


احکام خمینی و خامنه‌ای به حسینعلی نیری رئیس هیئت قتل‌عام زندانیان سیاسی

21-Oct-2007 (8 comments)
خمینی در ۱۱ دیماه ۱۳۶۷ پس از مشاهده‌ی دنائت حسینعلی نیری ضمن انتخاب او به ریاست هیئتی دو نفره، ابراهیم رئیسی را که آن موقع به لحاظ رسمی معاون دادستان انقلاب تهران بود، همراه او می‌کند. این دو نفر مأموریت می‌یابند تا «فارغ از پیچ‌ و خم‌های اداری» به سرعت احکام اعدام و قطع دست و پا را به منظور اشاعه‌ی جو سرکوب و اختناق در کشور صادر کنند.>>>


Attacks from Anonystan

There is a line between attacking the argument and attacking the author

20-Oct-2007 (40 comments)
I know some will have an almost irresistible impulse to accuse me being in favor of censorship, which I am most definitely not in favor of. However, freedom of expression does not include, the right, to viciously and unjustifiably assault a person. When the only purpose underlying a particular verbal or written utterance is to demean, humiliate and disparage a person so ruthlessly that his or her reputation is completely destroyed simply because they had the audacity to hold certain views or express certain opinions on a subject, it is not only illegal, it is immoral. An assault is an assault whether it comes in the real world or in cyber space just as cyber-libel is no less damaging as printed libel.>>>


کدام مخاطب در جبههء ملی؟

کسانی که کنگرهء اخير جبهه ملی اروپا را برگذار کردند مورد احترام و اعتماد رهبری داخل کشورند

20-Oct-2007 (5 comments)

* فايل صوتی

سال ها است که با نام هائی همچون اديب برومند، هرميداس باوند، کورش زعيم، نعمت آزرم، حسن لباسچی، خسرو قديری، ناصر کاخساز، و فرزاد بستجانی آشنائی دارم؛ برخی شان را از نزديک ديده ام، با برخی از آنها محشور بوده ام، و برخی را از طريق آثار و نوشته هاشان می شناسم. و، پس، يعنی، اکنون بايد همهء اينها را جزو فريب خوردگانی بدانم که، نادانسته، به «راه مصدق» پشت و خيانت کرده اند؟



Drumbeats of war... again!

To Iranian-Americans from a war veteran

19-Oct-2007 (86 comments)
On September 22nd, 1980 when Saddam's air force bombed all major airports in Iran, including Mehrabad International Airport, I went to the roof of our home in southern Tehran and watched the black smokes rising to the sky, with shock and despair. I never forget the sad and helpless feeling of that moment; my beloved country where I was born and raised was under attack! Suddenly, I remembered all the invasions that Iran (or Persia) had suffered throughout the history and I had learned about in school; the destructions, devastations and bloodshed that would follow.>>>


Iran's al-Qaida dilemma

Tehran cannot entirely dismiss the threat of Sunni jihadists to its national security

19-Oct-2007 (6 comments)
Political assassinations are a rarity in the Islamic Republic, but Hojjatoleslam Hesham Seimori's murder is further disturbing for Teheran given its potential to provoke sectarianism in the oil-rich province of Khuzestan that is pivotal to the Iranian economy. Since 2005, Khuzestan has experienced a number of bombings of oil infrastructure and government offices, and the political atmosphere has not been this tense since the end of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988. Teheran has accused former Iraqi Ba'athists and Western intelligence agencies as instigating violence here, but never al-Qaida. >>>


The hydra

The reality we live in is that a far worse creature than the legendry hydra is terrorizing the global village

19-Oct-2007 (69 comments)

Legend has it that the Hydra with the body of a serpent and numerous heads, could never be harmed by any weapon, and if any of the other heads were severed another would grow in its place.  Attacking cattle and local villagers, it devoured them with its numerous heads, totally terrorizing the vicinity for many years.  According to legend, Heracles defeated the Hydra.



The eye of the tiger

Marjane Satrapi’s subversive masterpiece heads for US Oscars

18-Oct-2007 (12 comments)
This year's Cannes International Film Festival mesmerized viewers with a simple black & white animated French produced film by Iranian born Marjane Satrapi entitled Persepolis. Amidst an international selection of heavy weight feature films by such greats as Quentin Tarantino, Wong Kar Wai or Gus Van Sant, an outspoken cosmopolitan duo (Iranian Marjane Satrapi and French Vincent Paronnaud) of first time directors seduced not only the Cannes Jury but also the audience with their astonishing movie, the theme of which, resonated not only with our Post Sept 11th troubled times, but was also a historical reminder of a nation's struggle to survive.>>>


Middle Eastern Super Power

Who will get more credit acting civilized, the attacking “West” or calm and reasonable Iran?

18-Oct-2007 (45 comments)
One thing that no one can deny is the powerful international position of Iranian foreign policy makers that has made Iran an “Island of stability” in a very unstable region. While one cannot deny the role of the United States in making Iran a powerhouse in the region, yet the Iranian government has not sat quietly either. Many arguments can rise for the real reason behind the Islamic Republic actions in the world stage and the truth behind the Iranian policy makers to do what they are doing.>>>


We fell behind

How Mulla Sdara missed Copernicus

18-Oct-2007 (11 comments)
We live at a critical juncture of Iran's history and as a nation we are facing critical challenges in foreign and domestic politics. Naturally there is not much room for philosophical contemplation at this time. Nonetheless I decided to take a critical view of one of the great Persian philosophers in order to provide a historical perspective for us as a nation so we can evaluate our strengths and weaknesses and don't become a victim of a naive pride.>>>


The lone song
18-Oct-2007 (5 comments)
It was hot in the desert
a heat as sharp as the steel
of my financial defeat.

In the deep end of the bar
with sweats of alcohol
sticking my shirt to the seat >>>


"نشر اکاذیب" در استان کهگیلویه و بویر احمد

آنچه بر سر یعقوب یادعلی آمده است بلایی است که در هر کجای ایران ممکن است به وقوع بپیوندد

17-Oct-2007 (4 comments)
یعقوب یادعلی پس از گذشتن از هفت خوان ارشاد و تایید کتابش و سپس چاپ آن و به دنبالش تقدیر و تشویق و جایزه و لوح ناگهان مورد تردید قرار گرفت و تخیلاتش بازبینی شد و داستانش نادرست تشخیص داده شد و در پایان به جرم نشر اکاذیب در استان کهگیلویه و بویر احمد به زندان و نوشتن چهار مقاله درباره شخصیتهای فرهنگی و هنری محکوم شد.>>>


The Bird

Stubborn little bird it was!

17-Oct-2007 (one comment)
The little bird was perched up on the exposed rafter in the garage. A tiny bird it was; perhaps smaller than even a sparrow, with dark grey feathers. At first, we thought it was injured; a broken wing or something. But it would fly from beam to beam if anybody approached it. It would flap its wings and make a chirp, barely audible. Maybe it is abandoned by its mother. Maybe it left the pack for some adventure, a curiosity, perhaps, and got lost.>>>


Meet your Beloved King

As long as I am the king of Iran, I never let anyone oppress any others

17-Oct-2007 (33 comments)
I am accepting the role of monarch, and just like Cyrus THE GREAT who wrote his Charter of Human Rights for his blessed subjects, I have prepared my own. I am presenting this Charter of Human Rights to you, so you can elect me as your tyrant... no, shit (that wasn't for you)... beloved king: 1) I announce that I will respect the traditions, customs and religions of the nations of my empire and never let any of my governors and subordinates look down on or insult them until I am alive (I will only let the security service, or personal militia, do all that while pretending to know nothing).>>>


The fall of Khatami

Iranian people have moved on

17-Oct-2007 (17 comments)
Although, Khatami delivered well on executing the laws but his evil twin in the parliament cost him his defacement. One thing that people weren’t aware of was that Khatami couldn’t convey everything single-handedly by himself. He needed the parliament to back him up on correcting small and minor laws that could bring some quick results through reforming trade laws, the tax laws, small but incremental women’s right, stopping the Reza Khatami, Navabi, Abdi, and Mirdamadi’s gang for harassing conservatives, and focusing on how to work with the conservatives rather than trying to uproot them. >>>


Asieh’s eyes

A strue story

16-Oct-2007 (10 comments)
When the Islamic Republic of Iran assured the western countries that stoning was not practiced anymore, Asieh Amini dared to defy the state by writing about the covert stoning of two people, Mahboubeh M. and Abbas H., for adultery in Mashhad, in 2006. This courageous act of defiance eventually led to launch of the Stop Stoning Forever campaign which has gained international attention and saved the lives of 4 people and halted the stoning of another 10. Asieh, a main organizer of the campaign, has identified, documented, and closely followed up many of the stoning cases; she is even providing shelter for one of them after her release from prison>>>