

چه کردم
06-Oct-2007 (one comment)

چه کردم

از خستگی بی حوصلگی را گول زدم

از عاشقی بی تفاوتی را حاشا کردم

از غرور افسردگی را تحریم کردم



چشم طوفان
06-Oct-2007 (one comment)
زنی تا نیمه در خاک
می بارد بر سرش
باران سنگ ریزه نادانی
دست کودکی،
به زیر چرخ های کامیون شریعت می رود
تا ندزدد گرده نانی >>>


اندر آداب حكمراني
06-Oct-2007 (3 comments)
بود يكی روزی و يكّی نبود
غیرِ خداوند نبودی وجود
حاَكمِ یك كشورِ بی بام و بَر
قدرت بی حد و نصابیش بود
در عوضِ عدل و بجای سخا،
بر همگان ظلم بكرد و حدود
آن ستم و شتم نه تنها به عام
بلكه به خاصان و مهان می‌نمود


مرد / زن / تنهایی

داستان کوتاه

06-Oct-2007 (2 comments)
هیچ وقت شکایت نمی کرد که آخر چقدر مهمان داری – خسته شدم – این چه زندگی یست. هیچوقت صداش درنیآمد. هیچ وقت نق نزد تا روزی که مریض شد. دیوانه شد. از آن به بعد، کارهای عجیب و غریب می کرد. یا ساکت می نشست و ساعت ها به دیوار نگاه می کرد یا جیغ می کشید و همه چیز را پرت می کرد، می زد می شکست. یا لباس هاش رو می کند و برهنه وسط اتاق می نشست. یا می خندید، می چرخید و می چرخید تا خسته بشود و خودش را رو زمین پرتاب می کرد. ولی هنوز نماز می خواند.>>>


Artesh e Solh kojaast?

A haunting song on war & peace

05-Oct-2007 (8 comments)


Barking at the moon
On the ruins of Babylon

They howl an old vengeance

As pride and valor;

After having marched

Over a Euphrates of blood

To reside in a den in the Hanging Gardens

Than a nest in a heart.



ديگر قرباني نخواهم شد

تجاوز و اثرات آن بر روي زن ‌، خانواده ‌، اجتماع

05-Oct-2007 (2 comments)
زنان ديگر ‌، بدون آنكه لحظه اي بي انديشند كه اين حادثه هر لحظه در كمين خودشان است ،‌ با نگاهي قهر آلود به شخص مورد تجاوز قرار گرفته ‌، مي نگرند و اين در حالي است كه بايد توجه بيشتري به اينگونه زنان كرد . اينان هموراه لحظه اي را بياد مي آورند كه در آن زندگي شان از مسير طبيعي خود خارج گرديد. لحظه اي كه مي كوشيدند دستي را كه راه دهانشان را مسدود كرده پس بزنند . لحظه اي را كه عرق ريزان با دستاني ضعيفتر از بازواني كه سخت پيكرشان را در بر گرفته بود مي كوشيدند تا خود را رها سازند .لحظه اي را كه فرياد زدند اما كسي صدايشان را نشنيد ...>>>


Atomic Islamic Iran

Is the Islamic Republic of Iran attempting to produce a nuclear bomb?

05-Oct-2007 (15 comments)
To have or not to have nuclear weapons. This is the root of all arguments regarding Iran's nuclear programs. There is an argument among the people of the developing countries that while a number of countries have nuclear weapons, why should not the other countries have it? From this point of view, the rationale of depriving the third world countries from the nuclear weapon is that the US and the other main world powers wish to still remain more powerful than the other countries to continue ruling the entire world. This point of view suggests that the industrial and developed countries want to keep the rest of the world in the state of backwardness>>>


نسبت ما با احمدی نژاد چيست؟

آيا براستی حکومت اسلامی و احمدی نژاد هم بخشی از «هويت ملی» ما بشمار می روند؟

05-Oct-2007 (31 comments)


بطوری که می بينيم، «سفر احمدی نژاد»، همچون «کاتاليزور» ی کارآمد، وجود اختلاف و تفاوت عميق در بين اعضاء همين گروه «مخالف» را بصورت دردناک آشکار کرده است بطوری که برخی از آنها، عليرغم ژست های هميشگی شان، يکباره و بعنوان افرادی ضرر ديده، ادعای خسارت و لزوم پاسخگوئی به جسارت رئيس دانشگاه کلمبيا را سر داده اند. بدينسان طرح اين پرسش نابهنگام نيست که: براستی چگونه برخی از آنها که عموماً مدعی مخالفت با حکومت اسلامی هستند، هنگامی که در برابر کاربرد سنجهء سخنان رئيس دانشگاه کلمبيا قرار می گيرند، از شمول «مخالفان» خارج می شوند؟



A logical energy strategy

An anti-Imperialist case against a nuclear Iran

04-Oct-2007 (12 comments)
In the fog of justifiable panic, some good comrades, friends and allies are prone to (and do) argue the following: Because the Iranian regime is under fire by the imperialists, we must support whatever the mullahs do, unconditionally. That regime is involved in a fundamental conflict with the imperialists, and all other conflicts (those involving the civil and social rights of the Iranian people vis-à-vis their state) must take a backseat to this supreme conflict... Refusing to do the hard work, some of us have consequently fallen back on 'my enemy's enemy is my friend, god be dammed!' type of thinking; a mentality that, when adopted previously by western leftists, led to their defeat in one battlefield after another during the Cold War >>>


Evil de jour

The very people who are preparing us for another war are the only ones that are going to benefit from it

04-Oct-2007 (15 comments)
Now it is Iran’s turn; and the Evil de jour is Mr. Ahmadinejad. He is described as anything from Hitler reincarnate to the most dangerous man on earth. Never mind that he is not the head of an army, or that he has no real power; the main thing is that he is EVIL. Never mind that there are no Iranian troops in Canada or Mexico; never mind that he does not possess thousands of nuclear missiles; he is still the most dangerous man alive and we have to do something about him. It always amazes me to see that people, time and again, fall for the same old song and dance routine. Don’t you ever get a sense of déjà vu? Can’t people see that they are being, so openly, manipulated? Apparently not. >>>


Same old story

1950's comic book connection to current Iran-U.S. crisis not far-fetched

Comic Book of the 1950’s T-Man #3 "Death Trap in Iran!" highlights Cold War Paranoia I finally managed to find the comic book on ebay and decided to share it with you readers so that you can make up your own opinion. It should be added that this comic book hero which preceded Ian Fleming’s James Bond Franchise or the TV hit Mission Impossible ( which was partly directed by our Talented Iranian compatriot Reza Badiyi did not just operate in Iran, but a little everywhere in the so-called “Communist Infested World” or “Third World Dictatorships” in the views of the Free World public opinion of the Time.>>>


Last ditch effort for redemption

"Benedictus" is a good look at possible scenarios in current U.S.-Iran standoff

The song of thanksgiving for the coming of the redeemer, is Jewish in origin but Christian in tone, as the expression of redemption and hope. For instance the song is used at funerals at the moment of internment when such matters are of sudden urgency. So it is only fitting that this clever little play about an Israeli Arms dealer, and an Iranian Mullah is called "Benedictus". The play is set in a Roman church for secret meetings between estranged, and unlikely friends, to help fend off a war with the US, and the ever present specter of religion serves as the backdrop for a poignant, sometimes funny, and always eerily accurate look at Middle East tensions today, and in particular the impending war against Iran. >>>


Blame game

Why do so many people make such a big deal about Jews?

04-Oct-2007 (72 comments)
Why are so many people making such a big deal out of such a troubled nation, the Jewish nation (if we can call it a nation). Although Jews are pretty strong (especially rich) and so and so, there is absolutely no proof about all the things said and written exaggerating their power and importance. Iranians say Zionists (Jews) plot against Iran to destroy it. Many in other countries believe similar stories, though in slightly different, locally appropriate, versions. The richest man in the world is currently an Arab (search on Google world's most powerful man is a non-Jewish, Christian, American. Arabs in the U.A.E. make much more money than Jews in Israel. The Internet is full of anti-Jewish stuff, and Jews seem to be squeezed out all over the virtual world.>>>


I Do Not Want You, Petroleum
04-Oct-2007 (one comment)
I don't want you, petroleum!
For a long time,
I thought that you burnt for me.
Now I see that I am burning for you.

I'm not saying that it's not pleasant
Sitting near a kerosine heater
And enjoying the falling snow. >>>