman and going celibate right? Of course the discussion will be about iranian women's sexuality. duh!


Sadaf, last time I checked iranian men were obsessed with border line topol girls. Many experiment with the type of woman you described, but we do the same thing with men that look like Brad Pitt. And different is fun! Also, men's appearance doesn't need to hold up to women's... that the beauty of it. If men had to be as pretty as women  our species would be extinct a long time ago!


WHAT KIND OF GUYS ARE YOU HANGING OUT WITH!!! Email me and I will send you a transcript of what Iranian guys really flirt like. Sure, you are stereotyping.


Blow jobs ahhhhh someone finally said it. What is that in Farsi anyway? Ever notice we borrow from other languages? Belo jaab? Listen, on this point you are right. I don't get it either. I think it is because they have they same insecurities and hang ups we do. They are a product of the same culture.


Get used to it. Men can be hairy, women can't. This is reality. The reason behind it? We have to be pretty, they don't. You want a pretty boy? Or, if you were a man, you would want a hariy girl? Dige let's be honest hair is gross on a girl but manly on a guy. You disagree? You are celibate right? Let it all grow. Don't even do your eyebrows. Wait 2 months. Will you want to touch yourself?


You want to get into a real discussion about Iranian men's sexuality? I want to know what is their obsession with talking dirty in Farsi.